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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. Their new game will be "Leisure Suit Madmole in the Land of the Lounge Zombies".
  2. PSA: Restarting Steam after downloading game updates greatly reduces its RAM usage.
  3. That's not true... if you close Steam it will close any game currently launched from Steam. At least this is how it works with A19.
  4. Keep an eye on this site: https://thefunpimps.com/games/
  5. As a test I started a game with 720 minute days (12 hours) and something is wrong... an hour into playing and the time hasn't changed from 7:00 AM, not even by a minute.
  6. I'm hoping it has feral ziplines. TSHZCHAPG As an acronym that would be terribly hard to pronounce.
  7. I'd just like to see what they can do without the constraints of a fully voxel world.
  8. I totally wish the power attack with a baseball bat would actually lift a zombie into the air a little and possibly punt their head (or other body part) some distance away on a critical.
  9. Just hang around any POI in the wasteland at night. It's real fun at night.
  10. I have so many replies to this... but they'd all get deleted. My head is in the wasteland, most days.
  11. Retrograde amnestic disorder. The OP topic was going nowhere fast.
  12. One of the oddest memories I have is that the CPU didn't have multiplication or division by default so many programmers (even assembly programmers) would use the BASIC routines for those things since they were well optimized. A different world than now, for sure.
  13. My first "online" experience was with a C64 or VIC20 (can't remember which) using a 300 baud modem over a rotary dialed land line connecting to a BBS (also can't remember which one). It was, however, a mostly failed experience. We (my brothers and I) connected but did little else of note that I can remember.
  14. The Men of Letters bunker from Supernatural.
  15. It was closer to 38k available to BASIC, at least. Plus there was about 4k in upper memory you could use for something under many situations. Been so long since I programmed on a C64.
  16. M.A.S.H. compound... from the TV series, not the movie. The estate from the TV show Dallas (theme song playing on entry, of course).
  17. We could start insulting him now... no sense wasting good paranoia.
  18. What about the town of Springfield from the Simpsons? Having Spider Pig would be a bonus. And South Park, Colorado of course. Midget, fat headed zombies would be required, of course.
  19. Make a mini-game out of it destroy everything with your 4x4. See how long it takes you to bring down an apartment building with it.
  20. A large hedge maze would be cool. Or maybe a really big one like from Labyrinth.
  21. In the days before emojis...
  22. Schedule mine for 15 minutes. Maybe 20. I'll be playing a game on my phone while I'm sitting there and might lose track of time.
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