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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 14 hours ago, Ronin007 said:

    Yeah it's a bit weird and actually me and my friend stopped playing, because we loved doing quests and POIS but now there's no point in doing so now, I hope they fix it soon.

    I also think it only happens when you're doing quests with friends, I think when you do them solo, nothing like this happens.


    My instance of it (happened twice, same POI in different locations) both happened during a solo run. I was the only person online in my case.

  2. 1 hour ago, jetZeds said:

    Anyone else have any issues Aiming the Spot Light?

    It gives me the preview window but won't allow me to direct the light to a desired spot.  (Yes its powered up)

    got it working.  Had to remove them and replace them back.    Maybe a glitch  :noidea:


    I haven't run into this bug yet, thankfully. Our base has two spotlights that I was able to aim without issue.

  3. 5 hours ago, Ronin007 said:

    Yeah, and you get no yellow dots even though you cleared the whole POI, I think the noninteractive  switch is the issue.


    Every bugged tier 6 I went to that had that switch never got completed.


    That's the funny thing - I get the red dot on my compass showing where the zombie is, but the zombie doesn't spawn in the spot. Yet my buddy and I did that OI just fine as a loot run with no quest and the room and button worked just fine.

  4. I've gotten this building twice as a clear/infestation quest and have been unable to complete it both times. There's a room in the basement with a non-working switch, so the only way to open the door is with a pickaxe or an auger. Upon opening, there's a red dot on the compass signifying that a zombie is supposed to be inside but.. no zombie. Dug up the floor, dug into the wall - nothing.

  5. 2 hours ago, Diragor said:

    Have you ever hit a pole with your car at full speed? IT DOES DAMAGE!! This is the realism people always cry about they want in a game. Now that they got it, they cry again. You guys can't decide what you want. Do you want realism or not?
    These vehicles are also built out of scrap stuff so of course they are not as durable as normal cars.
    Why always whining about stuff....Stop driving reckless and it's fine


    It's more the fact TFP can't decide if they want realism or not. When they do add realism, it always seems to be for something detrimental. When it's a suggestion that might be beneficial for the player, they fall back "It's a zombie game, it's not supposed to be realistic."


    Yes, we realize that driving a car head-on into a pole would cause major damage in real life. Said car would not instantly explode into nothing but atoms. So why don't you quit whining about people whining.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Archael said:

    Agree. Its annoying. I lost my truck because some really tiny fence shows up in front of me so i had no time to react i went straight into it and boom...


    Yeah, the amount of vehicle damage is pretty freaking dumb. Feels like they decided they don't want players using the 4X4 anymore. Hopefully it gets tweaked, or at the very least, they add some vehicle armor plating mod. Friend of mine had the same thing happen after running into a streetlight in-game. Demolished the pole of course.. which then landed on his 4x4 and took it from 55% to kaboom instantly.

  7. Only reason to take it I can think of is if a player didn't want to put points into Well Insulated and wanted to live in the snow or desert biomes. But yeah even then, you can just mitigate the temperatures with the right clothes.

    1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    Agreed.  It might change with the armor changes that are coming but we'll see.


    No doubt it well. I'm willing to bet that Desert Survivor outfit they showed off during the dev streams will probably come with heat mitigation. Likely there'll be a cold weather outfit too if that's the case.

  8. Just now, Riamus said:

    Is that what it means?  Additional slots over the previous tier?  That would make sense, then.  The wording just sounds like it's total unlocks.  Ignore this post then.  :)


    As I said, I don't use Pack Mule.  I didn't perk into it, which is why I didn't realize that I was misunderstanding the description.


    Ah, gotcha. I wasn't sure if maybe it was one of the perks that got reworked and maybe I missed it in the notes. Mystery solved!

  9. 17 hours ago, theFlu said:

    It Is a frozen bush, I haven't run into one in my games, but I haven't really left the pine forest other than questing.


    Sounds like a bug to me, should be wooden for harvesting. For sound design, they might be going for a "frozen" sound, and thus need a different sound from regular bush, but ding of an iron doesn't sound right..


    So... my buddy has a mode on his server that respawns salvaged cars every so often. Apparently, these frozen twigs are markers for where salved cars will respawn at, according to him. Mystery solved!

