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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 15 hours ago, minisith said:

    Kinda pointless like your arguments right?  

    Only because you disagree with my arguments. Gotta stroke that Fun Pimp ego, right?

    1 hour ago, AllTheGoodNamesAreInUse said:

    The solution seems to be to just give up on base building and just spend 100% of time looting and doing trader missions. 


    Not enough water? FIND IT IN LOOT

    Not enough ammo? FIND IT IN LOOT

    Not enough Dukes? DO TRADER JOBS

    Can't craft anything? FIND IT IN LOOT


    I get it. Loot, Trader, Loot, repeat.


    Or "just mod it"

  2. 23 minutes ago, minisith said:

    Why should you have to play TFP's game?   All you lot getting mad when we all know this game will be changing and adding.  It's alpha game development.   What you going to cry about bandits when the add them too?  Lol


    Why should you have to say stupid things?

  3. 18 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    Don't blame you I wouldn't either with how its either TFP's way or @%$# off. I'm just glad 7dtd is as modable as it is, as we can fix stupid stuff like this with mods. I am sure someone will make a no-heat from dew collectors modlet eventually. I mean they make them for the forge etc.


    The problem is, they seem to rely too much on "Oh don't like it? Use a mod." Why should we have to?

  4. 59 minutes ago, Khissi said:

    Well, the suppressor on the pipe guns doesn't really look like a professionally made one, it's well done visually and fits, in my book.  And, to note, I just hit tier 4 stone tools, and they have 2 slots where the tier 3 had 1.  I purchased a tier 5 iron spear from Rekt, wonder of wonders, and it has 3.  So, it's rearranged but I'm not entirely sure of what it's going to be as we progress, so I'll hold my ire and shoot at the ferals with my primitive bow, and hope.


    Basically as you go up in material tiers, you get more slots sooner. rank 4 stone axe only has 1 mod slot, rank 4 iron fireaxe would have 2, and a rank 4 steel axe has 3,

    2 hours ago, FinkPloyd said:


    There used to be some items you could scrap for more resources than it required to make them, so you could have infinite amounts of that resource.

    Ah ok, I understand now.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Kalex said:

    Blood moon in the newest build (on dedi): We have been seeing a lot of zombies ignoring a clear path to us, going into destroy area mode and NOT ever coming out if it even when doing them damage.


    I've noticed this too, less so on blood moon and moreso in POI. I hit a zed, it wakes up...and ignores the clear path to me in favor of beating on the nearest wall, window or door to take the long way around to get to me. I'll be right in front of it, maybe 10-15 feet away, it'll look right at me and go elsewhere.

  6. 55 minutes ago, faatal said:

    This is a zombie game and we do want you to interact with zombies in various ways while at your base (screamers, biome spawns, wandering hordes and horde night).



    ...We already interact with zombies. A lot. Coming back from a POI to 5 screamers just because we need water to make glue and have 10 dew collectors going isn't "fun." It's annoying. Especially when they're summoning friends without screaming.


    Again, it feels more like a choice you guys made to be jerks, not because you think it's logical or fun.

    1 minute ago, CoolJ said:


    Try playing the agility class if you really want to see the game masters get insidious. At first, it's kinda nice. So everyone says sneak is OP. Well, that ends quickly. It seems like the POI designers hate the agility perk tree. They have doubled down on volume triggers. Now there is always a trap in just about every POI that is designed to throw you're glass cannon stealth build with light armor and single fire, low ammo, slow reload, weapons into the exact situation that your character is not designed for.


    There is absolutely no way that a guy in yellow leather armor (if you're lucky) with a crap bow and the worst pistol known to man, can kill three glowing bikers, a couple feral white, and a half dozen standard feral zombies, in a tiny room that you have forced them to enter. The class relies on killing from stealth to multiply the damage your weapon can do in order to kill the very enemies your are throwing at the player and then you intentionally remove the very ability to do so. That isn't even the half of it. There is now rubbish piles on at least thirty percent of the floor tiles. I understand strategic placement, but absolutely covering the floor of every POI in rubbish is lazy and designed to punish one class only.


    I have done hundreds of POIs now. I am forced to use automatic weapons and adopt a play style that my character has no perks for in order to just stay alive inside any POI past a tier 2. There are a lot of these kinds of traps even in tier 1 POIs. They just consist of a couple of slow walker pedestrian zombies that you could handle even if you where naked. In my opinion, that is where there types of traps belong. In a tier 5 infested POI, with that kind of zombie trap, you are literally giving a middle finger to agility class. There are at least five of that exact type of volume trigger in the Sham Factory alone now.


    Joke's on you, I already play agility and know how nerfed stealth builds are now.

