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Why are the pimps no longer going to implement the Behemoth?


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I don't know what people have against making the end game more difficult. I'm sure if you're that bad at the game they'd make it so you could turn it off in the options. As it currently stands the PVE threat in this game is really weak, there really needs to be something added to spice it up a bit. All you need to do is climb a building and put down some spikes around it and you're safe for the first 3-4 hordes. Where is the fun in that? I'm guessing a lot of the people saying its "retarded" are PVP players that dont care about the PVE enemies.


I'd be happy to pay for some extra content though if they ever do decide to add it after the game is released. Maybe a 'prepare to die' edition with some cool new enemies and weapons that make PVE a real challenge.

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Well, that sound like an ignorant post.


It's not that people don't want more difficult end game content. They just wouldn't like it to be giant from a fairytale. There are more coherent ways to deliver the difficulty.


You could make the game harder with upcoming buff system. For example, you would have to melee attack a military zombie with a club to remove the helmet before you would do any regular headshot damage. It would make sense that there would be military zombies around and that their armor would add protection to body parts. Why and where would the behemoth come from though?


Hopefully we get AI updates also at some point.

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How is it ignorant? People are always complaining about tfp making the game harder, when all they have to do is change the settings to easy mode instead of complaining.


Also not sure what you mean about fairytales, large zombies have been in all sorts of zombies games, Resident Evil, left 4 dead and Dying Light to name a few off the top off the top of my head. I think they gave a bad first impression when they mentioned aliens, but there's no reason the larger zombies couldn't be a biological weapon gone wrong that ties in with the lore they have started with the pharmaceutical tower.


I mentioned it before, but i think it would be really cool if at the top of the tower there was a really big containment tank with the glass broken and blood all over the place to suggest there was a big threat out there. It would create a lot of tension wondering when this enemy might attack you and you'd have a reason to build a really strong base with loads of turrets etc. At the moment its pointless putting any energy into building a decent base for pve.


The buffed zombies would be a step in the right direction, but how does that stop you climbing a building and being completely safe for the rest of the game?

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  • 2 months later...
I think all of this would be solved if they just implemented the Workshop on Steam. Let your players create content for the game and let us pick and choose what we want in it.


If they did that at this stage of development it would cause more problems, more frustration, more confusion, and more hatred than any one behemoth could ever have inflicted.


Imagine 300+ workshop prefabs, items, entities, texture packs, etc that no longer work after A17 drops. You think every workshop author is going to go back to update? All it takes is one guy to click on a workshop item to add to his game and have it wreck his save and there is a bad review.



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If they did that at this stage of development it would cause more problems, more frustration, more confusion, and more hatred than any one behemoth could ever have inflicted.


Imagine 300+ workshop prefabs, items, entities, texture packs, etc that no longer work after A17 drops. You think every workshop author is going to go back to update? All it takes is one guy to click on a workshop item to add to his game and have it wreck his save and there is a bad review.




Yep, heck Fallout 4 updated 3 weeks ago and I couldn't play my save for 3 weeks until all the mods I used were updated to work with the new build.

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If we implement stuff like that it would be nice with a server toggle allowed to toggle between classic zombies and classic + special zombies.


As Brian said, you can edit the XML files to do that already. Check out entitygroups.xml for the lists of zombies and spawning.xml to figure out where those lists are used.

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I think all of this would be solved if they just implemented the Workshop on Steam. Let your players create content for the game and let us pick and choose what we want in it.


What's stopping anyone from already doing this?


We have mod support.


If they did that at this stage of development it would cause more problems, more frustration, more confusion, and more hatred than any one behemoth could ever have inflicted.


Imagine 300+ workshop prefabs, items, entities, texture packs, etc that no longer work after A17 drops. You think every workshop author is going to go back to update? All it takes is one guy to click on a workshop item to add to his game and have it wreck his save and there is a bad review.




The Steam Workshop kind of sucks, it's always a mess in my experience. There's always something with the Steam Workshop; regardless whether you're just installing mods or distributing them.

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Seems a lot of people really hate the behemoth :p


For one, I dislike the radiated feral cop a lot more, bullet sponge with the large hitpoints, healing, and when it blows it takes down chunks of your base, and even things behind blocks due to how the explosion ignores certain blocks.


Gimme a behemoth any day, at least it would be easy to spot, shoot, and no explosion damage -inside- my base :)


/V -

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Your guys close to getting mecanim working?


