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Server Tools


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with the game being windows native we suggest switching over to windows. server tools is only tested and built for windows. you can revert to an older version if you like but when a17 comes out the older versions will no longer work


I don't using windows for server. This is bad message for me :-(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! Tell me how to remove the error and there is somewhere a detailed setting of all the functions of the mod?

2018-10-30 23:12:58 7.998 Log --------------------------------------------------------------

2018-10-30 23:12:58 7.999 Log [sERVERTOOLS] Verifying configuration file. Saving new entries

2018-10-30 23:12:58 7.999 Log --------------------------------------------------------------

2018-10-30 23:12:58 8.012 Error [MODS] Error while executing GameAwake on mod "Server Tools"

2018-10-30 23:12:58 Exception DllNotFoundException: SQLite.Interop.dll

System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized ()

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog.Initialize (System.String className)

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor (System.String connectionString, Boolean parseViaFramework)

System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor (System.String connectionString)

(wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection:.ctor (string)

ServerTools.SQLiteDatabase.SetConnection ()

ServerTools.SQL.Connect ()

ServerTools.Config.LoadXml ()

ServerTools.Config.Load ()

ServerTools.API.GameAwake ()

ModManager.GameAwake ()







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  • 4 weeks later...

Bad Company works now !!! Here are the commands if you use it and coppis whi9ch s still broke!!!


**Bad Company Commands***

This is for anyone that might need these in text to aid them


***Bad Company Commands***

bc-help => (BCM) BCHelp - Provides a list of all active BCM commands, and info about /options

bc-settings, set => (BCM) Settings - Command to set and clear values from the settings persistent cache

bc-trash => (BCM) Mem Trash - Runs Garbage Collection to try and free up Memory on the server

bc-api => (BCM) BroadcastAPI - Command for server managers to subscribe to data feeds from the server

bc-test => (BCM) Test - Catchall command for testing new features

bc-lp => (BCM) Players - Provides extensive information about all players

bc-pdf, bc-pfinfo => (BCM) Player Files - Player data file information, such as steamid, last online, last write.

bc-loc, loc, pos => (BCM) Location - Gets your current position and stores it in cache for use in other commands

bc-admins => (BCM) Admins - Provides information on admins, bans, whitelist, and other admin details

bc-gs => (BCM) Players Gamestages - Alias for BCPlayers

bc-id, bc-lpids => (BCM) Players Ids - Alias for BCPlayers

bc-pos, bc-lppos => (BCM) Players Positions - Alias for BCPlayers

bc-le => (BCM) Entities - Provides information about all entities in the game

bc-chunks, bc-cc => (BCM) Active Chunks - Information about the chunks loaded by the server

bc-time => (BCM) Time - Provides server time, ticks, fps, clients, entities

bc-getspawn => (BCM) Get Spawn - Gets a valid spawn point at the given x,z. Also loads the chunk.

bc-assets => (BCM) Assets - Provides info on game resources and assets

bc-go => (BCM) Game Objects - Provides detailed information about the game objects such as blocks, items and recipes

bc-lhcd, bc-hcd => (BCM) Hub Cell Data - A list of all prefabs in a given Hub Cell

bc-version => (BCM) Versions - Information about the mods installed on the server

bc-geb, bc-gebuff => (BCM) Give Buffs to Entities - Buffs the entity or type of entity with the given buff

bc-gpb, bc-gpbuff => (BCM) Give Buffs to Players - Buffs the remote player with the given buff

bc-gpq, bc-gpquest => (BCM) Give Quests To Players - Grants the remote player the given quest

bc-setskill, setskill => (BCM) Set Skills On Players - Allows you to directly set skill levels on a player while they are online

bc-reb, bc-debuff, bc-rembuff => (BCM) Remove Buffs From Entities - Removes a buff from an entity or type of entity

bc-rpb, bc-rpbuff => (BCM) Remove Buffs From Players - Removes a buff from an online player

bc-rpq, bc-rpquest => (BCM) Remove Quests From Players - Removes an in progress quest from the player

bc-remove, remove => (BCM) Remove - Removes the selected entities from the game by unloading them

bc-spawn, spawn => (BCM) Spawn - Spawns entities with definable targets and entities

bc-showspawn, manager => (BCM) Horde Spawners - Gets information about the spawn manager system such as active spawns and spawncounts

bc-wblocks, block => (BCM) World Blocks - Insert, report on, and swap blocks within the area

bc-import, import => (BCM) Import - Loads a prefab from disk into the world, and activates sleeper spawns

bc-export, export => (BCM) Export - Creates a tts prefab file of the defined location

bc-visitregion, visit => (BCM) Visit Region - Visits the region given and reveals the map

bc-tileentity, tile => (BCM) Tile Entity - Perform actions on the tile entities (loot containers and doors) in the area


/log => Send the command output to the log file

/chat => Send the command output to chat

/console => Override command default settings for /log or /chat

/color=FFFFFF => Specify a color for text sent to chat

/details => For commands that support it, will give more details on items returned

/nodetails => Override command default settings for /details

/online => For ListPlayers commands it will display only online players (default shows all players)

/offline => For ListPlayers commands it will display only offline players

/all => Override command default settings for /online or /offline

***Output Format Options***

/1l => Returns json output on a single line (for server managers)

/pp => Returns json output with print pretty enabled (default: on)

/vectors => Returns all BCM Vectors as x y z objects rather than single string

/csvpos => Converts all Vector3 co-ords to csv seperated (default is space seperated)

