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Let s talk is 7 days to die dying ?


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I'm actually curious how often 7DTD has been dieing now.


I'm certain that WOW has been dieing far more often but 7DTD should be up to a respectable count by now.


people who are playing mods you say ? that true because A16 content is done 6 months ago or even more with bugged ass AI you don t see the fact that 7D2D is a bit alive just by mods do you Gazz i mean no DISRESPECT but TFP should really change there way of doing things

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I did not say anything about mods.

"This game is dieing" is just such a common trope that it's more comical than concerning. I bet WOW has been dieing dozens of times by now.


For some Youtube guy it's a perfectly reasonable way to generate clicks. Can't really blame them. Hehe


And yeah, I'm genuinely curious how often 7DTD has been dieing by now. Anyone up for some scientific research? =P

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I did not say anything about mods.

"This game is dieing" is just such a common trope that it's more comical than concerning. I bet WOW has been dieing dozens of times by now.


For some Youtube guy it's a perfectly reasonable way to generate clicks. Can't really blame them. Hehe


And yeah, I'm genuinely curious how often 7DTD has been dieing by now. Anyone up for some scientific research? =P


here Gazz https://steamcharts.com/app/251570

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and why exactly should we care (or even pretend to care) about those people?


It won't concern forther developement of the game in *any* way and about the community I will say that everyone in his right mind (which I stupidly still believe must be the mayority of people) is able to see things how they really are. everyone else can say/think/play whatever they want and rant however they want - neigher I nor TFP care.

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and why exactly should we care (or even pretend to care) about those people?


It won't concern forther developement of the game in *any* way and about the community I will say that everyone in his right mind (which I stupidly still believe must be the mayority of people) is able to see things how they really are. everyone else can say/think/play whatever they want and rant however they want - neigher I nor TFP care.


i see your point there ...

but don t you think that it should be more communication between the devs and there community just saying last video of joel was 2 weeks ago and we didn t even got some twitter posts like used to be

my brother came to be like 5 mins ago making fun of me about still playing this game but he don t see my point of view 7 days to die isn t just a game it s a way of life

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Those are the Steam charts. I was asking for an actual count because that guy is neither the first nor the last to make that claim.

This is like the tick tock sound of a grandfather clock. You know it's there but you rarely think about it.


A Youtuber is trying to get views and sell ad space. That's what they do. I didn't even bother to dislike that just like I didn't click dislike on every hot day this summer. =)



i see your point there ...

but don t you think that it should be more communication between the devs and there community just saying last video of joel was 2 weeks ago and we didn t even got some twitter posts like used to be

He's busy preparing his campaign for World President and learning pasta-juggling.

Priorities, y'know?

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Those are the Steam charts. I was asking for an actual count because that guy is neither the first nor the last to make that claim.

This is like the tick tock sound of a grandfather clock. You know it's there but you rarely think about it.


A Youtuber is trying to get views and sell ad space. That's what they do. I didn't even bother to dislike that just like I didn't click dislike on every hot day this summer. =)




He's busy preparing his campaign for World President and learning pasta-juggling.

Priorities, y'know?


make 7 days to die great again

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but don t you think...


That's an interesting question


of course I, too, wish that TFP give us more pieces to be excited about - be it pictures, videos or at least the occasional comment ala "working on the new *please insert ANYTHIng new here* right now, looks promissing!". this wish arises soley from my personal liking of the game and the hunger for news that comes with that.


rational-thinking me however tells me something else:

1. I am absolutely convinced that TFP are at 100% dedicated to their work and this game

2. Therefor I believe that they do everything in their power to make this game the greatest game they can imagine

3. Neither me nor anyone else have the right nor the ability to tell TFP how to work best on their game (which imho isn't even necessary because - as stated above - TFP know what they do and *if* they should not, we won't change anything by yelling at them)


But i suppose as long as people are people, people will go on beeing people and stay people- maybe forever...that's how the world works *shrug*

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This is actually showing the opposite, the game is on a pretty good population standing considering the ...unconventional, "all-over-the-place" development process. I don't believe that the game is dying because it does seem to have a core fanbase and it was lucky enough not to have early direct competition, but I believe that the game could have even dominated the steam charts in a parallel universe where TFP are more organized, invested in it and do not smoke joints at work. Just sayin.

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That's an interesting question


of course I, too, wish that TFP give us more pieces to be excited about - be it pictures, videos or at least the occasional comment ala "working on the new *please insert ANYTHIng new here* right now, looks promissing!". this wish arises soley from my personal liking of the game and the hunger for news that comes with that.


rational-thinking me however tells me something else:

1. I am absolutely convinced that TFP are at 100% dedicated to their work and this game

2. Therefor I believe that they do everything in their power to make this game the greatest game they can imagine

3. Neither me nor anyone else have the right nor the ability to tell TFP how to work best on their game (which imho isn't even necessary because - as stated above - TFP know what they do and *if* they should not, we won't change anything by yelling at them)


But i suppose as long as people are people, people will go on beeing people and stay people- maybe forever...that's how the world works *shrug*


i have no doubt that TFP devs are not letting us down ....god bless them i have 3000 h on the game and man it s will be even more 3000 h on a17


- - - Updated - - -


Well. Now it's in the video section. Because it's a video. Of a guy talking about the game.


there is VIDEO section hmmm i didn t knew Ronald will show his magic any time soon haha

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of course I, too, wish that TFP give us more pieces to be excited about - be it pictures, videos or at least the occasional comment ala "working on the new *please insert ANYTHIng new here* right now, looks promissing!". this wish arises soley from my personal liking of the game and the hunger for news that comes with that.


rational-thinking me however tells me something else... [snip]


There’s another point to add to your rational thinking list. Alpha 17 is in feature freeze, and it’s taking longer than anticipated. They’re not adding more cool new stuff. This is the point where, if you were the editor of a behind-the-scenes TV show, you would cut to a sped-up montage to demonstrate they did all the boring stuff people don’t want to watch in real time. They’re still in the middle of that montage.


I imagine most of the showy exciting things that are left are the ones they’ve explicitly chosen to save as surprises. That’s why Madmole shows off the improved lighting for the umpteenth time. It’s not because he doesn’t know what you WANT to see, it’s because the set of showable things is limited at this time. If it weren’t, the build would be significantly closer to release.

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That's unfortunate...


I think that he is correct that A17 has taken too long to make the fans of the game happy.


I know that many of his assumptions are wrong and I'm a bit unhappy that he claimed that the content creators were given a set in stone date. That is blatantly false. It's also false that TFP were trying to work around PAX.


He just is another one of those individuals, God bless them, that reads an estimate and takes it as a promise...


In my original letter back in the end of August I said that it would not happen until the second weekend in September at the earliest. He obviously took that to mean that it was going to happen second weekend in September which is his mistake but to cover himself he needed to spend some time on his platform blaming TFP.


It will be interesting to see whether he is right or not. Will A17 spike up higher than it ever has before on the steam charts or will it stay flat because he called it correctly and nobody is going to come back to play A17 because of the delays.

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There’s another point to add to your rational thinking list...feature freeze...not adding more cool new stuff.


I'm sorry but I'd like to politely disagree - speaking for myself here of course! :D


I believe information about progress of "technical" matters to be just as interesting as plainly visual of gameplay related stuff. It stands to reason that we won't enjoy the game while it is full of bugs if starting at all, so everything "under the hood" is as important for us as players than anything else because if these things don't work, we would not be able to play at all.


And that such things take time to accomplish is no secret either :)

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