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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Maybe this has been reported before, but I just spoke with a new guy on the server, first time I'd seen him, and he was level 84. I asked how he leveled so fast and he said "killed bandits. 2 bandits = 1 levelup". Pretty sure that should be tuned? :))


Yeah, I noticed this as well, I had a map that just happened to spawn 3 bandit camps within a km or so of each other, the bandits constantly respawned, and leveling was just too easy. So easy in fact, that I ended up just restarting a new map.

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I don't see how that encourages me to face the night horde. I'm lvl 81 and I'm scared to step outside at night (yes I'm a pu$$y). Maybe I can, but why? Risk/reward? You can invent all the clever ways to get to the player, but a smart player in a open world sandbox will always find a way to avoid the horde if he doesn't want to face it (logging off as a last resort).


But a good reward (as EsTygo proposed) would motivate me. Something good for both starting/mid game/high level players. Something worth dying for. Profession pages maybe?


- - - Updated - - -




We all have it, both SP and MP. My guess it is NPC survivors. If anyone could disable them for testing and report us the result.


I reduced the fps drops by lowering the UMA textures to low.

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Regarding the water bucket bug I posted a few posts back. Side effect is that crops and trees no longer grow, and my crops actually died.. Looks like it broke the world. Hopefully bouncing the server will allow things to grow again.


Minor bugs:


Shopping carts that are containers have 250 hp but empty carts have 2500 hp.


Scrapping shopping baskets gives glass instead of plastic.

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Just had a strange occurrence whilst I was in the forge looking at the requirements to make a minibike seat.


#Note the ingredient numbers that I actually have in my pack in relation to the numbers of required items it says I have in my pack.


Vastly different.



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WOW man that sounds awesome. So whats the word on your findings? If you have the bugs worked out I would love to add(and understand) your fixes to the base mod. It would really help me complete some things that I have had to remove and not work on because of the workstation/crafting lag./ I would also be interested in you Steel sound hack also if you are willing to share


Glad to see that the good life hasn't spoiled your desire to mod. Meanwhile, I've been drudging through the rainy season by day, and IL code by night. You mentioned wanting to understand exactly the hack. I'd like to explain how the crafting lag works to you, but if this isn't enough for you, I really don't know what to tell you. Basically, it just updates the recipe list too much, and I made the worst offenders not do that.


I also have a different, more experimental version of the assembly. This is the one where I fixed the particles. With this DLL, you just need to make sure that on the XML side that Material id "MSteel" has a "surface" of "metal". The Damage and Forge categories can be absolutely whatever you desire them to be, as long as "surface" is something vanilla.


Also, as it turns out, the function where the particles get summoned through was also the one where the damage from mining tools is applied... You know how you have DamageBonus.steel = 0 on a lot of things? And how you'll still get through anyway? Well, I changed Max(1,Damage) to Round(Damage) in that function. So if you're literally getting 0 for a Damage Bonus, you're not actually doing any damage, instead of the slow trickle of 1 damage per hit minimum. That's simple enough to reverse if you don't like it, but it was right there.


Here's the latest experimental DLL for you to try out, with the Forge Lag, Search Lag, Particle Fix, and Damage Rounding. I also included the C# and/or CLI code for everything I changed. Look over it. If you like how it plays, I can make this as a base for you to build the SDX from. What version of the game are you building it from, still 15.2b7?




Just had a strange occurrence whilst I was in the forge looking at the requirements to make a minibike seat.


#Note the ingredient numbers that I actually have in my pack in relation to the numbers of required items it says I have in my pack.


Vastly different.




Refresh the recipe list. Either exit, drop something from your inventory (maybe those spam axes?)... something. Now, is this with the DLL I provided, if so, which version, and if not, try re-updating as I've uploaded V3 of the hack, without the strange DLL Hell situation. Also, question is: Can you make it happen, again? It's not enough that the game goes wonky... it does that. It matters if you can make it go wonky in a predictable fashion. I would not have been able to do anything about the craft lag without knowing exactly where it occurs (in this case, easy enough). If I can't make my game do what you just showed me, then it's a fluke.


