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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Can you please verify that the stonedrill works on HardStone. I tested it before our server went live and I could not drill HardStone with it. I even leveled up above 75 to get the skill but no diffrense.


Also, if you can do a separate upload for only update changes. As now you have to download 0.5GB each update when only certain dll´s or xml files are updated.

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NPCs don´t fight crawlers and spiders. Bug or intendet?


Also grass and flowers get destroyed when a zombie or npc walks over it. It makes the noice of dry corn falling apart. You hear it over a great distance and tells a player where zombies are.

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I don't think the argument of nerdpoling should ever really be reinforced by a question of 'whats believable and whats not', its a bloody zombie apocalypse game for gods sake. But in that last sentence, the emphasis is on the word 'game', and as such, balances need to be created to maintain the distance of the whole carrot/stick thing.


Nerdpoling makes things too damn easy, we have all been guilty of it at some time or another, I say cut it out like the cancer it is. The sooner it is removed, the sooner that we can move forward and expand on our abilities to adapt and survive in other ways, its what we humans do best.

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That is a vanilla feature put in by TFP to help stop a bug and dupe many alpha ago


@Erik Louden-

If by endless horde you mean the trickle of zombies you get till morning after killing all horde night zombies then yes it can be but why would you? Its mostly just 1 zombie being spawned until you kill it then 1 more. I don't see it as a problem. Might be better with more per wave though.


@Unlike Them-

I dont think trying to make a Wiki is a good idea. I did it in A14, a big nice one with pictures, and its all out of date now. All wasted time. If you want to do something that will be worth your time help with the mod description on the front page. If you find something not explained well or confusing to you then re wright it so that it makes more sense and has more detail and I'll proof read it and add it to the header. A large part of the mod will be different in A16.



Turning zombie spawns off only turns off biome, heat and horde spawning. You will still get the Zombies that are built into POI's


@Simon Simple-

Please explain? If you can Jump(or be) up in the air and place a block please give us more detail so we can fix the bug. Thank you



Power Drill is a Tool like a Nial Gun. It shares some parts with the Nail Gun also. It is assembled like the nail gun(or guns) so you will not find it in your recipe list. The Power Drill can upgrade like the Nial Gun but can also disassemble steel blocks. Using it for repairing, upgrading or disassembling will give Master Crafter XP



I will check on the Stone Drill. IF you use the Sphereii's Mod Launcher it will do that stuff for you. After the 1st upload it will only upload changes to the files not the whole thing. The mod has Morts Advanced Gardening Mod installed. This mod brings back an improved version of the old Crop Trampling system. Like they used to crops again break when walked into but the improvement is that players do not break crops. So you can farm with out head aches but you will need to protect your crop from animals and zombies. So that noise you hear is something moving through the bushes breaking them. Plants also use water to grow fyi



This is a limitation TFP put in so that players could cheat and live under ground(fo reals) The NPC's use the same base AI code as a zombie and TFP made zombies not able to aim up or down. So...... thats that(maybe we will look into it in A16)



Its already been done for a few days now.:deadhorse:



Hay....Hay.....Hay!Stop tryn to steal my minions Guppy. We will raid your base and capture you, tie you up in the cellar and force you to create a Hello Kitty Texture pack for A16 paint system. :)

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I don't want to come down on the side of any argument here. (nerdpolling or other )

I just want to remind the developers to consider a few things when making their decisions.

You guys seem like your great programmers. I don’t know you I don’t know your education. I don’t know how much psychology, neuroscience or behavioral neuroscience you have learnt.




P.S. I know you have taken flac recently So don’t think of this an attack on what you're up to.

Also some motivations have been revealed on the thread so some of you already know that aspect. I guess I’m just interested in you guys… your thoughts on all this.


Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed post. Sorry I missed it yesterday.


I imagine each member of the true survival team has his own motivation for participating on the team. I know none of us do this for monetary or career advancement reasons, and each are in part motivated to make a version of this game that is both challenging and fun to play. I think Spider achieved both, and the rest of us are just doing what we can to extend his vision.


To that point, I think vision drives the choices that are made on this mod. Not allowing a player to place blocks while in mid-air (aka Nerd Poling) was a good example of a change that is in alignment with that vision. It makes the game a bit more challenging without significantly reducing "fun". An example of making something more challenging and reducing fun would be changing crafting to require a dozen intermediate build steps to finally make one item. This might make it tougher to survive, but would only be fun to a very small number of players.


Your run/walk discussion as it relates to poison is another fine example. Neither Spider nor I ever had "accidental" bites that caused poisoning. I am careful not to run across areas where there is not a clear view. But the clamor about the poisoning was loud, so we listened. The clipping of the creature issue was addressed by floating the little devils up a small amount. There has not been one comment about clipping since that change. We also adjusted the buff effects to tip the balance between toughing it out and removing the buff via suicide. Also, the comments have ended. So we do listen to the players, and adjust as much as we can as long as the vision for the mod is not violated.


Quality feedback from the player community drives us to make the mod better. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

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Had a screamer, during day time, summoned 2 ferals to attack, the ferals both ran extremely fast...i didnt have a chance. I think 2 ferals spawned is to much, especially now they are all cracked out on meth lol


Interesting. I checked the screamer code and due to an error it won't summon anything. I used DM and spawned in 6 screamers and they didn't call anything. So the 2 ferals didn't come from that screamer, but rather from one of the new "legion" spawners which can happen at any time. Thos may well need balancing as they are very new.

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I cannot craft some of the new furniture (beercooler, bookcase and coffin). I am at a wood workbench, have the clawhammer installed and all the ingredients, but the CRAFT button is grayed out. Can someone look into it?


I think Spider is aware of that and has the fix ready for the next patch, along with a few others.

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Interesting. I checked the screamer code and due to an error it won't summon anything. I used DM and spawned in 6 screamers and they didn't call anything. So the 2 ferals didn't come from that screamer, but rather from one of the new "legion" spawners which can happen at any time. Thos may well need balancing as they are very new.


Screamers don't summon anything to begin with. They are summoned as part of a Scout group.

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Screamers don't summon anything to begin with. They are summoned as part of a Scout group.


Correct. But when spawned by heat they "scream" an alert, and that alert is what triggers additional zombies to spawn. Using the wrong alert will cause that to fail.


This is the correct code a scout should use:


<property name="SoundAlert" value="Enemies/Scout_Zombie/zombiefemalescoutalert" />


This is what is assigned currently to the scout:


<property name="SoundAlert" value="Enemies/Spider_Zombie/spideralert"/>


The spider alert will not trigger the addional zombies to spawn and attack.

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The trickle after the horde just annoys me so I usually ignore the horde till daylight when they will quit spawning.


I was just watching Rolands play through as he was doing the QnA (



Sleeper zombies that will also be runners in TS is going to be sweet and terrifying.


Oh, what if sometimes the sleepers are screamers? You won't dare spider!?!

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Cant upgrade cobblestone frames i got the cobb building perk and cobblestone one i have 2k cobblestones on me and when a try to upgrade the frame the game keep telling me that i miss cobblestones


take cobblestone in hand and use it as a tool (same technique with concrete mix)

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Yes that was 1 of the spawning groups that will be used in waves coming to a horde night near you. lol and those are not the new Hungry versions of the zombies yet Muahahahahaha! I think you got a one of the Legion(infantry) groups. There are wall busters, ranged, climbers, and legion groups and there are groups of them mixed in proportions. :) Im going to be using my life time of love of tower defense games to kick your a$$@#. LOL

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