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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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okey one more try i alredy started doing it anyway,i deleted all vanilla files from steamapps and all files from launcher,now i'm downloading game from steam then i will use this :[ATTACH=CONFIG]19500[/ATTACH]

and after that i will contact you here.

give me 15 min to finish download and +5 to do with launcher...


Sorry that you are having some trouble. If your newest attempt still doesn't work, would you mind going to the View menu, in the Mod Launcher, then click on Log Files. Upload both log files, the Launcher files, as well as your output_log file from your last run. That might help us narrow down what the issue is.

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I'm level 21 and decided to explore the wasteland since I was a bit bored with the other biodomes. So picked up my trusty tomahawk and headed out (really not expecting any challenge).

Talk about pucker factor!

Landmines, swarms of zeds and when I'm dealing with those some hell pups and radioactive spiders join the fray.

I fought my way midway through the bio and then fought my way back home.

I dragged my half eaten, irradiated, blown up self into the house with half my heath gone a nasty bite and pack full of iron and loot.

Very fun!

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First time it needs to download about 500 megs, so it will take a little while, depending on how fast your internet is. Every other time should be much faster.


Sorry that you are having some trouble. If your newest attempt still doesn't work, would you mind going to the View menu, in the Mod Launcher, then click on Log Files. Upload both log files, the Launcher files, as well as your output_log file from your last run. That might help us narrow down what the issue is.


I guess you think like that:http://pastebin.com/zEGn8K9S

and second is output:http://pastebin.com/bWumVjMe

Yea didnt work out...

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I'm level 21 and decided to explore the wasteland since I was a bit bored with the other biodomes. So picked up my trusty tomahawk and headed out (really not expecting any challenge).

Talk about pucker factor!

Landmines, swarms of zeds and when I'm dealing with those some hell pups and radioactive spiders join the fray.

I fought my way midway through the bio and then fought my way back home.

I dragged my half eaten, irradiated, blown up self into the house with half my heath gone a nasty bite and pack full of iron and loot.

Very fun!


This is what ist's all about!

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Maybe someone can point me to a problem that cropped up. I loaded the mod about a week ago no problem with the launcher, then I wanted to play normal - so I used the launcher "delete mod" tool. So far so good. Yesterday I wanted to get back to the game I had started with this mod, but it kept loading the default game.


"Clone Mode Detected. No previous GIT exist. Recloning... "


I get this repeating 4 or 5 times, then the game loads but it loads default. So I switched to "simple" and it ran just fine. I started a new game with Farmer profession and got an error message after reading the quest. Also, the vendor was giving me bullet casings instead of Tokens as currency.


Came to the forums to report the bugs and noticed that someone said that the farmer issue was recently fixed...odd, I assumed running from the launcher meant I had the most updated files. Reading some other replies, I uninstalled the game, reinstalled, then installed the launcher. On the advanced tab, I navigate to the mod, copy the steam folder then hit Play Mod. After about 10 mins of that text repeating every 2 mins or so, the game starts, but without the mod.


"Clone Mode Detected. No previous GIT exist. Recloning... "


Same text as before.


Any thoughts? I assume I can run it again using "simple" but I would like to know if there is a solution to this problem.



EDIT: This problem went away when I renamed the mod folder to C://Launcher instead of the default name

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So I reading some other issues people had, I renamed the my mod folder to "Launcher" and that fixed the issue I was having using the Advanced mode of the Launcher.


That said, with new files I am still getting a null exception when reading the Farmers Quest (yellow paper).


Here is a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/BiJKwzGk


Soon as I manage to find a trader, I will check if he is still using bullet casing for currency.

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Mod Update-


Both Player and Server XML files updated / Server Updated


Fixed reported spelling and grammar errors


Fix reported description errors


Increased stack sizes on some resources


Fixed Farming Perk not teaching Tomato Seeds


Fixed Bladed weapons categories in Skill Screen


Fixed NPC weapons breaking and spamming “Item needs repair” on player screen


Fixed being able to assemble NPC weapons


Fixed Farmer Profession Quest. Farmer now starts with an Old Rifle


Added a smoking description


Increased the max alive on zombie stages from 10 to 15 and from 2 to 5


Increased some vehicles health points


Increased recipe to 4 snow balls per jar of water


Added chance for mechanical parts from cars using a tool


Lowered Wrench drop rate and increased Claw Hammer drop rate


Lowered leather from cars


Lowered drop rate on Small Generator and made it scrapable


Lowered bats drop rate from cars


Added hammer head to Claw Hammer Perk


Removed Wrench recipe that was in the forge. Now it’s only made on the anvil


Removed Steak Knife recipe


Added Tomahawk Perk


Fixed Spears cross hairs


Changed Iron Javelin to require 1 fiber rope instead of Lashing





Dirty water does not drop in this mod only clean water and yes most drinks can use the alt mouse button to dump a drink on their heads get a small cooling buff put out fire, remove vomit acid and smell and you get your jar back. You cant make jars in this mod.

