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Medieval Times?


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This is all great guys. I can only hope the xml stuff I throw together for the project will be at least half as impressive as the talent you've all displayed thus far. I've been trying to make some POI's myself aswell. I have three or four at least done. I'm significantly slower at this than you lot. Took me literally all day just to put the roof on one little ol cabin. I'm not a builder. Lol.

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Roofs are a pain, that's for sure.


Stompy, my peasant homes are really more or less mud huts to be found in the middle of the woods (maybe a footpath, but I don't see the point)... I'll start on more common homes in the next few days. I will also knock out a gladiator pit (a small one, like you see in the Spartacus prequels). My large project will be a maze. What's the maximum size your mixer will allow for a prefab?


Val, could you make a dirt block and a fertile dirt block that will NOT grow grass? I ended up using burnt ground to get darkened earth, but it's got those cinders and doesn't look right.


I'm also creating a website to centralize files, if you're interested. I'm not a developer (more like pre-entry level), but this is within my wheelhouse.


Basic site, it'll read from my sql server and list out the prefab name, author, link to prefab download, and link to image album. People would need to email me for me to create accounts, and I doubt I'd get fancy enough for editing/deleting sql entries, I can handle the low volume via email.


Let me know if you're interested, this is something I've been wanting to do for a bit anyway.


Lastly, you mentioned somewhere about a way to edit the textures on blocks? Could you point me in the right direction for that?

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If you use dirt or fertile dirt in a prefab it wont upgrade to grass once its spawned in. I haven't tested but you should be able to turn off ticking in the debug menu to stop it upgrading while you are building.


Same thing with any block that uses plant growing or upgrade rated, it wont 'tick' if its spawned by a prefab in rwg



Also sent you a pm about something I've got in the works for a website ;) I blame Valmar for it not being finished yet :p

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Actually the "dirt" block doesn't grow grass already. The fertile dirt will though. However they both have the same texture - the difference is that the "dirt" block won't grow. Does that work for your needs?


As the prefab work and management in general will be handled by Stompy I think he should be the one to comment on the site idea. I can't even get Hals to work properly so downloading prefabs is a useless endeavor for me.



As for editing textures of blocks - it depends. If you're talking about adding brand NEW textures to the game then you're in the SD2DX level - far beyond my knowledge. However if you're talking about editing textures on blocks with the textures already on other vanilla blocks through the xml file, that can be done. There is no guide for it that I know of. I can explain the basics of it by providing some examples:


Firstly, It has to be a texture from an actual "block". Nothing that uses terrain shape/mesh can have its texture applied to a "normal" block. Or so it seems from my observations. Basically no models.


Here is an example I can use:

 <block id="770" name="trunkPine">
   <property name="Class" value="Trunk" />
   <property name="Material" value="wood+wood" />
    <property name="Shape" value="New" />
    <property name="Model" value="Pole1m" />
   <property name="Texture" value="21,21,116,116,116,116" />
   <property name="FuelValue" value="180" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="25" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="wood" count="12" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />


This is the vanilla tree trunk block. It's "round" shape is caused by this:

<property name="Shape" value="New" />

<property name="Model" value="Pole1m" />


Its texture is determined by this:

<property name="Texture" value="21,21,116,116,116,116" />



Say I want this pole as a block, a square block. Simple enough. I would just remove the shape and model, which is what gives it the tube shape, and then adjust the texture value until they're placed where I need them. That bit requires some trail and error.

<block id="1621" name="Log Block">
   <property name="Material" value="wood+wood" />
   <property name="Texture" value="116,116,21,116,21,116" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="25" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="wood" count="12" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />


Texture 21 is the texture that looks like the chopped bit of the log. The part with the rings. Texture 116 is the tree bark texture. So say I want a block that uses just the texture of the bark, no exposed rings of freshly cut wood.


	<block id="1663" name="Log BlockFull">
   <property name="Material" value="wood+wood" />
   <property name="Texture" value="116" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="25" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="wood" count="12" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />


All I did here was remove all the texture values besides the one I wanted - which was 116 (the bark). If only one value is used it will be placed on all sides of the block. If you want one side of the block to have a different look then you have to assign the texture code to each side, which is why the Log Block texture code has a longer string of values in the texture property.


Here is another example. Let say I want the a flagstone block but on one side of the block I want it to have the texture of the the oldWood block.


