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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Can anyone tell me the difference of SDX modded version of TS and JZMOD modded version ?


The SDX version is the only version that is under support and functioning. The JZMOD version is not compatible with A15 and should not be used.


The SDX version has additional features and assets not found in the JXMOD version, but the progression and challenges are similar.

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The SDX version is the only version that is under support and functioning. The JZMOD version is not compatible with A15 and should not be used.


The SDX version has additional features and assets not found in the JXMOD version, but the progression and challenges are similar.



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Random one; But is The Tittie Twister still in this? If I wanted to delete and or add prefabs from the combo pack, is it just a case of adding/deleting in the RGWmixer xml?


Not sure what you are refering to by "TT", but sure, if you know how to edit the mixer file you can add or remove POIs this mod. Just be sure to add the poi (tts and xml) files to the data/prefab folder.

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Not sure what you are refering to by "TT", but sure, if you know how to edit the mixer file you can add or remove POIs this mod. Just be sure to add the poi (tts and xml) files to the data/prefab folder.


It's the bar/nightclub from From Dusk Til Dawn. It is part of the combo pack. Or at least it used to be. Thanks. I know what I'm going but wasn't sure if I had to change something in a different xml.

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I've finally read through this entire thread, and I had a thought about the whole nerd-poling controversy. I know you're not ready adding features to this version anymore, but maybe for the A16?


So the issue is you want to stop nerd-poling as an exploit, which you did with the no block placement in midair change. But the builders are upset because it messes with their building abilities. What if you made a "scaffold" block? It could be climbable, able to be picked up, and super low hp (so it wouldn't be attractive as a permanent part of a build). It might be a stupid idea, but I'm just throwing it out there as brainstorming.

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I've finally read through this entire thread, and I had a thought about the whole nerd-poling controversy. I know you're not ready adding features to this version anymore, but maybe for the A16?


So the issue is you want to stop nerd-poling as an exploit, which you did with the no block placement in midair change. But the builders are upset because it messes with their building abilities. What if you made a "scaffold" block? It could be climbable, able to be picked up, and super low hp (so it wouldn't be attractive as a permanent part of a build). It might be a stupid idea, but I'm just throwing it out there as brainstorming.


The nerd-poling fix does not effect or hinder building in anyway at all, thank you for the suggestion though.

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I've finally read through this entire thread, and I had a thought about the whole nerd-poling controversy. I know you're not ready adding features to this version anymore, but maybe for the A16?


So the issue is you want to stop nerd-poling as an exploit, which you did with the no block placement in midair change. But the builders are upset because it messes with their building abilities. What if you made a "scaffold" block? It could be climbable, able to be picked up, and super low hp (so it wouldn't be attractive as a permanent part of a build). It might be a stupid idea, but I'm just throwing it out there as brainstorming.


Hay bale is the block you are referring to.


Grats on reading 178 pages of forum threads lol i feel your pain.

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Didn't mean to stir anything up. It was just a random idea.


You didn't "stir anything up". I said thank you. You were just reading the inaccurate posts by people that didn't understand what was going on.

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What is supposed to drop Profession pages after the recent cutback to their drop rate? I am in week 5 and have been killing Ferals, Cops, Brutes, etc and have yet to see a single Profession page drop from a zombie. The only pages i have gotten so far have come from the once a week Air Drop crates.

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What is supposed to drop Profession pages after the recent cutback to their drop rate? I am in week 5 and have been killing Ferals, Cops, Brutes, etc and have yet to see a single Profession page drop from a zombie. The only pages i have gotten so far have come from the once a week Air Drop crates.


Airdrops, ferals, cop cars and military vehicles have a chance of a drop.

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Airdrops, ferals, cop cars and military vehicles have a chance of a drop.


Ouch. So prior to level 75 the only real way to accumulate them is to farm Ferals? (assuming low/no airdrops) I don't know the % chance from a feral but it seems like the drop rate might have swung a bit to far on the stingy side if that's the case. I'm not sure why someone who has already played long enough to make it to level 75 would even care about adding more professions. By that time there isn't really much point. But having a decent chance to get an additional profession or two during the long mid-game would be nice.


