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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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This is a great point and I am very interested in what your suggestions are for making death have more meaning. More loss of wellness? The game already allows you to lose all your items. What else do you suggest?


The vanilla game is designed to punish a player on a physical level. But as soon a player has settled down he doesn´t have to care about his physical level anymore.


As a modder you can slow this process down a lot. But in the end the outcome is the same. Its unavoidable if you put your horse just on that. To bypass the current situation you can try to create a reward+penalty system which can effect a player in different ways.


One idea is:

You give a player a feature. At the same time you bind this feature on specific behaviors. Its kind of a bonus a player can get and use as long as he behaves the way you want it. In this case dying. If he dies, he is loosing the feature, but can gain it back when staying alive for some days or making an offer of some kind. This feature can be anything.




- some npcs can turn into traiders

- valuable building materials like concrete or steel can only be produced when your alive for .... days.

- you could get a cool looking weapon (not repairable) as bonus

- a speed bonus for a player or the minibike


so on and forth.


Of course in the end a player still has to deside if he want to have this specific feature or not and thats ok. But at least he has an incentive to review his playstyle.

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To build on the make death matter conversation. We are working on making the player want/need to stay online and fight the night/7th night hordes. I think these to goals can work together. The only question is what kind of buff/perk would be sufficient to make a player want to work to get and keep it? As far as whats doable, any type of buff benefit, give you items/blocks after having it for a set time, give items/block after killing so many Hungry Zombies(these are the new zombies), Give and remove perks/skills.


With the give and remove skill/perk thing a lot can be done with it. Like while u have it you can alter any stat available in a perk/skills. So alter craft time, give xp over time, grant access to recipes and anything else that's alterable in the skill screen. So what would make you stay on and fight zombies and really not want to lose when you die?


Also on another subject everyone has Homework. I need to know how many NON UMA zombies you can have on your screen and still have acceptable performance while playing the current true Survival SDX. This is important. Please if you play and read this give me a number. This will matter so no BS.

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Is there a list of UMA zombies, I play almost every night but haven't ever cared/determined which is which type, i just fight what ever comes.


Can anyone list them or have a link I can go review from Pimps to get a feel for what I am looking for to help with this request?

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I need to know how many NON UMA zombies you can have on your screen and still have acceptable performance while playing the current true Survival SDX.


When fighting screamer hordes (intentionally letting them summon zeds) I think I was having 20+ without freezing. It was daytime (idk if that matters). Recently I noticed that what really affects lag is the number of players online. When 1-4 the game runs smooth, but 8-10 is unplayable (at least not for fighting).

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The UMA Zombies are the ones that dont look like all the normal ones you see walking around in the day. The ones like the foot ballplayer, stripper, brute that charges, npc's, babys, and miner. There are a few others.





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I'm not experiencing any slowdown in switching items in the hand. No change was introduced that should effect that.


Yeah after a while paying attention to it is more like a general laggy low fps situation. This wasn't happening before the only thing i know it has changed is a graphic card driver update i hope that's it. If nobody else is reporting it sure is on my side. Thanks anyways!


What about x2-x5 xp on horde zombies? It sure would make me stay on and level up, which i always do already anyways :)

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@Erik Louden-

What do you mean? All spawns have a set limit nothing is endless. Please explain


I think @erik means on horde nights there is an initial push, then x number continuous for x time then there is a trickle effect till dawn. If i remember the code for that section correctly.

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One more nerd pole thing I wanted to discuss.


Seeing many people love it / hate it, why not make it optional instead of hard coded?


I already know few answers I will get.


- "It's easier to have one full package instead of optional files"

- "This mod aims at challenge and slow progression. We can't just make optional files for everything in the future"

- "Nerd pole has to go, no debate"


To clarify, I hate nerd pole. I dislike it. It's an exploit in my book. If I see someone doing it on a server or even my friends doing it, I call them cheaters. Even if I ask them not to do it, they still do it. How to stop them from doing it? Well, just make a hard coded change. Done


But, the world isn't only me. To be fair to others who disagree with my opinion, an optional .dll is needed.


That way, players who aren't strongly against anti nerd poling will just download and play the default full package which includes anti nerd pole. They won't make a fuss about it.


Players which are really against it will have a choice to use an optional file.


