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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 6 hours ago, Roland said:


    I think the "anymore" is the biggest issue really. There are many veterans who have made the switch in their brain and are not bothered by the inability to fill a


    Gotta disagree here. If water is just as easy but just in a different way then I challenge you to get 54 jars of fresh water by day 2 in your different way....


    I'm not sure what problem you believe TFP believed we were having but someone else said it best. Pre A21 nobody had to even think about water. Even Arez said that he was just playing and picking up jars as he went, found a cooking pot, and bam without any effort or thought put toward water he had 54 jars of drinkable water by day two. That sounds pretty typical of pre-A21 gameplay for most people. As of A21 you have to at least think about water. Even if you are looting enough to drink are you looting enough to also craft or are there times when you have to choose between crafting and drinking? That choice has appeared for me several times as of A21 when it NEVER happened once from A6 - A20. I'm betting it has been similar for most players. If you do choose to build dew collectors to supplement your water needs then once again you are actively thinking about your water needs and taking action to satisfy your needs. The process of building a dew collector might not be hard (especially for a veteran) but it does compete with other actions you feel you need to take during the early game.


    So again, I'm not sure what you mean by "easy to get" but like I said, I doubt you could obtain 54 jars of fresh water by day 2 in A21 and I know that while not being a difficult challenge type of activity, building a dew collector does take more effort and time than passively scooping up 50+ jars while looting containers while clearing pois and then filling them all at once and sticking them on the fire to boil.



    Yeah, you seem to be in the camp of people who think there is some kind of adversarial attitude by the developers towards the players. You're welcome to your opinion but you couldn't be more wrong.

    As for ignoring realism issues when they benefit the player what about unlimited carrying weight in our backpacks or being able to pick up vehicles into our backpacks and place them again or nerdpoling or having everlasting durability of our gear or never having to sleep, or crops grow in days without irrigation, or food never spoils, or upgrading blocks directly from one type to another, or crafting whole vehicles on a workbench, or crafting anything where it self crafts without you consciously doing anything and being able leave and do other things while waiting for the crafting to be done. 




    If you do enough looting, hitting every toilet and liquor pile you find, then yeah, I bet you could find around 54 bottles of murky water by then. The problem I'm referring to is the one TFP literally told us themselves. I'm not making problems up here, like you seem to believe.


    As for ignoring realism, what I'm referring to is, if there's something realistic they could add that would be beneficial to players, they say they won't add it (example, players crawling through 1 block high spaces). But if it's something realistic that is detrimental to the player (ridiculously high vehicle damage from hitting something in a vehicle), then they're all for adding it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Arez said:

    A21 newb here.


    Last week or so I downloaded and started playing A16.4, just to get a feeling for the flavor.


    So I'm out exploring, looting as I work my way from the desert to the forest, not really paying attention. I grab the glass jars I had picked up along the way and filled them up in a river...again, not really paying attention. I eventually find a group of houses and one of them has a cooking pot, so I thought it was a perfect time to cook me up some fresh water. 


    I click the max button on the murky water in the campfire and it said "52". Day 2 and I have 52 jars of fresh water? 🤣


    No wonder everybody is losing their minds over the empty jars. Was thirst ever a concern before the water changes?


    It's more of a case of not having a way to gather and carry water in a realistic way anymore. On the one hand, not having empty jars brings things in line with other things, as using oil, gasoline, or food doesn't leave behind an empty container. On the other hand, doing something so unrealistic doesn't make sense, and removing them and adding dew collectors didn't really fix the problem the Fun Pimps believed we were having. Water is just as easy to get as it was prior to the removal of jars, it's just easy in a different way now.


    And on the third hand (which is my hand), TFP only seem to care about and add something realistic, if it's realism that is detrimental to the player. Beneficial realism? They're not so interested in it. That's what I find annoying about it.

  3. 7 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:


    Well, previous to that outcome that POI became the bane of my 7 Days existence.   I've failed it more than a few times and eventually one of my MP buddies said he finally managed to solo it.  He also said it required him to change builds.   After getting my butt kicked more times than I care to speak for, I had to declare war.




    And war came. XD That's one of those POIs I do with a couple of friends, just because it quickly turns into a crapshow.

  4. 20 hours ago, meganoth said:


    A lot of your bugs sound more like you have performance or network problems.




    Y'know, you are allowed to be critical of the game once in a while. ;) I've definitely run into the issue of hitting nothing with a vehicle and bouncing backward quite often. I could see it being a performance or network issue if it were just the ground vehicles. But hitting nothing while you're in the air in the gyrocopter....

  5. 1 hour ago, Ramethzer0 said:


    Lemme also say that you can turn the entire tide of a battle by laying down a claim block, setting up two shotgun turrets outside of a POI just to run in and flush the horde out is incredibly satisfying when done outside of POI's like the Navezgane Prison Complex.   I felt like the gods noticed me that day.


    That is epic. You were truly shiny and chrome.

  6. To be fair, bandits have been getting delayed since what, A16? A17? How is it modders have gotten bandits working, but the Fun Pimps can't?