Not as of yet. Admittedly I have not dabble all that much as i could be with it. Our glowy, round friend has it working i believe though. But you need the secret passcode and shouting "Open Sesame" doesn't work the way it used to without showing some leg ;)


I was lucky enough to have bought an asset with the perfect jump anim on it.

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behemoth would've been (bullet sponge)^2


Having a high HP boss doesn't necessarily mean it's a bullet sponge in my view, if you balance it appropriately. Ie, melee attacks from behind do 5x damage. Or fire damage does double while slowing him down... etc.etc. High HP from normal attacks with vulnerabilities of certain kids that fit in adds more depth, compared to just having high hp (like radiated feral cop vs normal cop).


While cops take 2x damage from explosions, it's far too easy to have an explosion trigger his explosion animation, and by the time you reload and shoot again he's already exploded. And the radiated one is just a buffed up bullet sponge version of the cop :p

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if you saw Joels Videos of a16 preview, they already had a working system of zipplines and it looked totally awesome. i was pretty disappointed that it didnt get to the release because it would fit perfect to my buildingtype =(


The problem from those Demos is that they work for what they are intended to work. Showing players possible future developments. Aside from that, if everything would have worked out, it would have been implemented. That it wasn't implemented just means that problems occured which halted the development, whatever problems those are. Either the effort was underestimated and the implementation long way from being finished; or there were other projects way more important than a new feature. Or maybe this implementation had balancing issues, or it was interfering with other functions. Anyway, I dont know since I am not involved in this project.


Yesterday, I also wanted to put an update out for a customer for sales department, but couldn't because I realized I had to change basically the whole program for doing what would have been necessary. From a simple "Program doesn't work like intended", it came out, after a couple of days analyzing what could have went wrong, that there were two separated problems, one that there was no proper entry in the Access Control List responsible for Database - Internet - Connection, the other that an object library hasn't been implemented into the database with the right version, meaning that we would have to analyze first, which packages have to be updated as well, and to what extent this would also affect the whole program.

Instead of a few days, this issue now became work for almost half a year literally for a whole department. Most likely it will be dropped because we would just use the older version of this program where those changes weren't made.

I know this story sounds frustrating, but that's just what real programming is like. Two steps forward, one step backwards. And I think that is the very same problem with 7 Days To Die and TFP as well.

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It seems that most people disliked the behemoth and your arguments are convincing me that this wet dream of mine may not have been as good of an idea as I once thought it was. Now that I think about it I too would much rather have an endgame challenge from bandits and mutated zombies instead of a butt naked titan that could wreck your base in 2 shots.

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Having a high HP boss doesn't necessarily mean it's a bullet sponge in my view, if you balance it appropriately. Ie, melee attacks from behind do 5x damage. Or fire damage does double while slowing him down... etc.etc. High HP from normal attacks with vulnerabilities of certain kids that fit in adds more depth, compared to just having high hp (like radiated feral cop vs normal cop).


While cops take 2x damage from explosions, it's far too easy to have an explosion trigger his explosion animation, and by the time you reload and shoot again he's already exploded. And the radiated one is just a buffed up bullet sponge version of the cop :p

You need to use the right way to kill them.Use a gun to lower hp and an explosion to kill thrm.I find exploding crossbow bolts cheap, fun and easy to use:P

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That's exactly what they want. I'm sure they are in the process of changing their name to The Boredom Pimps at this very moment.


I just love your sarcasm, haha.


I disagree. The game could use some boss zombies to prolong end game...


I think that having bosses to fight would be a cool thing... expecially if they gave you good rewards and if they were connected to quests..


My thoughts exactly.

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  • 2 months later...

I thought the Behemoth zombie was a good idea, or at least some iteration of one. There is basically no single zombie that makes you "afraid", afraid for your base and for your life, no matter what level you are. THIS was what I was waiting for. A large enemy to fight that would give awesome drops and awesome xp gain! Hopefully they add him OR some iteration of him in in the future as well as more varied types of zombies. Much needed I think.

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I thought the Behemoth zombie was a good idea, or at least some iteration of one. There is basically no single zombie that makes you "afraid", afraid for your base and for your life, no matter what level you are. THIS was what I was waiting for. A large enemy to fight that would give awesome drops and awesome xp gain! Hopefully they add him OR some iteration of him in in the future as well as more varied types of zombies. Much needed I think.


A17 will bring "mini-bosses" on few dungeons, this makes more sense than a giant beast...

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