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Medieval Times?


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The more I build the more I realize that this is a major huge project. Im thinking we all need to start pouring resources in together as far as prefabs and get someone really good with placement to help build a good world for a project like this lol. Prefabs and sdx are all that stand in my way for getting into the fun stuff. Im sure you agree, rather be modding?

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I'd be fine with it. Though my mod will have custom blocks so that may be a problem if I share things I build. If that's not an issue though then absolutely. Anything I share is yours to take. Though I can't promise much. Im not a good builder. This is harder work for me then any modding code I've ever done lol. But I'm trying! :p


I also had one idea to throw out.


If anyone contributing to this was to each have the same Biomes, Rwgmixer and blocks.xml... we could all start the same map seed (using a rwgmixer that removes prefabs so its all nature) we could scope it out and build there and share the region files. Then we can just add them into our games and it will all work together as long as we all work in different regions and we wouldnt have to worry about rwgmixer making weird clashes or stuff.



its an idea, anyway.

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Same boat i'm using custom blocks as well and some of yours to boot. Not sure how this would all pan out. It could be a thing like the mag prefab pack but for medieval ones. But you make a good point. Everyone would need to add the blocks as well as the prefabs. Perhaps just a little break for me. After all weekend at this and realizing I have not made a good dent in the amount I'll need to fill a navz map I am a bit overwhelmed. A little rest and perhaps I'll be good to start at it again.


- - - Updated - - -


Or you can all go on a server dedicated to medieval prefab building


lol I almost purchased a server for that this weekend. Just password it and whoever wants to build go in and build. Is a great idea.

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I'd be fine with it. Though my mod will have custom blocks so that may be a problem if I share things I build. If that's not an issue though then absolutely. Anything I share is yours to take. Though I can't promise much. Im not a good builder. This is harder work for me then any modding code I've ever done lol. But I'm trying! :p


I also had one idea to throw out.


If anyone contributing to this was to each have the same Biomes, Rwgmixer and blocks.xml... we could all start the same map seed (using a rwgmixer that removes prefabs so its all nature) we could scope it out and build there and share the region files. Then we can just add them into our games and it will all work together as long as we all work in different regions and we wouldnt have to worry about rwgmixer making weird clashes or stuff.



its an idea, anyway.



Here is what I think. Since Valmar is the block king and makes great blocks, we could use his blocks xml to whoever rents the server. That way the blocks xml will just push to anyone coming in. I would probably entertain fronting the cost for something like this if other really wanted to do this. And also give anyone who is envolved access to the server files.

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Here's the RWG mixer I used for those pics:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <world ruleset="medieval" />

   <ruleset name="medieval" cell_cache_size="8" cell_size="1800" cell_offset="0.0" generation_distance="10000">
     <cell_rule name="medieval" position="0,0" prob="1"/>

   <cell_rule name="medieval">
     <cave_count value="1,1"/>
     <path_material value="dirt" /> 
     <path_radius value="4" />
     <hub_rule name="medieval" /> 
     <wilderness_rule name="wildernessDefault" prob="1"/> 

   <hub_rule name="medieval">
     <hub_type value="town"/>
     <hub_layout name="medieval_hub"/>
     <prefab_rule name="medieval"/>

   <wilderness_rule name="wildernessDefault" spawn_min_max="15,20">
     <path_material value="dirt" /> 
     <path_radius value="2" />
     <prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs" prob="1"/>

   <prefab_rule name="none"/>

   <prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">
     <prefab rule="abandoned_houses" prob="0.20"/>
     <prefab rule="peasant_houses" prob="1"/>

   <prefab_rule name="abandoned_houses">
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_01"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_02"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_03"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_04"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_05"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_06"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_07"/>
     <prefab name="abandoned_house_08"/>

   <prefab_rule name="peasant_houses">
     <prefab name="house_peasant_01"/>
     <prefab name="house_peasant_02"/>

