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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The last testing branch update was 2 days ago. To me, this usually means either they found a major bug and are stomping it, or everyone is approaching burnout and they took the weekend off. Either way, the weekend of the 4th/5th would be the earliest, so y'all can go take a nice little nap and stop stressing.

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the last testing branch update was 2 days ago. To me, this usually means either they found a major bug and are stomping it, or everyone is approaching burnout and they took the weekend off. Either way, the weekend of the 4th/5th would be the earliest, so y'all can go take a nice little nap and stop stressing.



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So is anyone actually streaming this yet?


First MM gameplay, then Spider Meme, then Stream Blitz. So unless they change the order, do some of those in parallel, or stream outside of the "blitz", no.


- - - Updated - - -


Maybe MM is making some of those gameplay videos right now. I can dream, right? X3

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Where are you all seeing 5 days in that answer? Released to streamers on a Friday and then A17E on that Monday or Tuesday and the tuesday has the caveat of "if needed" so I'm assuming that means if there are any major bugs that show up during stream that need squashed. So 3 days maybe 4.


maybe since i asked what if it was ready to release on a monday not friday since they wanted to give streamers it friday then us monday but i said if it was done monday would they wait 5 days before the streamers even got it making it even longer for the rest of us.

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maybe since i asked what if it was ready to release on a monday not friday since they wanted to give streamers it friday then us monday but i said if it was done monday would they wait 5 days before the streamers even got it making it even longer for the rest of us.


No, they have testers that keep them plenty busy already. Streamers will get it Friday so they will not have a chance to make a "Golden Path" Min/Max for your character.


There are two streamers I know of that experiment, its just how they roll and by Sunday stream will have at lease a few good, solid tips to give out.


* I already know two A17 tips from watching videos but you will have no spoilers from me on this thread.

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No, they have testers that keep them plenty busy already. Streamers will get it Friday so they will not have a chance to make a "Golden Path" Min/Max for your character.


There are two streamers I know of that experiment, its just how they roll and by Sunday stream will have at lease a few good, solid tips to give out.


* I already know two A17 tips from watching videos but you will have no spoilers from me on this thread.


yeah i watch pokket ninja and bearded guys and bandish

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....

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I'll be...


Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....


Something tells me you have been doing this for awhile... :)

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....


You forgot the F5... YOU forgot F5... How hard is it to remember F5???


Its just one simple key... but it is THE KEY to A17 release!!!


It releases the Kraken!!!!

It probably keeps the Earth turning!!!!

My God man, if we don't crash the server, what could happen???

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....


actually between release and playing the forum crashes lol

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....

no, they will repeatedly ask for the next patch for the next 3-4 A17.x

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Madmole isn't going to sign off on A17 unless and until he can play through several in-game days without encountering a showstopper.

He will record at least one of those play-through attempts.

He will release one of those play-through attempts.

Laz will post his spider meme.

Stuff will turn green up above.

Streamers will start streaming on a Friday

People will watch and comment.

People will start playing on a Monday three days after that Friday.



People will start asking about A18 on a Tuesday four days after that Friday....


Ok, so Monday he records, Tuesday he releases, and then Laz can post Weds, Streamers get it Friday and we get it on the 6th. Done! ;P

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I have an older laptop than you. These are the settings I run and it's fine. (And this is with mods)


Resolution: 1600x900 full screen.

V-Sync: Off

Anti-Aliasing: Off

Texture Quality: Full Size.

UMA Quality: Middle Size

Reflection Quality: Off.

Water Quality: High

View Distance: 8

FOV: 75

LOD Distance: 50%

Shadow Distance: Off (This one helps the most)

Tree Quality: Middle

Grass Distance: Normal

Motion Blur: Off

SSAO/DOF/Sun Shafts: Off.


Specs: i7-4800MQ, 20GB RAM (just upgraded from 12GB), GTX 765M. Usually get 80-90fps with those settings.


Thanks for the settings tips. My settings were very similar outside of Shadow Distance: Off. So, I turned Shadow Distance off and I'm at about 40 FPS... That's a decent jump, but far from the 80-90 fps you are getting. I'm sitting at 16 GB of ram and according to the task manager, I was using 77% of my RAM. I could add some more RAM to offer the memory some extra breathing room, but not sure if I would see a fps boost.


I guess I'm stuck waiting to see if the updated Unity and performance enhancements the devs have come up with will give me a decent fps boost. In the meantime if anyone else has tips/tricks to squeeze more fps into the game, I am sure I wouldn't be the only one to benefit! :smile-new:

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If you have an SSD for your Windows OS drive, I would guess the amount of RAM would not be as important. Just make a nicely sized memory cache on the drive and your good to go! :)


Using your SSD as a cache is a great way to ruin your SSD unfortunately, I don't recommend anyone do this unless they have no other choice.

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actually between release and playing the forum crashes lol


So, if the forum starts crashing, that can be a good sign.


- - - Updated - - -


no, they will repeatedly ask for the next patch for the next 3-4 A17.x


They'll probably do both.

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Hi Roland!


Something's missing here (addition in RED):


Feat Freeze -> Hitler Vid -> MM gameplay

-> Spider Meme -> Stream Blitz ->

-> Release Candidate -> CRASH THE FORUM -> A17-E


It happens everytime!


Shouldn't it read Relase Candidate -> CRUSH THE FORUM MULTIPLE TIMES -> A17-E

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