The thing is, you can't craft the minibike seat from the forge, in the first place. It's crafted in the Metal Workbench. Notice how the amount of each one of these items show is equal to the amount of Unit Iron you have in the forge. Each one of those items is made from iron. The game is trying to give you a proper answer, but since you're in the wrong forge, it won't work at all, and gives you wrong answers. I could see if I could hack the display to simply not show you that recipe, even on crafting, but basically since you would never be able to abuse this and it's simply showing you the wrong answer because you're in the wrong workstation, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble.

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drop something from your inventory (maybe those spam axes?)


haha... those 'spam axes' are actually all Taza axes, as I was saying in an earlier post, the drop rate for them is a little crazy, I got all these on my last trip to the snow biome from the lumberjacks.


p.s. i never spamcraft

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Welcome back spiderman. I know ive been slackin off as server admin but unlikems taken to the role with zest lol. Jax has a great ts server up, its good stuff hes added uma zoms and tweaked it a bit.


- - - Updated - - -


I don't see how that encourages me to face the night horde. I'm lvl 81 and I'm scared to step outside at night (yes I'm a pu$$y). Maybe I can, but why? Risk/reward? You can invent all the clever ways to get to the player, but a smart player in a open world sandbox will always find a way to avoid the horde if he doesn't want to face it (logging off as a last resort).


But a good reward (as EsTygo proposed) would motivate me. Something good for both starting/mid game/high level players. Something worth dying for. Profession pages maybe?


- - - Updated - - -




We all have it, both SP and MP. My guess it is NPC survivors. If anyone could disable them for testing and report us the result.


Interesting, the players on jaxtellers server havent reported any lag?

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Couple things i spotted recently:


Craft menu lists "Fermitation Barrel" which should be "Fermentation Barrel"


Kabar knife is giving hunting experience. Is this intentional? Seems like it should be giving bladed weapons skill instead since its described/intended as a combat weapon.


Day 14 and 21 horde nights on my current game (MP with a buddy via Lan) has experienced crushing lag as soon as the Burning Zombies show up. Everything runs smooth otherwise even if we let multiple screamers summon a huge horde of zombies but as soon as horde night starts and we get half a dozen burning zombies zipping around both our machines stutter to an unplayable crawl. I'm not sure if its their burning effects or their super-fast movement rate that might be causing it but after some testing it definitely seems to be these particular zombies triggering the problem. Anyone else seeing this?


Which work station is gun oil made in? Tried a bunch and can't seem to find where to make the stuff.

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Found it. It's in the Loot.XML file. There is a reference to "cntDeskSafe01" but... that doesn't exist. The proper object name is "cntDeskSafe". Change that line, or remove it, and it should work.


I dont see "cntDeskSafe01" anywhere in my xml files.

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I dont see "cntDeskSafe01" anywhere in my xml files.


I saw it at the top of the file, in the LootWasteland list. I have a list of long-standing issues I have found fixes for, I will double check with the Github files on that one, as soon as I get where I'm going.


Okay, so I just did look at the GitHub and, you're right, the latest version doesn't have that issue. I must have missed that file when updating. Regardless of this, that's where that error came from: Those loot replacements at the top of the file must have an existing object or the "Blue Box" problem occurs. There will be no error message, just that. Strange that me and the reporting person had the same error, and yet it wasn't in the GitHub version :/

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haha... those 'spam axes' are actually all Taza axes, as I was saying in an earlier post, the drop rate for them is a little crazy, I got all these on my last trip to the snow biome from the lumberjacks.


p.s. i never spamcraft


No offense. But yeah,Tazzies are everywhere, you're right.

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What about adding batteries to flashlights? Like mining Helmet, similar to the torches that need fuel ?


That would be sick!


- - - Updated - - -


Here is my contribution to the bug hunt.


You can't scrap or feed Anvils into the forge. They take 1200 iron to make but once made, can't be turned back into iron.


With a name like that youre perfect for the burglar class!!!!!

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Okay, Spider. As promised, here is my latest bug update. Several outstanding issues with the solutions discovered, reasons explained, and fixes offered.:


Problem: Prefab lights having the wrong rotation

Solution: Return lights to their original meshes, and change the Class to "PowerLight, Mods". There is no power, so no lights.


Problem: Candles burn forever once placed

Solution: Give them the UpgradeRated Class


Problem: There is an empty chance for many types of high-grade loot boxes, such as Munitions Crates, Gun Safes, etc.