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Nice update! 😃



So what's the deal with the survivors? You just punch them and they follow you around for a short time and that's the extent of their situation right now? There isn't much description on what/how to interact with them or how to make them follow you longer etc...

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All the quests (in quests.xml) that reward XP have:


<reward type="Exp" id="400" />


This doesn't actually reward any XP...I tested


<reward type="Exp" value="400" />


This appeared to work on the stone axe quest I tested with.

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Another awesome update Spider. I had a question. I see you are increasing stack sizes, did you also change how much the trader will accept? Example, in vanilla you can sell water, up to three stacks in a given time period. At 15 jars a stack this keeps the economy safe. But if say you increased stack sizes that means you can sell way more than you can in vanilla and drives the economy down the tubes. Now instead of selling 45 jars of water each 3 day period i can now sell 64 x 3 or whatever the stack size was increased to before the trader wont accept anymore.


A small consideration but one to take into account since i have known people on MP servers in the past to farm things i increased stack sizes on to make thousands of dukes.

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Mod Update-



I am curious as to the speed at which you expect progression to be made. What day do you think would be appropriate to hit level 25 (for iron) or level 75 (steel)? When would you expect to be able to make mobile spotlights (engineering 50) or cobblestone (primitive crafting 45)? I'm not complaining about time here, just wondering what you have in mind for progression to help to formulate suggestions based on the 'expected' curve of the mod.

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sanity buff idea


Hi love your mod


Ive been thinking of a new use for putting furniture in a base or a reason for a player to do it..


its called sanity buff. having beds,couch tv,s and so on keeps the players sanity level level up.


it has different levels ..and works by player being within a block or few blocks of said item,just like the bundled up

buff with the bed roll when you step on it,each different item has a different level of positive buff,as it reminds the

survivor of a time before when all was normal,player would get more better buffs from items near their keystone then if

they are just starting out before they build a base and only passed positive objects while exlporing looting etc,maybe when

away from base and the items buff only lasts 2 game days before your level drops down to the next one.below ground

base bunker could provide a negative buff and need more items then usual to keep sane,



sane : player is sane, temorary time limited benefits could be included better pistol shot just for example..


anxious: player suffers slight negative buffs in other areas.


depression: player makes gasping sounds,over heats easily,the gasping sound include a buff that increses player noise level

this lets zombies hear you.


end it all buff: the longer this buff occurs there is a slight chance for broken glass to appear in the player inventory,player

then eats broken glass automaticly this can come from water bottles or anything

from the players inventory.that can be turned in to broken glass ..

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sanity buff idea


love your mod,its the reason i never go far from base


ive got and idea for a sanity buff it makes use of objets like couches tv beds etc.

these objects when within a few blocks of the player would add temporary positive buffs it could work like the bedroll buff does .in player base with a keystone the objects would give positive buffs,items when seen away from base or before one is built would give only a bit of a buff,luxury items such as these remind player of a time before thus keep his sanity levels high,the time levels for the buff effect could be various.top level is as follows..also a below ground bunker negative buff could be applied therefore bunker players have more

negative buffs and have to do more work to stay sane,all the way down at bedrock...so bases or a player at a minus depth could have a negative buff on them after a short time,the further down the more negative the buffs could be



sane... positive temporary buffs in other things..


anxious... negative temporary buffs in other areas ...


depression...player gasps more and can be heard more easily,over heats ,etc


end it all buff...player eats broken glass from inventory automaticly,the glass appears in inventory automaticly the longer this buff is in effect the more chance that this will happen..plus all the buffs of depression are included

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Dirty water does not drop in this mod only clean water and yes most drinks can use the alt mouse button to dump a drink on their heads get a small cooling buff put out fire, remove vomit acid and smell and you get your jar back. You cant make jars in this mod.


Awesome !


@Spider, Let me just take this opportunity to thank you [and all your helpers in here] for all the hard work you have put into this excellent mod.


As others have said before me, this mod makes me feel like I am playing 7DTD for the first time, you have rekindled the excitement in rediscovering fresh new concepts all over again.


For a game that had become pretty effortless and a little stale at times, its really nice to have a bunch of fresh new spices thrown into the mix.


Cheers !

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Feel bad for poster above having trouble with launcher. Everyone trying to help seems to be getting a little frustrated with him. To me it seems it may be a language thing. I put myself in his place wanting to play this game that (most :)) everyone here is crazy about but having this kind of trouble. I would think twice about mentioning anything again......walk a mile in his moccasins...

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What kind of stone is used to craft a shapening stone?


It says it requires 50x 'STONE', but I cant for the life of me find the correct type of stone. The picture of the materials required is that of cobblestone, but as expected, that did not work either. I have gone through the creative menu trying everything I can think of but none seem to work.


Also it makes no mention of needing any tool in particular to craft aside from the required skill level, which I of course have.

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