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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 2 hours ago, Abusimplea said:

    They should keep it Bethesda style. A single human body fully rigged and lots of sliders to influencing the numerous bones' scaling parameters. With enough bones even the female/male distinction could be done with slider offsets only.


    "I'm Doc Mitchell. Welcome to Goodsprings. Now, I hope you don't mind, but I had to go rooting around there in your noggin to pull all the bits of lead out. I take pride in my needlework, but you'd better tell me if I left anything out of place. "

  2. It's still weird and inconsistent design. See my generator bank example. You can pick up a generator bank and it dumps the gas and engines into your inventory. Same with a campfire -  it throws the cooking implements into your backpack. Why couldn't the forge do that? If your pack is full, the extras are dumped on the floor, just like if you turn in a quest and have no room for the rewards. It's then up to the player to pick it up before it despawns, which is a fairly generous amount of time.

  3. I'm pretty sure the Fun Pimps won't be giving any of the vehicles any sort of weapons - hell, they don't even want to allow passengers to shoot their guns while in vehicles.


    The rest seems pretty feasible.

  4. 19 hours ago, YourMirror said:

    Oh great, another "game designer"




    -edit- please give us the link to the forum of your game. Can't wait to drip the same toxicity there, as you do here.  Come on, be brave, give us the link to game you " designed".


    What are you babbling about? Are you high? Where did I claim to be a game designer? Because I said I felt something was a dumb design?

  5. 7 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    And with the idea of zombies holding melee weapons like what MadMole talked about would be great 


    I also remember him talking about mutated zombies that were able to uses weapons. 




    There's a serverside mod that does this. It even has a female zombie (the nurse I think) that runs around with an arrow trying to stab you with it. Not a bow and arrows - just an arrow. It's pretty hilarious.

  6. 21 hours ago, warmer said:

    Wear and tear on weapons should be factored in. More damage=less bullets=less weapon durability damage. 


    Needing to repair your AK mid bloodmoon horde can be the difference between life and death.


    It was prior to A20, but was then removed. AP and HP rounds no longer cause extra wear on the weapon.

  7. On 8/28/2023 at 2:30 AM, Weazelsun said:


    Yeah, for some reason in vanilla, the vehicle cargo mods can't be applied to the bicycle. I did find a mod that enables it. But, it is weird that in vanilla, some vehicle mods can't be used on the bicycle. Like the off-road light that is already in game. It can't be put on the bicycle. Even though I feel that it should be able to. 


    What sucks is, I don't think ANY of the vanilla vehicle mods can be added onto the bicycle. No extra seating, no vehicle lights. And the other three vehicle mods simply don't apply since the bike uses no fuel.


    It'd be nice if they added a vehicle cargo mod, as well as vehicle armor plating mod, but I have a feeling the Fun Pimps won't be so nice.

  8. 11 hours ago, Syphon583 said:


    So yes, I would agree that there need to be changes made, but a minigame (IMO) should not be the answer. What would I do?

    • Lockpicking time is based on skill (just like today, no change)
      • the more points you put into it, the less time it takes, just like looting
    • Keep the chance for breaks, but drastically reduce that chance
      • Also scale the decrease with your skill level, just like today, but it should be zero chance if fully spec'd
    • Greatly reduce the number of picks you find
      • Since your chance of loosing picks is greatly reduced, there is no need to find as many in the world and the ability to craft them is unlocked pretty early with the new magazine system


    Really the big difference here is how often you break picks. The fact that they break so often is more annoying than fun (really, it's not fun at all).


    I can definitely get behind this.

  9. The current lockpick mechanic is just.. bad. It's not engaging or fun at all. click-break-click-break-click-break is awful design, and happens way too often even with the lockpicking perk maxed out. Something more interactive, a-la Fallout and Elder Scrolls might actually be FUN.

  10. 1 hour ago, Kalex said:

    Questions/Feedback on A21


    1. why does my character and all other characters on our server make the upset tummy sound when drinking pure mineral water?


    2. We have been a seeing a lot of cops facing 90 degrees perpendicular to us puking on us and hitting us as if we were straight in front of him. It was my understanding that there puke was only supposed to hit in a cone in front of them not to the side and behind them.


    3. We have had cops puking on us when there was no way they could see us (crouched, no lights, no movement, solid steel cubes all around us)


    4. We have been taking splash damage from cop puke THRU solid steel cubes surrounding us without the blocks being destroyed. Surely this cannot be intentional.


    5. Several canned foods (chicken soup, miso soup, pears, chicken rations) don't have a recipe they are used in. Is this intentional or an oversight?


    1. I've noticed this with several drinks. I'm thinking it's a "cool" new drinking sound.

    2. I was noticing this in A20 as well. I'm sure they'll blame this on latency or something.

    5. These have been like this for quite a while. Some canned foods are meant strictly as food items early on, I think, before you can start cooking things or can't cook very many better meals.

  11. 3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I don't think so cuz of the picture. Unless that's the leg armor.  In that casw that's silly. Then again they could have changed it they change a few things with armor 


    Who knows I hope it's like what you say it makes the most sense 



    Plus the image has the character shirtless, though it's also an early image.

  12. 17 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    That's another think I'm wondering 

    Maybe it will be a mix of clothing and armor and some stuff like armor pockets will be removed.  Instead it's pockets mods


    Imo with the image and what faatal said (take it with salt cuz he doesn't know) with the armor Is (gloves and boots), chest, legs, and helmet.  


    Imo as well. I think a better system would be like what you said


    Helmet ,Chest ,Gloves,Legs/boots 


    Would be better for customization, role-playing, and make sense. Like who's going to wear a skirt and cowboy boots. Unless your into that sorta thing 


    Or might be like Soulsborne games - Head, Chest, Gloves, Legs (pants/boots).

  13. 5 hours ago, arramus said:

    The opening post explains the situation of how limited the transition from A20 to A21 could be due to a multitude of assets finally being removed even though they hadn't been used by the game developers for 2-3 Alphas. There time had simply come. Remaking can be a long and arduous process and an invitation was offered for anyone who would like to get involved. As such, adding new weapons really depends on community input.


    As for your own disappointment in the lack of any Int-weapons (your primary stat).

    This is often a very subjective topic and the range across the spectrum of what is considered T0, T1, T2, T3, and T3+ weapon is guided by personal bias and game play preferences. How would you describe Int-weapons and how they match your primary stat? Is it linked to GS viability, game level 0 - 5, rate of fire, HP damage per hit, economics and maintenance, reload speed, close-mid-long distance range, and so on?


    Knowing this will allow any potential community creators to consider what kind of gaps there are in these Server Side Weapons alongside the regular default weapons.


    I guess I'd describe them as "sciencey," if that makes sense. Weapon-like devices, laser-powered weapons, etc. I'd actually thought the Zeus and the railgun would be intellect weapons, but found they were rifles instead.  Nothing too over the top like a phaser, but maybe hand-built junk laser gun that has to charge after every shot? I dunno.

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