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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Currently, when anyone loots a container of any sort, if they don't take the item or items out, the new loot spawns in it after you throw out or take what the other person left. This slows down progress with scavenging points, cause if someone loots a whole sky scraper, and doesn't take or drop what they don't want, the next person has to empty the container before they can see the new spawn loot, thus making checking containers longer.


Would it be possible to make an auto delete code, for old loot to be delete after x amount of time passed? So when someone finds that building after the loot respawn time, you won't have to waste time going through someone else's garbage before you get the new spawn, plus get the scavenging points right away.

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New vehicle system is coming along!




Shawn has been working hard on a new vehicle system! All new real physics, no falling through the world, feels so natural now!


Yes the old stuff is gone, RIP. New physics are great, feels like GTA.


Hopefully [bikes can be painted] at some point. Its very easy to mod in other colors.


Thanks for the update MM. Wasn't expecting a vehicle overhaul in A17 but glad its getting another pass. I hope your animators will give the new bike some love. I have seen bikes done wrong in so many other games and don't want to see it look like a circus attraction lol...

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Will we be able to fit a basket to that bike?


I'm asking for Janna....


I would prefer a big horn on the bike that sounds like a goose! Or just be able to tie a bunch of geese to the bike and let them do there business... No, I don't mean DROP THEIR NUMBER 2 on me, I mean fly!


Of course if they are going through all that trouble, might as well make an AIRSHIP! Right?

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Can you please add an upgrade to our backpacks it sucks having to make the hard decisions at times what to keep what to throw away just to keep moving.


"Big armored 4x4 off road vehicle" suggested I can see a huge storage possibility with a chance to carry friends.

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Can you please add an upgrade to our backpacks it sucks having to make the hard decisions at times what to keep what to throw away just to keep moving.


Are you kidding? This is SUPPOSED to be a game of tough choices. The answer is not to make it easier for you to carry four car engines, 2000 concrete and a stack of 6000 of wood, stone and clay. Yes, those are all abstracts...but we can carry plenty as-is. In fact, we should start with smaller backpacks or rucksacks, then eventually find or create the one we have now.


Do what plenty of other people do...create a temp storage chest in the street or outside the building and dump your loot in it while you keep looting houses and businesses. Come back and take the important stuff back to your base first. Making the game "easier" on you is not a good idea. It's supposed to be a game of survival, not convenience.

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How about respawning cars?


What about cars that respawn once they are harvested? I have been playing on MP servers and I believe the admin has to add cars back in once they are demolished. Otherwise, you are S.O.L. looking for engines and other goodies that cars give out.

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Currently, when anyone loots a container of any sort, if they don't take the item or items out, the new loot spawns in it after you throw out or take what the other person left. This slows down progress with scavenging points, cause if someone loots a whole sky scraper, and doesn't take or drop what they don't want, the next person has to empty the container before they can see the new spawn loot, thus making checking containers longer.


Would it be possible to make an auto delete code, for old loot to be delete after x amount of time passed? So when someone finds that building after the loot respawn time, you won't have to waste time going through someone else's garbage before you get the new spawn, plus get the scavenging points right away.


I understand your point but i dont think making progression of scavanging faster is on the agenda and more likely the opposite.

I think you already decribe the extra effort you have to put in to make sure you get full loot respawn and i know from my experience after a real long loot session it gets tedious but there is no fix for that.


You will just loot more pushing your loot levels up and then the loot containers will need to placed more sparcely it will be never ending adjustment.


I am not sure about how to improve the looting experience but i suppose if you have to make too many trips or a location has too much to loot in one go then more bases are needed.


I understand PVP that it doesnt work the same but the element of someone looting an area before you and leaving you garbage or even better a candy tin is part of the competivness.


Not trying to be negative but i believe the exponantial slope of progression needs to be tough otherwise the game loses its challenge but i understand tedious is not fun for gameplay so tough choices.

This is just my view it would be good to hear what others think.

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"Big armored 4x4 off road vehicle"


Drive over horde and auto store they parts and gear. Can cut grass as well.


What is that a mine sweeper ? please no if we have that for a counter for wasteland mines what the hell are they going to introduce to counter the minesweeper?

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The tough choices with a small backpack.


I actually like having the not so big backpack. The choices that you have to make when you have a full bag and you just killed a zed that has some loot that you really want but you do not know what to drop, as another zed is approaching you. It is like playing hot potato and you have to think fast or get hit, or leave the loot behind. What would you do? If you have a big bag, it is like bringing a suitcase on a camping trip.

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I actually like having the not so big backpack. The choices that you have to make when you have a full bag and you just killed a zed that has some loot that you really want but you do not know what to drop, as another zed is approaching you. It is like playing hot potato and you have to think fast or get hit, or leave the loot behind. What would you do? If you have a big bag, it is like bringing a suitcase on a camping trip.


I like how you think.

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I understand your point but i dont think making progression of scavanging faster is on the agenda and more likely the opposite.

I think you already decribe the extra effort you have to put in to make sure you get full loot respawn and i know from my experience after a real long loot session it gets tedious but there is no fix for that.


You will just loot more pushing your loot levels up and then the loot containers will need to placed more sparcely it will be never ending adjustment.


I am not sure about how to improve the looting experience but i suppose if you have to make too many trips or a location has too much to loot in one go then more bases are needed.


I understand PVP that it doesnt work the same but the element of someone looting an area before you and leaving you garbage or even better a candy tin is part of the competivness.


Not trying to be negative but i believe the exponantial slope of progression needs to be tough otherwise the game loses its challenge but i understand tedious is not fun for gameplay so tough choices.

This is just my view it would be good to hear what others think.


Also, one mans garbage is another man's treasure. What you may throw away I may need or want. I also leave excess items behind for the next person, some of these servers have 30 or more days before loot respawn which might be fine for owners and admins but is annoying for casual players on multiplayer servers.

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What an interesting reply full of twists and turns of emotion i will be honest there are parts i dont understand or quite follow but i only have one brain and its never rational, not sure about comparing peoples toil and trouble to a meer morsel of rotting chicken flesh i was also slightly suprised by MM post but to compare my feelings to an elated canine isnt how i would describe if my mood was more elevated but eveyones different and thats what makes the world interesting.


So come on MadMole throw us some more putrid out of date remanufactured meat biproducts you know the stuff you and your team call work.


Hahaha xD


It's just that bikes seem kind of standard, you know? And it's awfully 'late game' to be adding something that seems very basic, despite 7D still being late in its infancy.


As for the one year updates and whatnot, with their small team it's not anywhere near what it should be in terms of delivery (amount and functionality) of content, and because of that we as players have learned to just take what we are given, and the fanboi army insists we are grateful for it.


But like I said, they have a much bigger team now, that means more man hours per individual doing what they like :D


I really hope we see a big takeoff, and one thing MM should do is get a video up of that bike as soon as poss!

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Okay, Okay Aldranon....


Will we be able to attach an airship to that bike?


Why... yes! Yes of course we can! When talking AIRSHIPS, the answer is always yes! :)


Fun? Yes!

Amazing adventure? Yes!

Zombie bear assault teams? YES!

Basket for holding stuff? Well, lets not get excessive... OK ok, yes.

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