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Landmines - game making or game breaking??


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So I want to open this up for discussion. Do my fellow survivors agree with the increasing amount of landmines being put into the game? I just watched a youtube from Joel on the new houses for Alpha 17 on PC and I personally felt disappointed to see a landmine in one of the new houses (which Joel himself failed to spot and pointed out 'thank goodness i'm invincible').


I LOVE aspects of this game, but I HATE the increasing use of landmines. They kill me more often than zombies nowadays. I don't think the wasteland should have random mines at all.


My reasoning is largely based around what i will call 'skillful surviving' and random mines detract from that considerably. In my last map I survived for ~35 days with no deaths. I earned the right to go exploring the wasteland (good armour, healthkits ready, barbed wire for the dogs) and lo and behold, landmine gets me while i fight off a dog. This to me is not an acceptable way for my long life to end.


I would propose landmines to either be player placeable only or to only appear in 'visible' land mine zones rather than anywhere in the wasteland, where they are extremely difficult to see given all the weird black bits in the wasteland earth texture!


I welcome others input but from me its a NO to random landmines in the wasteland and a NO to landmines in future POIs.


I hope the devs see this and consider my points.

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Yeah I lost Duke coins and a pistol running through the wasteland. Trying to get to trading post for the first time on my new map. Then my buddy tried to recover my backpack but he had a broken leg and dogs got him. So most likely I wont even bother with waste land.

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- - - Updated - - -


Yeah I lost Duke coins and a pistol running through the wasteland. Trying to get to trading post for the first time on my new map. Then my buddy tried to recover my backpack but he had a broken leg and dogs got him. So most likely I wont even bother with waste land.


That is exactly my problem... I didn't bother with the wasteland for like 30 days until I was as prepared as I could be and yet... 'Boom' random landmine :(

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First time for me seeing land mines in action. I'm use to a old patch on XBOX1. Getting use to the new land mines and big wolf packs of zombie hordes. Figured why not go exploring since my base kills all zombies on horde night since I got tons of spikes all over. Most are crawlers before they even get near my hotel. I got spikes zig-zagging around in long lines all over the place. Also got foxholes dug with spikes in. I don't use ladders. I use the box trick and have like three high so they cant climb up. Bit bummed out about the land mines. I wasn't worried about losing my pistol or coins. But lost my 6 jars of beer.

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Honestly for me it's hit and miss. I get it. They make the game harder and can make for some heart pumping moments when you die. But it just seems super unrealistic. I try to get immersed into my character and I pretend this is the zombie apocalypse. Where the heck does Madmole live that he thinks LITERALLY EVERYONE has landmines just kicking around to set up? I'm supposed to assume that a person literally set up landmines every 20 feet in a 4 square km area? I'm supposed to believe that every person in a neighborhood has landmines laying around to set up for when they leave?


It totally breaks the game for me. Since we got the landmines in the wasteland update I haven't really played that much. My random gen seed was like 60-70% wasteland and I had already put 50 something hours into it and didn't want to start over. And the wasteland just isn't worth the time. I have probably put 1000 hours into my ps4 version and another 1000 in my pc version, but the landmines everywhere have really ruined it for me. It made sense that an army camp has them. It doesn't make sense that they are in houses and an entire zone is covered with them.

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They are in the wasteland because of the war and such that broke out and it is what is left over. On pc I dies a few times but when it came to console I was already used to it and have yet to die by one. I know not everyone agrees with them being around like they are but they do have reasons for it. He explained the reasons before but not going to say because I don't remember all of it and could be wrong on saying something. Unfortunately for those that don't like it well it isn't going to change. It is just something they felt they wanted. Kinda like a high risk biome.


As far as his latest video he does this stuff all the time. Then make a funny comment behind it. He wants to show off so much stuff and tries to remember the things he wants to show and not pay attention to the environment. Nothing new, he is just showing things off not actually playing big difference. When they add the bandits in and story part of the game all this stuff will come together and fit in just right. So as it might not seem that way right now in time it will. Also by the time they add (if they are able to add) these updated houses to console bandits and such will be along with it.