Solution: Don't have there be one. Count on these should be at least 1, to compensate for their rarity and importance to progression. Also, munitions boxes should take far less time to open once you've broken through them. Nothing sucks more than opening up a box with 60,000 hit points, requiring high level tools to do so, then waiting an entire minute to find... absolutely nothing.


Problem: Skill Books do not give enough XP to compensate for their rarity

Solution: Add "Periodicals" loot group. Add this to "Books" loot group with low probability. Add "Periodicals" group directly to mailboxes and bookstore shelves, with a low probability. Increase skill gain from these books.


Problem: Survivors stand around like morons, and only attack zombies that are right in front of their face.

Solution: Add "Wander" and "ApproachSpot" AI Packages to end of AI Package list. They're supposed to add life to the world, not be free guards.

Alternatively: Do this with new, added Survivor types. Maybe some people want a few free guards, but there should be just wanderers, too.


Problem: Some loot is too rare, and some entities are too common (see below)

Issue: Entries in entitygroups.xml and loot.xml use weights, they're not like biome decoratios.

Description: When loading the object lists found in these two files, the "prob" is summed and then the probabilities are normalized, meaning they are summed up and then put into a normal 0 - 1 distribution. These lists are weighted, not absolute probabilities. Having three objects with a probability of "1" does not give a 100% chance of all three, but rather a 1 in 3 chance of any one of them. Having 4 objects with a prob of 0.25 does give a 1 in 4 chance of any one object, but adding a fifth object with a probability of 0.25 gives a 1 in 5 chance of any one object.

Solution: I highly suggest that you go through these files with a fine toothed comb, and renormalize the probabilities, yourself. Don't use 0.05 for a 5% chance, use a prob of 5. Try to make everything sum up to 100. It will be much easier to work with, if you do this, I promise.


Problem: Too many Survivors.

Solution: You need a Dummy probability 3 or 4 to thin those herds.


Problem: Not enough Warlords.

Solution: Double their prob in the ArmedSurvivorsGroup in entitygroups.xml.


Problem: Bandits give about 100x more experience than zombie kills

Solution: I think you know the solution. They should give an okay amount of XP, but thousands? No.


Problem: Too many Zombies, predictable hordes, not enough variety in Zombie count.

Solution: Add Dummy chance to ZombiesAll, ZombiesNight, ZombiesCrawlers, etc. Add up the probabilities (the default prob is "1"), then add a Dummy to the entity groups which equals that number. This will give a 50% chance for any particular Zombie spawn to be empty. Then DOUBLE the maxcount of biome Zombies in spawning.xml. This will make a much more random distribution of Zombies in the world, have alternating moments between very few zombies and nearly double the amount there are now, and give hordes of all kinds a variable amount of zombies. For hordes, the "maxAlive" function will treat Dummy zombies as having died, and will immediately spawn a new one, but the random zombies found out in the world will just be randomly either there or not there.

Alternatively: You could have a 1 in 3 chance of a Zombie not spawning by summing up the probabilities for each entity group and adding a Dummy probability half that number, and then multiply maxcount for biome zombies by 1.5. This would still greatly help in keeping players on their toes, and never quite knowing whether there is a zombie around the next corner, or not.


Problem: Spider zombies who don't climb still make the spider zombie noise

Solution: Have these zombies extend from the zombies which share their new walk types, instead of the spiderzombie.


Problem: Zombies who DO climb do not make their presence known with the spider zombie noise

Solution: Set their noise


Just an Idea: Wandering Bandit Hordes

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Spider, how about a quick hot fix for the immediate bugs (crossbow lvl 3, nailgun schematics in loot, Iron Hoe for Farmer quest, wrong smelt amount for steel armor items, chicken coop etc.) before you make a major update for not immediate improvements (Jeoshua findings, my furniture requests and what not)?

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Spider, how about a quick hot fix for the immediate bugs (crossbow lvl 3, nailgun schematics in loot, Iron Hoe for Farmer quest, wrong smelt amount for steel armor items, chicken coop etc.) before you make a major update for not immediate improvements (Jeoshua findings, my furniture requests and what not)?


He's going down the list of posts since he got back. The only reason he stopped on mine is because that wasn't an issue and, like often happens, I need to be corrected about something since I speak with authority even when I'm wrong (because I believe it).


