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The Grassitron 2000 - for all your gardening needs


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I posted this in my Mod thread but since there have been plenty of people that have asked for something like this before I thought it could do with its own thread :)


The Grassitron 2000 - AoE grass killer. Feel free to include in whatever you want.




 <item id="2203" name="Grassitron2000">
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="hoeIron"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="00ff00"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/hoe_ironPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="50"/>
   <property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit"/>
   <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false"/>
   <property name="Degradation" value="99999" param1="true"/>
   <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>
   <property class="Action0">
     <property name="Class" value="Launcher"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.3"/>
     <property name="Auto_fire" value="true"/>
     <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true"/>
     <property name="Magazine_items" value="GrassitronProjectile"/>
     <property name="Reload_time" value="2"/>
     <property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi"/>
     <property name="Sound_start" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_empty" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_reload" value=""/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nailgunfire"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke_chainsaw"/>
     <property name="ActionExp" value="1"/>
 <item id="2253" name="GrassitronProjectile">
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="organic"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="45"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="200"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="7"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.boulder" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.cloth" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.concrete" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.earth" value="0.1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.glass" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.leaves" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.metal" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.plants" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.organic" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.snow" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.stone" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.wood" value="0"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="10"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value=".50"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="1"/>
     <property name="CollisionRadius" value="0.5"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="1,1"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="1,1"/>

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Did you run across the problem where the projectile stays attached to your hands after you switch weapons? I have had a ton of issues with that when using projectiles with models not meant for it.


sometimes I was getting that with the flamethrower I made. I'll have to test it but i think its possible to have it with no mesh for the bullet which could eliminate that issue. The nail is pretty small either way so shouldnt be a big problem.




Just tested and the ammo does need a mesh file.

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Now if we could just figure out how to grow the grass back without having to dig up and 'plant' dirt. :( I like grass around my houses and in the world which makes it a pain to harvest. Before long the entire neighborhood looks like flat green astroturf.


Unless they removed it recently just equip some grass and right click where you want it

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Is there a recipe for this or only available in creative?


I haven't done a recipe for it, but you can easily add your own recipe.


maybe something like this:


<recipe name="Grassitron2000" count="1" craft_area="workbench">

<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="shortMetalPipe" count="4"/>

<ingredient name="mechanicalParts" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="electronicParts" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="electricParts" count="1"/>




I will be adding a more appropriate recipe in my mod eventually but that will require a lot of custom items such as Glyphosate.


I also added a more powerful version to my admin nailgun which I use when making prefabs in creative mode:


 <!-- ADMIN ITEMS -->
 <item id="2500" name="Admin_nailgun">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailgunPrefab"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="nailgun"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="37"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
   <property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit"/>
   <property name="Degradation" value="5000" param1="false"/>
   <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false"/>
   <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>
   <property name="Weight" value="33"/>
   <property class="Action0">
     <property name="Class" value="Launcher"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.15"/>
     <property name="Range" value="50"/>
     <property name="Auto_fire" value="true"/>
     <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true"/>
     <property name="Magazine_items" value="Admin_nail, Admin_nail_x4, Admin_nail_x10, Admin_Grassbomb"/>
     <property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false"/>
     <property name="Reload_time" value="1"/>
     <property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi"/>
     <property name="Sound_start" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty"/>
     <property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_reload"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Repair"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.1"/>
     <property name="Repair_amount" value="10000"/>
     <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-10"/>
     <property name="Repair_action_sound" value=""/>
     <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire"/>
     <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="wood,clayLump,dirtFragment,snowBall,scrapIron,forgedIron,forgedSteel,steelPolish,concreteMix,cobblestones,yuccaFibers"/>
   <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
   <property class="Preview">
     <property name="Zoom" value="14"/>
     <property name="Pos" value="0.1,-0.1"/>
     <property name="Rot" value="0,-45,0"/>
   <property name="ActionSkillGroup" value="Construction Tools"/>
   <property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Tool Smithing"/>
 <item id="2501" name="Admin_nail">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="nail"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="16"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="DamageEntity" value="3000"/>
     <property name="DamageBlock" value="50000"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="100"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="10"/>
   <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
 <item id="2502" name="Admin_nail_x4">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="explodingCrossbowBolt"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="16"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/>
     <property name="DamageBlock" value="5000"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="100"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="4"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="4"/>
     <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="50000"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="4"/>
     <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="5000"/>
   <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
 <item id="2503" name="Admin_nail_x10">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="rocket"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="16"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/>
     <property name="DamageBlock" value="5000"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="100"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="4"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="50000"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="5"/>
     <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="100"/>
   <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
 <item id="2504" name="Admin_Grassbomb">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="yuccaFibers"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000"/>
   <property name="Material" value="organic"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="16"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="200"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="7"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.boulder" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.cloth" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.concrete" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.earth" value="0.1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.glass" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.leaves" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.metal" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.plants" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.organic" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.snow" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.stone" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.wood" value="0"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="100"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="10"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="10"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="1,1"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="1,1"/>

