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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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Probably a stupid question and I'm sorry if these was mentioned in the 160 somewhat pages... How do I carry a save game from Experimental to Stable? The other day some friends and I downloaded and used the mod launcher for the first time then installed the Experimental DF to play on 17.3. Really don't want to have to start over on Stable, but I can't figure out how to transfer my saved game from Experimental to Stable...

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Going to be honest, that I'm not sure on. I know the mod launcher will organise saves for you on a per mod basis... so I ASSUME you can just copy it from one folder to the other.


But since I don't use the mod launcher myself, I'm just taking an educated guess. :) Hopefully someone more experienced will know how to do it.

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Going to be honest, that I'm not sure on. I know the mod launcher will organise saves for you on a per mod basis... so I ASSUME you can just copy it from one folder to the other.


But since I don't use the mod launcher myself, I'm just taking an educated guess. :) Hopefully someone more experienced will know how to do it.


I actually found the save folder location shortly after posting that and loaded it up just fine. It was in the original 7DaysToDie folder instead of the copy made by the ModLauncher. :smile-new:


Thank you though for the response and an even bigger THANK YOU for this mod. My friends and I absolutely love it, and I don't think we will be going back to Vanilla anytime soon.

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Perkalator | Skills and Perks Calculator for Darkness Falls





Wondering how best to spend your skill points? want to experiment with different skill builds without wasting all your points in-game?


Perkalator: The Skills and Perks Calculator for 7 Days to Die fully supports Darkness Falls and includes v2.1 and v2.04 for Alpha 17 (and v1.8.4 for Alpha 16)


Plan you builds today, and maybe share with the community what you think the better builds are for starters, or for the long-game.


(https://perkalator.co.uk/src/Darkness-Falls) will take you into v2.1, but you can select any other modded source in "Settings > XML Sources"


See the full release info here: (https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?117806-Perkalator-The-Perks-and-Skills-Calculator-for-Modded-and-Vanilla-7-Days-to-Die) including a link to the public discord server

Edited by phoenix2004uk (see edit history)
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Hello! After updating to 17.3 and updating through the mod launcher, my friends and I started a new save game but when we loaded in any of the worlds (DarknessFalls Medium/Small, and one of the valleys) we saw no terrain generation or any entities other than our hands and inventory. https://imgur.com/AsZDsCn This is basically what we saw. Any insight to what's going on, or how we can fix it?

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Yep. This happened in 17.2 as well.


Delete the game completely, then delete the mod completely as well. Redownload both and test in single player to make sure it works, then you should be good to go.


Absolutely NO idea which of the two is at fault, but something goes wrong in the update process. :)

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Not sure if this is an A17.3 or DF issue, but I was just able to wrench an oven down in a trader and it either respawned instantly or incorrectly restored durability back to 100% (hard to tell which), letting you wrench it down infinitely.


Not hurting my game any (I avoid using exploits since there's no fun in that), but thought I'd report it here.

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Just a little clarification: is there a difference between the Experimental and the Stable versions? Like...do I NEED the stable to get all of what's in the patch notes or are those ALSO in the Experimental? I mean...it's no issue for me as I can roll the stable but just wondering.

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Yep. This happened in 17.2 as well.


Delete the game completely, then delete the mod completely as well. Redownload both and test in single player to make sure it works, then you should be good to go.


Absolutely NO idea which of the two is at fault, but something goes wrong in the update process. :)


Thanks so much for your help! :smile-new:

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Just a little clarification: is there a difference between the Experimental and the Stable versions? Like...do I NEED the stable to get all of what's in the patch notes or are those ALSO in the Experimental? I mean...it's no issue for me as I can roll the stable but just wondering.


Stable has a couple of extra minor tweaks over experimental.


Mostly localization fixes and a couple of missing icons. I'd use stable over experimental at this point. :)

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In the rwgmixer.xml file we now have the following line:


<property name="biomemap1.Name" value="wasteland_hub"/> <property name="biomemap1.Range" value="-1,0.10"/>


what's it for?


on all the servers I've ever modified for this:


<property name="biomemap1.Name" value="wasteland"/> <property name="biomemap1.Range" value="0.97,1"/>

<property name="biomemap4.Name" value="burnt_forest"/> <property name="biomemap4.Range" value="0.95,0.97"/>

<property name="biomemap0.Name" value="desert"/> <property name="biomemap0.Range" value="0.90,0.95"/>

<property name="biomemap3.Name" value="snow"/> <property name="biomemap3.Range" value="0.85,0.90"/>

<property name="biomemap2.Name" value="pine_forest"/> <property name="biomemap2.Range" value="0.0,0.85"/>



but now in this version V2.1 the server does not generate the map with this change...


2019-05-18T10:57:25 545.207 INF WorldGenerator:Exporting Generated Data: Writing Biome data to file 88%

2019-05-18T10:57:27 547.207 INF WorldGenerator:Exporting Generated Data: Writing Biome data to file 91%

2019-05-18T10:57:29 549.207 INF WorldGenerator:Exporting Generated Data: Writing Biome data to file 94%

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at WorldGenerationEngine.GenerationManager+<ExportGeneratedWorldData>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0









(Filename: Line: -1)



What can I do?


Thank you

Edited by jetta (see edit history)
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That line is to generate the new radiated biome at the edge of the map.


It LOOKS like the issue is that your pine_forest is starting at the same range as wasteland_hub, so try 0.1,0.85 instead of 0.0,0.85


EDIT: Also you're overlapping biomemap1... wasteland and wasteland_hub are both using it.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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Great mod! I'm somewhat new to mods, but started using the mod launcher yesterday and found it way easier. So it's awesome that this mod is on it! However, I have a question. I've played with it a bit yesterday and this morning, but each time, some of the textures are blurry, like they aren't loaded in properly? For instance, some cars, some of the weapons/tools, crates, abandoned backpacks in the world. I've played with my quality settings, but it doesn't fix it. And it's only some of the textures. Most of them look fine. And the zombies look AMAZING. Any ideas? Or is that just something that hasn't been fixed with the mod yet?


Edit: Also, I can't get the HDHQ textures to work at all with it. That's probably something I'm not doing correctly though.

Edited by witchqueen (see edit history)
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Go into your video settings and turn OFF texture streaming.


I have absolutely no idea why, but 7DTD likes to randomly turn it on. I think it just likes breaking our brains tbh. :)


No idea on HDHQ. Haven't used it myself.

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Not sure if this is an A17.3 or DF issue, but I was just able to wrench an oven down in a trader and it either respawned instantly or incorrectly restored durability back to 100% (hard to tell which), letting you wrench it down infinitely.


Not hurting my game any (I avoid using exploits since there's no fun in that), but thought I'd report it here.


I found same example with cactus planted outside 2 wooden houses POI. I was collecting yucca and other plants around the houses on the first day and every time i came around the house I found the cactus I "missed" :D

Every time it got chopped down it just popped back ( basically it doesn't disappear ). I remember there were similar problem with some trees back in 16.4 on server.

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Hi KhaineGB I wanna thank you again for such an awesome mod! I know you get told that a lot but damn it man it's hella good!!!!! TFP need to hire you for real! Anyway, thank you for answering my question and even going beyond to give me a pointer on how to get better fps. It's definitely MUCH appreciated!!! I am having the same problem as someone posted yesterday I believe. I only see hands and inventory. You said to delete the mod and game completely. I know what to do with deleting the mod and download it again. The game though, do I delete it from Steam and download it again there? May be a very stupid question but I'm HORRIBLE at this computer stuff (anything with computers except typing lol) so I just want to make sure I don't mess up.


Thank you again for all the help and hard work!

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