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Reset perk points?


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So as I understand now, perk points are more specialized into classes. My though is, will there be a way to reset perk points or is that not what this game should have.


I think it would be fine to have no reset since you could play different individual games specializing in each class.


On the other hand if you make a mistake in the class systems early on, you can’t change it later in the game? It is obviously not clear yet since the alpha is not released but it is just a concern.

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There are no set classes. You self-create your class by choosing the skills and perks you want as you play. So your class will emerge.


There is no respec planned for skill points.


There are no perk purchasing mistakes. 100% of the game can be played without spending a single skill point. You may have to utilize different means to get 100% of the game (use trader vs crafting yourself) but there is nothing I can think of that you would be locked out of by choosing one perk vs another. All the purchasing does is enhance you in that area.

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There are no set classes. You self-create your class by choosing the skills and perks you want as you play. So your class will emerge.


There is no respec planned for skill points.


There are no perk purchasing mistakes. 100% of the game can be played without spending a single skill point. You may have to utilize different means to get 100% of the game (use trader vs crafting yourself) but there is nothing I can think of that you would be locked out of by choosing one perk vs another. All the purchasing does is enhance you in that area.


Hi Roland,


You mentioned "100% of the game can be played without spending a single skill point.". Does this means no more workbench/cement mixer lock untill you spend your skill points? Or will skill & perk points be devided in a seperate skill/perk tree?

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Hi Roland,


You mentioned "100% of the game can be played without spending a single skill point.". Does this means no more workbench/cement mixer lock untill you spend your skill points? Or will skill & perk points be devided in a seperate skill/perk tree?


Not necessarily. It does mean that if you find a workbench/cement mixer out in the world you can use that one without having spent any skill points. As I said, the means by which you access 100% of the game might be different based upon your strengths and weaknesses but access it you can.


I hope that essential recipes and workstations aren't going to be gated by perks but rather by your overall level so that those things eventually become unlocked for everyone but I still don't know everything.

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That seems like it would be difficult to implement without obvious exploits.


If Perks and Skills (learn by doing) use the same pool, as they do now, then you could spend a bunch of time improving your mining or athletics skills, and then reset to purchase other Perks which you only get by spending points. They could have a "total XP" value for each skill and a separate value for purchased ranks, but that would take more memory and might hurt frame rate.


On the other hand, if skills can no longer be bought but only learned by doing and separate from Perk points, that would make Reset easier to implement.

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I think a reset that zero'd out your experience across the board could be implemented easily enough, and that'd be pretty balanced. Although it should be noted you can actually already do this by changing the setting for your game that requires using the same profile when entering a game. Then switch to a new profile before loading your save.

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... if skills can no longer be bought but only learned by doing and separate from Perk points, that would make Reset easier to implement.


Yeah this would work. I like that idea since we're pretty much doing that anyway.


People are buying perks and leveling up skills on their own.


It'll be interesting to see what they've done in A17.





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  • 4 months later...
That is a beautiful base and its a shame that they're going for the Fallout/Skyrim genre and we'll probably never see this types of bases again. GJ! Loved the tour!




Actually now that I've tested A17 and how the AI works, I am certain I can make that work in A17 and plan to do so.


I'm going to make it even larger with a cool bridge.

Some folks on the forums here showed me how to make some amazing arched bridges.

Can't wait to try it out in the new year.


Just found out my daughter is pregnant so I'm not focusing too much on playing at the moment.

[The boyfriend is a moron so ... I'm spending time learning how to hide dead bodies and such.

Might be awhile.]

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Actually now that I've tested A17 and how the AI works, I am certain I can make that work in A17 and plan to do so.


I'm going to make it even larger with a cool bridge.

Some folks on the forums here showed me how to make some amazing arched bridges.

Can't wait to try it out in the new year.


Just found out my daughter is pregnant so I'm not focusing too much on playing at the moment.

[The boyfriend is a moron so ... I'm spending time learning how to hide dead bodies and such.

Might be awhile.]


Burn it with fire! Ashes are easy to hide. :)

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There are no set classes. You self-create your class by choosing the skills and perks you want as you play. So your class will emerge.


Your class choice is:


a) Normal. Where the obvious points are spent in the obvious order, so as to make the early game tolerable.


b) Stupid. Anything else.

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