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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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All i wanted was to loot a small tent camp at First day.

Impossible in that case


And yes sure i can play on easyer settings.

But Insane = Arrowsponges and

25% loot abundancy = really to less arrows

= in Vanilla anoying the first days

(But later the gameplay is fine)


Now i consider to give the player feathers as reward for the starter quest

200 or so for a balanced start.


Sorry no real (big) issue. But i was pissed.

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(Played 1/2 Hour for fun)

Spend 29 Minutes to get some feathers

Shoot all feathers (21 Arrows) in one Zombiehead

Zombie kill you

Deleted World


Ok i play on 25% loot abundance.

But why does this include Feathers and Brass


You could mod the XML to increase the starting quantities of those things so that when they're adjusted down by loot abundance you still get more of them. Or just reduce the recipe requirements for those items. :p


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All i wanted was to loot a small tent camp at First day.

Impossible in that case


And yes sure i can play on easyer settings.

But Insane = Arrowsponges and

25% loot abundancy = really to less arrows

= in Vanilla anoying the first days

(But later the gameplay is fine)


Now i consider to give the player feathers as reward for the starter quest

200 or so for a balanced start.


Sorry no real (big) issue. But i was pissed.


News flash, hard settings make it hard? :p

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News flash, hard settings make it hard? :p

Yes but even the hardest setting should be Playable.

Or better said, the Difficulty is fine, but the first 1-3 Days are imbalanced at that topic.

Sadly i have no suggestion how to fix that in vanilla without disbalance the easyer settings.


- - - Updated - - -


Has anyone noticed that all the cars in Madmole's video are green.


Roland's avatar is now green...

The question everyone should be asking is what Roland has been up to. Hmmm...


They allways was, like the Sleepers are not there, what you see are placeholder blocks.


And no comment about the Green thing ^^

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More travel paths are a good thing but lets not diminish the good here. All of these houses were previously so plain long overdue for an update. I would love every old prefab get the "skyscrapper" treatment.


It is worth mentioning players will find ways to make multiple paths given this is a voxel game already. :)


So is nerd polling to the top an alternate path or a low down, dirty dog trick (and game-natzi magnet)?


I can't keep up on how I should be having fun today. GTG! My drink is ready and time to head back to 70f waters and white sandy beaches while I await an experts opinion. 😊

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Yes but even the hardest setting should be Playable.

Or better said, the Difficulty is fine, but the first 1-3 Days are imbalanced at that topic.

Sadly i have no suggestion how to fix that in vanilla without disbalance the easyer settings.


It would be nice is they allowed a game stage factor to loot quantities, maybe based on stack size. So a game stage below X would get a Y% bonus to loot quantities for Z+ stack size items. Or something like that.

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So is nerd polling to the top an alternate path or a low down, dirty dog trick


If you would find a Base/House in real you want to enter, would you

* Detroy the Bars in front of the windows 1hour

* Destroy the wall 30 min-5 Hours

* Use a ladder and enter the house from roof


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It would be nice is they allowed a game stage factor to loot quantities, maybe based on stack size. So a game stage below X would get a Y% bonus to loot quantities for Z+ stack size items. Or something like that.

This would maybe be an idea.

Or in this case simply a command like

<lootcontainer id="25" count="1,3" size="4,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="UseActions/close_garbage" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">
<item name="egg" count="1" prob="0.25"/>
<item name="feather" count="4,10" prob="0.75" [color="#FFFF00"]noscale [/color]/>


That take a entry out of the scaled items from Lootabundancy. Would still give to much feathers later in the game, but later so many items are to common, so this would make no real difference.


hmm during i write this here i consider your idea, how about a easy way

<lootcontainer id="25" count="1,3" size="4,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="UseActions/close_garbage" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">
<item name="egg" count="1" prob="0.25"/>
<item name="feather" count="4,10" prob="0.75" />
<item name="feather" count="2,5" prob="0.75" [color="#FFFF00"]@Playerlevel"1,3" [/color]/>
<item name="feather" count="2,5" prob="0.75" [color="#FFFF00"]@Playerlevel"1,10" [/color]/>
<item name="feather" count="-2,-5" prob="0.75" [color="#FFFF00"]@Playerlevel"50,200" [/color]/>

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Yes but even the hardest setting should be Playable.

Or better said, the Difficulty is fine, but the first 1-3 Days are imbalanced at that topic.

Sadly i have no suggestion how to fix that in vanilla without disbalance the easyer settings.