   <prefab_rule name="medieval">
     <prefab name="house_peasant_01"/>
     <prefab name="house_peasant_02"/>

   <biome_spawn_rule name="forest"/>
   <biome_spawn_rule name="pine_forest"/>
   <biome_spawn_rule name="plains"/>

   <hub_layout name="medieval_hub">
     <township_type value="town"/>
     <street start_point="0,-128" end_point="0,128" path_material="gravel" path_radius="4"/>
     <lot min_x_y="-16, 26" prefab="house_peasant_01" rotation_to_road="0"/> <!-- 12x15 -->
     <lot min_x_y="-15, 10" prefab="house_peasant_02" rotation_to_road="0"/> <!-- 11x9 -->
     <lot min_x_y="-15, 0" prefab="house_peasant_02" rotation_to_road="0"/> <!-- 11x9 -->
     <lot min_x_y="-15, -10" prefab="house_peasant_02" rotation_to_road="0"/> <!-- 11x9 -->
     <lot min_x_y="-16, -20" prefab="house_peasant_01" rotation_to_road="0"/> <!-- 12x15 -->



Interesting effect, with just the one hub defined it only seems to generate the single hub and when you get to the cell edge the road stops ;)


Anyway, that combined with my biomes file and a change to loot placeholders and you have a world filled with nature and no modern blocks ;)


rwg and biomes file and a couple very rough peasant houses (same house with garden removed for 02 version)


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We could possibly combine the two blocks.xml file's we're working with, assuming they're not too incompatible.


A server approach would perhaps be the best. Though some things would need to be discussed and decided on before hand. Mainly the world type. I suggest the following:


We add a few minor, little POIs and random prefabs to a random gen world. Let scatter these smaller places about. Small things like a little hut here or there or a cabin in the woods. Then we manually pick a place to port the prefabs we've made so far into. After they're placed we will begin using this map as the base to work on. Having a few randomly generated huts or whatever in the world would mean that even if we take a long time filling in the whole map at least not all the areas will be completely void of POIs.


As for the server obviously a dedicated host provider would be best. However assuming one of us has a beefy enough PC we could run a dedicated one.


My PC (specs that matter):

CPU: 8320 (OC)

Ram: 12GB


My connection is the greatest and my ISP has been having the odd reset now and then lately. However it should be capable of handling this, if its something we're interested it. I may need to adjust some port forwarding configurations to get the dedicated to work though. Its been a while since I've looked into this stuff. Though one downside is that I wouldn't be able to allow any kind of ftp access.



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whats your uplink speed? I've tried hosting on ADSL and it cant really handle it.


might also be an issue with 12gb if you want to run the game as well as host a dedi.


I discovered/confirmed something with the rwgmixer.


<cell_rule name="medieval" position="0,0" prob="1"/>

<cell_rule name="medieval" position="0,0" prob="0"/>

<cell_rule name="medieval" position="0,0"/>


Those 3 ways of including a cell_rule in the rule set all appear to make the hub unique (when its the only hub).


<cell_rule name="medieval" position="0,0" prob="0.5"/>


This one makes it spawn at 0,0 and also at other places.


In the first 3 settings you get the single central hub at 0,0 and nothing anywhere else. With the .5 setting you get the medieval hub at every hub.

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I think first step is to come up with a list of required buildings to make a hub function.


Main Hall or Castle Keep (centerpoint of the village/hub)




Tavern? (a place where travelers stay)

Peasant housing (needs variety)

What else?


Maybe have each person create their 'Castle' that can be used for a hub, and some of us can create the housing.


The more I work with hubs and due to the current issues with them in 13.6 I'm strongly leaning towards doing hubs slaanhattan style where you create the hub in game the way you like it (by whatever means you want) then export the entire hub as several large square prefabs to jigsaw back together in a custom hub.

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BTW for this part:


"We add a few minor, little POIs and random prefabs to a random gen world. Let scatter these smaller places about. Small things like a little hut here or there or a cabin in the woods."


