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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Does anyone know if a certain level of faction with traders is needed to purchase mastery levels? Trying to buy the mastery level with Rekt and though I have the 100k dukes in my inventory for it, it's not showing up as an option to purchase the new skill. Is there a faction level I need with him?

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1 hour ago, Likasil said:

Does anyone know if a certain level of faction with traders is needed to purchase mastery levels? Trying to buy the mastery level with Rekt and though I have the 100k dukes in my inventory for it, it's not showing up as an option to purchase the new skill. Is there a faction level I need with him?


30 or 35... dont remember which off the top of my head.


15 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

BTW, I've got one strange question... Where can I get some headlights?

In vanilla, you could get them by wrenching cars, but for the life of me I can't find/get one in DF.

I can't even find anywhere a hint as to where they could be... anyone can help?

Wrench cars. 😛

Don't use power attack.

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There seem to be a bug with the wandering trader, whenever he appear I started to get non-stop the errors: FieldAccessException: Field 'EAIApproachAndAttackTarget:entityTarget' is inaccessible from method 'EAIApproachAndAttackSDX:CanExecute ()'


If I manage to kill him the errors stop.

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15 hours ago, KhaineGB said:


There's probably gonna be a new version soonish.



1) You do realise you can ONLY craft weapons from the parts, right? It's supposed to be as close to the A16 system as possible.

2) Yes it does get a bonus from pummel pete...

Stun Baton


		<item name="meleeWpnBatonT2StunBaton">
			<property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,light,perkFlurryOfBlows,weapon,meleeWeapon,attIntellect,perkElectrocutioner,shockbaton,canHaveCosmetic,blunt,1HandBlunt,weaponCrafting,noBlades"/>

Pummel Pete.


			<perk name="perkPummelPete" parent="skillBlunt" name_key="perkPummelPeteName" desc_key="perkPummelPeteDesc" base_skill_point_cost="1" min_level="0" max_level="5" icon="ui_game_symbol_stunned">
				<level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="1" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons1"/></level_requirements>
				<level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="10" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons10"/></level_requirements>
				<level_requirements level="3"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="20" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons20"/></level_requirements>
				<level_requirements level="4"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="40" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons40"/></level_requirements>
				<level_requirements level="5"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkASBlunt" operation="GTE" value="60" desc_key="reqBluntWeapons60"/></level_requirements>

					<requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="blunt"/>


3) We don't need to make things more complicated, and quite a few players like the anti-rad since it means you don't need to rely on finding hazmat/making hazmat mods.


4) I'm not messing with this. It's literally using the in-game food system, and there's a FOOD BAR on the UI. If your mates can't keep an eye on their food bar, that's their problem.


5) This is how it works in vanilla, so it's not getting tweaked.


6) If I make them tougher to make, people won't be able to actually make them when they're needed. I MAY look at this, but right now i'm not planning to change it (at least for blessed metal). What you're basically saying is "Hey, add thing to this you need to fight demons for, even though you need this to fight demons". You do see how that would be a problem, right?


7) It's not intended for you to eat. You just can if you need to. It's intended to be used in other recipes. It's also NOT locked to any kind of class or recipe which is why the food is low.


8 - That's the point. If they're too hard to break, you just end up with constantly spawning stuff that can't be dealt with (This was playtested extensively and the current version was settled on)


9) Or you can just let it air dry, which is what the more expensive recipe is supposed to represent.


Thanks for acknowledging   : )


Just an addition to 1.


Yes, you need the parts to craft the weapon, but when you found a lathe- not really, because when you unlocked the weapon crafting, you can also immediately craft all the parts from steel.

So when you are lucky to find a lathe early- it makes finding the right weapon parts a bit unnecessary. It just saves up on resources.

And that situation exactly prevents the old A16 feeling of looking for the right weapon parts to finally be able to craft your gun.


So having the specific gun crafting splitted up into assembling the gun and part crafting, it maintains the A16 situation of searching for gun parts, until you reached the level cap for unlocking part crafting (and is not relying on the random chance of finding the lathe, which is also capable of creating frustration when you just don´t loot it - having a level cap for ultimately using the lathe gives you more time to find it)

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9 minutes ago, Squall94 said:

So when you are lucky to find a lathe early- it makes finding the right weapon parts a bit unnecessary. It just saves up on resources.

And that situation exactly prevents the old A16 feeling of looking for the right weapon parts to finally be able to craft your gun.

You also need the Crucible and Big Forge to craft Steel Ingots to crat the parts... so, it's actually already multi-gated IMO.

