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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Players on my server also reported about a quest issue with the Kill 500 Zombies, I will ask them today what exactly happened. I myself got stuck with the quest where I have to craft Scrap Armor and to kill Zombies wearing it. After crafting the armor and equipping it I unequipped it due to overheating, and now when I re-equip it, it seems not to be recognized, and Zombie kills do not count.


Since we use Coppi's advanced version of Alloc's Fixes we have commands to remove and give quests, but I need to try this first on my test server, how and if it works.


There is nothing I can do to fix the zombie killing quests if they do not work properly, that is something TFP will have to look into, even the custom ones while wearing armor as I am sure that TFP would like to be able to have those types of quests working.


I suggest posting this on the bug section, just because the game is modded does not make the issue any less a core dll assembly issue.


Same goes for workstations not being able to give experience or count towards quest objectives while not occupying them.




I could make a workaround where I create 50 quests where each quest is kill one zombie that way it resets after each kill so nothing can get screwed up but you can see why I wouldn't do that.


I can think of a few possible causes where one quest removes the zombie count for another when one gets completed.


For eg. what might be happening is:


Lets say you started the quest to kill 50 zombies with a Wooden Club, but at the same time you are on a quest to kill 100 zombies that was started from the beginning.


Once you kill the 50 for the club it might cause issue towards the other quest but it should be counting those kills towards both quests. This needs to function properly. What happens when you are doing three quests at the same time...


One quest to kill 50 zombies with a Spiked Club, while doing one that is kill 50 zombies while wearing hide armor, and one that is kill 100 zombies that was granted form the beginning.


What happens if you remove your armor during the quest and kill a few zombies, it should count towards the others until you wear the armor again. Does the armor durability have a factor what about armor quality... does it have to be the exact same armor you were wearing previously or can it be any armor so long as its the correct armor.


What happens if you kill a zombie with a different weapon during the quest and swap back the other weapon does it screw the quest up?


Problem is I just dont have time to test these scenarios and I feel that quests are not worth my time investing in creating due to too many issues with the way its coded, If I knew anything about coding in the dll file I would fix this myself. Its a crying shame that this might never even be addressed.


Maybe all I need to do is make it so the quest is repeatable... even though you wont be able to repeat it anyways since the quest is only granted once.


I will add that line of code to allow it to be repeatable in an attempt to resolve any issues but that is the only thing I can do and I highly doubt that is going to fix anything.

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I can think of a few possible causes where one quest removes the zombie count for another when one gets completed.


For eg. what might be happening is:


Lets say you started the quest to kill 50 zombies with a Wooden Club, but at the same time you are on a quest to kill 100 zombies that was started from the beginning.


Once you kill the 50 for the club it might cause issue towards the other quest but it should be counting those kills towards both quests. This needs to function properly. What happens when you are doing three quests at the same time...


Hmmmm, thinking about it there might have been something like this going on.

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Hmmmm, thinking about it there might have been something like this going on.


Yeah I figured as much, I can make it so that all zombie killing quests grant one after the other instead of tying them to their actual item crafting / wearing quest.


This still does not tell me if the "while wearing armor" quests are working properly if you happen to unequip the armor during the quest.


The only problem with that is that there will be no real rhyme or reason to them when you get them.


For eg I could make it so that you have to kill the first 10 zombies, then you get the quest to kill 50 zombies for the wood club then after that is complete it will give you the quest to kill 50 zombies with the iron club etc. until all weapon killing quests are done then I can have it move on to the armor wearing quests (so long as they work properly) then after each armor wearing quest is done then have it move on to killing 100 zombies in general then kill 500 then kill 1000. or just do away with the general zombie killing quest all together which I dont really want to do.


That is the only workaround way for me to do it that way you will not have overlapping quests.


But the fact of the matter is that these types of quest should be able to overlap.

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Yeah, I am on another count quest too, the Kill 100 Zombies, maybe the counter for this quests blocks the one from the Kill Zeds in Scrap Armor one. Dunno, but since the quest feature seems to be a work in progress yet, I will not waste too many time to try out several constellations. If I manage to find why something is not working, I wil post it :)

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Update (5/6/16)


Both Versions!