You can either have them as wilderness PoIs (narrow road attached) or as biome decorations (no road attached), a few issues with this method, such as lootplaceholders don't get translated, and sometimes floating issues so the deco's need a decent stone base (3-4 blocks).

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Typo Correction:


My internet ISN'T the greatest. I really wish the forums would let us edit posts beyond just the few minute window it gives us. Really annoying.



Though out here it is the greatest I can get, lol. The upspeed is pretty crap.


12Mb down, 1Mb up - if I recall correctly.


Like I said, or at least intended to say, it isn't the greatest. Though it may be able to handle it since it will only be a few people online.



Having a dedicated one from a host provided would still be the best solution but its costly. I'm just pointing out possible alternatives.



To add to the list I imagine they would have at least two small shops in town to get clothes or food. Maybe a small market with little stalls setup where vendors can show their goods.



edit: A wilderness version with a small road attached would be best, probably.

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We could possibly combine the two blocks.xml file's we're working with, assuming they're not too incompatible.


A server approach would perhaps be the best. Though some things would need to be discussed and decided on before hand. Mainly the world type. I suggest the following:


We add a few minor, little POIs and random prefabs to a random gen world. Let scatter these smaller places about. Small things like a little hut here or there or a cabin in the woods. Then we manually pick a place to port the prefabs we've made so far into. After they're placed we will begin using this map as the base to work on. Having a few randomly generated huts or whatever in the world would mean that even if we take a long time filling in the whole map at least not all the areas will be completely void of POIs.


As for the server obviously a dedicated host provider would be best. However assuming one of us has a beefy enough PC we could run a dedicated one.


My PC (specs that matter):

CPU: 8320 (OC)

Ram: 12GB


My connection is the greatest and my ISP has been having the odd reset now and then lately. However it should be capable of handling this, if its something we're interested it. I may need to adjust some port forwarding configurations to get the dedicated to work though. Its been a while since I've looked into this stuff. Though one downside is that I wouldn't be able to allow any kind of ftp access.




If you can run a dedi where we can all come in and build that's fine with me. Would we be able to get on said server as an admin as well and use Hals tool to export? Or would you be the only one able to export and claim prefabs?

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Ok, found a nice list on a D&D site:



1. Peasant

2. Commoner

3. Merchant

4. Bureaucrat

5. Political

6. Noble

7. Military (barracks)



1. Blacksmith

2. Carpenter

3. Potter

4. Glassblower

5. Tailor

6. Leatherworker

7. Armorsmith

8. Weaponsmith

9. Alchemist

10. Stables (mounts)

11. Spices

12. Cloth

13. Slaves

14. Rare Materials

15. Exotic Materials / Creatures

16. Map Vendor

17. Book Seller (and scribal supplies)

18. Brothel

19. Inn



1. Temple

2. Shrine

3. Church

4. Sanctuary



-Markets (where trades are clustered together)

1. Spice Market

2. Slave Market

3. Cloth Market

4. Iron Market

5. Food Market


1. Docks

2. Warehouse

3. Granary



1. Quarry

2. Lumberjack's Camp

3. Hunter's Camp

4. Mine

5. Farm

6. Smelting Furnace

7. Plantation



1. Tavern

2. Inn

3. Pub

4. Gladiator / Fighter pits

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I mean as far as this project is going we seem to have a good handle on what it could be if we could get together. We got Valmar who is great with modding and expert blocks and items. StompyNZ is great at rwg and I'm sure more. I'm not great at anything but good at most all of it. I do have a great creative mindset and build pretty decent Prefabs. I know we all have our own version of an end mod we want to make with this seperate but at least if we got together with the prefabs and a cool rwg that spawns all the prefabs we have half the work done. I'm sure if we had a place to build these and send to someone like Stompy to put in a world we could make a good prefab medieval pack.