A follow up thought on this is that running is always an option. "Playable" doesn't mean your preferred plan of action is always the best one or even an option that allows you to live. Just sayin'. :p


- - - Updated - - -


hmm during i write this here i consider your idea, how about a easy way

<lootcontainer id="25" count="1,3" size="4,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="UseActions/close_garbage" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">
   <item name="egg" count="1" prob="0.25"/>
   <item name="feather" count="4,10" prob="0.75" />
   <item name="feather" count="2,5" prob="0.75" [color=#FFFF00]@Playerlevel"1,3" [/color]/>
   <item name="feather" count="2,5" prob="0.75" [color=#FFFF00]@Playerlevel"1,10" [/color]/>
   <item name="feather" count="-2,-5" prob="0.75" [color=#FFFF00]@Playerlevel"50,200" [/color]/>


@Playerlevel would have to be a percentage of max level, since max level is adjustable in the XML.

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A follow up thought on this is that running is always an option. "Playable" doesn't mean your preferred plan of action is always the best one or even an option that allows you to live. Just sayin'. :p

And i dont say that you are wrong at this point. I think a way for more feathers the first days and more brass as only 25% later would help this Difficult settings.

But as you say, maybe if a player choose max Difficulty it is a good way to force him to play different. The only "but" in this topic is that it feels (for me) not Balanced toward the Gameplay after the player has other ways to reduce the Arrows needed (Buy Ammo, use different ammo too, more days he need not to Loot Buildings because he allready has Clothes and other stuff).

Specially the first few days the player is forced to get Clothes and other stuff from Poi´s. No fun if the rarity of feathers hinder that.

After day 7 the same difficulty is really nice. (Much better than easyer settings)

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And i dont say that you are wrong at this point. I think a way for more feathers the first days and more brass as only 25% later would help this Difficult settings.

But as you say, maybe if a player choose max Difficulty it is a good way to force him to play different. The only "but" in this topic is that it feels (for me) not Balanced toward the Gameplay after the player has other ways to reduce the Arrows needed (Buy Ammo, use different ammo too, more days he need not to Loot Buildings because he allready has Clothes and other stuff).

Specially the first few days the player is forced to get Clothes and other stuff from Poi´s. No fun if the rarity of feathers hinder that.

After day 7 the same difficulty is really nice. (Much better than easyer settings)


Just add a harvest amount to trees for and bushes for them to produce some feathers. Then it can get scaled by the tools harvest percent. I was even able to thin out birds nest that way.

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What starter quest? Is it a mod or something?


In quests.xml


Modded (in this case added)

<!-- Basic Survival 1 - Craft a Bedroll /> -->
<quest id="quest_BasicSurvival1" group_name_key="quest_BasicSurvival" name_key="quest_BasicSurvival1" subtitle_key="quest_BasicSurvival1_subtitle" description_key="quest_BasicSurvival1_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_map_bed" category_key="quest" difficulty="veryeasy" offer_key="quest_BasicSurvival_offer">
	<action type="ShowTip" value="tutorialTipQuest02" />
	<action type="TrackQuest" />

	<objective type="FetchKeep" id="yuccaFibers" value="20" />
	<objective type="Craft" id="bedroll" value="1" />
	<objective type="BlockPlace" id="bedroll" value="1" />

[color="#FFFF00"]		<reward type="Item" id="tazasStoneaxe" value="550" />
	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="50" />	[/color]	
	<reward type="Quest" id="quest_BasicSurvival2" />


This tread here has helped me much




Tryed a lot

The problem is if you give the player

q1 Bike

q300 Wrench

the game is more or less over ^^

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And i dont say that you are wrong at this point. I think a way for more feathers the first days and more brass as only 25% later would help this Difficult settings.

But as you say, maybe if a player choose max Difficulty it is a good way to force him to play different. The only "but" in this topic is that it feels (for me) not Balanced toward the Gameplay after the player has other ways to reduce the Arrows needed (Buy Ammo, use different ammo too, more days he need not to Loot Buildings because he allready has Clothes and other stuff).

Specially the first few days the player is forced to get Clothes and other stuff from Poi´s. No fun if the rarity of feathers hinder that.

After day 7 the same difficulty is really nice. (Much better than easyer settings)


Not sure if you are aware, but you can change the difficulty (and any other setting) prior to entering a game. So you can start the first 7 days at one difficulty and then bump it up as you go, if you choose.

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Btw, guppy you can send me the serverpassword if you want.

My server stays down until my mod is finished


I'm out of commission until work is done, so my server is dead. Not even sure if it's currently modded, or even updated. :)


But when I get back yeh hop on.

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Not sure if you are aware, but you can change the difficulty (and any other setting) prior to entering a game. So you can start the first 7 days at one difficulty and then bump it up as you go, if you choose.

Yes thanks and for singleplayer this is a doable way, but i aim for Multiplayer.

But when I get back yeh hop on.



Can i play a beggar like in Fallout 3.

Sitting in front of your base and ask you every time for clean water ?smilie_gr_182.gif

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