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Annoying RNG book drops are annoying I hath to search over +1000 bookcases to find a


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I felt the same way looking for the Minibike book, when I found it in a hidden stash crate. Search every pile of trash, safe, file cabinet, cardboard box... and if that doesn't work press F1, type in CM, hit Enter, then hit F1 again and press U. Find the book you want and F1 CM Enter F1 again. It's just a game. Enjoy it.

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need to pray to r n gesus


But seriously - you need to restart your computer if you feel that random gene is not working for you. Because the calculation algorithms can be dependent on the current session ;)

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It is indeed annoying when the right books cannot be found easily. Happens to me every game with at least one of the ten or so critical books. I always find them eventually, just look everywhere.


There are several POIS with good amounts of bookshelves.

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The situation with books atm is ok if you compare it with how it was before when you needed to find the forge book. That was locked in place and not developing further. The situation now is just annoying sometimes when you find a crossbow book on day 21+, but one can still play.


And as said, traiders help with this problem as well. Sofar never went without a crossboy beyond day 8-10 thanks to traders if i didnt have luck to find one while looting.

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I'd love to see all the books removed someday and moving all the component parts to be player craftable, either from day 1 or at a certain player level/skill level. RNG is best relegated to optional, flavor based items rather than being used to artificially gate progression; A16 has quite enough of that already with player, skill, and material gates.


I remember believing you need the forge book but just wrenching a forge up from a house instead.


They added the forge book for A10, when no POIs spawned a forge. It was extremely annoying to not have it turn up in loot when you were otherwise ready to progress.

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I'd love to see all the books removed someday and moving all the component parts to be player craftable, either from day 1 or at a certain player level/skill level. RNG is best relegated to optional, flavor based items rather than being used to artificially gate progression; A16 has quite enough of that already with player, skill, and material gates.




They added the forge book for A10, when no POIs spawned a forge. It was extremely annoying to not have it turn up in loot when you were otherwise ready to progress.


I hope they never remove the book recipes. I feel the player should have an uphill struggle the whole way. Bring back the forge book.

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I hope they never remove the book recipes. I feel the player should have an uphill struggle the whole way. Bring back the forge book.


If you want an uphill struggle, try Always Run Insane against max horde sizes and see how long you live. Gating basic items with RNG only serves to drag out the primitive part of the game, which is pretty boring. To quote one of my favorite prior posts here (I believe it was by either Reth or meganoth): "I'd rather fight a large horde from a fortified position than fight three zombies with both hands tied behind my back".

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I think it depends on how often you start over. I didn't mind not finding the forge book because it created a different game feel of not being able to craft all those things dependent on the forge. If I was playing my one and only game it wouldn't be fun but because I play multiple games it was just one and added variety.

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If you want an uphill struggle, try Always Run Insane against max horde sizes and see how long you live. Gating basic items with RNG only serves to drag out the primitive part of the game, which is pretty boring. To quote one of my favorite prior posts here (I believe it was by either Reth or meganoth): "I'd rather fight a large horde from a fortified position than fight three zombies with both hands tied behind my back".


Honestly, I find once you have almost everything including the chem station the game is quite boring. Granted, I don't play Always run. As much time that I have in this game, I have gotten considerably better, but there are things I know I will never be capable of.

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I hope they never remove the book recipes. I feel the player should have an uphill struggle the whole way. Bring back the forge book.


A second the struggle. It should be present. But not made out of RNG. There are other mechanisms to create struggles. Other than just pure luck - or lack thereof.

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Honestly, I find once you have almost everything including the chem station the game is quite boring. Granted, I don't play Always run. As much time that I have in this game, I have gotten considerably better, but there are things I know I will never be capable of.


Endgame base building to fight massive hordes while heavily armed is the whole reason I play. You might try hanging in there, the hordes are much more vicious in A16 than they used to be, particularly once you max your GS.


Do yourself a favor sometime: try Always Run. Even on lower difficulties, it makes the smallest packs of zombies dangerous. You'll use spikes and barbed wire more than ever, and strategic nerdpoling can get you out of the range of the enemy fast enough to save you (keeping in mind frames are fragile, so dont go straight up!)


I generally won't play Always Run in the beginning as it slows down progression substantially and I am always eager to start building, but I always turn it on later because walking zombies are no threat at all, and they might as well be penguins once you're properly armed and armored.


For more on the thrill of playing real difficulty, you might read this old post of mine. It starts with a dog pack that surprised me.


- - - Updated - - -


A second the struggle. It should be present. But not made out of RNG. There are other mechanisms to create struggles. Other than just pure luck - or lack thereof.


Interesting. What are your ideas as to the how?

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No book is a show stopper. For me, getting spiked club is a big improvement to my lethality but life goes on without it.


The closest thing to a show stopper is not being able to find a wrench! But even that has a potential work around.

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No book is a show stopper. For me, getting spiked club is a big improvement to my lethality but life goes on without it.


The closest thing to a show stopper is not being able to find a wrench! But even that has a potential work around.


How about getting to Day 30 and still no minibike book? Side note: Autorun key would make this a little less annoying.

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receipe I just want to enjoy the game and craft things without buggy book casino loot I can't progress further I'm stuck with crappy bow I quit I will be missed.


Punctuation is a friend.


Biggest problem I see with bookcases is that they never drop a Playboy. FFS, bring out the pitchforks until we get Playboy phat lootz.

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How about getting to Day 30 and still no minibike book? Side note: Autorun key would make this a little less annoying.


Minor problem. I often never bother with a mini bike. It's fun to push your chances walk-running far from base then turn around and take a new route back.


The adventures (and misadventures) I have had not making it back before dark (and sometimes horde night!) have been some of the most excitement and fun I have in the game!


Not a show stopper. 😊

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Minor problem. I often never bother with a mini bike. It's fun to push your chances walk-running far from base then turn around and take a new route back.


The adventures (and misadventures) I have had not making it back before dark (and sometimes horde night!) have been some of the most excitement and fun I have in the game!


Not a show stopper.



You must play Navezgane to be able to get away with that. RWG is far too huge to be navigable on foot, even when it's limited to 10x10 km.


I don't find running without an autorun key for several kilometers to be thrilling, compelling gameplay.

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