Speaking off the mid-game. Does anyone have advice on how to get general level exp during that period? Once my buddy and I level up a bunch of the building/crafting/combat skills the general leveling exp seems to stall and our progress really slows down. How are people increasing their level in the climb to 75? Is it really just kill more and harder zombies or am i missing something?

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Hello all, first time poster about the True Survival SDX mod. I have two things I would like to say in this post, but firstly I would like to say this: spider I’ve been playing this mod non-stop since my roommate showed it to me a couple of weeks ago. It truly is amazing. I waited for over a year for the fun pimps to greatly expand upon their game but as the team isn’t as large as some other companies they weren’t able to perform on my wants as of yet. You however... did. This mod is everything I had hoped 7 days to die would become and more. I am truly marvelled at what you have done with this mod and hope you continue this masterpiece and other mods for other games if you do them. I honestly believe the fun pimps should just hire you to replicate these modifications and bring them to vanilla for the more casual players to enjoy.


On to the main reason I am posting; I have a bug to report. I have noticed that arrows often times don’t register when hitting a spider zombie that is using a walking animation (not on all fours like in vanilla). I tested this multiple times on multiple spider zombies that were standing and only a few arrows registered (maybe only 10-20% of arrows). I’m not sure if any others have brought this bug up prior to me posting or if this is already well known to you. There are even several youtube videos depicting this exact bug, for example in the following link:



The bug can be seen at 4:04, 4:24, 4:30, 4:46 and then the arrow finally registered on his 6th try (the first five shots should have clearly connected).


Lastly, I do have one small question to finish off my post; how do I upgrade spikes? As far I was aware you needed to apply sticks to spikes, after trying this I found out it was changed to being upgraded with repair tools, but my wrench and hammer don’t work on it. Now I’m thinking it’s a specific tool? I haven’t found a screwdriver yet so I haven’t tested it out with a screwdriver so far. Any and all help appreciated. Thanks in advance :smile-new:

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Lastly, I do have one small question to finish off my post; how do I upgrade spikes? As far I was aware you needed to apply sticks to spikes, after trying this I found out it was changed to being upgraded with repair tools, but my wrench and hammer don’t work on it. Now I’m thinking it’s a specific tool? I haven’t found a screwdriver yet so I haven’t tested it out with a screwdriver so far. Any and all help appreciated. Thanks in advance :smile-new:


Wrench and hammer should work fine. Upgrading the spikes can be a bit tricky due to the graphic geometry. I've found it easiest to point my mouse down near the bottom of the spikes near where they touch the ground, making sure the cursor is right on one of the spike sticks. With a wrench or hammer in your hand this should work. Clicking near the top of the spikes doesn't usually work for some reason.

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On to the main reason I am posting; I have a bug to report. I have noticed that arrows often times don’t register when hitting a spider zombie that is using a walking animation (not on all fours like in vanilla). I tested this multiple times on multiple spider zombies that were standing and only a few arrows registered (maybe only 10-20% of arrows). I’m not sure if any others have brought this bug up prior to me posting or if this is already well known to you. There are even several youtube videos depicting this exact bug, for example in the following link:



The bug can be seen at 4:04, 4:24, 4:30, 4:46 and then the arrow finally registered on his 6th try (the first five shots should have clearly connected).


I have noticed this as well. I am guessing its due to the re-positioning and alignment change of the head hit box. I switch to melee on these and then have no problem getting head hits to land.

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Wrench and hammer should work fine. Upgrading the spikes can be a bit tricky due to the graphic geometry. I've found it easiest to point my mouse down near the bottom of the spikes near where they touch the ground, making sure the cursor is right on one of the spike sticks. With a wrench or hammer in your hand this should work. Clicking near the top of the spikes doesn't usually work for some reason.