My opinion is that in the long run when they are finished with everything and everything comes together it will be a game that takes time and not be all op in 20 to 50 days. I'm almost at day 80 in my game now on console and only died once. Normally I start a new game over because I play death is death most of the time but this one death was caused because I dropped in a cave beside the trader and because it was to close to it I couldn't dig or stack up to get out. Waited for the trader to close and hopes it teleport me out but it didn't and had to kill myself. So I decided not to count that as a death. Anyway for me adding all these risk are great for me it gives me a little more of a challenge to stay alive and maybe one day get to day 100 or something before I'm op. But that is my opinion.

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On the subject of mines, is it possible with enough armor and health points to survive stepping on a land mine?


I would be a lot more receptive to landmines if they didn't outright kill a full health player with full iron armour, but they can and do.


EDIT: I should also add, the armour smithing perk is a PITA to level up, even in the mid-late game. I've spent over an hour watching the workbench (in segments of course) as it makes iron armour and couldn't get my level past 20. Is there a better way to level it that I don't know of?

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I would be a lot more receptive to landmines if they didn't outright kill a full health player with full iron armour, but they can and do.


EDIT: I should also add, the armour smithing perk is a PITA to level up, even in the mid-late game. I've spent over an hour watching the workbench (in segments of course) as it makes iron armour and couldn't get my level past 20. Is there a better way to level it that I don't know of?


As of now until they make it where you can only read the book once just keep reading books.

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Between land mines and dogs I really don't bother with the wasteland anymore. The other night I was playing and had a treasure map quest in a snow biome on the edge of a wasteland. I drove all the way around the wasteland and through the snow biome. as I got close to the treasure I accidentally drove over the boarder (like literally on the boarder line) and boom dead by land mine because it was covered in snow.

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Wasteland I was at was like 121 degrees with basic clothes on. No way i'd be wearing body armor yet. I running round in tighty whities lately. Weather does change fast from desert heat to like a winter biome pretty fast where I'm at. Then lots of rain.


Are you in the forest area? Weather changes fast in that biome.

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The problem I have with them is they add nothing positive to the game and make it much less enjoyable to play. Maybe if the landmines could actually be seen and avoided as long as you were careful they'd be tolerable, but completely tossing player skill out the window and just randomly killing you is aggravating, not fun. I laugh it off when I die because I did something stupid like taking a pickaxe to a bear because I thought it was a rock or underestimate how many zombies are in a building I want to loot. Dying from being blown up by an invisible mine no matter how carefully I try to go through the wasteland is a hell of a lot less funny. The fact that many (maybe even most?) players just choose to avoid the wasteland entirely should tell them that even if they aren't going to remove the mines some sort of wasteland adjustment is needed.

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So let me get this straight...I wake up as the lone survivor of a hellscape infested with hordes of zombies and I am the one walking over land mines? Why haven't all of the zombies already found them all?


I have yet to enter the wasteland, so a mine hasn't gotten me yet, but if sure feels like a cheap way to make the game "harder". Made sense around the Army camp, since, y'know, the Army might have a stock of mines they would scatter around when the poop hit the fan. Scattered all around the wasteland, I don't really get it. Dogs & cops already make the wasteland a tougher place to explore. Invisible death warts on the ground are just kinda silly.

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So let me get this straight...I wake up as the lone survivor of a hellscape infested with hordes of zombies and I am the one walking over land mines? Why haven't all of the zombies already found them all?


I have yet to enter the wasteland, so a mine hasn't gotten me yet, but if sure feels like a cheap way to make the game "harder". Made sense around the Army camp, since, y'know, the Army might have a stock of mines they would scatter around when the poop hit the fan. Scattered all around the wasteland, I don't really get it. Dogs & cops already make the wasteland a tougher place to explore. Invisible death warts on the ground are just kinda silly.