/worldpos => Converts all Vector3 co-ords to Map Co-ords

/strpos => Override command default settings for /csvpos or /worldpos


- - - Updated - - -


If coppis additions starts working agin I will post them also


- - - Updated - - -


bc-import abcd . the command to undo a mistake is bc-import /undo! (!undo may workalso but I have not tested it)

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Weird but I get this error now since 12.3 and commands like gimme and home are not working


2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF -------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF [sERVERTOOLS] Anti-Cheat tools:

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF -------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF --------------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF [sERVERTOOLS] Chat prefix-color tools:

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF --------------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF --------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF [sERVERTOOLS] Other tools:

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF --------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF Gimme enabled

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF Infoticker enabled

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.682 INF Location enabled

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.687 INF [serverTools] SQLiteException in SQLiteDatabase.TQuery: code = CantOpen (14), message = System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: unable to open database file

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Open (System.String strFilename, System.String vfsName, SQLiteConnectionFlags connectionFlags, SQLiteOpenFlagsEnum openFlags, Int32 maxPoolSize, Boolean usePool) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Open () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.696 INF --------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.696 INF [sERVERTOOLS] Tool load complete

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.696 INF --------------------------------

2018-11-27T11:32:35 95.696 INF StartGame done

Edited by mvveen (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to install on a hosted 16.4 dedi.

Log is showing:

2018-12-10T11:35:43 1.969 INF [MODS] Trying to load from ServerTools

2018-12-10T11:35:43 1.974 WRN [MODS] Mod has more than one DLL, not loading any code

2018-12-10T11:35:43 1.975 INF [MODS] Loading done


From the looks of this, it's refusing to load ST because it found more than one dll. Indeed there are multiple dll files involved in server tools.

But I dont see waves of other people complaining about this. Any idea why I'm getting it? Could it be some kind of security thing by our hosting company?

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I have used this mod many times, so I'm not new to it, but v. 12.4 doesn't appear to be creating the ServerTools folder in the '\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves' folder. I'm hosting an a17 b221 server. I also have BCManager and Alloc's Fixes "installed" and have confirmed that they are working.


I have the downloaded ServerTools 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Mods' folder and I have the BCManager mod folder in place, but it's not auto-creating the Saves 'ServerTools' folder. It's creating a ServerTools.db file in the world folder, and BCM is creating a 'BCMDataV3.1.0' folder, but there is no ServerTools folder or .xml file anywhere in the Saves folder.

Edited by ScubaSteve (see edit history)
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I have used this mod many times, so I'm not new to it, but v. 12.4 doesn't appear to be creating the ServerTools folder in the '\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves' folder. I'm hosting an a17 b221 server. I also have BCManager and Alloc's Fixes "installed" and have confirmed that they are working.


I have the downloaded ServerTools 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Mods' folder and I have the BCManager mod folder in place, but it's not auto-creating the Saves 'ServerTools' folder. It's creating a ServerTools.db file in the world folder, and BCM is creating a 'BCMDataV3.1.0' folder, but there is no ServerTools folder or .xml file anywhere in the Saves folder.


Same her, no server tools folder in \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves


Running the server via https://www.g-portal.com.

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ST11.8 on A16.4


Question 1:

The Starting Items tool can only add items to the game's starting kit, but cannot suppress any of these items (torch, chili, water, bandage, LCB) from being given, correct?


Question 2:

On an older version of ST, config changes like the gimme list and info ticker could be made live and would go into effect on the server immediately without restart. That doesn't seem to be the case now. Is there any kind of way to refresh or reload the ST config without a full server restart?


Thanks so much!

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I have setup my own server on drive D.


Like this D:/steamcmd/7_days_to_die_server/


Install ServerTools in D:/steamcmd/7_days_to_die_server/Mods/


But now ServerToolsConfig is not where it use to be, but now in the root of drive d:


Like this D:/ServerTools


On a rented server you can't access that.

Edited by kimila (see edit history)
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The clan command isn't functioning properly on my server. If someone accidentally (or intentionally) types /clan xyz, it spams chat about 10 times with xyz, or whatever you type. Same for wallet - when you type /wallet, it spams chat with what should have been sent to that individual user. This just me?

Edited by Dagoberis (see edit history)
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Please post questions and requests to this thread instead. It has more up to date information posted.


You can join the discord channel as well. https://discord.gg/6G8VZQg


ST 12+ is for A17. A17 is a mess between the experimental versions and now finally the "stable".


ST 11.8 will work for those using A16. Do not downgrade ST, it will not work. You must clear it out and reinstall it if you are downgrading to a previous version.


There is no official support for linux if that is what you are using. It does work if you know how to strip the source files. A linux compatible version is being made that strips sqlite from the load process for you.


ST requires an sql database operating for data saves. Linux user should use MySQL but most users need sqlite stripped from the load process first or they will receive errors.


After installing the files from the zip file located on the ST github releases section, you must start your server. After it has finished loading, shut it down. Check your output log for any reported errors and that ST loaded the required dll properly. If no errors were reported by ST and the dll loaded, you can locate your world save directory where you will now find a Servertools folder with a few xml files inside. The config file allows you to set the majority of the setting for ST. When a tool is enabled, some of them will create a new xml file.


The HowToSetup.xml is not up to date. This will be updated in the future but for now we are working on bugs, not instruction manuals.


Every single console command is shown in the list with a prefix so you know if it is from ST. Typing help command will give you information about that particular command and how to use it.

Edited by Obsessive Compulsive (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

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