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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;621287]Laziness is in the heart of every good programmer... at least that's what I tell myself anyway ^^[/QUOTE] Lol.^^ [QUOTE=HAL9000;621287] Ah that'd be nice. Would Qt mean that Mac and Linux support is easy to add?[/QUOTE] Jepp, it's very easy to add. There are just a few os specific lines of code atm. Linux support is one of the reasons for writing an own editior (and I don't want to annoy you with my feature requests. xD).
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So, as far as comfort features, the most important to /me/ are drag and fill, copy paste, and running two instances to copy paste. ...block replacement is cool, as well. Necessary would be layer/column/row trimming. I'm sure there are others, but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. :) ...pille, how close are you to releasing test candidates?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;623835]So, as far as comfort features, the most important to /me/ are drag and fill, copy paste, and running two instances to copy paste. ...block replacement is cool, as well. Necessary would be layer/column/row trimming. I'm sure there are others, but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. :) ...pille, how close are you to releasing test candidates?[/QUOTE] Uhmm releasing test candidates? That's probably a good idea.^^ I had to start over from scratch to implement a certain new feature. So it takes a bit longer than expected but next week I am going to start a new thread. You will find the download link there... @Hal I think I don't understand the block damage value. The damage list in your editor goes from 0 to 4999 but the max. value I can set is 255.
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[QUOTE=Pille;624323]Uhmm releasing test candidates? That's probably a good idea.^^ I had to start over from scratch to implement a certain new feature. So it takes a bit longer than expected but next week I am going to start a new thread. You will find the download link there... @Hal I think I don't understand the block damage value. The damage list in your editor goes from 0 to 4999 but the max. value I can set is 255.[/QUOTE] Why is the max 255? I think the prefab file stores them as ushorts which should be up to 65k. BlockValues store it as an int so no worries there.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;624712]Why is the max 255? I think the prefab file stores them as ushorts which should be up to 65k. BlockValues store it as an int so no worries there.[/QUOTE] Thanks, I've got it. I have to use the damage list in "block info" (green arrow) instead of the list in "paint block" (red arrow) to assign values above 255: [url]http://imgur.com/xYKWmoc[/url]
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[QUOTE=Pille;624723]Thanks, I've got it. I have to use the damage list in "block info" (green arrow) instead of the list in "paint block" (red arrow) to assign values above 255: [url]http://imgur.com/xYKWmoc[/url][/QUOTE] Ah, that sounds like a bug then, one sec I'll check... ... yep... it's converting it to a byte, not a ushort on the other one. You don't need to do that ^^
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;624737]Ah, that sounds like a bug then, one sec I'll check... ... yep... it's converting it to a byte, not a ushort on the other one. You don't need to do that ^^[/QUOTE] Jepp, was just confused for a moment.^^
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I'm not sure if this has been asked yet... I haven't seen it, but I guess it applies to this thread. Sorry if not! With the introduction of the new paint brush and different block system planned for A16, will prefabs that I make (with vanilla blocks) and test in A15.2 with Hal's editor work with A16, or will I have to recreate them? Or is this currently an unknown?
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Hello DaMoot, Your A15 prefab will definitely not work in A16 by default. Depending on how much time I get I'm looking at doing a converter with an aim to get 95% of blocks converted. Otherwise it'll be re-building in A16.
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That's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks! I'll probably just dabble in basic creation to get used to the general feel of the tool and wait to invest time and build my custom stuff until after A16 drops. I can't imagine the basics are going to be all that different.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;625057]Hello DaMoot, Your A15 prefab will definitely not work in A16 by default. Depending on how much time I get I'm looking at doing a converter with an aim to get 95% of blocks converted. Otherwise it'll be re-building in A16.[/QUOTE] 95% - is a great digit, the rest can manually finish. I think - TFP not did a lot of work to transform the blocks. We will also be able to do. [QUOTE=Guppycur;625258]@Hal What would you need to get to 100% conversion? ...any grunt work we can do?[/QUOTE] I think that the remaining 5% will be the number of combinations of N-degree :D PS: although...combinations of blocks to convert the old prefab should not be more numbers than the blocks available now...