I see win-win in this situation. My friends won't notice this change very early in the game and I can just tell them several reasons as to why they can't and done. We are good to go. Players like Skippy can use the optional file and continue their lives. Soon after, there will be more people who will actually praise this change. You just gotta give them the choice. Forcing them isn't always the best case, even if this is just a mod.

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From @Spider

Make death matter conversation. We are working on making the player want/need to stay online and fight the night/7th night hordes.

Question is what kind of buff/perk would be sufficient to make a player want to work to get and keep it?


So what would make you stay on and fight zombies and really not want to lose when you die?




As stated a xp buff would be good could be different types:

- buffed xp only during horde night

- buffed xp after horde night if there is a way to tell if user stayed on for the night?

- buffed xp range x2,x3 ... for number of horde/night zombies killed

--- issue here is if I make a pit and the z's die from fall or traps do I get the count, or do I have to manually kill them all.

- buffed health regen for next x hours/days

--- I get hurt, umm a lot having a minor heal buff happening would be great advantage


- buffs based on z types and number of them killed during horde night, (limit number of buffs here?) (... = added types)

-- healing for nurses, stripers, ...

-- block damage for exploders, miners, ...

-- hunger/thurst for farmers, ...

-- melee damage for ferals, gorrila, (tank types), ...

-- range damage for bandits, ...

-- other things

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One more nerd pole thing I wanted to discuss.


Seeing many people love it / hate it, why not make it optional instead of hard coded?


The reason is that when you are hacking a .DLL file that wasn't meant to be hacked by the game designers, you can only do what you can do. This is not writing an SDX file and injecting it into the gamecode, its editing the DLL directly. Writing extra code into the DLL that goes outside the DLL and checks for entries in a xml file may just not be that easy, or even be possible. If it is, then maybe someday it will happen, but it is always easier to ask for features than actually delivering them when you don't have the source code.


Good suggestion, and I hope every feature in this game has an on/off switch someday.

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I'm sorry the nerd-pole discussion is over. The bug has been fixed and if any more problems a rise they will be fixed or the feature will be removed. We are moving on to other things. Like how you did not do your Homework. How many zombies can you have on your screen and it still be playable(non uma zombies)

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[quote name=. I know im going to piss skippy off by saying this but Im a very hardcore realistic player. I dont dig bases underground, I dont hole up in POIS and break stairs off, i dont use ladders to hide from hordes and i do NOT nerd pole back up to the surface.



Not at all. To expect people to play open world games in a linear way would be silly! I, personally couldn't give less a crap if it was zombies in the game, or dinosaurs, it was the vox aspect that brought me to it, because it has physics (for building) and rules. But to expect someone like me to play like you because it's the way you play, is short sighted as well.


May I suggest a real hardcore pvpish game made for people with that train of thought? "Miscreated" It isn't voxalized so there isn't any question about going under the surface, and the zombies are hella more terrifying.

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I know Spider. I don't wanna beat the dead meat. I am just a neutral guy in everything. I am looking everything objectively.




I was actually talking about 2 .dll files. In the optional file, there wouldn't be any anti nerd pole checks. It's actually not that hard if you ask Jeoshoua. There is no extra work needed. You just undo the things done for anti nerd pole and you have the optional file.

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I was going to suggest that all 7day zombies had a monthly magazine in their loot, that would make me want fighting them. But seeing Ozzland comment, I like his idea much better.


- buffs based on z types and number of them killed during horde night, (limit number of buffs here?) (... = added types)

-- healing for nurses, stripers, ...

-- block damage for exploders, miners, ...

-- hunger/thurst for farmers, ...

-- melee damage for ferals, gorrila, (tank types), ...

-- range damage for bandits, ...

-- other things

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Great arguments. Glad you can toss reality in and out of the window as you see fit. I like how you see it fit to make what is and what isn't a legit way to survive in a VOX zombie game. So if you can throw logic in and out of the window at your pleasure, so can I.


Not to mention you have some weird ass obsession with hating minecraft. I never mentioned it. You should know better as well, someone who holds themselves up so high that there are a great MANY more games than minecraft that use vox engines, every single one codes in nerd poling.


