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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Downloaded and installed the new version of your mod after the 19.6 patch and once I load into the game I get so many errors and things popping up that I have to force close the game. The output log was too large to post to pastebin, so I uploaded it to zippyshare instead. Any help would be appreciated as I'd hate to have to start over on Day 100. Thanks for the great mod, KhaineGB.



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Posted this in my discord earlier.

Just done some further testing on my youtube series save.


A19.6b7 - Works fine.
A19.6b8 - Won't even load.


Why won't it load? Power. So I went into b7, picked up ALL my power stuff (generator, switches, fence posts) and then tried to load b8...


...which got me into game...


And reset my character.


I 100% know I haven't changed anything that could break saves, which means this is on TFP's end. Therefore, you WILL NEED A NEW SAVE going to 19.6. This is unavoidable.

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Just wanted to point out a very small nuisance about "Corn on the Cob".

I think it should be balanced since you put into it 1 Corn and 1 Bottle of Water and you get back just 5 food??

I mean, CotC is juicy, it should give at least 5 food and 2/3 water, maybe even more water IMO.

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2 hours ago, Lumpus said:

Stupid question... since I'm starting a new game for 3.6, does your Romero mod work with DF or is it pick one or the other?

One or the other. There is a modlet to make the wandering hordes similar to romero though.


20 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

Just wanted to point out a very small nuisance about "Corn on the Cob".

I think it should be balanced since you put into it 1 Corn and 1 Bottle of Water and you get back just 5 food??

I mean, CotC is juicy, it should give at least 5 food and 2/3 water, maybe even more water IMO.

It's also super easy to make. I tend to keep non-locked food low on the stats for that reason.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

It's also super easy to make. I tend to keep non-locked food low on the stats for that reason.

Yeah, I understand the logic behind it, but in this case we're wasting ONE bottle of water (early game) to get 5 food when you have baked potatoes... IMO that recipe will never be used again after one finds out.


I had this very situation where I was thirsty and had a few bottles of water but I was also hungry.

So I told myself: "What the heck! Let's make some Corn on The Cob... it'll surely be a mix of food and water!" ... The rest is history :pout:

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2021-07-31T10:24:01 205.231 INF StartAsServer
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - All passes removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
ERROR: Shader Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Nature/Terrain/Utilities' - Setting to default shader.
2021-07-31T10:24:01 205.683 INF Set Microsplat diffuse: MicroSplatConfig_diff_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2021-07-31T10:24:01 205.683 INF Set Microsplat normals: MicroSplatConfig_normal_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2021-07-31T10:24:01 205.683 INF Set Microsplat smooth:  MicroSplatConfig_smoothAO_tarray_1 (UnityEngine.Texture2DArray)
2021-07-31T10:24:02 206.591 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed
2021-07-31T10:24:02 206.592 EXC Class 'BlockPlantGrowingWithWater, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore' not found on block cropsGrowingMaster!
Exception: Class 'BlockPlantGrowingWithWater, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore' not found on block cropsGrowingMaster!
  at BlocksFromXml+<CreateBlocks>d__0.MoveNext () [0x002a6] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: <4b1a8c809f0943a384283687c21422f8> Line: 0)

2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.095 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionExecuteConsoleCommand, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.100 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.100 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.101 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.101 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.101 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.102 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.102 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.103 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.103 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.103 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.104 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.104 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.106 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.106 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.106 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.107 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.107 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.108 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.108 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.108 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.109 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.109 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.110 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.110 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.110 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.111 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.111 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.112 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.112 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.112 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.113 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.113 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.113 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.114 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionCreateItemSDX, Mods
2021-07-31T10:24:03 207.114 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionModifySkillSDX, Mods

updating DF from 3.5 to 3.6. I cannot get this mod to load. I  have deleted my 7d2die folder and re downloaded it, twice. I confirmed vanilla loads and works as normal. here is my crash dump.   https://www6.zippyshare.com/v/eVKdXtgD/file.html.  The game loads but when trying to load any map, (DF medium 1 etc.), i have to force quit 7d2die. any help would be appreciated. 




paste bin says its too large  hum  sec  Here is a snippit.  what log file  do you need  crash.dmp, error.log, or output_log?



Edited by Medwise
bad link (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Given that there's a LOT of custom code not loading there, you didn't properly replace the main assembly_csharp.dll file.

Sorry yes, I'm an idiot,  last night I was way tired, after work, and was updating my server at the same time. I somehow confused 3.5 client with 3.6. thanks for your help.

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On 7/30/2021 at 2:55 PM, KhaineGB said:

Posted this in my discord earlier.