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[QUOTE=DaMoot;625236]That's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks! I'll probably just dabble in basic creation to get used to the general feel of the tool and wait to invest time and build my custom stuff until after A16 drops. I can't imagine the basics are going to be all that different.[/QUOTE] Unfortunately there's a process going on with A16 where the current editor will not be part of the new system. I may be retiring the editor and looking a people like Pille to take over and run the new process. A16 will be an interesting build. [QUOTE=Guppycur;625258]@Hal What would you need to get to 100% conversion? ...any grunt work we can do?[/QUOTE] It depends on the conversion tables and if there's an "if x = y" process that can be followed. If there is then 100% is possible. If there's not then it'll depend on what rules are created for moving the data across. Not sure what that will be (and if anything gets done at all) until I look at it. Every weekend I hope to look at it ends up with me working on RL problems. Hopefully it'll be a good result. [QUOTE=n2n1;625344]95% - is a great digit, the rest can manually finish. I think - TFP not did a lot of work to transform the blocks. We will also be able to do. I think that the remaining 5% will be the number of combinations of N-degree :D PS: although...combinations of blocks to convert the old prefab should not be more numbers than the blocks available now...[/QUOTE] Yep, the 5% is the "uh oh something is weird" thing going on. But we'll see how it goes...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Help with Hals 9000 linux dedicated server configuration First, thanks for the fabulous editor. I'm having problems getting it to run with my linux based dedicated server. Specifically, I think I'm getting confused as to whether or not the HalGlobal.txt values need to match my serverconfig.xml settings. If any one could help, I would super appreciate it. Here are my symptoms: I have 2 computers (clients); one is my linux (main) machine, the other runs windows 10 (which is the one I'm trying to get to accesss... ...and one dedicated server (that I usually manage via filezilla, sublimetext via sftp, etc.; this dedi runs 7DtD Dedicated through steamcmd). Ok. So: on my windows computer, with the server running, I open the editor main screen in windows, then click on the World Editor Button. In the world editor window, I click on connect (using the same settings that I put in my HalGlobal.txt, which roughly correspond to the values in my serverconfig.xml: ip and port; the only values I have different in HalGlobal.txt is the password); I get endless stream of Windows errors asking me to debug, cancel, or ok... I get no picture of my server's map, etc. Can anyone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Very many thanks for any help. Skookie
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[QUOTE=skookiesprite;629395]First, thanks for the fabulous editor. I'm having problems getting it to run with my linux based dedicated server. Specifically, I think I'm getting confused as to whether or not the HalGlobal.txt values need to match my serverconfig.xml settings. If any one could help, I would super appreciate it. Here are my symptoms: I have 2 computers (clients); one is my linux (main) machine, the other runs windows 10 (which is the one I'm trying to get to accesss... ...and one dedicated server (that I usually manage via filezilla, sublimetext via sftp, etc.; this dedi runs 7DtD Dedicated through steamcmd). Ok. So: on my windows computer, with the server running, I open the editor main screen in windows, then click on the World Editor Button. In the world editor window, I click on connect (using the same settings that I put in my HalGlobal.txt, which roughly correspond to the values in my serverconfig.xml: ip and port; the only values I have different in HalGlobal.txt is the password); I get endless stream of Windows errors asking me to debug, cancel, or ok... I get no picture of my server's map, etc. Can anyone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Very many thanks for any help. Skookie[/QUOTE] Hello Skookie, The editor details (and in HalGlobal.txt) needs to be on a different, unique port than any used by the game and that port needs to be accessible on the server. The DLLs are also the ones from the windows version of the game. Some people have been able to use them in their linux server but others have had trouble. Cheers, Hal
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Hey guys, I've finally got some time to look into the A15-A16 converter. I've been able to get a converted prefab into the game and looking ok. The main problem is there's around 500 blocks that don't have a direct conversion because of the painting system so there's a lot of guess work going on for the best type of block to move it to. A big +1 to TFP (and specifically Gazz) for sharing their internal conversion data for the new rotations. It's worked great and so far I can't find any major rotation problems. Here's a couple of conversions. These are A15 prefabs that have been run through the converter and added to an A16 game. Hospital External View [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-Hospital.png[/IMG] Internal [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-HospitalInterior.png[/IMG] Factory External [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-Factory.png[/IMG] Internal [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-FactoryInterior.png[/IMG] As you can see it's far from a 1:1 conversion (there's a lot of wood where there shouldn't be) but I think it beats trying to rebuild from scratch! I'm going to have a play around with it and see if I can hone in the results (seeing if the painting system can be leveraged) but it may also fall to you guys as you're working with the converter to suggest alternatives for blocks I've chosen. 500 blocks are a lot to check alone. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;633865]Hey guys, I've finally got some time to look into the A15-A16 converter. I've been able to get a converted prefab into the game and looking ok. The main problem is there's around 500 blocks that don't have a direct conversion because of the painting system so there's a lot of guess work going on for the best type of block to move it to. A big +1 to TFP (and specifically Gazz) for sharing their internal conversion data for the new rotations. It's worked great and so far I can't find any major rotation problems. Here's a couple of conversions. These are A15 prefabs that have been run through the converter and added to an A16 game. Hospital External View [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-Hospital.png[/IMG] Internal [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-HospitalInterior.png[/IMG] Factory External [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-Factory.png[/IMG] Internal [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/01-FactoryInterior.png[/IMG] As you can see it's far from a 1:1 conversion (there's a lot of wood where there shouldn't be) but I think it beats trying to rebuild from scratch! I'm going to have a play around with it and see if I can hone in the results (seeing if the painting system can be leveraged) but it may also fall to you guys as you're working with the converter to suggest alternatives for blocks I've chosen. 500 blocks are a lot to check alone. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Awesome! This will make a lot of ppl happy ty! and good luck on the rest...
