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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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17 minutes ago, wanderinpaladin said:

go back to your original trader.

Thank you, that solved it.


I cleared all Zs at the fake trader compound - is that necessary in order to solve the quest? Or would it be enough to visit the fake compound and get back to original trader?

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11 hours ago, archedfeind003 said:

Correct me if i am wrong. But are you supposed to be able to interact with Dr. Anna, like a trader, after completing her mission?

I am on alpha 21.1 (b16)  DFV5.0.0-DEV-B26

From my understanding you need to find two other traders first before you can interact with Dr. Anna.  Some other girl, and some dude that the other girl sends you to find. I found the other girl, but still looking for the dude.  and do their quests

Portal Power sources, where are they. I thought they were at teh demon portals so I spent half a day basically killing all the respawns and didnt get anything before I accidently broke the portal.

I have a feeling that I am missing them somewhere

Edited by Realism51 (see edit history)
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@archedfeind003I have never been able to trade with Anna. As far as I know, she just keeps giving you the final quest over and over. That works for me, because by the time I do that quest, I really don't need anything from a trader.

@Realism51You can buy portal power sources from Caitlin or get them from the portal in the last quest.

@KhaineGBI don't know why, but I get super excited at the prospect of Dora + Khaine hostilities!


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16 hours ago, Realism51 said:

From my understanding you need to find two other traders first before you can interact with Dr. Anna.  Some other girl, and some dude that the other girl sends you to find. I found the other girl, but still looking for the dude.  and do their quests

Portal Power sources, where are they. I thought they were at teh demon portals so I spent half a day basically killing all the respawns and didnt get anything before I accidently broke the portal.

I have a feeling that I am missing them somewhere

You find Razor by doing Scout quests until an Opening Trade Routes quest becomes available from her ("Do you have any other work" option), Razor sends you to Eve after you've done his quests and Eve sends you to Anna who has the final quest.


When I did Anna's quest in ... B26 or so and returned to her, I got a portal source from her as a reward. I don't think you get it from the portal anymore (unsure since I couldn't get to the portal at all; the last doors in the bunker didn't work, maybe because I had updated from B25 to B26 without starting a new game. I could still finish the quest, though).


Technically, you can use Anna, Razor and Eve as traders from day one, but that's due to something that can't be disabled by modders; Khaine has said they're not supposed to be used as traders.


Edited by Similar (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, Fren said:

Hmm...game is not working anymore after recent update from 7 days. 

Seems server updated the game and won't accept the current mod  :') 


Probably have to wait till the mod is updated as well ?



This is what I get when I try to start a new server in the logs with the current build of DF:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BiomePrefabExclusion.Patches_PrefabManager.GetPrefabWithDistrict+<>c.<Transpiler>b__0_1 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] list, WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township ts) [0x0001a] in <745f5265f5b9461295f83a7664c0c313>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.<Transpiler>b__0_1(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<PrefabData>,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager.DMD<WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager::GetPrefabWithDistrict>(WorldGenerationEngineFinal.District,POITags,int,Vector2i,Vector2i,bool,Vector2i,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township,single)
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnMarkerPartsAndPrefabs (PrefabData _parentPrefab, Vector3i _parentPosition, System.Int32 _parentRotations, System.Int32 _depth, System.Single totalDensityLeft) [0x002e9] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.spawnStreetTile (Vector2i tileMinPositionWorld, System.Boolean isHighwayTile, System.String streetPrefabName, System.Single totalDensityPointsLeft, System.Int32 baseRotations) [0x00160] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnPrefabs () [0x0008b] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township.SpawnPrefabs () [0x00041] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.TownPlanner+<SpawnPrefabs>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00085] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <799d47ea3fd1460380efad1aacedaf7c>:0 

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8 hours ago, PoppaTot said:

unfortunately the server will only go back to 20.8, or stay at 21.2.  Most likely will just have to wait for the DF to update. 

Same here... 

It just sucks because I had this issue before. I know there is a server setting to turn "auto updates off"  and I checked that after installing DF.

Though last week they changed the server IP from our server and it was moved. I got an email about work in progress bla bla

Seems they changed more cuase that setting was back "on" so it did update... damn


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Sorry for not being around. I have been STUPIDLY busy with IRL stuff for the past couple of weeks.

I know A21.2 is out.

The last major bug for DF got fixed earlier this evening. It's with the testers now.

That's the best i've got regarding updates and when you can expect stable. Not gonna give a date, because every time I do, something bad turns up. ;)

23 hours ago, PoppaTot said:

This is what I get when I try to start a new server in the logs with the current build of DF:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BiomePrefabExclusion.Patches_PrefabManager.GetPrefabWithDistrict+<>c.<Transpiler>b__0_1 (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] list, WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township ts) [0x0001a] in <745f5265f5b9461295f83a7664c0c313>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.<Transpiler>b__0_1(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<PrefabData>,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager.DMD<WorldGenerationEngineFinal.PrefabManager::GetPrefabWithDistrict>(WorldGenerationEngineFinal.District,POITags,int,Vector2i,Vector2i,bool,Vector2i,WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township,single)
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnMarkerPartsAndPrefabs (PrefabData _parentPrefab, Vector3i _parentPosition, System.Int32 _parentRotations, System.Int32 _depth, System.Single totalDensityLeft) [0x002e9] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.spawnStreetTile (Vector2i tileMinPositionWorld, System.Boolean isHighwayTile, System.String streetPrefabName, System.Single totalDensityPointsLeft, System.Int32 baseRotations) [0x00160] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnPrefabs () [0x0008b] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.Township.SpawnPrefabs () [0x00041] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.TownPlanner+<SpawnPrefabs>d__2.MoveNext () [0x00085] in <2fd3859bfeea484e99f6b20bc94f186d>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <799d47ea3fd1460380efad1aacedaf7c>:0 

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is the bad bug we just got fixed.

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Earlier today the DF mod was running fine.


I now get these error messages on the "Loading Game Data" screen after selecting my server.  The game then freezes and force quits.


ERR CRC Mismatch. Provided 55b099cf, calculated 48bfea92 from data. Will not load AssetBundle 'vehicles. bundle'

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed

EXC Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.


Has anyone else had this issue within the past few hours?

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16 hours ago, Wolfpack_2k15 said:

Earlier today the DF mod was running fine.


I now get these error messages on the "Loading Game Data" screen after selecting my server.  The game then freezes and force quits.


ERR CRC Mismatch. Provided 55b099cf, calculated 48bfea92 from data. Will not load AssetBundle 'vehicles. bundle'

ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed

EXC Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.


Has anyone else had this issue within the past few hours?


I guess you updated your game to A21.2? DF isn´t updated to it yet. You need to stay on A21.1

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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44 minutes ago, Fren said:


Where at G-portal ?? Cause I can't find that option? 



Right now i have no server running. But i think it was at the general settings somewhere at the top, near the setting for map and such. They do have a great customer service, in the worst case just contact them and ask.

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