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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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Sorry guys, I have so much stuff going on right now, haven't had much time to finish it up for release, because some homework had piled up at the university, have to sort that thing first.


Also I remembered, I haven't done the traders window and I want to do it before release.


And about this quote on the poll section:

hi, im jekayz ,i want to give you some idea... for the game play, some times we get stuck be the locked door that ok when you force to open wooden doors but when you gotta open hard metals and steels doors that gonna be big problems because suck doors like that just come with concrete walls also and we can't get through it be orther any ways than force to open with tools, if we have some lockpick kits (valmod do but just can unlock safes) that would be awesome but lockpick also come with skill and requires some level to achieve that... some times i get many of small engine and theys just using for 1-2 recipe suck as mine bike or concrete mix machine for that reason could you put it some idea like smelter that just use only gas and don't get any heat, that also come with some new recipe like reinforcement steel (that require steel and clay) for crafting tools like reinforcement steel pick axe, reinforcement steel axe and shovel and the same with weapons but they have much more harder and much more slowly to break, also we got reinforcement steel fence that we can shoot through and spiders zed cans climb on it and we can craft small engine (machine part, steel, electrical part, oil for materials) battery , i also got some ideas with some skill like archery just like deadly eyes increase crit rate. new robinhood skill increase shooting speed..ect and we could use some ideal from steels mod that was abandoned times ago like lottery ticket that we can craft only legendary weapons, armor or tools that you can't craft with any order ways but drops rate of the ticket is low and cost high enough to balance game play... also the zeds come with much more number do more damage ( but less to walls and metals things ,they just do much damage for wooden block for realistic), more type of zed like zed runner but they just got low heath point ... and can you put 1 new guns for the game? is the 50cal sniper rifle that have some type of ammo ( HE round , Anti materials round, AP round and MJ round...)....

Thanks for read this , get fun and have a nice day.

Lockpicking will come with A16 hopefully, so I won't touch that. And about better weapons/tools/recipes - yes, I will work on them later once I get the UI done to support everything I want to add later on down the road :)

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Can you give an estimated time when its ready so i dont sit here refreshing every 5 mins :p

Sorry, I can't say for sure, because I already wanted to make the UI ready last week, but couldn't make it so I don't want to promise anything then live with the feeling of guilt of not delivering in time AGAIN :p


It will be ready when it's ready, sorry :)

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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looks absolutely awesome. Dude, good job. Can't wait, question, i just downloaded someone's 90 slot backpack mod is there anyway you can include a larger backpack for this ui? im not sure what you would have to change, but would be pretty cool to use yours, to be honest, when this releases id use it over the 90 slot backpack anyway just because of how awesome it looks lol. Just a thought man, keep it up, Wow.

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Out of curiosity could you do it so that you don't need to put your items in storage chests after looting? Like say you looted 15 splints and 10 bandages, you just click on an medical storage container and they automatically go in? It might save people hours of shifting and organizing.

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looks absolutely awesome. Dude, good job. Can't wait, question, i just downloaded someone's 90 slot backpack mod is there anyway you can include a larger backpack for this ui? im not sure what you would have to change, but would be pretty cool to use yours, to be honest, when this releases id use it over the 90 slot backpack anyway just because of how awesome it looks lol. Just a thought man, keep it up, Wow.
Thanks! About the backpack size: It's why I increased the minibike storage size to OP levels, because I don't want to introduce any dll changes or scripts with this mod outside of xml scope, since my main goal is to have the mod be friendly for multiplayer environment, that allows EAC Anticheat usage (yes it's crappy and doesn't protect much against Chinese hackers, but at least it's something). We will just have to wait when the devs release various size backpacks later on down the road and stick with the minibike storage being expanded (late game hoarding).


Also Madmole talked about having a craftable motorbike at some point in the future, so I will adjust the storage later on as well, so that minibike will have 2x smaller inventory compared to the motorbike whenever it's coming out.


Please make the Storage chests and food/ammo/guns/building/meds etc storage at least 10x9 bigger if possible :D
Containers, that take up 2 block space will have more slots than those, who take up 1 block space, because I think that's just reasonable balancing. So Gun Safes and Fridges will have the most slots. (compared to Fallout 4, where a small lunchbox can contain all the loot you can carry if you wish). However if there will be many of you guys, that will want supply crates and other containers to have the same slot amount as a gun safe, I'll change that.


Out of curiosity could you do it so that you don't need to put your items in storage chests after looting? Like say you looted 15 splints and 10 bandages, you just click on an medical storage container and they automatically go in? It might save people hours of shifting and organizing.
I don't think its possible with current xml modding capabilities. With editing some core files maybe (dll mod with a script), but that would be a different kind of mod and then there would be no guarantee of it to work on a dedicated server, plus you would have to disable EAC Antichieat and I don't want that. Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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any eta yet? I have a server waiting for wipe ready for your edition lol
Server shouldn't require a wipe for the UI part of the mod.


About ETA, ehh, when it's ready. Still haven't had time to catch up. Being a grownup has its downsides because of RL :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Working on a mod and interesting in mergeing this into it. what is status of your mod? Also anyway see code early? Im building off of Valmod and want to expand it. and forseeable ID and code conflict?


I'm using powershell scripts to code the "core" of the mod. UI however is done through powershell scripts too, but I'm injecting blocks of xml code for the UI instead of generating the tags like for the core mod features.


Here are some screenshots:








And here's how one function looks for the script, specifically addItem function, that ads general item to the game:



About item IDs, the script generates them automatically, but in a controlled manner and I can define the boundaries before generating the item xml code.


I chose this way of making the mod instead of hand writing the code, because I was tired of finding and replacing the code directly and manually by hand whenever a new version of the game comes out. This way however I only need to worry if they remove certain item/block of the game or change their name and I have to adjust the names and that's it.


About anyone else, that's been waiting for the UI, I will resume making this any day now.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks really cool! I will test it out for sure once it's public. Also, I don't know if this is feasible, but would you be able to make multiple color schemes? It seems like you use the same few colors for the whole thing, which makes me think it wouldn't be too hard. I think having a few colors presets would make it appeal to a larger audience.

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Looks really cool! I will test it out for sure once it's public. Also, I don't know if this is feasible, but would you be able to make multiple color schemes? It seems like you use the same few colors for the whole thing, which makes me think it wouldn't be too hard. I think having a few colors presets would make it appeal to a larger audience.

I was thinking about doing that, which is why I am using global color variables, that are easily adjustable. Exception is the border glow colors. I need to color them in a drawing program (using paint.net and gimp). Sadly currently am occupied with passing my classes at university, since the semester is ending soon, so sorry about the inactivity.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your UI looks really unique and cool. Where is the download link?


Not to be a stickler but another modder just got in trouble for posting information in the Mod forums and it not being a Mod people can download and use. If people can not download it then its not a Mod its just pictures of your game and doesn't belong in the Modding Forums. Don't get me wrong your stuff looks awesome but until its able to be downloaded by others it shouldn't be posted in the Mod Forums because it leads to confusion and frustration when players have to read through pages of a thread in the Mod Forums only to find out its not a Mod.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry to say, but it's not done and won't be for a while, because it's not a small mod nor a compilation of mods, it grew into quite a big project and I really wanted to contribute to the community, however real life got in the way and currently I have to devote some time on my university studies and had to put side projects aside.


That doesn't mean I am abandoning the project, but more like postponed further development. I hope you understand.

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