Player Level Increased experience required per level to 5000 from 4000


Mining Tools Increased experience required per level to 350 from 250

Tailoring Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Leatherworking Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Armor Smithing Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Miscellaneous Crafting Increased experience required per level to 500 from 250




Tailoring Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

Leatherworking Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

Armor Smithing Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

How Mining Works Book increased experience given to 175 from 125

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Update (5/6/16)


Both Versions!




Player Level Increased experience required per level to 5000 from 4000


Mining Tools Increased experience required per level to 350 from 250

Tailoring Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Leatherworking Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Armor Smithing Increased experience required per level to 150 from 100

Miscellaneous Crafting Increased experience required per level to 500 from 250




Tailoring Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

Leatherworking Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

Armor Smithing Book increased experience given to 75 from 50

How Mining Works Book increased experience given to 175 from 125

Update (5/8/16)


Both Versions!




Changed Forged Iron now requires an anvil to craft




I've been believing this isn't what modify balances only to make game more realistic, but now is this changed?

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I've been believing this isn't what modify balances only to make game more realistic, but now is this changed?


Yes I have had to increase the amount of experience required for certain skills due to me changing the level progression to be linear.


and I simply made the forged iron require an anvil since that makes more sense.


I have also just finished updating the progression file once more to balance the leveling of skills since I am now starting a new play through which allows me to play test and balance the speed at which levels are gained.


I may still need to balance a few more skills in the future once I start testing them.

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Update (5/8/16)


Both Versions!



Increased experience required for each level of Athletics to 800 from 500

Increased experience required for each level of Mining Tools to 500 from 350

Increased experience required for each level of Construction Tools to 500 from 250

Increased experience required for each level of Weapon Smithing to 500 from 250

Increased experience required for each level of Tool Smithing to 500 from 250

Increased experience required for each level of Tailoring to 250 from 150

Increased experience required for each level of Leatherworking to 250 from 150

Increased experience required for each level of Armor Smithing to 250 from 150



Adjusted skill book experience to match the experience for each adjusted skill


Basically now it takes 5-6 wood clubs to level to from one quality level to the next instead of 3 and same for stone axes

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Love your mod especially the unofficial fixes. I can see a lot of hard work has gone in here.


I was wondering if there was a way to scale down the size of the HUD or if this was something you might consider doing yourself? I recently tried a mod with zero HUD and really liked the immersion, however no HUD at all was not practical for me.


A smaller more compact and opaque HUD might add a little more to immersion.


Just a thought

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Love your mod especially the unofficial fixes. I can see a lot of hard work has gone in here.


I was wondering if there was a way to scale down the size of the HUD or if this was something you might consider doing yourself? I recently tried a mod with zero HUD and really liked the immersion, however no HUD at all was not practical for me.


A smaller more compact and opaque HUD might add a little more to immersion.


Just a thought


Usually I have a UI Pack with different versions available but unfortunately I dont have time for modding for a few months but it will be back eventually.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay, some observations while playing for some time now:

  • The stone yield is way too low which propels the grind factor through the roof. I upped the yield in my scripts by 30 stones.
  • Chicken coops provide too much chicken IMHO. I think 4 would do instead of 8. I had a container full of chicken.
  • There’s a mod about zombies taking fall damage again. Maybe you can incorporate that. Currently we are kind of limited in how we can passively deal damage to zombies. It would be nice to have a little more variety here. I think there was also mention about electrified water or something. And I think Valmod has burning traps. I think it doesn’t decrease difficulty but simply provides us with more options when constructing our bases.
  • Pipe bombs and explosive crossbolts. Maybe up the damage here as well. Although I am also biased here. My current defense for night 7 is a deep hole made of concrete. They fall and when the pit is full I drop some bombs. It takes about three pipes for a zombie Moe to die though.


And I think MM announced 14.7.

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Hi Clockwork,


I installed your mod (Dropped your files into the root folder of my dedicated server) and I have this error: "Cannot cast from source type to destination type". Note that I had no other mods installed...


I tried to install SirMod v5 and I had the exact same problem...


Any ideas what's going on?


Thank you!

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Hi Clockwork,


I installed your mod (Dropped your files into the root folder of my dedicated server) and I have this error: "Cannot cast from source type to destination type". Note that I had no other mods installed...