  10. 5 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    @Old Crow
    It was simply the random number helper changing the numbers on them. I saw the 8 which is the default number for the helper and then named it that way. Now it will always be an 8 on the sign to match the localization. 


    Ah okay, cool! That will only start going forward on new maps, correct? My buddy and I are man-children and added a 6 to the sign.

  11. 2 hours ago, NBornkilla said:

    yeah hit collision with things that doesnt make sense  right now is just out of control 


    My favorite is the shopping cart I accidentally hit last night that dealt 20% vehicle damage and sent my 4x4 flipping end over end.

  12. 4 hours ago, schwanz9000 said:

    I didn't realize that it was using a random number helper when I did the localization. Level design just committed a change to make it a solid 8.

    Thanks for the heads up!


    You're welcome! But.... I've since found out I might actually be wrong. I've seen this POI in other towns on our map, with different numbers on the building's roof sign. I'm guessing the name that appears on the danger meter might be the POI's "filename," while each location the POI appears in will differ based on the roof's sign? Kind of like how in real life if a city has multiple fire stations, they'll be designated "Station 5, Station 6, etc."

    If I did actually find a mistake, I'm glad I could help!

  13. What's with all these weird white metal twigs? They still give wood when harvested, but for some reason the pickaxe deals more block damage to them, and they make a metal sound when struck. I first saw them in the Snow biome, so I thought maybe they were frosted wood but nope.


  14. I've maxxed out Charismatic Nature after respeccing and WOW. It's super awesome now! I have a question though, as I was the only one online when I perked into it - when other people are online, in addition to your allies and party members, does the person who perked into it also get the buffs from it?

  15. 1 hour ago, hiemfire said:



    Before plastic was widely used, shotgun cartridges, even ones with brass bases, used paper hulls. So paper for shogun shells makes sense for both the wadding and the body of the cartridge. The jump from paper to plastic feels like an attempt to simulate "tiers" of ammo since slugs also used paper hulled cartridges after the jump from percussion cap to cartridge weapons.


    This has been "Learning with hiemfire"

    2 hours ago, MiTHMoN said:

    I don't think anyone is out here honestly crafting seeds from crops without also using Living Off The Land. There is no reason to have these things separated. 


    Exactly. Combine them into a new series of books. Call it Southern Farming and make it a series of perk books.

  16. 4 hours ago, MiTHMoN said:

    Foreword: I'm a long time on-and-off player. I generally play in co-op non-dedicated with a few friends when we pick it up. I love the effort being put into the updates. I don't agree with every change, but we're still in alpha so it's all good. Overall, I do like the A21 changes. But I'd like to just get to it and start listing my suggested changes to the game. 

    1. Delete paper.

    So, I love the choice to remove glass jars and empty cans. They really weren't enjoyable. It's kind of lowkey anxiety inducing to decide between keeping glass jars / empty cans, or dropping them to free up inventory space. So I appreciate that they were straight-up removed. I no longer put glass/sand into the forge to endlessly make glass jars. 

    So my first suggestion, is to just remove paper. In-game there are only 3 recipes that use paper, and the primary one is shotgun shells. I've always seen shotgun shells as what you hypothetically craft if you somehow run out of brass... but I've never reached that stage. Honestly, if shotgun shells just cost buckshot and gunpowder with no third ingredient, I'd be totally fine with it. I'd even be fine with shells only costing lead + gunpowder. That's right, you might as well remove buckshot as well if you want. Robotic turret ammo uses lead now already.


    3. Delete the Southern Farming skill book tree. 

    I don't want to collect 19 Southern Farming books to be able to craft potato seeds. It's the shortest skill book progression, and entirely the worst. Just let us craft all the seeds by default, or put it in the perk Living Off The Land. Maybe "Living Off The Land 4/4" could be "unlock all seed crafting". 



    1. Paper is meant to represent wadding in the shell, though that brings up the question... where's the shell coming from? Kind of surprised shotgun shells don't require brass or scrap polymers. It'd make sense.


    3. One of the points of the magazine thing was to get recipes OUT of perks. I think a better thing to do perhaps would be to change Southern Farming into a book series rather than a set of magazines, that way there could be additional perks gained.

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