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On 8/3/2021 at 5:16 AM, KhaineGB said:

Many thanks for that. Although maybe I should be cursing you? I seem to have been infected with the "fiddling around with xml to patch other peoples mods bug".

During this time of personal FAWXTPOPM sickness I am currently trying to extend your rocks to make bundles of things.

It seems so straight forward, copy and change a few words right? But I cannot get a listing when I enter stac in the personal crafting/inventory area.

I know its not your mod, but I have posted the code I am trying to get to work over here:

Would you be kind and take a peek to see if I am also suffering from some form of potato sickness?


Edited by Apaseall
removed double post (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Try searching for your new items by code name, not localization name.

So resourceEssenceFireBundle instead of Fire Essence Bundle.

Narrows down if it's a bad item or bad localization. You can do the same in creative.

Hmm, not sure how to put this without @%$#ing you off, erm, you did read the code right? not just see the titles of the files I appended to?

Why do I say that, well...

<!-- Patch to Sorcerer and SorceryCompatibilityDF mods -->
  	<!-- ALL: resourceEssence increase stack size from 5000 to 6000 -->
	<set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name, 'resourceEssence') and not(contains(@name, 'Bundle'))]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">6000</set>

	<append xpath="/items" >
		<item name="resourceEssenceFireBundle">
			<property name="Extends" value="resourceRockSmallBundle"/>
			<property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceEssenceFire"/>
			<property class="Action0">
				<property name="Create_item" value="resourceEssenceFire"/>
				<property name="Create_item_count" value="6000"/>


<!-- Patch to Sorcerer and SorceryCompatibilityDF mods -->
	<!-- ALL: resourceEssence allow stacks to be made -->
	<append xpath="/recipes">
		<recipe name="resourceEssenceFireBundle" count="1" craft_time="10" craft_exp_gain="0">
			<ingredient name="resourceEssenceFire" count="6000"/>

Those are snippets from the post.

I'll be taking a second look at this later today, since I seem to be learning daily new things about how xml is used with 7D2D.


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3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Yes I did.

Did you read what I said? Search for the NAME OF THE ITEM IN THE CODE, not the localization, when you are IN GAME.

I think that is where I glossed over what you wrote. You see in game I am not searching for the item at all. What I am searching for is 'stac'.

Why? Well when I enter 'stac' it shows me all the stacks of things that I can turn into bundles. Even the ones that I cannot do yet, they appear as locked.

That is my desire, to type 'stac' and see the bundles I can make of essence's. I desire to see them along with the other things that I can craft into bundles without any help from say a workbench etc.

You just dug up some titanium and we lied to about a tower, see I have caught up :)

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Yeah, that's why i'm saying to specifically search for the items code name, not it's localized name.

Because if it shows up with that, it means your localization is wrong. If it doesn't show in recipes but it DOES show in creative, it means the recipe is wrong...

That's how I test new items. ;)

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10 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Yeah, that's why i'm saying to specifically search for the items code name, not it's localized name.

Because if it shows up with that, it means your localization is wrong. If it doesn't show in recipes but it DOES show in creative, it means the recipe is wrong...

That's how I test new items. ;)

Well @%$# me sideways, resourceess brings up the little @%$#s. So its off to localization land to get it to show up as stack, ta very muchly.

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Happy, happy chappy here. It verks I tell you, it verks.

Missing <property name="DescriptionKey" in items and missing "Stack of " in localization.


So that's me successfully fiddled with Darkness Falls - added longshaft back to pickaxe, added properties of knives to spears (hunting), increased slightly damage done/rate of fire of spears, possibly added back in jail bars (tbd), Sorcery - stacks and modslot stuff, bdubyas - new bike, using existing prefab/assetbundle, MeanCloud's Mining - copper n zinc to brass in all forges, plus removed the auto-miner (sort of), Ghillie suits as a mod rather than clothing.

Yay, now to see if I can stop messing around and actually play the game for a bit?

Thanks for your help man.

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I have a save game question.  I have been playing the wandering horde version of DF which is a ton of fun but i have lost my last few DF games to various corruptions so i thought i would be smart and make sure to copy my save folder over to a different location after each session to make sure i don't lose the whole thing.  So i make a shortcut to the save game folder for 7daystodie in which my new game has a folder in it and i copy that folder religiously and paste the whole folder in a separate location.  Today i am farming notes and xp in the bunker and i get a fieldaccessviolation error that spams my screen in red and i cant get out, restarting doesnt help.  So i log out copy my game folder from the backup folder paste it back into the saved game folder to overwrite the corrupted game and instead of going back a few hours i end up with a completely new game on the same map named the same.  Any idea what i did wrong?

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