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So when going from drywall to wood (like the hospital does), the si is more or less the same, eh? Then we as prefabbers should be responsible for painting them. We should anyway. Basically what I *think* we need is the converter to do what you've already accomplished... Rotations and (more or less) block types. Done. With that, we would then need an editor that can read it (not sure if pilles would be ready in time) and allow back and forth (from game to editor, so we can paint) updating. Sounds like you're really close to that right? So I can stop saying the sky is falling, correct? :)
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Phase 2 has gone well and the converter now uses the new painting system to help move prefabs across. Hospital - Round 2 This is the same A15 prefab that's gone through the converter again [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/02-Hospital.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://7d.l9000.co.uk/02-HospitalInside.png[/IMG] So I think the main problem will now be making sure I've chosen the right block shape in the converter. You can see an example on the interior shot where the edging is the wrong shape but the good news is it's painted correctly. [QUOTE=Guppycur;635165]So when going from drywall to wood (like the hospital does), the si is more or less the same, eh? Then we as prefabbers should be responsible for painting them. We should anyway. Basically what I *think* we need is the converter to do what you've already accomplished... Rotations and (more or less) block types. Done. With that, we would then need an editor that can read it (not sure if pilles would be ready in time) and allow back and forth (from game to editor, so we can paint) updating. Sounds like you're really close to that right? So I can stop saying the sky is falling, correct? :)[/QUOTE] Hey Gup, Yeah the conversion just needs to be to a block of the same shape and material and then painting can be done onto it if it's wrong. There could be textures that have gone from A16 or had their ID changed. But the converter is just about getting you 95% of the way there with tweaks left depending on your build. No, the more I look into it the less likely an A16 version of the editor will be done. The new painting system adds a (fantastic) layer depth and complexity to the whole system but I can't see an easy way of converting the current editor layout into something more usable without a lot of effort. The editor currently just says "here's your list of blocks". The new system would have to deal with shapes and custom painting. It needs a good UI designer's input and that's just not my thing. I'll probably be doing the bbb commands though cause I always need that stuff for my other projects.
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I'd be all for the editor just choosing the base block and making us paint it in game to export for sharing. Makes sense, and easier for you. The only thing you would need to do (and pilles may be able to already) is allow us trimming layers, columns and rows after exporting the PAINTED prefab, without it losing its paint properties. Yeh. You'd likely have to start from scratch just for the ui, if you included painting...
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;635256]The only thing you would need to do (and pilles may be able to already) is allow us trimming layers, columns and rows after exporting the PAINTED prefab, without it losing its paint properties.[/QUOTE] Due to real life annoyances, it will take a few days (after A16 release) to make the editor compatible to the painting system.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;635244] No, the more I look into it the less likely an A16 version of the editor will be done. The new painting system adds a (fantastic) layer depth and complexity to the whole system but I can't see an easy way of converting the current editor layout into something more usable without a lot of effort. The editor currently just says "here's your list of blocks". The new system would have to deal with shapes and custom painting. It needs a good UI designer's input and that's just not my thing.[/QUOTE] As far as I understand the new color system, we can paint each side of a block a different color or texture, right? So why we have to deal with shapes in A16? Isn't that an A17 thing?
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