I tried to install SirMod v5 and I had the exact same problem...


Any ideas what's going on?


Thank you!


I am not entirely sure how the server stuff works unfortunately, you might need to PM someone who knows about setting up mods for a server. It might have something to do with the server host and or server tools for configuration. Sorry I cant be more help.


Keep in mind that even if the server is running the mod everyone who joins the server also needs to manually install the mod since not all files are pushed from the server to the clients.

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I am not entirely sure how the server stuff works unfortunately, you might need to PM someone who knows about setting up mods for a server. It might have something to do with the server host and or server tools for configuration. Sorry I cant be more help.


Keep in mind that even if the server is running the mod everyone who joins the server also needs to manually install the mod since not all files are pushed from the server to the clients.


I know the icons must be installed on the clients (In the Mods folder) so you can see the icons in-game but the Data folder is only needed on the server. No? I'll give it a shot today.

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I installed your mod on my computer, from scratch, without any other mods and I have the exact same problem: "Cannot cast from source type to destination type". So for some reason, I think my problem is "Client-sided" and not "Server-sided" (Note that my dedicated server isn't on my computer). But yeah, you still have a problem hahaha.

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I installed your mod on my computer, from scratch, without any other mods and I have the exact same problem: "Cannot cast from source type to destination type". So for some reason, I think my problem is "Client-sided" and not "Server-sided" (Note that my dedicated server isn't on my computer). But yeah, you still have a problem hahaha.


Well so long as you are running the proper version of the mod for the corresponding game version everything should work 100%. The best way to test to see if it is a mod issue is to simply try modding your single player game first and if it is working you know it is a server issue. But I can say that I have tested both my mod versions on both game versions and people are running my mod on other servers as well and everything is working perfect so I hope you get it working. :)

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It looks like 14.7 B6 is available. I know you said you will have trouble being able to mod for a couple months but do you think this is something you could update. I am hoping to start a new server running your Mod, but really would like the 14.7 for the fixes to the minibike, which often caused server problems.

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Okay, here are some of the changes I've made. To increase the fun and iron out some of the mod's edges.


As mentioned earlier, the chicken yield of the coops is too high. Therefore I changed the yield to 4 in the


	<!-- for chicken coop -->
<lootgroup name="chickenCoop" count="all" >
	<item name="egg" count="4" />
	<item name="feather" count="25" />
	<item name="Chicken" count="4" />
	<item group="seeds" count="1"/>


The Slayer questline is still buggy. And whenever I switch weapons or load the game new or whatever reason (it's not getting new quests), I drop from 200 something zombie kills back to 30 or so. I've seen this several times now. I never get past the 300.

So in order to still have some sort of questline and to find a reason to increase my weapon skills (esp. archery is hard to skill) I've changed one of the lesser but achievable Slayer quests to auto renew and decreased the amount of skills points while increasing the amount of experience in the


	<quest id="quest_ZombieSlayer03" group_name_key="quest_ZombieSlayer0" name_key="quest_ZombieSlayer03" subtitle_key="quest_ZombieSlayer03_subtitle" description_key="quest_ZombieSlayer03_description" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" 
category_key="Quest" difficulty="medium">
	<objective type="ZombieKill" value="100"  />

	<reward type="Exp" value="200" />
	<reward type="SkillPoints" value="2" />
	<reward type="Quest" id="quest_ZombieSlayer03" />


Next I've included the fire trap and fire spike trap from Valmod (which is also a great mod, just a little too easy for me). This required steel spikes to be upgradable and took a change in the


  <block id="1943" name="steelSpike">
   <property name="Class" value="Damage" />
   <property name="Damage" value="10" />
<property name="Damage_received" value="15" />
   <property name="Material" value="Msteel" />
   <property name="Shape" value="Cone" />
   <property name="Texture" value="356" />
<property name="CustomIcon" value="rScrapIronLogSpike5" />
<property name="CustomIconTint" value="194F5A" />
<property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="bleeding"/>
   <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="rScrapIronLogSpike5" />
<property class="UpgradeBlock">
	<property name="ToBlock" value="trapSteelFireSpike" />
	<property name="Item" value="gasCan" />
	<property name="ItemCount" value="5" />
	<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" />
<property class="RepairItems">
	<property name="forgedSteel" value="10" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="scrapIron" count="1" />
   <drop event="Fall" name="scrapIron" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />


also 3 new blocks at the end of the file:

