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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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i have a probelm guys again,look at this:



<recipe name="clubIron" count="1" craft_area="workAnvil" craft_tool="clawHammer" craft_time="30" craft_exp_gain="10">

<ingredient name="clubWood" count="1" />

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="20" />


that is the recipe for Reinforced iron club i have skillpoint that is unlocking it and i have all materials for it,i just dont know on what working station i need to do it?!?!


craft_area="workAnvil". That indicates what work station it needs.

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I work very hard to try and get all the information a player needs to them as much as I can. But you have to help me out and at lest read a little. If you open you crafting screen and search for the iron club and click on it, the description says-


"Like a wooden club, but more durable and does more damage. Craft it on the Anvil using a Claw hammer"


I know not all the items are finished but that one is. Please try reading the descriptions, Mod Journal Notes, Perk descriptions and quest. I put them all in there to give you the info you will need to play the game.



And yes you can craft a Anvil that is a workstation and also can be used as a tool. Mortar and pestle is the same, it is a workstation and also a tool. Also if you type "work" in crafting search you will see all the workstations in True Survival.

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there is actual Anvil station that i can craft???


Yes, make a new anvil and then place it somewhere, like on the ground or anywhere except inside a forge, and you have a new anvil workstation. Many new workstations are created this way so you have to stop thinking things work like they do in the base game.

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Are the initial quests supposed to be giving XP? The quest text shows "Exp: " and grants none. The xml for these quests has id=400, but to give xp this should be value=400 instead. Maybe these are still being tweaked? They feel irrelevant atm.


Any reason why the Fitness Instructor is getting 5000 starting XP where all other classes get 1000?


Wood javelin and iron javelin don't seem to raise any skills when used (maybe bladed is appropriate? Athletics?).


Shovels also grant no exp on use - felt like it should grant Athletics.


I've started several games trying out the different professions - awesome work on that. They all feel really good (with the oddball Fitness Instructor starting xp bonus). I managed to get myself poisoned but luckily had found a couple grain alcohols already, so I was able to whip up an antivenom. I used it and it had a timer - I didn't see any indication that I needed to do anything besides use antivenom. However, I later died out of nowhere while crafting. I was at full health, safe in my base making an anvil. Suddenly I died - no text or cause indicated. I double checked the timing and it would have been roughly when the 3rd stage of poison would have expired, but I know I had no debuff, was not losing stamina, health or wellness associated with the later stages (I cured it before stage 2). Any reason why I would still die? I can't see anything in the xml to suggest there is a problem with this system. Anyone else have experience with curing poison by dying anyway?

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Guide for Dedicated server install - *At least how I did it* Edition


Includes steamcmd, Vanilla server and TrueSurvivalSDX mod so I tried to include enough information for first timers too.


Also includes some notes to run several servers in one box and some firewall rules info.




I hope someone gets help reading this.




I'm sure someone will educate me all errors in this document or anything that is done better way.


PS! Written just because I love this mod sooo much!


Thanks again for posting this. I'm almost through the process (work has been crazy lately) but The load is done. heres my feedback so far:


1. You don't cover configuring the web Portal, usually on port 8080, which should be changed to something else like 8090.


2. On windows 10 you get a pop up regarding security/firewall when you first start the server, so maybe tell them to click ok.


3. I recommend letting folks know not to use any special characters or punctuation in the game name or it will not launch the server. I put a "!" at the end of my game name and it stalled out at loading the game name.


4. Here is the big one: You posted the link to the client version of the mod, not the server version. I didn't catch this until I copied the files into the game directory and then could not find the .ini file to change for the next step as it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Started over at the beginning and used the server version and then all proceeded fine.


5. This line seems wrong: Open c:\7d2d-survival\Mods\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\settings.ini in Notepad++, don't even try to edit it with standard notepad!


It should be: Open c:\7d2d-survival\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\settings.ini in Notepad++, don't even try to edit it with standard notepad!


Thats as far as I got tonight but the rest looks good. If I find out more will let you know.



Thanks again.

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After the initial struggle, it's nice to not have to worry about it...



Alex I will take "What are things you will NEVER say in True Survival" for 200 please




Seriously though, Spider i have been obsessively playing this for a week now. You have managed to add long term value to this game. It feels like an MMO, and it also motivates me to NOT wipe because of all the hard work I am doing to progress. Everything i unlock, every small block i make, it all feels important. The system you have devised and written is simply amazing.I can never play any other mod ever again. Im all in on TS.

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Alex I will take "What are things you will NEVER say in True Survival" for 200 please




Seriously though, Spider i have been obsessively playing this for a week now. You have managed to add long term value to this game. It feels like an MMO, and it also motivates me to NOT wipe because of all the hard work I am doing to progress. Everything i unlock, every small block i make, it all feels important. The system you have devised and written is simply amazing.I can never play any other mod ever again. Im all in on TS.


Thats exactly how i feel! Every block, is well thought out, every item i craft, i think, what can i get out of it, if i have to scrap it. No trash pile left un-looted.

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Mod Update-


Both Server and Player xml’s




Added 4 new Fighting Axes


Stone Fighting Axe is unlocked at lv 15 Primitive Crafting


Iron Fighting Axe is locked behind Forged Iron


Steel Fighting Axe is locked behind Forged Steel


Death Bringer is a one handed battle axe that can only be found in loot (Top end Axe)


Removed Tomahawk Recipe and Perk


Tomahawk is only found in loot


Changed the Old Axe to a one handed axe


Added Follower Note in your Journal Screen


Rebalanced all the above axes


Added missing assault weapon gun part group to loot



Yes. Its takes a Jar to make it. You've never been able to make Jars in this mod so I try to give them back when I can.

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thank man


Mod Update-


Both Server and Player xml’s




Added 4 new Fighting Axes


Stone Fighting Axe is unlocked at lv 15 Primitive Crafting


Iron Fighting Axe is locked behind Forged Iron


Steel Fighting Axe is locked behind Forged Steel


Death Bringer is a one handed battle axe that can only be found in loot (Top end Axe)


Removed Tomahawk Recipe and Perk


Tomahawk is only found in loot


Changed the Old Axe to a one handed axe


Added Follower Note in your Journal Screen


Rebalanced all the above axes


Added missing assault weapon gun part group to loot



Yes. Its takes a Jar to make it. You've never been able to make Jars in this mod so I try to give them back when I can.


Thank you for this great work you do, thank you again

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What changes did you make to the RWGmixer from vanilla, i see you added combo pack? But is it the full combo pack? Or did you edit parts?


I recall he said he removed the prefabs from Combo that had unbalanced loot.

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Was the map icon for mini bike removed? I used to see a bike icon when i was in range of it. Ive lost 3 mini bikes to the vanishing issue.


Some people say I have a lot of patience. If you made and lost 3 minibikes, you are far more patient than I am. I would have stopped making them after losing the first one :)

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Some people say I have a lot of patience. If you made and lost 3 minibikes, you are far more patient than I am. I would have stopped making them after losing the first one :)


I used to not use the mini bike cause of this issue. But since i started playing this mod, i had no issues with bikes. Now i do. Seems the bikes have the same issues as when u die, and cant find your pack. Its either underground, in a tree, on a roof, in a wall..........


I got luck at the start of this world, found 4 bikes in a box

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