Admittedly, I hadn't spent more than a minute trying to upgrade them. When I was trying, I was aiming at the top, while looking down on themI was standing very close. I tried what you said; it works perfectly. It seems that when you look at the base of the spikes and it says "pick up: spikes" then you may upgrade them. Thanks again for the help, despite how silly this little problem I was having was :stupid:



I have noticed this as well. I am guessing its due to the re-positioning and alignment change of the head hit box. I switch to melee on these and then have no problem getting head hits to land.

yeah logic was telling me that that is probably what it was. I dont see this being a major problem unless it affects other projectiles as well. I mean, the most harm it could probably do is affect you most on a horde night.

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Ouch. So prior to level 75 the only real way to accumulate them is to farm Ferals? (assuming low/no airdrops) I don't know the % chance from a feral but it seems like the drop rate might have swung a bit to far on the stingy side if that's the case. I'm not sure why someone who has already played long enough to make it to level 75 would even care about adding more professions. By that time there isn't really much point. But having a decent chance to get an additional profession or two during the long mid-game would be nice.


Speaking off the mid-game. Does anyone have advice on how to get general level exp during that period? Once my buddy and I level up a bunch of the building/crafting/combat skills the general leveling exp seems to stall and our progress really slows down. How are people increasing their level in the climb to 75? Is it really just kill more and harder zombies or am i missing something?[/quote


I may add pages back to cop loot in the next patch. They will still be very rare drops though, but should improve things a bit.


On the leveling, yeah, the time it takes to get from L40 to L75 is very long. If I get a level in a 4 hour play session (no grinding, just exploring, building etc.) It's a big event now. I'm at L48 now, so I'm not sure I will get to steel before wiping for A16. I don't have any advice for you other than just enjoy the journey.

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I may add pages back to cop loot in the next patch. They will still be very rare drops though, but should improve things a bit.


Just my opinion, for sake of discussion...


I'm not so sure making the pages uber-rare is such a good thing. If unlocking a second profession is only realistically obtainable after level 75, it makes it only a vanity achievement, since you've got most of the stuff unlocked by then anyway. The perks seem to be only useful in early game, if that. For example, I picked mechanic for the harvest bonus and ability to craft mechanical parts. The bonus was nerfed to insignificant, and the other was removed completely. I've been trying to get enough pages to take farmer (which now is what I wish I had started with), but with the changes, I won't be able to until it won't matter anymore.


Again, this is just my viewpoint for discussion.

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So after having this up on our server for a month and seeing a lot of people try it out I think the biggest piece of advice I can offer from a MP view point is that there is little to nothing to look forward to from lvl 25-75. Someone suggested to me that iron be chopped up and sprinkled from level 25-40 so instead of getting all iron tools and capabilities at 25 it kind of glides people through the mid range process by unlocking them 5 levels at a time.


I dont have any real solutions really on that front. I DO know we lost all of our members before 75 around level 35-40. No one is playing anymore. So outside of this being a near perfect mod thats really the only thing I can offer in terms of feedback. To me its a shame that none of my community stuck around for the post 75 level content. Otherwise progression is great, it just hits a very boring stand still after level 30 or so.

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So after having this up on our server for a month and seeing a lot of people try it out I think the biggest piece of advice I can offer from a MP view point is that there is little to nothing to look forward to from lvl 25-75. Someone suggested to me that iron be chopped up and sprinkled from level 25-40 so instead of getting all iron tools and capabilities at 25 it kind of glides people through the mid range process by unlocking them 5 levels at a time.


I dont have any real solutions really on that front. I DO know we lost all of our members before 75 around level 35-40. No one is playing anymore. So outside of this being a near perfect mod thats really the only thing I can offer in terms of feedback. To me its a shame that none of my community stuck around for the post 75 level content. Otherwise progression is great, it just hits a very boring stand still after level 30 or so.


I highly agree with this. Kinda got bored of the grind around lvl 42. we are stock piling iron, for steel production as we grind and lvl our skills.

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