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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 16 hours ago, Teezer said:

    + doors getting locked by themselves

    + trees with 0 hp standing still

    + Spanish sentences in French translation

    + No warning when you are getting too far away from quest

    + many more...


    But i'll not complain that much about this release since it's one of the cleanest Alpha imo for now


    You don't see the red border when you approach the "you're leaving the quest area" distance?

  2. 1 hour ago, theFlu said:

    Well.. there's a couple options.

    They make it realistic and block your entire vision with the diopter sight.

    They make it realistic and slap on a second camera for your other eye so they can paste a ghost image on top of the gun image so you can see "through" the gun.

    They make it a little unrealistic by bending the gun down, and pushing it a foot forward, allowing for single-camera vision to the surroundings.


    It's not realistic, but I don't really need to hate it.. :)


    Careful, they might get the idea to block our vision in the name of realism!

  3. They'll appear in the building/construction tab (bricks and hammer icon) of the trader's inventory, once they start showing up. I've only seen one appear at a time per trader, and traders won't always have them. I've been able to buy two so far.

  4. The vehicle speed changes - what was the reason for them?  The motorcycle and 4X4 are really sluggish to get going, though once they do and you hit that turbo, hoo boy do they zoom! I know it was an intended change, just curious why. Was there a problem being solved by these changes, or was it just for realism?

  5. 3 hours ago, jorbascrumps said:


    The point is you didn't realize it was a thing until recently so obviously it had little impact on your gameplay, just as whatever you're upset about now likely won't be noticed by most players - or you if you hadn't read the patch notes. The game has to have some mechanics running in the background to propel gameplay forward, all of which will feel artificial if you look under the hood.


    I really feel like you'd enjoy the game more if you stopped analyzing every change or waited for the game to be finished. You're always on here complaining about something or other.


    So we should only heap mounds of praise on the devs for doing weird nonsensical things? Gotcha.

  6. 1 minute ago, Roland said:


    lol...You're acting like they just added this mechanic to the current build. This has been in the game for literally years now and the only difference is that you're just finding out about it. The important thing is that your character gets hungry as time goes on and you can eat to rectify that. By the time players have vehicles they usually have enough food production going to not have to worry about whether they are lead-footing the accelerator.


    There was no reason to add it in the first place though, that's my point.

  7. It was in the notes but yeah, it's wonky. Motorcycle and 4x4 are really sluggish to get going but once you do, if you hit that turbo.. good lord you just take off. It's like they said "Uh oh, people are driving careful so they don't damage their vehicles. Better make them uncontrollable so they're more likely to damage them!"

  8. 4 hours ago, Roland said:


    I want to say that it's been that way since Alpha 19. But see? You didn't know and so it didn't matter. Its not supposed to be an attempt to mirror reality-- although at the time there were plenty of people making a case for how driving in rough conditions does work out your core quite a bit which would burn lots of calories and result in greater hunger. But regardless, the real reason was to add a much-needed food sink when it was noticed that once vehicles were built and people weren't running any longer people weren't getting hungry like they were. 


    The fact that you've been playing with this mechanic for the past two years and never knew is exactly how it and heat should be. They are just background processes and it doesn't really matter what they are tied to in order to make them keep generating.


    It's not even a matter of whether or not it mirrors reality. A "much-needed food sink?" Really? As if we don't already burn through it exploring, looting, questing, mining/harvesting, fighting zombies and animals, and just moving around.


    That reasoning is an nonsensical as the "We want players to engage with zombies" explanation I got the other day regarding dew collectors generating heat activity. WE ALREADY ENGAGE WITH ZOMBIES. A LOT.

  9. 1 minute ago, Roland said:


    I hope I'm not ruining driving for you if you didn't know this but....When you drive and especially when you press the shift button to increase your top speed it drains your hunger bar at a greater rate. Same type of thing.


    Please tell me that's a joke. I thought the silent, non-mechanical dew collector creating heat was dumb, but making a car go fast shouldn't make you hungrier.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:


    I see the disconnect. I said "any water struggle whatsoever" which is synonymous with "all". The whatsoever qualifies the word any. I probably should have just said all. Sorry.


    When you responded you left the "whatsoever" off which changed the meaning. So I did mean all when I posted which probably is not fully correct, upon reflection, since I afterward agreed with you that there is still a need to gather water for crafting. But it is a significant reduction in the struggle since all drinking needs are covered and there never is again a need to choose how to prioritize the use your water.


    So when you said that the dew-collector doesn't remove any water struggle is that what you really believe or do you admit that the filter does undermine the water struggle if a player chooses to use it?