First I'd find the oldWood block (block id 220) and see what its texture value is. In this case it is 241. Then I will find the flagstone block (id 948) and find its texture value. In this case it is 226.


So now that I know the two texture values I want this new block to have I make the new block.


	<block id="1626" name="Flagstone WoodPanel">
   <property name="Material" value="brick" />
   <property name="Texture" value="226,226,226,56,226,226" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="wood" count="25" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="wood" count="12" prob="1" />
<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="1.0"  stick_chance=".75" />
<property name="Group" value="Building" />


As you can see I told the texture value to use the flagstone texture on all the sides of the block except for one side which is using the oldWood texture. Tada.



This method can be useful if you find a block that happens to have a texture on it that you want on something else. One final example would be my hay bed. I used the texture value from hay and the texture value from the fur rug to give it the appearance of being a hay bed with a fur blanket. I even added a pillow by taking the texture from one of the awning tent blocks. I also changed the "shade" of the block so that it would appear in-game as a halfblock rather than a full block as I found it more pleasing on the eyes.



	<block id="1691" name="Hay Bed Pillow">
   <property name="Class" value="SiblingRemove" />
   <property name="SiblingBlock" value="Hay Bed" />
   <property name="SiblingDirection" value="0,0,1" />
   <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />
   <property name="Material" value="hay" />
   <property name="Shape" value="Quarter" />
   <property name="Texture" value="14,196,196,196,196,196" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="hayBale" count="1" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="animalHide" count="1" prob="0.5" />
<block id="1692" name="Hay Bed">
   <property name="Class" value="SleepingBag" />
   <property name="RotationAllowed" value="pivotOnFloor" />
   <property name="SiblingBlock" value="Hay Bed Pillow" />
   <property name="SiblingDirection" value="0,0,-1" />
   <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />
   <property name="Material" value="hay" />
   <property name="Shape" value="Half" />
   <property name="Texture" value="382,196,196,196,196,196" />
   <drop event="Destroy" name="hayBale" count="1" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="animalHide" count="1" prob="0.5" />





Does that explain it in a way that makes sense?

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Looking good Laz and Guppy :)



Sorrowsthief, I'm still making a few adjustments for your prefabs then I'll include them in the next rwgmixer. Had to change your bark block (1559) to use Val's Log Block Full (1663) and the thatch wedge (1557) to use vals thatch wedge (1796).


I also set all of the to use copy air blocks = true but I need to fix the offset and remove an air layer on half of them (not a big task) otherwise they float. Will prob change the layer 0 air to terrain filler and lower the offset to -1 to fix them. Also will change the hay bales to the thatch block (1793) so they cant be picked up with E.


For the settlement prefab you had gravel slope for the path, I assume that's meant to be a flat gravel path not a bunch of slopes? :)


Yea sorry mate I'm new to this so I'm sure lots of mistakes. I wanted flat gravel you are correct. No worries I included my blocks with the file cause I knew it would be issues. But however you want to do it is fine by me. Thanks

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Updated the blocks.xml to include a few new blocks. Such as new containers and, perhaps most importantly, two "support" blocks that fit into the theme but still provide you the same level of SI as trussing.


Also some quick screenies of the few buildings I have made so far. Some are a work in progress.





So... You are not using any kind of renderer to view your block changes live... That's dedication. :)


What about a central list of textures, their numbers and associated images?


This is cool stuff...




I don't know of any renderer that can do that. I just install the game to my SSD so loading it up doesn't take forever. Though since its on a server atm I can just restart the server to see the changes. A lot faster than restarting the game completely.


There is no central list with numbers and images that I know of. I just use creative menu to find the block with a texture a I like, mark down what the ID is (creative menu tells you) and go to the blocks.xml to search for it and find what the texture ID is.

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This is what I have in mind; mind you, the interior squares (9 of them) can theoretically spawn in any order, and you will still have a complete maze. So now I just need a rwgmixer to spawn the outer wall at a fixed location and randomly spawn at least one of the 9 inner pieces at fixed locations inside the outer wall. :)


Imagine going through this underground, with all the blocks being the same color, it being randomly generated by rwg (hopefully random rotation as well!), with a huge collection of treasures in the treasure room (the square in the inner section closest to me in the picture), filled with zombies, in the dark? :)



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Work in Progress on my castle.