He's probably already fixed your stuff and is over even scratching his head on why I found what I did when his files don't show that.

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Small bugs:


Crafted Rifle needs revolver parts - may be intended, but you cant craft revolver parts

Cobblestairs is "free" while all other cobble frames need perk


Was confused about "Stone". It takes cement, small stones and sand to make a "stone", yet it takes "stone" to make cement. Reading the in game text is confusing, as cement actually needs smelted stone (stone_units). Not sure how to make that clear.

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Mod Update-


Server and Player xml’s also player only .dll update


Should not break saves


Decreased XP gained from using upgrading Tools


Fixed Storage Sacks breakdown materials


Added Nail gun, Compact Driver, Chainsaw and Auger Perks


Added Nail gun Schematic to loot


Fixed Crossbow Perks level 3


Added Iron Hoe to the recipes a Farmer starts with


Fixed Bandit XP now 30 for Melee and 50 for Ranged


Fixed Shopping cart Block HP


Lowered the HP on the Trashcan needed to craft spot light


Fixed Shopping Baskets material breakdown


Maybe fixed melting candles. Let me know if they melt after 15-30 min


Increased chance and added more places that will drop Weekly and Monthly Magazines that give XP when read.


Increased number and chance of Profession Pages to drop. Added a chance for them to drop on Cops, Ferals and Fatty’s.


Fixed POI lights rotation and they can be broken for resources again (all lights still off)


Removed chance for no loot on high end loot containers


Decreased Followers again


Increased chance for random Bandits in hard biomes


Added 50 Cal Bullet to loot


Our friendly neighborhood Jeoshua has taken it upon himself to try and slay some crafting lag for all of us and I have included his work in this update. (Form my understanding)How he has done this is simple limited the times the game refreshes the recipe list in the Workstations. So before every time a piece of scrap iron smelted or a nail was crafted it would refresh the list every second now it does not. In preliminary testing this has shown great promise but needs a bigger audience to test it fully. So please let us know if this is an improvement on the crafting lag at all for you.


Also included in this update is Jeoshuas fix for my Steel Material hit sounds. So Steel makes noise when hitting things.


And I think maybe my favorite Jeoshua nugget is now I can actually make something do “0” damage to something. I don’t think Jeoshua knows how big this is. A huge chunk of this Mod was made just to get around the problem of everything did at least “1” damage to things. This will change a lot of things when I get around to untangling my web of work arounds. But for now it just means you can no longer damage materials with materials I don’t want you too. Mauhahahahaha

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Small bugs:


Crafted Rifle needs revolver parts - may be intended, but you cant craft revolver parts

Cobblestairs is "free" while all other cobble frames need perk


Was confused about "Stone". It takes cement, small stones and sand to make a "stone", yet it takes "stone" to make cement. Reading the in game text is confusing, as cement actually needs smelted stone (stone_units). Not sure how to make that clear.


Agreed, took me few mins to figure out it was the forge to craft cement.



I agree with all of Jeoshuas feedbacks. Especially the fiz to zombie spawns and better randomness.

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Another very minor bug. Chopped down a redwood tree, got 50 "Redwood". The wood is really colored red but looks like wood. Issue is you cant do anything but scrap it. I suggest a recipe to make redwood blocks out of it as a replacement or companion to the existing recipe for redwood blocks that use a flower as dye.

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Our friendly neighborhood Jeoshua has taken it upon himself to try and slay some crafting lag for all of us and I have included his work in this update. (Form my understanding)How he has done this is simple limited the times the game refreshes the recipe list in the Workstations. So before every time a piece of scrap iron smelted or a nail was crafted it would refresh the list every second now it does not. In preliminary testing this has shown great promise but needs a bigger audience to test it fully. So please let us know if this is an improvement on the crafting lag at all for you.


Also included in this update is Jeoshuas fix for my Steel Material hit sounds. So Steel makes noise when hitting things.


And I think maybe my favorite Jeoshua nugget is now I can actually make something do “0” damage to something. I don’t think Jeoshua knows how big this is.


I, for one, want to thank Jeoshua for the amazing additions he has brought to this mod. Everything he does adds real playability to the mod, not just cosmetic tweaks. If hes looking for extra credit, I hope he takes a look at the annoying bug that forces us to use the task manager to exit the game. As that event should be easy to find, it might be easy to fix.

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