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Prefab Editor (Alpha)


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Sorry to be a pain mate.

Lol, don't worry, you're not a pain.^^


Can i rotate textures? ... Is it as simple as rotating the block?


Yes, sometimes. ^^ There are two types of textures. Textures whose orientation is independent of the block rotation and textures that can be rotated by changing the rotation of the block (I think this can be changed in one of the xml files). My editor doesn't show the true orientations, so you have to check it ingame.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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I am getting something strange happening when i import an airblock to clear the import area before importing a prefab. A heap of loot containers rain down into the hole. If i don't quit game and restart i get texture issues.


lol. That's a weird one. You might want try making a secondary copy of 7D2D and mod it with the link below. Then just load your prefab in the edit tool. Much simpler method of prefabbing in a standalone (non-server) environment. No blocks to clear. Hit Esc, and on the right click the Prefab button and the... Erm.. Show Ground check box. Forgot the actual name of the check box. This is going to go into my next prefab guide, for the simplest way to get started prefabbing.



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lol. That's a weird one. You might want try making a secondary copy of 7D2D and mod it with the link below. Then just load your prefab in the edit tool. Much simpler method of prefabbing in a standalone (non-server) environment. No blocks to clear. Hit Esc, and on the right click the Prefab button and the... Erm.. Show Ground check box. Forgot the actual name of the check box. This is going to go into my next prefab guide, for the simplest way to get started prefabbing.




Cheers mate will try that.

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I am getting something strange happening when i import an airblock to clear the import area before importing a prefab. A heap of loot containers rain down into the hole. If i don't quit game and restart i get texture issues.


Lol, sounds pretty funny. I assume it's a game bug because restarting the game fixed the issue, but I don't know whether there is a easier way to get rid of the problem.

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Lol, sounds pretty funny. I assume it's a game bug because restarting the game fixed the issue, but I don't know whether there is a easier way to get rid of the problem.


I waited for the loot containers to despawn then tried to import but issue was the same. It seems to be the same blocks that have texture issues each time i try it. Very strange indeed. Just a few blocks at ground level. Not a big issue just thought it weird.

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It is pretty funny though. Something Guppycur taught me was to use Pille's editor to make an air only prefab for clearing. Just start a new prefab, give it that size you'd want to use to clear an area and save it as a prefab. 40x40x20air as the prefab name for example. I use a 100x100x40air prefab on my dedi server for clearing. Guppy likes to clear in danty little areas. It's cute. ;-p

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hi Pille


have a little bug to Report: Iam not able to safe density-changes !


I wanted to test a bit around with the block-density. But when I wanted to safe the Changes it switched back to the default-settings.

This means: I changed a line of blocks density from 127(=default) to 0 for experimental Reasons.

But as I clicked on the safe-button all density-changes has reset to the starting-values (=127).


y iam asking for that?:

My goal is to get rid of that little gab between POI's that have square-shaped blocks acting as surface,

and the landscape around them consisting of earth-blocks (=diamond-shaped blocks).





Is there a way to search a specific block in all the prefabs in the prefabs-folder, and list the hits in a txt-window or somewhere else ???


y iam asking for that?:

Sometimes i need to change a specific block in all prefabs manually. Then it would be great to know in which prefabs it is contained - and which prefabs i dont have to care about.


thx ahead

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Hi Magoli,


sounds like the density autocorrection is 'helping' you to choose to right densities.^^ Probably, your density values are really bad, so it's presumably not a bug but I am going to fix this soon... If you want these bad values you should be able to set them. ;p




Is there a way to search a specific block in all the prefabs in the prefabs-folder, and list the hits in a txt-window or somewhere else ???


y iam asking for that?:

Sometimes i need to change a specific block in all prefabs manually. Then it would be great to know in which prefabs it is contained - and which prefabs i dont have to care about.


thx ahead


It's feasible yes. I'll try implement it so there is no way atm

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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Sounds like the density autocorrection is 'helping' you to choose to right densities.^^ Probably, your density values are really bad, so it's presumably not a bug but I am going to fix this soon... If you want these bad values you should be able to set them. ;p


It's feasible yes. I try will implement it.


