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Prefabs and News from TopMinder(Tom)


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That wheelchair... hahaha... that cracks me up


rofl :)


I love that wheelchair - fits perfectly to the scene :)



And i also love what u did with the ManorMansion - Nice painting everywhere.

U also repaired all the windows - that decreases the apocalyptic touch a little bit - but so what :)


However - I will use ur new versions in the next Release


Thank you for your work TopMinder

rockon buddy

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yes the windows, i know. But i changed all windows with the block window2.

You can damage this window but only the glas is away, not broken.

So with glas it looks a little bit dirty, without glas it looks like clean, so i decide

to let it with glas. All other things on this building has been perfect before.

Next time i will try to build one of my buildings destroyed. Don´t know how and what it looks like then.

But learning by doing... Actual i am building on our server a new housedesign, looks good i think.

If you think broken glas is really better i will change it and give you another download.

(Noch habe ich Urlaub)

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Hello all

I have reworked my Hostel to be more in a postapocalyptic world.

The windows are broken and the entrances are barricaded.

All the inhabitants fighted against the zombies but lost.

All the Zombies floated into the Hostel. If you want to

get the speacial Loot (The inhabitants have hided it)

fight a hard war against the zombies.

I have inserted a little bit more decoration,

on the outside i have used the terrainfiller with topsoildecoration

add one more secret lootroom, and make two special Sleepervolumes

guarded this room.

Have Fun




Download Link and more Pics see in the Opening Post

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Thx stallionsden,

also i have made another update for it.

The idea came when seeing the picture in the Opening Post.

A caraccident requires an ambulance ^^

I have edited the density of the surrounding blocks

and add some Deco for Office and Bookstore.








sry, but i must change it, i hope you understand.

this is the last update for today, i swear :D

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Thx stallionsden,

also i have made another update for it.

The idea came when seeing the picture in the Opening Post.

A caraccident requires an ambulance ^^

I have edited the density of the surrounding blocks

and add some Deco for Office and Bookstore.








sry, but i must change it, i hope you understand.

this is the last update for today, i swear :D


Oh stop it lol now your just showing off........

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That is what i have done. The difficult thing was the density of the surrounding blocks.

I have 5 hours spend this morning with finding nothing out ^^. The first Block i have

insert density -93 and the second block row gets dirt on its surface. I have tried

every possibility with the editor but ever comes the same dirt. When setting woodframes

on complete every block in first and second row, and then saving with bc again

the problem was fixed. I think the air blocks above the concrete blocks were the

problem. After this long time only get this result was frustrating, so that i can´t

insert any deco outside, this must come with the next update of this prefab.

(I don´t know why this problem happened. The other Prefabs were correct)

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