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Medieval Times?


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Sorry guys. I didn't realize I didn't include the Fireplace in the blocks.xml code. Ive updated it.


If you want just the new code:


<block id="2046" name="Fireplace">

<property name="Class" value="Particle" />

<!-- <property name="CustomIcon" value="emberPile2" /> -->

<property name="Material" value="wood" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="OutdoorDecor/ember_pile_2" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="ParticleName" value="campfire" />

<property name="ParticleOffset" value="0.5,0,0.5" />

<property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall"/>

<property name="ActiveRadiusEffects" value="+heatSource(3)"/>

<drop event="Destroy" name="coal" count="1,3" prob="1" />




The icon was already included in the iconpack since I thought I included this in the shared file.

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Adding the fire effect to a block is relatively easy. The only tricky thing about it, potentially, is getting the right particle offset so it isn't floating two feet in the air or something.



<block id="2046" name="Fireplace">

<property name="Class" value="Particle" />

<!-- <property name="CustomIcon" value="emberPile2" /> -->

<property name="Material" value="wood" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="OutdoorDecor/ember_pile_2" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="ParticleName" value="campfire" />

<property name="ParticleOffset" value="0.5,0,0.5" />

<property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall"/>

<property name="ActiveRadiusEffects" value="+heatSource(3)"/>

<drop event="Destroy" name="coal" count="1,3" prob="1" />



Those three bolded lines are all that is needed to make the block have the campfire's fire effect.


The <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall"/> is what determines the buff you get when you walk over it - in this case it will set you on fire.


You tell me the block ID you want the fire on and I'll work it up for you.


Also, have you tried out the White_Pole_Light or Pole_Light? They're basically wooden posts with the torch fire smacked on.

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Yeah, I kinda figured that would be the case. But figured I'd add it just in case. :)




Well, you dont really turn it on, per say. Its like the radiation blocks. They're always "on" and cause debuff. Or the embers in the burnt biome - they always set you on fire if you walk over them. You can make a block buff you whenever you walk over it - this can be done to any block, I believe. So yeah, you can have a bunch of different blocks that set you on fire if you touch them. You can also attach the actual fire graphic to most blocks. Like I did with the brazier, for example.


Coincidentally I will be using the 'buff when walk on' ability for the Pray Plate. I will place this block in shrines and churches to make it so that if you "pray" at the alter (walk ontop of the block) you will be cured of curses or diseases.

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Yes, in a sense. If you add <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="burningSmall"/> to a block then when the player steps on it the player will be set on fire. The block itself will not have the animation of a fireplace (so its constantly burning) however with this line alone. Its actually the play who will be on fire, not the block. :)



Attaching it to a pipe would work but it would b ea bit... iffy. To get set on fire you have to walk over it or against it. Im not sure how likely that is to happen in this case from a gameplay perspective. But on a technical level yeah, you can do that.

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Greets Valmar!!

I play on Midnight Slayers Server and i'd like to say you are The Man. I missed this thread and just now Cujo have linked me.

Its awesome this theme, and we can have a lot differents blocks and stuffs from that period.

I'm building (trying) Minas Tirith from The Lord of The Rings now, i know its too much ambicious and big to build, 300x300x80 but maybe i can finish it on A14.

Take a look guys, i got some help on upgrading the rebars.


For those who wants to join me on this are welcome.

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Damn, that is looking tight. Definitely a big project. :) The one downside to 7days is fortresses that are built into mountains, and to work as a prefab, you have to include the mountain, so invariably you have to have a really frikkin' huge prefab. I don't envy the amount of work you have left to do. :)

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Damn, that is looking tight. Definitely a big project. :) The one downside to 7days is fortresses that are built into mountains, and to work as a prefab, you have to include the mountain, so invariably you have to have a really frikkin' huge prefab. I don't envy the amount of work you have left to do. :)


I should have built with a mountain on the back, i know, but was so hard to find a nice and flat area.

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Especially in this build; the only good flat areas are forests and snow biomes (high elevations), so you end up hitting a roof cap pretty quickly.


Val has some sort of tools that allow for mass block affecting, I haven't played with them yet, but I'm really looking forward to trying the tool that spits out blocks like water, where it flows around and stuff. I'm sure I'm not describing it correctly.

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Especially in this build; the only good flat areas are forests and snow biomes (high elevations), so you end up hitting a roof cap pretty quickly.


Val has some sort of tools that allow for mass block affecting, I haven't played with them yet, but I'm really looking forward to trying the tool that spits out blocks like water, where it flows around and stuff. I'm sure I'm not describing it correctly.




that covers all the terrain types.


You can change it to any block, just add this to the new block which is otherwise just a copy of the original block:


<property name="Class" value="LiquidMoving" />

<property name="LiquidStatic" value="**static block name**" />

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I was a bit sad with the flyover between the keep and the church. I had it completely unsupported but then added the wedge and rails and it couldn't hold my weight after that :p


I'm thinking the church floor needs to be raised 1 block and changed to a wood type block, and also need to change the roof block of the keep, but will do that after i've extracted it to the editor.


Really liking the reinforced cobble texture.


Fun fact, the belltower of the church can be collapsed by removing just a block either side of the doorway I think :)

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(six picture limit, yay)


Main structures are complete. Still got a lot of details to add, the wall sections to fill in, and then start on the surrounding village.


Wow Stompy, loving the detail on your keep. Especially the framed windows and such. Really makes the building really "pop". :)

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Updated the Blocks.xml - no new icons so a few icons may be blank currently.


Decorative Campfire - a campfire block that can't be used for cooking but always is burning.

Decorative CampfireOff - a campfire block that can't be used and is turned off.

Dead Traveler - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a traveler might have on his person.

Decayed Traveler - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a traveler might have on his person.

Rotting Corpse - Generic corpse loot that wont decay.

Dead Merchant - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a merchant might have on his person.

Dead Villager - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a common villager might have on his person.

Decayed Villager - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a common villager might have on his person.

Slain Knight - This corpse will have loot that focuses around what a Knight might have on his person.

Hunter's Carrysack - This will have hunter-related supplies.

Pouch - Misc items, perhaps a bit of gold.

Merchant's Carrysack - Merchant loot.

Wheat Plant - Note that plants are not yet "balanced" or have their actual harvest items.

Grape Plant

Hops Plant

Animal Snare - This isn't really for decoration, but could be used for a POI. This is more for players when the mod is done.

Cabbage Plant

Horsetail Plant - This might be changed into a watermelon plant or raspberry plant in the future.

Leek Plant

Apple Plant

Slain Hunter - This corpse will have hunter-related supplies.

Dead Sorcerer - This corpse will have magic-related supplies.

Mystic Lockbox - This container will have magic-related loot.

AutoWalls - These are admin blocks meant to make building structures a tad easier and quicker

AutoFloors - These are admin blocks meant to make filling in ground quicker. Warning: treat it like water!

Suspicious Stump - These will be unique stumps that contain special loot.

Dead Cleric - This corpse will have cleric-related loot such as healing itemns.

Sorcerer's Pouch - This container will have have magic-related loot.

Herbal Pouch - This container will have herbs and medical ingredients.

Sugar Cane Plant

Flagstone InsideCorner

Buried Chest - Meant to be found buried in the ground, will have gold or other various trinkets.

Buried Sack - Meant to be found buried in the ground, will have gold.

Buried Knight - Meant to be found buried in the ground, will have knight-related gear.

Witches Remains - This corpse will drop magic-related loot.

Support Pole NewWood

Roof Shingles NewWood

Fireplace - Embers that are constantly burning.

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