  <block id="1956" name="trapFire">
<property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapFireDesc" />
<property name="Class" value="Damage" />
<property name="Damage" value="1" />
<property name="Damage_received" value="13" />
<property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burning" />
<property name="Material" value="Msteel" />
<property name="Texture" value="355,352,352,352,352,352" />
<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="trapFireEmpty" />
<drop event="Destroy" count="0" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance="1" />
<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />

<block id="1957" name="trapFireEmpty">
<property name="CustomIcon" value="trapFire" />
<property name="Material" value="Msteel" />
<property name="Texture" value="356,352,352,352,352,352" />
<property class="UpgradeBlock">
	<property name="ToBlock" value="trapFire" />
	<property name="Item" value="gasCan" />
	<property name="ItemCount" value="10" />
	<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" />
<drop event="Destroy" count="0" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance="1" />
<property class="RepairItems">
	<property name="forgedIron" value="5" />

<block id="1958" name="trapSteelFireSpike">
<property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapFireDesc" />
<property name="MaxDamage" value="2000" />
<property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall" />
<property name="Class" value="Damage" />
<property name="Damage" value="10" />
<property name="Damage_received" value="45" />
<property name="Material" value="Msteel" />
<property name="Shape" value="Cone" />
<property name="Texture" value="355" />
<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="steelSpike" />
<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />
<property class="RepairItems">
	<property name="forgedSteel" value="5" />
<drop event="Fall" name="scrapIron" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps" />


they also needed to be added to the


	<recipe name="trapSteelFireSpike" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_area="workbench">
	<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="8" />
	<ingredient name="gasCan" count="10" />

<recipe name="trapFire" count="2" scrapable="False" craft_area="workbench">
	<ingredient name="forgedSteel" count="8" />
	<ingredient name="cookingGrill" count="1" />
	<ingredient name="gasCan" count="1" />


and in the


	<perk name="Omnigel Crafting" icon="science" description_key="OmnigelCraftingDesc" title_key="OmnigelCrafting" max_level="1" skill_point_cost_multiplier="0" skill_point_cost_per_level="5" group="crafting">
	<requirement skill_level="1" required_skill_name="Science" required_skill_level="50"/>
	<recipe name="Omnigel_Station" unlock_level="1"/>
	<recipe name="trapSteelFireSpike" unlock_level="1"/>
	<recipe name="trapFire" unlock_level="1"/>

Now, I've opted to include them in the Omnigel crafting perk rather than with steel smithing. I did this to give the Science skill a little more weight but essentially this is just my preference.


Then add the following to the


trapFire,blocks,Traps,,Fire Trap,,
trapFireDesc,blocks,Traps,,This trap sets whatever walks over it on fire. When it goes out you can refill it using gasoine.,,
trapSteelFireSpike,blocks,Traps,,Steel Fire Spike,,


and change the gas can in the


<item id="161" name="gasCan">
<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/sackPrefab" />
<property name="DropMeshfile" value="Items/Misc/sack_droppedPrefab" />
<property name="HoldType" value="45" />
<property name="Material" value="metal" />
<property name="Stacknumber" value="1000" /> <!-- STK resource -->
<property name="FuelValue" value="2" />
<property name="CraftingSkillGroup" value="Science"/>
<property name="Group" value="Resources,Chemicals" />
	<property class="Action1">
		<property name="Class" value="Repair" />
		<property name="Delay" value="0.4" />
		<property name="Repair_amount" value="125" />
		<property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-1" />
		<property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/repair_block" />
		<property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="gasCan" />

so it can refill the fire traps.


You should also get two pictures to represent the fire trap and the fire steel spike. Since I took this idea from Valmod I also took his pictures and copied them in the Mods\ACPIcons\ItemIcons folder.


Thank you Clockwork Orange and Valmar for making such wonderful mods. Modifying the code myself made me appreciate your work even more.

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