Just done some further testing on my youtube series save.


A19.6b7 - Works fine.
A19.6b8 - Won't even load.


Why won't it load? Power. So I went into b7, picked up ALL my power stuff (generator, switches, fence posts) and then tried to load b8...


...which got me into game...


And reset my character.


I 100% know I haven't changed anything that could break saves, which means this is on TFP's end. Therefore, you WILL NEED A NEW SAVE going to 19.6. This is unavoidable.


Oof. I'm sorry, man. That's harsh, but it's not on you.


Thanks for keeping this mod going even with setbacks like that. I really enjoy playing it!

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Is it my imagination, or does the small backpack not do anything? I have all 5 levels of Pack Mule unlocked, and I just crafted and used the small backpack. Prior to using it, I verified exactly how many encumbered slots there were. Then after I used the small backpack, I closed and re-opened my inventory, and the same number of encumbered slots are there. Did I do something wrong? Does the small backpack need to be used from the toolbar, even though it doesn't mention that in the item text, or does it not do anything when a certain number of points are already put into Pack Mule?

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1 minute ago, Steve78 said:

Is it my imagination, or does the small backpack not do anything? I have all 5 levels of Pack Mule unlocked, and I just crafted and used the small backpack. Prior to using it, I verified exactly how many encumbered slots there were. Then after I used the small backpack, I closed and re-opened my inventory, and the same number of encumbered slots are there. Did I do something wrong? Does the small backpack need to be used from the toolbar, even though it doesn't mention that in the item text, or does it not do anything when a certain number of points are already put into Pack Mule?

I think the small backpack is the one we start the game with. You would want to use the larger backpacks to increase unencumbered carrying capacity.

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Just now, Catfish Calhoun said:

I think the small backpack is the one we start the game with. You would want to use the larger backpacks to increase unencumbered carrying capacity.

Is it? OK, odd that it's able to be crafted then...I guess it's maybe there in case if you die before using it or something. Thanks for the info.

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37 minutes ago, Steve78 said:

Is it my imagination, or does the small backpack not do anything? I have all 5 levels of Pack Mule unlocked, and I just crafted and used the small backpack. Prior to using it, I verified exactly how many encumbered slots there were. Then after I used the small backpack, I closed and re-opened my inventory, and the same number of encumbered slots are there. Did I do something wrong? Does the small backpack need to be used from the toolbar, even though it doesn't mention that in the item text, or does it not do anything when a certain number of points are already put into Pack Mule?

It doesn't. It's the one you start the game with.

Originally you used to equip your backpack like any other item, and drop it on death. So I left that in so the player could make a new one in-case they couldn't get their bag back.

I should probably remove it tbh. (the recipe that is)

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

It doesn't. It's the one you start the game with.

Originally you used to equip your backpack like any other item, and drop it on death. So I left that in so the player could make a new one in-case they couldn't get their bag back.

I should probably remove it tbh. (the recipe that is)

You can set the game to lose everything on death, so IMO it probably doesn't hurt to leave it in. Maybe just make an addition to the item text saying that it's the same backpack you get when starting the game? I mean, it's cheap as hell, so making a 2nd one accidentally isn't a bad thing, it just may prevent some confusion.


But regardless, thanks for confirming!

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15 minutes ago, Steve78 said:

You can set the game to lose everything on death, so IMO it probably doesn't hurt to leave it in. Maybe just make an addition to the item text saying that it's the same backpack you get when starting the game? I mean, it's cheap as hell, so making a 2nd one accidentally isn't a bad thing, it just may prevent some confusion.


But regardless, thanks for confirming!

It's a buff now, so you wont lose it on death.

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Just wanted to re-state that your mod has enabled me to put almost as much time into 7D2D, as i have into skyrim. I can't see myself going back to vanilla if i have a choice, so again ty for a wonderful upgrade (imo) to the game. 


Still sadpanda that we won't ever get succubus pets :(


Though on a related note, i heard that you can hire guards for your home/base? I've played semi-deeply into the mod (days wise) a cple times now, and i have yet to find how to do that. Is that feature still in the game, or was it removed awhile ago? Also, is it possible for your mod to make the area covered by the land-claim blocks bigger? A cple of the houses that i liked living in were a bit too big for the block to cover, and i'd always end up with a part of the front or back yard/property not claimed.


And finally.. i have yet to get so far into the mod that the succubus shows up on horde nights, but i do know that their regen can only be (temp) stopped by laser weaponry. Is it possible for you to add laser auto-turrets to the game to cover that eventuality? (would not mind in the least if you made them reasonably resource intensive to craft)

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