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I mean as far as this project is going we seem to have a good handle on what it could be if we could get together. We got Valmar who is great with modding and expert blocks and items. StompyNZ is great at rwg and I'm sure more. I'm not great at anything but good at most all of it. I do have a great creative mindset and build pretty decent Prefabs. I know we all have our own version of an end mod we want to make with this seperate but at least if we got together with the prefabs and a cool rwg that spawns all the prefabs we have half the work done. I'm sure if we had a place to build these and send to someone like Stompy to put in a world we could make a good prefab medieval pack.


Haha yeh Stompy is the goto man when it comes to rwg prefabs and hubs look at the stadium he and i fid i just did the stadium bit and cafe lol he did the awesome redt and still to this day i am clueless as to how

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Version 1 of spooky forest biome to replace the desert biome :)




Features some sub biomes that need tweaking to fit better, but the idea is to have a dirt ground base (instead of forestGround or burntGround) with small patches of greenery via sub biomes (maple and pine trees with browngreen grass)

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If you can run a dedi where we can all come in and build that's fine with me. Would we be able to get on said server as an admin as well and use Hals tool to export? Or would you be the only one able to export and claim prefabs?


Honestly Im not sure about Hals. I have never used it before. All those who want it can have admin permissions and I will keep EAC off so I think Hals might work? I really dont know.


Ok, found a nice list on a D&D site:



This will be a good reference.


I mean as far as this project is going we seem to have a good handle on what it could be if we could get together. We got Valmar who is great with modding and expert blocks and items. StompyNZ is great at rwg and I'm sure more. I'm not great at anything but good at most all of it. I do have a great creative mindset and build pretty decent Prefabs. I know we all have our own version of an end mod we want to make with this seperate but at least if we got together with the prefabs and a cool rwg that spawns all the prefabs we have half the work done. I'm sure if we had a place to build these and send to someone like Stompy to put in a world we could make a good prefab medieval pack.



Certainly. I will work towards making sure I have everything properly setup on my end to let people play. But before all that we still need to decide on the how.


Will this just be a place to build prefabs that will be later saved by Stompy (who we've all decided to be the the unwilling Hal slave) or will the map actually serve as the pre-set game world for players? It would be easier, imo, if it was the entire map we were focused on since we wouldn't have to use HALs anymore beyond just adding what we have already built to it.


I'm just trying to get a bases on what it is we want this server map to be used for. Just a building ground to be cut from and pasted elsewhere or the actual gamemap?


If its going be the game map I repeat my earlier desire:


We make more smaller, tiny POI prefabs (like some cabins in the woods, small lodge or maybe even a wanders Inn) to set up to spawn in the random world. This will save us from having to manually place these ourselves. So if its going to be the map we're building we have two options if we want to go with my suggestion:


Make a handful of these small prefabs to send to Stompy to populate the random gen with and then build the map around these (server can still be used just for the purpose of making these smaller prefabs) or, alternatively, we add those in later by deleting any region files in the save that we don't currently have buildings set in to make them re-generate with the added prefab code. I don't know how much changing the rwgmixer will

cause the world to change in those areas, however, even on the same seed. Doing it that way may result in those re-generated areas being... wonky. We see in vanilla how sometimes the land can look like its been split in half.


How should we go about doing this? Also, if possible, can you add me on steam so it's easier to discuss and plan this?


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Ok, so renaming a biome causes a one time NRE when you enter the renamed biome.


KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.Byte,BiomeDefinition+BiomeType].get_Item (Byte key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EnvironmentAudioManager.EnterBiome (.BiomeDefinition _biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EntityPlayerLocal.onNewBiomeEntered (.BiomeDefinition _biome) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EntityAlive.updateCurrentBlockPosAndValue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EntityPlayerLocal.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at EntityPlayer.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at World.TickEntities (Single _partialTicks) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

(Filename:  Line: -1)


Guess i'll have to leave my altered biomes with the default names in the xml :)

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One person needs the vision and the others follow that vision. I asked about lore because the story is important to the prefabs, which is about all I could contribute, if interested.


