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Is anyone encountering status effects?


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My friend and I are on day 48 with 2000 kills between us and we have yet to have any kind of combat related status effect happen. Where's the bleed, stun and infection? The one time I actually bled was from using the barbed wire mod(probably a bug) but I have yet to see stun or infection. We've fought basically every zombie in the game that exists at this point.


I've heard about a bug where zombies are causing bleed 100% of the time but never saw it myself.


In terms of non combat, what does food poisoning even do? Every time it has come up nothing at all happened then the status went away.

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It's definitely in, and I've been bled several times in v208.


The earlier build had a problem where you couldn't dive into combat without immediately being hit with a bleed effect. Even with maxed out defense skills, you'd die from Bleed dropping your max health rather than from physical damage. I've definitely had stage-0 infection and bleed, but not a stun yet.


Consider yourself lucky.

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Infection is severely debilitating. It makes sense the odds of it progressing to stage 1 would be reasonably low. It wouldn't be fun if you had to pop antibiotics constantly. I get the impression TFP wants you to get in and up close but still have risks involved.


With the right perks, you can contend with 'close up' no problem (Immunity, Pain Tolerance, Healing Factor), so hats off for TFP at least acknowledging the major part of the problem with players not wanting to even engage Z's.

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I've gotten the bleed status affect quite a few times, been stunned a fair amount, and I got infected once so I went back to my base to grab some antibiotics but it just went away so I don't know if that was a bug or what but I didn't have any points into that one fortitude perk where you can shrug off illness so I'm not sure what happened.

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I've had countless bleeds, and a couple of infections.


The infections totally cripple your stamina, leaving your character very feeble.

I'm not sure if I was meant to self heal, or if it was a bug, but the infections (biohazard symbol for the buff) resolved without treatment.

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My friend and I are on day 48 with 2000 kills between us and we have yet to have any kind of combat related status effect happen. Where's the bleed, stun and infection? The one time I actually bled was from using the barbed wire mod(probably a bug) but I have yet to see stun or infection. We've fought basically every zombie in the game that exists at this point.


I've heard about a bug where zombies are causing bleed 100% of the time but never saw it myself.


In terms of non combat, what does food poisoning even do? Every time it has come up nothing at all happened then the status went away.


I've encountered a lot of the status effects, here's what I can remember


1. Infection. Reduces stamina over time eventually to the point you can no longer power attack, though it cures itself after that for me.


2. Food Poisoning. Causes you to puke and your fullness/hydration to drop over a short period of time


3. Bleeding. Causes bleed damage over time, often lethal if not patched but you can survive it.


4. Hot/Cold. Hot makes your hydration drain faster. Cold makes Fullness decrease faster


I haven't encountered dysentery yet, I haven't died to infection, Hunger/Thirst Hot/Cold seems to no longer kill you, only hinder performance.


In MP servers I see very little of infection status/bleed/Food Poisoning though. Weather is broken from what I understand so you'll be freezing/sweltering a lot even if you have the appropriate clothes and perks.

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My friend and I are on day 48 with 2000 kills between us and we have yet to have any kind of combat related status effect happen. Where's the bleed, stun and infection? The one time I actually bled was from using the barbed wire mod(probably a bug) but I have yet to see stun or infection. We've fought basically every zombie in the game that exists at this point.


I've heard about a bug where zombies are causing bleed 100% of the time but never saw it myself.


In terms of non combat, what does food poisoning even do? Every time it has come up nothing at all happened then the status went away.


Same here. Day 41 with 1000+ zombie kills and I have never been stunned or experienced bleeding or infection.

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I got infected last night. Thought no biggy. A few minutes later my health and stam maxes dropped. I took some honey. Didn't cure it. Health and Stam dropped again. 40 HP, 20 Stamina. Oh boy. I was 600m from the trader and I had a fetch quest to turn in. Hiked to the trader. It took forever. Turned in my quest. Oh look a shiny shovel. Okay I got some dukes lets buy a cure. Trader Jen who looks like a Dr. has no meds. Okay. Finally I decided to go for the ultimate cure and in a fit of depression I flung myself off of the top of the trader building. I can report that death is a cure!

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I got infected last night. Thought no biggy. A few minutes later my health and stam maxes dropped. I took some honey. Didn't cure it. Health and Stam dropped again. 40 HP, 20 Stamina. Oh boy. I was 600m from the trader and I had a fetch quest to turn in. Hiked to the trader. It took forever. Turned in my quest. Oh look a shiny shovel. Okay I got some dukes lets buy a cure. Trader Jen who looks like a Dr. has no meds. Okay. Finally I decided to go for the ultimate cure and in a fit of depression I flung myself off of the top of the trader building. I can report that death is a cure!


I've noticed that curing infection is broken atm. Works on a rare chance, most of the time nothing happens though.

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I got infected today and it progresses way faster than previous versions. I'm not sure if I was on the first stage or not but it halved my stamina and any power attack seemed to take up quadruple the stamina. I'd got from 60 stamina to 5 stamina in one swing of the machete. I also seemed to be using up the food meter absurdly fast, although that might have been a side affect of the antibiotics.

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My dedicated server has exactly same problem of this, me and my friends have never got any debuffs(stun bleed infection ect) by zombies, we cant also deal any debuffs to zombies. Looks like effect system about zombies are totally broken. This issue only detected on MP so far, when i ran my world save on SP every thing was normal. I am so glad someone point out it, i thought i'm the only one who had this problem before.

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After some further testing it seems that things that inflict buffs may be reversed on Multiplayer. The barbed wire mod makes myself bleed instead of enemies. Also, I spawned dogs and let them attack me and noticed they were dying from attacking me because they were inflicting bleed on themselves. I confirmed their HP loss by using the le(listentities) console command and it was ticking down by 2 each time I tried it.

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