  7. 1 minute ago, Exxodous said:

    Maybe the sound of the constant dripping of those water farms are attracting them.  How irritating is a dripping faucet?


    By that logic then, how would they hear other workstations behind several layers of concrete? I get what you're saying, I do. But it just seems like a change made purely to be dicks to players.

  8. 13 minutes ago, ulukinatme said:

    Really stupid. Dew collectors neither make noise, nor do they actively move or do anything other than passively collect water...and not much of it at that. Where's the logic in this? 


    There isn't any. It seems to purely be a change for the sake of being dickish.

  9. "Batteries now scale the crafting resources per tier to prevent exploits "

    Can someone explain this one? I don't understand it, I didn't know of any exploits involving it.

    4 minutes ago, Merida_ said:

    TFP. Is there any reason why basic Robotic Turret Ammo is not part of loot or not sold at trader?


    You can always recover some ammo with regular weapons while doing poi's and quests. But for an intelligence build, you can only craft it. Surely this could find it's way as part of the loot table. Doing infestation quests can be very ammo intensive especially at higher levels. Thank you.


    Personally I like how Fallout 3 and New Vegas do it - you "recover" (keep) some of your casings when firing your guns.

  10. So dew collectors generate activity heat now. Why? You guys wanted us to have tons of them - the only purpose I can think of behind this change is that you've added it for the sole purpose of being a-holes. There's no reason something that passively collects a small amount of water should be attracting attention from zombies. At the very least, TFP could increase the amount of water from dew collectors to 4 or 5 in a 24 hour in-game period.

  11. 34 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    if you are lightly hitting things taking 30%, then you must really do some damage when you hit something at full speed.


    but seriously, i lightly hit stuff and get around 3-5% damage but not 30 unless i am hitting several zeds at a time or i get stuck in between 2 objects like a fool. :)



    One thing I've noticed with the fatter zombies - I've hit them with my 4x4 and take damage twice. Nothing else in the road, not hitting two zombies. I just hit the fat zombie, take the initial damage to my 4X4, and then it takes damage again. Bug or intended?

  12. On 6/21/2023 at 10:42 AM, zapf said:

    So, to add to 'bug or feature' (as I didn't do much farming yet), does anyone seem to have their player vehicles explode very quickly after reaching durability of 0?


    Feature, because massive vehicle damage and possibly losing everything in storage is "fun" according to TFP.

  13. 6 minutes ago, nickasaurus rex said:


    I have not run into the issue since restarting my game. So I guess it was just a fluke or maybe it was because I was freezing and drinking cold water? 


    I don't think water temperature is a thing, so that shouldn't be it.

  14. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:



    Since when is Jost Amann part of TFP? Or can you quote a dev from TFP saying it is because of realism?



    If your's was just meant as a general comment, the general answer is that realism is lower in priority than "fun gameplay". Whenever "fun gameplay doesn't force a decision, realism might be one of the reasons for something.


    I think the shams are just a sign of the balancing effort being far from finished at the moment.



    Good lord you have @%$#-poor reading comprehension skills. Where did I say I thought Jost was a member of The Fun Pimps staff? There's no quote, either. It's a noticeable trend. Deny it all you like, but it's there. And yes, it was a general comment, again, because of a noticeable trend.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    There are two groups of players I've identified : one that doesn't want game mechanics to go against the player unless they're "fun", and the other that accepts the "unfun" part as in line with the survival game genre. I'm part of the latter. I'm not searching for realism, though... it's a game about zombies, what the heck!


    I like, however, when you're challenged with worse odds, and you have to adapt to specific rules (or game features) that are there to hamper you on your survival.


    Oh I get that that it's part of a survival game to have to survive. I just dislike that TFP tout realism only in cases where it's something that goes severely hampers or hurts the player, but if something unrealistic is against the player, their excuse is "it's a zombie game, it's not supposed to be realistic!"

  16. Just now, Jost Amman said:

    What is more probable during an apocalypse? That you find fresh food? ... No. You find either mostly canned food (if they didn't loot it already, or old, unsafe food.


    Oh, I get that. Realism, but only if it's detrimental to the player!

  17. 1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Is anyone else swimming in old sham sandwiches? I always end up having stacks and stacks of them now in A21 :D to the point that I could live off of them for quite some time with enough vitamins.


    Yes! It's gotten ridiculous. I'm thinking they just want our characters to be constantly malnourished and ill. "Survival" indeed.

  18. 8 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    Just quoted to underline what I'm laughing at. The "sandbox" is getting narrower and turning into predefined rows of concrete tubes more and more with every alpha.


    "You can play in our sandbox, but you're not allowed to use the castle-shaped bucket.

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