    On the plus side (for now, at least) it's JUST the bandits that got pushed back again. As far as we know, the new player models and armors are still on track for A22.. whenever that happens to be.

  7. 8 hours ago, avalonnn said:

    You are referring to carrying a turret with you in addition to traps? I've seen some videos where carrying a turret with the correct perks can be v. powerful. 


    Very powerful, or at the very least very helpful. Max out Robotics Expert, Physician, and Electrocutioner, and you've got two turrets and a nice stun baton with a chance of instant kill.

  8. 15 hours ago, Mars said:

    1) It would be an advantage if you could recognize damaged elements... for example by color as soon as you have equipped a repair tool... or for example: If a steel block is destroyed, it becomes a concrete block instead of being destroyed.




    But.. you CAN recognize damaged elements. Damaged blocks have cracks and other damage showing on them.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jugom said:


    That video is timeless. it applies to whatever the current and the next alpha currently are.


    I'm guessing either Faatal is unaware of when the interview was done, or Rick and Joel were answering as though "this alpha" was not referring to A21.

  10. 3 hours ago, faatal said:

    Not planned for A22 as was basically said in that video.


    Holy crap, really? Pretty sure that video was saying they WERE pushed to A22. How many times are bandits going to get pushed back? Are we still at least getting the new player models and armor sets in A22? If not, what IS coming in A22?

  11. 23 hours ago, Dunk7Die said:

    -Rescue Mission = Save a NPC from horde and or take them to a location

    -Defend Mission = Defend a POI or NPC

    -Rebuild Mission = Build or Fix an POI

    Is this a good Idea???


    Well, it would cover the umbrella of "unique quest types that aren't variations of existing ones."

  12. What's the point of this item anymore? It's not used in any recipes anymore. If the dew collectors produced murky water (which would actually make sense), and it was still required for glue, sure. But why is it still in the game if it has no use other than to boil? Doesn't really fix the "thirst should be hard" problem.


    Here's an idea to add a little realism and perhaps some engagement: Bring back glass jars.


    Now hear me out. Remove the ability to craft them, and make it so you can only acquire a glass jar for drinks by finding full drinks (including murky water) and then drink them. Murky water could then only be drank, boiled, or used for certain non-food recipes. Dew collectors would produce murky water. Need to make a drink or stew? Boil that stuff. No finding boiled water, but you can find already made drinks (red tea, etc).


    Probably not the best idea, but it's something.

  13. 4 hours ago, GoldenRodTea said:

    I figured it out with the help of Jugginator. If you have the multiplayer option for player killing set to no killing then you take zero damage from these. I forgot that I set that option to no killing when I play with my girlfriend and my sons so they won't shoot each other or me by accident. Have been doing this for years so when I play with them so I had no idea that it was saving my life from timed charges. The reason I even knew that I couldn't get hurt with them was that I placed one on a safe one day and everyone was body-blocking me.  I couldn't get away in time and it went off but I took no damage. For those few seconds before it went off  though I was screamin for everyone to get the hell out of the way and it was hilarious because it was a small space so we were all stuck. Hope this helps lol.

    Fun Fact: I did some testing with player killing on and the damage range is so small you can place one on the edge of a frame and stand on the other edge of the frame and take no damage. Has to be the very edge though. 


    Ah-ha! That makes sense, I never thought about that having an effect!

  14. 12 hours ago, eganonstwr said:

    I dont know why you cant do so, dont wanna know BUT i see people cleaning the poi before taking the quest, so they double loot double xp from zombies, please do something about this, its kinda non-professional, you know what you can do ? you can make all pois indestructible, so players cant @%$# them up, its better than double looting same place. Or you can just remove the quest if Poi is cleared already. Yes its a great idea, if poi is cleared then you can just iinstantly have done the quest and receive the the reward. For multiplayer game think something else, for multiplayer develop other systems, everything is acceptable except 100 times rebuilding poi for each player. Afterall this is survival and resources must be limited, you had an excellent skill system back in the day when we could lvl up just from crafting things, you can polish that system the way that players wont just craft stone axe 1000 times to lvl up their skills but. And its good to be short in resources in multiplayer, so people can more naturally trade, trading will be the main part in multiplayer and so on. or think something better than what ive said but keep in mind scarcity of resources and not poi problem. So basically im also asking to make 2 separate gameplays for single and multiplayer, and you can also raise the price of the game :D


    I didn't realize this was the D&D posters on Twitter trying to force their way of playing the game onto others...

  15. 16 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    Slugs are only good in the pipe/double shotgun

    Use slugs in to Auto if you want to add to the difficulty by doing approx 40% less dmg


    Can you explain how it's 40% less damage? Is it just because the spread is reduced?

  16. For my group and I, we typically skip the HiPower/Breaching Slugs. The damage increase just isn't worth it, especially for the materials required. We figure it's better to just make the AP rounds/slugs.


    Stone arrows and bolts don't get used for long, fire bolts/arrows NEVER get used (again, kind of worthless), but we'll gladly use iron arrows/bolts as they are found, and will craft and use steel arrows/bolts and exploding arrows/bolts.

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