I'm not even defending nerdpoling, what you did wasn't negate it. its still very possible. I'm talking about your attitudes to something so ♥♥♥♥ing small, and use such a broad reason to discredit it.


you want to talk about holding a stack of blocks in your hand and jumping upwards is illogicial EVERYTHING IS. you can carry around 20 guns. you can carry around 10000's of stones and wood. but that is where you draw the line. But once again, I don't have the convenience of introducing logic when I want too.


"Having infected/undead/mutant zombies running after you is one thing, doing something which should be physically impossible"

Sorry explain to me how infected undead mutant zombies is physically possible, but nerd poling isn't? That's where draw the line?


Keep trying to pvp on a pve game. This mod just lost my support (not to mention my save is janky now), even spider had some class when he replied. Lose your superior ♥♥♥♥ attitude. I refuse to send people your way with the attitudes you guys have.


Take a page out of valmars book and learn how to speak to people.


Look, if you have a problem with the way this change makes the mod play, then don't play it. It really is as simple as all that. That's your prerogative. But that doesn't give you the right to get all puffy and demand other people agree with you and remove it. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You waltzed in excoriating anyone who stood in your way about this change and made a lot of talk. Are you quite finished?


Oh, and please don't come at me demanding to be treated with kid gloves when I'm responding back to you, in kind. Grow up and stop being surprised when people talk back to you the way that you come at them.


If you like the stuff this mod adds but don't like its focus on difficulty and game mechanics, might I recommend Starvation? A lot of the cool added code things were made by Morte, and that's his mod. Plenty of gadgets and guns over there, really cool stuff. If you like the difficulty but not the stuff, I don't know what to recommend because this is the only real hardcore type mod I've played to be able to recommend. But if you just don't like it, at all, then go play something of your own choosing.

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As stated a xp buff would be good could be different types:

- buffed xp only during horde night

- buffed xp after horde night if there is a way to tell if user stayed on for the night?

- buffed xp range x2,x3 ... for number of horde/night zombies killed


Actually some of these would be possible with a DLL change to how XP is calculated. I had already considered the idea of giving more XP at night, in general... or as a factor of how many Zombies are actually in the area, something like that. Rewards for the player for the amount of Zombies actually around. Since the Night is objectively more terrifying, and even sitting in your base crafting is technically performing under duress, getting more XP as a risk/reward makes sense. I was already messing with the function that ends up awarding XP for hitting a zombie, I could easily have it multiply the experience given as a factor of whether it is night, and whether it is a horde zombie. That would mean solo zombie kills would not really give too much XP, as it is now, while a night horde would give a decent amount.


I would say, if any change is done, regardless it should boost the nighttime, experience, rather than nerf the day.

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Is the delay between switching weapons-tools intended? I started noticing a few days ago, i didn't read about it and i was wondering if i should get used to it or it is a bug or something like lag. I'm playing SP for the record


I'm not experiencing any slowdown in switching items in the hand. No change was introduced that should effect that.


That's because this is a vanilla feature that, I think, you had not really noticed before, vic21. It is worst when switching between ranged and melee weaponry. I know exactly what this is, and it's working as TFP intended, at the moment. I would be on the side saying that it does kind of feel a bit too long, especially when your ranged weapon breaks and you have to switch over to the club. I've died more than a few times to that little wait. Not sure if I would consider that as something to fix, tho. It does add to the tension, you just have to be aware of it.

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Not at all. To expect people to play open world games in a linear way would be silly! I, personally couldn't give less a crap if it was zombies in the game, or dinosaurs, it was the vox aspect that brought me to it, because it has physics (for building) and rules. But to expect someone like me to play like you because it's the way you play, is short sighted as well.


May I suggest a real hardcore pvpish game made for people with that train of thought? "Miscreated" It isn't voxalized so there isn't any question about going under the surface, and the zombies are hella more terrifying.




I don't do PVP ever. If you are suggesting that making underground survival harder in a survival game I'd limited to ONLY PVP games YOU may be the one who needs to try a different mod then. This mod is for those that want the vanilla experience to be more difficult.


I have already made some suggestions to xyth on ideas to make underground surviving it's own experience and hopefully he takes some inspiration from it.


Stop coming into a hardcore mods thread and trying to make it easier. There's nothing g wrong with your play style at all don't get me wrong I'm not criticizing you. I'm saying that you are looking to the wrong mod. If it is easy spider is certain to challenge it. It's the kind of player he is.

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