Can I make a suggestion on this?


As that's going to be notably advanced functionality, can you have a settings option that enables the altered behavior? I'm just thinking of all the people who come into your editor and the level of experience people will have.


Group 1: Mag... Let's say he's just the advanced bracket (I have no idea what density actually does tbh).


Group 2: Ya got people like me. Tinkered enough to make prefabs, but don't know the real nuts and bolts.


Group 3: Then you got people who are just starting out and are literally just drawing.



My guess is people are largely going to fall into groups 2 and 3. Who likely depend on "good" values being maintained.


So just suggesting that a settings option be implemented for things like this, an "Advanced Editor" setting for example, that allows people like Mag to do the cool stuff he does...


@Mag... Whaaa? fix the gap between buildings??? Whaaaa? I want it. I want to know how that works. What is density. Spread the edumacation love man! :D

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Can I make a suggestion on this?


No, get out of my thread! ;-)


My plan is to make an option and a button with scope functionality (correct density for selected blocks, correct density in the current the layer and correct them in the whole prefab). Maybe I should add an "Advanced Editor" tab in the option menu including this and similar settings for advanced users. Is that what you mean?


@Mag... Whaaa? fix the gap between buildings??? Whaaaa? I want it. I want to know how that works. What is density. Spread the edumacation love man!


According to Guppy, you have to set a certain negative density value to get rid of the gaps (something between -90 and -99, I can't remember). As far as I remember, he mentioned it in his 'like to build' thread.

Edited by Pille (see edit history)
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hi Pille


have a little bug to Report: Iam not able to safe density-changes !


I wanted to test a bit around with the block-density. But when I wanted to safe the Changes it switched back to the default-settings.

This means: I changed a line of blocks density from 127(=default) to 0 for experimental Reasons.

But as I clicked on the safe-button all density-changes has reset to the starting-values (=127).


y iam asking for that?:

My goal is to get rid of that little gab between POI's that have square-shaped blocks acting as surface,

and the landscape around them consisting of earth-blocks (=diamond-shaped blocks).





Is there a way to search a specific block in all the prefabs in the prefabs-folder, and list the hits in a txt-window or somewhere else ???


y iam asking for that?:

Sometimes i need to change a specific block in all prefabs manually. Then it would be great to know in which prefabs it is contained - and which prefabs i dont have to care about.


thx ahead


Mag, set the block density of the organic block to -92 and leave the density on the square block alone. This works for me to get a smooth transition.


If that doesnt work try the other way around. Im not on my pc to confirm atm.

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No, get out of my thread! ;-)


My plan is to make an option and a button with scope functionality (correct density for selected blocks, correct density in the current the layer and correct them in the whole prefab). Maybe I should add an "Advanced Editor" tab in the option menu including this and similar settings for advanced users. Is that what you mean?


That'd work. I was just thinking to enable/disable fields based on an advance or simple mode option. That way you could tag fields in the app with an Advanced key value and could pretty easily (least in C#), loop through controls on the form and set Enabled = true if tag = advanced key value.


Er... Specifically if modeSelected = Advanced then .. {do...loop}


But a simple "I can't screw this up" mode and an advanced mode could add to adoptibility and allow people to tweak stuff that you may be unsure about yourself.

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Mag, set the block density of the organic block to -92 and leave the density on the square block alone. This works for me to get a smooth transition.


If that doesnt work try the other way around. Im not on my pc to confirm atm.


ah - yeah - thx Laz


I just noticed that only value 0 is not working. All other values are changeable - LOL - what a bad luck to me - LOL

i will test out a value of -92 for square-shaped-blocks just on the top-surface-layer and just on the POI-borders.

I will report the results soon.



( Conversation between 2 Prefab-Guru's - right, Jackelmyer ??? ;) )


thx Pille for quick Response

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Ahh thanks, this works. So I changed the density of the cubic blocks.


yeah - thats right


The Problem is a cubic block beneth a earth-type-block (dirt,sand,stone...) creates a little gap between them.


If now a prefab has cubic blocks in the top-surface-layer on the border, then this gap appears between the prefabs border and the surrounding landscape.

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