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Everything posted by davins

  1. http://starvationmod.wikidot.com/sett To assign a job you have to make some kind of station. You can find the additional info about the station in it's description. Probably place the fridge close to the workstation, I'm not sure about the range. They can't open doors.
  2. I just noticed that i can change the color of the flashlight on the weapon to white with numpad7 and to green with numpad9. I guess there are other keybindings too, like this. Any info?
  3. The pistolsilencer is attachable only to the deagle.
  4. How did you manage to obtain a pistol book?
  5. lol. You can check the config, gauge drops from workingStiffs,lumber,collapsed forge,collapsed workbench,autos,minerloot,utilityworker,biker,farmer.
  6. I checked the config and you have to complete the "Blade Weapons 4/5" quest to unlock the recipe. <quest id="Q_WBA4" group_name="Blade Weapons Training" name="Blade Weapons 4/5" subtitle="Sword Master" description="Slice that meat!" icon="ui_game_symbol_knife" repeatable="false" category_key="challenge" offer="Cut.Slash.Pierce." difficulty="hard"> I have no idea how can you obtain the first quest. My guess would be that you need 100 points on the Blade Weapons skill.
  7. Is there any way to complete the "pacco_game_room1" quest?
  8. davins

    True Survival

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