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I haven't done a recipe for it, but you can easily add your own recipe.


maybe something like this:


<recipe name="Grassitron2000" count="1" craft_area="workbench">

<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="shortMetalPipe" count="4"/>

<ingredient name="mechanicalParts" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="electronicParts" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="electricParts" count="1"/>




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  • 2 weeks later...
I posted this in my Mod thread but since there have been plenty of people that have asked for something like this before I thought it could do with its own thread :)


The Grassitron 2000 - AoE grass killer. Feel free to include in whatever you want.




 <item id="2203" name="Grassitron2000">
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="hoeIron"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="00ff00"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/hoe_ironPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="50"/>
   <property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit"/>
   <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false"/>
   <property name="Degradation" value="99999" param1="true"/>
   <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>
   <property class="Action0">
     <property name="Class" value="Launcher"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.3"/>
     <property name="Auto_fire" value="true"/>
     <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true"/>
     <property name="Magazine_items" value="GrassitronProjectile"/>
     <property name="Reload_time" value="2"/>
     <property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi"/>
     <property name="Sound_start" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_empty" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_reload" value=""/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nailgunfire"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke_chainsaw"/>
     <property name="ActionExp" value="1"/>
 <item id="2253" name="GrassitronProjectile">
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab"/>
   <property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="organic"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="45"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="200"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="7"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="10"/>
     <property name="Explosion.RadiusEntities" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.EntityDamage" value="1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.boulder" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.cloth" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.concrete" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.earth" value="0.1"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.glass" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.leaves" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.metal" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.plants" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.organic" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.snow" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.stone" value="0"/>
     <property name="Explosion.DamageBonus.wood" value="0"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="10"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value=".50"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="1"/>
     <property name="CollisionRadius" value="0.5"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="1,1"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="1,1"/>



the item get no damage ?


is it possible to make it breakable ?

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Good idea but dont like the fact that it deals damage to everything else as well. I know its only 1 damage but over time that adds up and that can cause you to break lootable items that are on the ground such as nests, bags, etc.


apart from the block you directly target it should not be dealing damage to any non earth damage type materials, so things like the birds nests and bags should be safe. I couldnt see any loot blocks where the material had damage category of earth.


- - - Updated - - -


the item get no damage ?


is it possible to make it breakable ?


I haven't tested but presumably you could add an attributes section


<property class="Attributes">

<property name="DegradationMax" value="100,600"/>

<property name="DegradationRate" value="1,1"/>



adjust the numbers to what you feel fits with your settings

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the problem you guys all have when switching weapons and u still see the projectiles mixed with the current item it's an ez fix


- - - Updated - - -


you just need to set the projectile ie: ammo/item used for tool/gun or w/e set the holding type to 0 ez fix.

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the problem you guys all have when switching weapons and u still see the projectiles mixed with the current item it's an ez fix


- - - Updated - - -


you just need to set the projectile ie: ammo/item used for tool/gun or w/e set the holding type to 0 ez fix.


I believe this property in the weapons action0 also stops it from happening:


<property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false"/>

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Alpha 16 Verified


If anyone is curious, I've just added this great mod into my world. It works as of A16.2(b7).


I've always wanted to see a riding lawn mower added to the game. Grass is pretty, but when it comes time to lay down a lot of blocks there are those glitchy placement issues that grass gives.


Add a trailer with room for, oh say six, shopping baskets. Woot, get it into gear five and off we go!

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What needs to be changed/added so instead of the grass dropping it is automatically added to your inventory like normal?


prob cant do that as it is an explosion.


If you want to try look for the property on the auger, I suspect it will only work for the gass you hit directly and not anything killed by the explosion damage

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

is this broken? i tried to use it on the Undead Legacy mod and it refused to mow my lawn. I really need to mow my lawn, because the city is on me and they want to charge me and are planning on sending the undead after my money for having unkept grass.

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is this broken? i tried to use it on the Undead Legacy mod and it refused to mow my lawn. I really need to mow my lawn, because the city is on me and they want to charge me and are planning on sending the undead after my money for having unkept grass.


Try my admin nailgun



it has a grass bomb. works in a16 so if you wanted to stick with the modded hoe then check out the code and merge it over

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Try my admin nailgun



it has a grass bomb. works in a16 so if you wanted to stick with the modded hoe then check out the code and merge it over


I have the admin nail gun with the grass bombs and it doesnt use the grass bombs at all, not even an option. it destroys everything, not just grass.


I wanted to offer the modded hoe as a diamond level tool to my players.

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