You wake up as of now as a lone survivor. They are still working on the game and about to add colonies and bandits. The wasteland is where most of the hell broke out hints to why it is the wasteland. I don't remember the explanation but they did have one if you search for it. But regardless what it is you either like it or you don't so if you don't then no explanation is really good enough. The same post and threads was made when they first added them to pc. They pretty much stand by putting them in it and most likely not going to change. Maybe they will give options on console. If they do great I'm all for it but with that said I wouldn't get hopes up.

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We should be able to disarm the land mines and keep them or paint them.


I totally agree man. I hated it when they took out the option to pick them up.


I'm on the fence about this as well. On one hand, it is kinda cheap, they blend in so well with the environment & the wasteland is already pretty brutal with packs of dogs, cops, & now always running ferals.


On the other hand, like crazywildfire says, it's meant to be the hardest biome. The mines are just 1 more challenge.


I guess I'd vote to leave it. I'm a pretty high level right now, to the point where nothing phases me.....until I roll into the wasteland. I then suddenly feel super vulnerable & watch my back as well as every step.


Damselx1 has the best idea. Have it as a toggable option. Again, the more options the better is how I feel.

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I totally agree man. I hated it when they took out the option to pick them up.


I'm on the fence about this as well. On one hand, it is kinda cheap, they blend in so well with the environment & the wasteland is already pretty brutal with packs of dogs, cops, & now always running ferals.


On the other hand, like crazywildfire says, it's meant to be the hardest biome. The mines are just 1 more challenge.


I guess I'd vote to leave it. I'm a pretty high level right now, to the point where nothing phases me.....until I roll into the wasteland. I then suddenly feel super vulnerable & watch my back as well as every step.


Damselx1 has the best idea. Have it as a toggable option. Again, the more options the better is how I feel.


Lol I don't enjoy them but I don't mind them anymore either. It is the hardest biome and as you said you are all leveled up and stuff. So if they didn't have the landmines being the level you are and the equipment you have would the dogs, ferals, and cops really be at all challenging? Let's not forget the last two are only in the city the biome itself only has the dogs. So in the biome itself are dogs really the much of a challenge alone at your level? Now that you brought up the cops and feral, the city is supposed to be the hardest area of the game. So at your level are the cops and feral really much of a challenge? For me they are not, I wouldn't go into either of them with only a bow or a handgun. Maybe this is why I have 0 deaths in 80 days minus the death that I had no choice but to kill myself. Because I know these are the two hardest parts of the map. In the wasteland a handgun is fine in 2 shots you can kill a dog. But the city I don't go in it unless I have a sniper or smg, or AK or at the very least a shotgun. Either of these weapons kill cops and feral pretty easy. So I don't mind the landmines anymore because I got used to them playing pc already and without them those areas wouldn't be much of a challenge at a higher level.


I don't know how much the console will be like the pc but to be honest if it even comes close to pc these landmines are really going to be the least of the worries. If that happens then the console threads will again be a repeat of the conversations and debates that go on in the pc threads lol.


Oh I forgot to put in somewhere in the top part. You said you feel vulnerable again at a high level. I think that was the intended part and if they make you feel that way then I think as cheap as it can be they succeeded. Like I said before at least the landmines don't put big holes in the world. They could of set some other kind of explosions that do like cars and put big holes in the ground after it blows up. Lol

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Yea at a higher level none of the Z's are a problem at all. Not even dogs are a problem with some firearms at your side.

The mines do throw an interesting twist. I've also never encountered more than 1 feral at a time so in numbers I suppose they might b a problem.


So yea, I'm cool with the mines. Also someone else posted (in another post somewhere) you can drive right over mines & the speed of the minibike combined with lag makes it to where you won't die.....yea I tried this & it didn't work for me, lol. I had level 600 engine, tires, & battery. My chassis was somewhere in the upper 300's, not sure bout the seat & handlebars but I'm guessing those wouldn't really matter too much.

Anybody else try this?

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