From my experience, I get inspiration from the rwg, so my thoughts echo others, which are generate a rwg, just a dedi, and have both a collection of prefabs for the XML as well as specific builds on the rwg. Prefabs are great, but require flat placements, so creative access on a dedi would allow for larger, custom builds which can take advantage of terrain. I recommend giving each contributor a fiefdom (portion of land to build on).


...problem is, the rwg would have to be generated first, which means you'd need a nice stockpile of prefabs.


Which means a final blocks.XML needs to be handed out.


Best to sort out the order of events first. :)

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Well we can always build the mini-POIs on the server first and then have stompy add them to a rwgmixer and THEN make a map specifically for world-creating. Or whatever.


Huzza! 26900

Password: Val


Those who play might want to use my custom icons so they can see the admin tools. Though its not necessary.



(note: you don't need the config folder, just put the Mods folder in your install directory and you're golden)

(note 2: You dont NEED any of this. You can still use the admin tools - just wont see icons for them.)

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Ok, found some more interesting stuff.


A bit of a bug with wilderness PoI's similar to the one I encountered with city hubs and prefab rules.


I had:

<prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

<prefab rule="abandoned_houses" prob="0.20"/>

<prefab rule="peasant_houses" prob="1"/>



And the abandoned_houses never got selected.


Changed to:

<prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

<prefab rule="none"/>

<prefab rule="abandoned_houses" prob="0.20"/>

<prefab rule="peasant_houses" prob="1"/>



and still got zero abandoned houses.


Changed to:

<prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

<prefab rule="abandoned_houses" prob="0.20"/>

<prefab rule="peasant_houses" prob="0.9"/>



and still got zero abandoned houses.


Changed to:

<prefab_rule name="wildernessPOIs">

<prefab rule="none"/>

<prefab rule="abandoned_houses" prob="0.20"/>

<prefab rule="peasant_houses" prob="0.9"/>



and it worked.



Same with:

<prefab_rule name="peasant_houses">

<prefab rule="none"/>

<prefab name="house_peasant_01"/>

<prefab name="house_peasant_02"/>



It only selected both houses with the rule=none at the top.


So it seems you have to have both a rule at the top to get discarded and if one of the rules has a non 1 prob set they all have to have a non 1 prob set.

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Anyway, some more biome pics:


Changed Burnt forest to have the regular forest as the main decorations with fertileFarmland as the top terrain layer.

Set a sub biome with the original burnt forest decorations and gave it a .5 prob.



Now you get large swathes of burnt forest with some green trees mixed in. (since biomes are so F'n huge I think it works quite well like this)


Also have 4 sub biomes in forest now:



This is a sub where the lumberjacks have been busy. Chopped Logs, stumps, woodDebris and a couple of the smallest trees for decorations. I want to add a small biome deco prefab for a sawbench or something.





Oops: (birchwood)


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Anyway, some more biome pics:


Changed Burnt forest to have the regular forest as the main decorations with fertileFarmland as the top terrain layer.

Set a sub biome with the original burnt forest decorations and gave it a .5 prob.



Now you get large swathes of burnt forest with some green trees mixed in. (since biomes are so F'n huge I think it works quite well like this)


Also have 4 sub biomes in forest now:



This is a sub where the lumberjacks have been busy. Chopped Logs, stumps, woodDebris and a couple of the smallest trees for decorations. I want to add a small biome deco prefab for a sawbench or something.


I think I want these two for my normal games... I will have a look later to see what you did in the files.



I have been following this thread from the beginning, and I think it's a great idea. I will definitely want to test it while it develops.


What I was thinking is, that are your views of medieval that different that you would need to have separate projects, instead of just deciding to have a combined effort instead? I know a "total" conversion is a huge overtaking for one man, but 2-3 already makes it very possible. Just a thought as I know what you all can achieve alone, and this thread is already showing what you could achieve together... :-)

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