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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 5 hours ago, Fox said:

    His takeoff was so horrible that a crash was inevitable. Although I do think having literally everything disappear without a trace is dumb.


    It almost looked like he hit something that wasn't there (seems to happen a lot with vehicles, especially the gyro), which messed up his takeoff. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped into invisible objects while flying to knocked my gyrocopter off-course mid-air.

  2. 9 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    You guys are okay with carrying around different types of repair kits to repair all your gear?  You will need one stack for your armor (assuming they are all the same), a stack for each melee weapon you may have, and as many stacks for as many tools and ranged weapons you are taking.


    It's not that I want to carry around multiple types of repair kits - I just want a use for all the extra parts we're finding.


    A bit of tweaking to the recipes, combined with a bit of tweaking to the perks would fix it.

  3. 1 hour ago, theFlu said:

    I do like seeing the names in game, it's made discussions about POIs a little less about "you know, the place with the dogs and the coffee maker in the corner".


    But the pop-ups are Huge for that use, they feel like they should be accompanied by some revelatory sound effect. "You've discovered the cure for cancer, tattarattataaa"


    The UI is luckily (rumoredly) getting an overhaul, so.. keep the feedback going, let's hope they notice :)


    See, I'm fine with the name being up in the corner. I don't need it popping up in the middle for three seconds, and I don't really care about the skulls. I'd like to be able to turn off the popup but keep the names showing in the corner. No skulls. The skulls aren't that helpful anyway.

  4. 3 hours ago, Laz Man said:



    It would be cool if there was an item / perk / effect to make the zombies have a harder time finding you (e.g. shooting out a light, etc.) 🤔


    That would be cool! If it worked. They follow so closely there, there's no time to try and hide, and getting 15-20 rad zombies and ferals thrown at you doesn't really give you time to think about shooting out lights (they still see you anyway).

  5. 11 hours ago, theFlu said:

    Whaddya mean? Just checked in my A21 b324 game, for example a Desert Vulture takes 1 part per quality, a q5 costing 5 parts.. all the other mats change too.


    Really? I'll have to double check mine. I think I was looking at things wrong. I do miss previous alphas requiring more parts than that though for Q5. We find so many parts now, and 5 is so little, we have tons of useless parts left over. Free money, I guess, but jeez.

  6. 6 hours ago, Roland said:

    That one is tough but it is also marked Tier 5 and there has been a lot of feedback that the previous T5 pois while being long were not particularly challenging so if they did one new one that is particularly hard and all about triggered ambushes and parkour battling-- at least it is marked as "most difficult".



    I don't know about the parkour battling, but it's definitely all about triggered ambushes. I'm surprised I was able to solo it at all. Next time, I'm going in with a backpack full of ammo and medical supplies.

  7. 25 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Technically, the different recipes are there already.. the material amounts change from tier to tier, IF that part of the system could use the quality info similarly, it would be a matter of changing the quality number, just as the number of mats.

    The material amount doesn't change anymore though...

  8. Before I submit a bug report, I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this.


    I've been noticing that on Tier 3 firearms (bows/crossbows included), the rank 6 versions have more durability (understandable) but less damage than rank 5 version. I've only been seeing this on Tier 3 firearms/bows, not on tools, armor, or melee weapons. Has anyone else seen this? I'm not sure if I'm having bad RNG, if this is a bug, or if it's intentional. Can someone help clear this up? If it's intentional or I'm just unlucky, I don't want to submit a bug report, since it wouldn't be a bug in those cases.

  9. 1 hour ago, Kalex said:

    In multiplayer co-op play, blood moon gamestage seems to rise exponentially faster than crafting or looting equipment levels. I have had several players state that it is making the BM hordes no fun to play because you are so tragically outclassed.


    Hey, they just want to make sure we're interacting with the zombies!

  10. 5 hours ago, warmer said:

    There are a few skills like that, and I can only assume they were spread out to make each core stat have even skill coverage for balance.


    Yeah, that's what I'm figuring too. And it makes sense to keep related perks together.

  11. 2 hours ago, Roland said:


    When I said that, they were more distinctive. Iterations happen behind closed doors and as many have seen with the progress of this game as a whole, sometimes the rudimentary basic version ends up being more distinctive from other things before it is polished and developed up. It's the double-edged sword of talking about stuff months before an update is released. The other quest type was postponed until A22 so all there is for A21 is the current "Infestation Clear" quest which originally was simply called "Infestation".


    The problem with going back a year in a dynamically changing game is that information from then is outdated for the current state. Go back far enough and you'll read posts from me describing the new LBD and then look at A22 b324 and wonder why Roland is spreading misinformation.... 😜


    But at least those problems will be solved for me going forward as I won't be playing A22 until everyone else does so you won't be getting any status reports or play impressions from me this time around.


    Well, thank you for the explanation. Whatever the new quest type coming in A22 is, I look forward to seeing what it might be.

    To add to the dreams here - Horizon Zero Dawn has a quest type that involves clearing bandits out of a settlement, allowing people to move in and turn it into a settlement with a merchant. Perhaps this could be a new version of Opening Trade Routes - You have to "rescue" the trader at the next compound, clearing out bandits so it can become an available new trader.

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