    I said the filter mod (the one that goes in your headgear) doesn't remove any water struggle. Not the dew collector. The water filter mod in your headgear does help with a drinking water struggle, but not a crafting water struggle.


    I see the disconnect now as well and apologize for misreading that part.

  11. That's a weird change that makes no sense. I will say though that I had a feral wolf spawn as part of a clear/fetch quest in the desert though. It was a sleeper, right next to a zombie, which is probably why they weren't fighting eachother.


    No wolves or bears in the forest seems weird.

  12. I've noticed in two quests so far - One Clear and one Clear/Fetch that the "kill zombies" part of each quest completes even though there are still a couple of sleepers in the POI. The first, a clear, took place in one of the large Working Stiffs stores. I am 100% sure these were not zombies that wandered in afterward, as one was a sleeper in the ceiling above a locked office room, and the second zombie was sitting down asleep inside said locked office. By quest however had directed me to return to the trader after killing two zombies on the roof before I climbed down into the ceiling.


    The second quest, a fetch/clear, took place in a small apartment building - the zombies were on a section of roof.


    Map is an RWG map, dedicated server. Admin is running a larger backpack mod and a mod that respawns salvaged cars.

  13. Noticed that when screamers show up at our home base, they seem to have the power to see us through windowless walls and perform their summoning scream. So far it's only happened once, and I'm not sure if it's because the section of wall they were at used to be a door (we'd broken it down previously and filled it in with concrete blocks).

  14. 26 minutes ago, Roland said:


    It doesn't remove ANY water struggle? Are you sure you didn't mean all?


    I agree that you still need to gather water for crafting and cooking so there is still a need for it but when none of it has to be used for drinking it significantly reduces the opportunity for tough decisions and eases the struggle quite a bit. I did suggest that they remove the mod but keep the schematic or add it to one of the magazine trees. But, their plan for the game has always been to offer a variety of pathways to players-- even if some are less efficient than others. They are probably okay with someone finding it early like I did. The player can then choose to keep it or sell it depending on how they want to play. So I have no idea whether they would agree with my suggestion or not. They didn't say "Good point, Roland. We'll get that in" And seeing as how I suggested it long before experimental was released it seems like they probably aren't going to go with my suggestion- at least until they see how it goes with everyone.


    But then, you probably think I'm making up this scenario anyway.... ;)


    I meant exactly what I said. I replied to you when you had said "To you, a water filter hat that removes any water struggle whatsoever" Are YOU sure you didn't mean all?

  15. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    Oh, you are right, I misremembered. He said "The developers and the moderators constantly ...".


    As I and Sylen were the only ones active and posting in the two active threads about this topic lately and he used plural I felt perfectly included in that statement. Even if we assume that the message can't be really including all devs and mods as there were lots of devs and mods not posting at all it would at least imply all devs and mods that posted or were active, right?


    Well,  how is your interpretation of that sentence above and why it would not refer to me as well. Why would someone reading this forum and reading bits and pieces know I am not included?



    Probably because you've said plenty of snarky and asinine things in similar threads.

  16. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    I’m certain of the water survival “gameplay” you desire since anything that is added that creates a challenge or a struggle or tough choices gets labeled by you as anti-player hostility by the developers. To you, a water filter hat that removes any water struggle whatsoever is the best thing ever so someone must by lying if they claim to not use it because they wanted to use dew collectors and have to make choices about their limited supply of clean water whether to use it for drinks, cooking, or crafting— at least for a time. 

    Also, how does me admitting that I sold the filter mod both times I found it invalidate anyone’s point?  The person I responded to criticized the existence of the mod since it instantly solves the water issue just like filling up glass jars from a lake would. My admission only confirms that point. I was essentially agreeing that the filter mod wrecks TFPs new water gameplay loop—which is why I sold them. 

    But even beyond that, I was simply sharing my own experience and desire to play the intended design which I felt the filter mod would bypass and I didn’t want to do that. That was just me in two of my playthroughs. It doesn’t invalidate how anyone else likes to play. If you let out a huge whoop when you find one on the first day because that is the water survival gameplay you enjoy that doesn’t invalidate me or my point. 




    Except the filter mod doesn't remove any water struggle - you still need to have jars or water for crafting. If you feel the mod wrecks the intended design, maybe suggest to them that they remove said mod?

  17. 14 hours ago, Roland said:


     I felt disappointed both times I found the helmet water filter and simply sold them for money since I wanted to play the water survival gameplay because I think it's fun.


    Sounds more like you just enjoy crapping your pants from dysentery lol. You know that using a water filter mod would be considered part of water survival gameplay, right?

    Sometimes I feel like you make up scenarios like this just to be contradictory and try and invalidate people's points of view.

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