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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 9 hours ago, Pernicious said:


    As someone who came off a motorcycle in just shorts and a T-shirt, I beg to differ.


    Ever heard of road rash? And the fact that to clean it they use a wire brush? Ever heard of a more serious treatment called debriding? https://www.healthline.com/health/debridement#:~:text=If your wound isn't,mechanical force%2C like running water.


    Most people never have an abrasion more serious than a skinned knee. It gets worse... much much worse.


    Road rash vs a person bapping you with a hand.. kinda different.

  2. I know Abrasions lower your max HP until healed but.. it's literally just a "booboo." Not even a remotely seriously injury. Seems silly to include it with things like breaks, sprains, bleeding, and infections.


    "You are bleeding."
    "You are infected."
    "Your arm is broken."
    "You are tired."
    "You have an owie."


    I feel like Abrasions could just be removed and nothing would be lost from the game. Or maybe change the injury.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

    Fine. But that's just your personal taste, not an objectively bad thing.

    Ask 10 different people about what they think about that, and you'll receive 10 different answers.


    He's right though - the nerd armor is just.. ugh. TFP should just get rid of it.

  4. I'm not sure why there's confusion about whether or not the TAR is affected by Machine Gunner or not. It's in the same crafting line of magazines as the M60, and that line literally tells you which perk to put points into if you want a higher chance of finding machinegun parts and machinegun magazines.

  5. 7 hours ago, satasika said:

    I have a question, should the current "dew collector" be more reasonable. Judging from the appearance, shouldn’t the collection speed be faster on rainy days?


    It should, but they've come up with reasons/excuses why they don't want to do that.


    In seriousness, the rain system is kinda borked anyway. I STILL see rain falling indoors (though I no longer get wet) AND is still flows through bulletproof glass and DOES get you wet.

    I wouldn't trust it to work right with the dew collectors currently.

  6. On 9/8/2023 at 10:51 AM, alexbyrd2 said:

    But the problem with treating the tac rifle as a stepping stone for the m60 is that it's an entirely different skill tree. If that was the case the shouldn't the tac rifle fall under the machine gunner skill?




    It DOES fall under the machine gunner skill.

  7. 2 hours ago, 8_Hussars said:

    Slightly off topic.  Most of the Experimental add-ins appeared to be for twitch functionality.

    Not gonna lie, that was quite disappointing.  It had so much potential for missions and quests.

    I don't enjoy TI in its current form (dumping on streamers) and more often than not find some other streamer to watch.

    I would probably pay to have it disabled...


    Yeah.. I'm still waiting for the two unique types of quests that aren't variations of existing quests.

  8. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:


    It is not a feature. It may just be a very cheap way to represent losing control. And new players will just observe the vehicle going wild when they don't drive carefully and then adapt. Being a new player doesn't mean that person has an IQ below 50 and the obstinacy of a lemming.


    Just because all new players are too dumb (in your opinion) to find this website doesn't mean they can't drive a motorbike in 7D2D.



    If you consider it a "cheap way to represent losing control," wouldn't that be a feature?

  9. 4 hours ago, Roland said:




    It is simply that when you die and then return to pick up your backpack everything goes back to the same slots they were in including your tool belt. The wording on that patch note was unfortunate...


    Well.. that's disappointing. Will it do that if you dump your stuff into a container and take it back? Like say, to use a dump box or what not?

  10. 1 hour ago, beerfly said:

    Same here. Either that or it is different thing of what we think it is. 

    Would be great addition if it is what we think.


    Unfortunately after digging through settings and the game itself while playing, I found nothing that has anything to do with inventory preferences. Hopefully they'll address it.

  11. 1 hour ago, Riamus said:

    I was going to ask that as well.  I'm hoping it means we can lock inventory spots so they don't move when moving all items from one container to another.


    I downloaded the experimental and couldn't find any settings for this feature. It seems it may have been added to the patch notes, but wasn't implemented.

  12. 32 minutes ago, FramFramson said:


    Squirrely is the word alright. The way the motorbike floops and flops around at any real speed (vanilla, not modded!), especially with the turbo on, drives me @%$#ing nuts.


    Yeah, the 4x4 does this too. even driving on straightaways, it occasionally slides wildly with tiny adjustments to drive around derelict cars and shopping carts.


    9 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Your nuts


    What about my nuts?

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