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A17 Bigger Backpack Mod!


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Just a quick word of appreciation, and something I discovered.


You can increase the number of crafting slots as well. I have tested and it works in game.


Add the following you your progression.xml:

<skill name="skillBagIncrease" parent="attPerception" name_key="Bigger bag" desc_key="more crafting slots" icon="ui_game_symbol_hand">


<passive_effect name="CraftingSlots" operation="base_add" value="6"/>



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Just a quick word of appreciation, and something I discovered.


You can increase the number of crafting slots as well. I have tested and it works in game.


Add the following you your progression.xml:

<skill name="skillBagIncrease" parent="attPerception" name_key="Bigger bag" desc_key="more crafting slots" icon="ui_game_symbol_hand">


<passive_effect name="CraftingSlots" operation="base_add" value="6"/>





Or you could go in windows.xml and edit the size of the windowscraftingqueue code lol I have mine set to 8x16

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How did you get it working? Because I tried and it actually wouldn't work.


And that's with increasing my crafting queue already. All 12 slots worked without that code just by fiddling with windows.xml.


All I have ever done is edit windows.xml windowscraftingqueue and it has always worked and let me melt down 128 items at once

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i am not sure what is up, but it seems that the 60 slot with food/water xpath version is having the highlight/activation issue that the 96 slot one had previously. when moving from left to right, i am about 1/3 into the next slot before it highlights/becomes active. Did they fix whatever you were compensating for? or break it more?

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Hey KhaineGB, have you had any reports of the BBP60 not working with BCM manager.


I am running around 50 modlets and they are all working except for the UI changing ones.


But not even all of those as I created a crafting que one taht gives me a 2row5 slot and it works, but nothing else with UI changes.

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It is custom... i cant find the forge wndow.

All i can find is windowToolsForge, windowForgeInput and they don't work.



You will have to find the forge in windows.xml and adjust the pos. Cause your backpack is larger and different to one/s khainegb created you will have to either play around with it all to fit it in nicely or maybe ask someone whom is a ui expert lol (not me) for help.

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Had problems with hitbox for other itemStacks being too small after the recent fix so I made a different style for the bigger backpack.



 <append xpath="/styles">
   <style name="itemStackBiggerBackpack">
     <style_entry name="select_color" value="[beige]"/>
     <style_entry name="press_color" value="[limeGreen]"/>
     <style_entry name="final_pressed_color" value="[lightGrey]"/>
     <style_entry name="background_color" value="[mediumGrey]"/>
     <style_entry name="highlight_color" value="[hoverColor]"/>
     <style_entry name="holding_color" value="[white]"/>
     <style_entry name="width" value="50"/>
     <style_entry name="height" value="50"/>
     <style_entry name="hover_icon_grow" value="1.5"/>
     <style_entry name="on_press" value="true"/>
     <style_entry name="sound_volume" value="0.75"/>
     <style_entry name="pickup_sound" value="[pickup_click]"/>
     <style_entry name="place_sound" value="[place_click]"/>


I just duplicated the existing itemStack with the height and width changes. Is there a way to use inheritence so I wouldn't have to copy all?


Updated the backpack in controls.xml to use the new style

	<rect controller="ItemStack" style="itemStackBiggerBackpack, hover" collider_scale="1.1" >

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