Might end up doing two versions, one in good order and a second that has been besieged and broken walls etc :)



Not sure about the church yet, might be a bit big for my purposes (its the vanilla navaz church trimmed down), I still need to redecorate it to match the building style of Laz's smithy that I've included

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An interesting idea, Gupp. A labyrinth, perhaps inside a large mountain, would certainly be appealing.


I do have some minor concerns/thoughts on it though, if I may.


1. The hallways should be at least three blocks wide.


2. Will likely need a special "magically infused" block to build it out to prevent players from just busting through the walls in a straight line lol.


3. Perhaps even some hidden rooms that you have to use a "reveal magic" spell to see (like hidden doors and passage ways)





Also, some general ideas for the project:


Simulated store vendors. Picture this: there will be a ingame currency item - lets just use the casinoCoin for an example atm. In the hubs or cities or taven/inns there will be specific workstations where the player can cash in the coins to purchase various items or goods - relative to the area. For example a blacksmith will sale ore and picks, a tavern would sale drinks and a market stall would have assorted goods.



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Yeh, once I have the rwgmixer working right, it'll be a breeze to edit the actual interior prefabs; I will be doing 3 wide (and 3 high), and I suppose you can create a super-hard block that can only be destroyed by item-x, but this prefab was whipped up to test if it could be done.


So far so good, I'm actually able to enter the game, now I just have to get the prefabs to actually spawn. :)

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Well, I got it working (thanks to ENORMOUS help from StompyNZ); should be fun. It's so weird, I had to offset the outer walls in order to make it fit around the inner pieces, but the math is just plain wrong. It's like the outer wall is generating from one point at one direction, but the inner walls are generating from their points towards a different direction. Both have the same Rotationtofacenorth value, but whatever.


Once I center the roads directly around it (they seem to have their own spawning scheme that doesn't match the spawning scheme of the prefabs), I'll make it 3x wide, etc etc etc.


Do we have a method of inserting entities yet or is that still broken?

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heh yeah the positions and rotations can be a tricky beast to tame.


some really weird stuff with them which is why I gave up on the stadium hub for now.


You should be able to insert entities in hals, with the only issue being they wont respawn.


Val: for the store vendors, I like the idea :) Were you thinking for the coins that you could only use officially minted coins, or be able to create coins from gold harvested from the world?

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Both. Sorta. I figured you could sale certain items (raw iron, gold, ect) to a merchant shop for the "officially" minted gold. It would make sense to be able to use various currency types for trade (bartering was a big thing back then I imagine) but it'd frankly take too many recipes just for that. So for sake of simplicity you will have to buy using a "minted" currency. But the fact that you can sale things you mined or worked for should mean you can, in a sense, craft it.

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Interesting find:


If you add this to a door: <property name="PlaceEverywhere" value="true" />


You will be able to place it, where, anywhere. Even right against itself. This will be handy. This is really interesting to me.


Also, removing <property name="Place" value="Door" /> frm the woodenhatch lets you place it in different rotations not allowed in vanilla. I did this, plus a model offset, to make a "hatch window".


<block id="1702" name="Hatch Window">

<property name="CustomIcon" value="woodenHatch1_v1" />

<property name="Class" value="DoorSecure" />

<property name="Material" value="wood" />

<property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0.5,0" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Texture" value="241" />

<property name="Tag" value="Door" />

<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="1,1,1" /> <!-- we need to override the default door size of 2 blocks high -->

<property name="PlaceEverywhere" value="true" />

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Doors/woodenHatch1_v1Prefab" />

<property name="Mesh-Damage-1" value="Door/Hatch_DMG0" />

<property name="Mesh-Damage-2" value="Door/Hatch_DMG1" />

<property name="Mesh-Damage-3" value="Door/Hatch_DMG2" />

<property name="Mesh-Damage-4" value="Door/Hatch_DMG3" />

<property name="Mesh-Damage-5" value="Door/Hatch_DMG4" />

<property name="OpenSound" value="UseActions/open_door_wood" />

<property name="CloseSound" value="UseActions/close_door_wood" />

<property class="UpgradeBlock">

<property name="ToBlock" value="woodenHatch1_v2" />

<property name="Item" value="wood" />

<property name="ItemCount" value="10" />

<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4" />


<property class="RepairItems">

<property name="wood" value="10" />


<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Building" />




I'll update the blocks.xml will all the new goodies later - after I have icons for them. Added quite a few blocks - mainly containers.

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