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A16 Valmod Pack


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Hey, Valmod. did you notice the study desk does not have a bottom texture? Is it because it simply...doesn't have one? or am I just an eejit for deciding to put mine on the cieling out of reach of zomberts?


the merchant mailbox has the "merchant package" for like complete guns ammo and such. but a lot of the recipes are spelled Mercant" just a typo to fix. low priority.



on an unrelated note. I've found that barbed wire last I checked in vanilla is suuuuuper expensive. it's 1 forged iron for one "sheet" of barbed wire. back in the day, I think it was 3 forged iron for FIFTEEN sheets. I"m thinking 1:5 maybe. is that a recipe nerf you'd be ok with implementing natively? I'll update it for my side, since I want to use the slowtrap tactic m'self.


Lol, some pretty good observations. The desk is a 3D model and so its not really a bug I can fix. I guess the Pimps ever gave it a texture down there since its not typically something you see. :)


In the future updates though the study desk will no longer be relevant. So glass is half full right?


Its funny that for how long I've had the Merchant box (even as a stand-alone mod) no one has ever noticed that type. 22 typos! Wow. Thats pretty funny. Easy fix. I'll be in the next patch. Im not stressed about it though. If no one noticed for this long then they can go a little longer with their Mercants. Maybe the boxes are delivered by mercenary ants. If you ever see a package seemingly gliding across the ground you know who it is.



In Valmod, if we're on about the same barbed sheet, you get 4 for one forged iron.

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Oilrefiner block not found




Updated to latest and on load get block error missing oilrefiner.


I know you removed it a few patches ago but there is one left somewhere that didn't get destroyed on the map.


Thanks for any help!


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The oil refiner does not exist, this is true, but its ID is still in the game. Its the chemistry station now. So all oil refiners that were once on the map would now be chemistry stations. This is to avoid map corruption. The only reason it would specially call on the oil refiner is is if you're using old biomes.xml code that still has the oilRefiner in it. It shouldn't be causing any issues otherwise.

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Hey guys, sorry to ask this but want to be sure....when updating to the valmod for 14.7, do I need "delete" (aka -steam: verify integrity of game cache)the 14.6 version, before dragging and dropping the the 14.7 files? Or can I just go ahead and drop the new ones?



On a sidenote: shoutout to Valmar! I won't even play this game without ur mod anymore! :-) Thx for all you do!!!!

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You don't have to verify the integrity. Just drag and drop. Though you could verify first if you wanted to. The download steam would do is less than 1mb since all it'd grab are a few text files. Up to you. You shouldn't have to though. I pretty much never do. Lol.

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1. Make sure you're using Alpha 14.7

2. Make sure you have the latest version of Valmod (version 2.9 at the time of writing this)

3. Make sure you installed it properly.


Does that fix it?


Thanks for your help and time.


Clear the entire game, install it again, after the mod and runs smoothly.


Thank you.


EDIT: In blocks.xml

<block id="1926" name="bridgeWooden">
	<property name="MaxDamage" value="800" />
	<property name="DescriptionKey" value="bridgeDesc"/>
	<property name="Material" value="wood_weak" />
	<property name="Texture" value="241" />
	<property name="MultiBlockDim" value="3,[b][color="#FF0000"][size=5]5[/size][/color][/b],1" /> Replace by [b][size=5][color="#00FF00"]1[/color][/size][/b]
	<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer" />
	<drop event="Destroy" name="bridgeWooden" count="1" />
	<property class="UpgradeBlock">
		<property name="ToBlock" value="bridgeWooden2" />
		<property name="Item" value="Remote" />
		<property name="ItemCount" value="0" />
		<property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="1" />
	<property class="RepairItems"> <property name="wood" value="10" /> </property>



One more question

It would be possible to modify plants to grow under the light of a lamp?


For example, make a greenhouse in a cave and that putting "lightCeiling" id = "2013" the plants would thrive like they were out.


Sorry, I seem heavy.

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Awesome mod! Getting into it for the first time and something weird happened.


I looted a tree stump and found a survivor briefcase as loot!

I got excited and placed it on the ground and whacked it with a stone axe to unlock it.


It disintegrated without opening or dropping anything.


I thought I had just had an awesome loot roll, but maybe this was by design?

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Awesome mod! Getting into it for the first time and something weird happened.


I looted a tree stump and found a survivor briefcase as loot!

I got excited and placed it on the ground and whacked it with a stone axe to unlock it.


It disintegrated without opening or dropping anything.


I thought I had just had an awesome loot roll, but maybe this was by design?


there is some special rare loot you can find that will allow you to unlock those.... its similar to survivors notes. you cant mistake it for anything else so dont worry youll know it when you see it.

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Awesome mod! Getting into it for the first time and something weird happened.


I looted a tree stump and found a survivor briefcase as loot!

I got excited and placed it on the ground and whacked it with a stone axe to unlock it.


It disintegrated without opening or dropping anything.


I thought I had just had an awesome loot roll, but maybe this was by design?


You don't "whack" these. You need to find a note called a Survivor's Combination and use it as a key on these. Equip the case and place on the ground, then equip the note and "use" it (right mouse click). This should unlock the case for you to loot.

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Hi Valmar


First: I love your mod, great work :-)


Second: Under the miner class it says 'He starts with a steel pickaxe', but you only get an iron pickaxe.


I'll get that fixed, thanks.


Awesome mod! Getting into it for the first time and something weird happened.


I looted a tree stump and found a survivor briefcase as loot!

I got excited and placed it on the ground and whacked it with a stone axe to unlock it.


It disintegrated without opening or dropping anything.


I thought I had just had an awesome loot roll, but maybe this was by design?


While it sounds like the problem is explained already I'll just point out the importance of reading the description :)

"Place this on the ground and unlock it with a survivor's combination which can be found on corpses."


weeeeelllllllllll.... crud....


Anyone know what the itemid of that on is?

I'm gonna chalk that one up as an accident and respawn one...


The briefcase id is 2045. The combination id is 2591.

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Kinda. Far as I know the sound effects are actually largely associated with the model itself.


To get the forge cooking sound on something else I believe you'd have to give it its particle.


<property name="ParticleName" value="forge" />

<property name="ParticleOffset" value="0.5,0,0.5" />

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Anybody know if there is a way to tell if your character already knows a schematic. There have been several times I wasted survivor notes crafting schematics I had already unlocked.


As far as I can tell, the only way to know is to craft one, click on it and read if it says, "known," which, again is a waste of notes, or to attempt crafting something unlocked by that particular schematic, which sometimes is hard to know until... well until you've already unlocked it and therefore the question is moot.


Hopefully I'm just suffering from a bad case of "the Dumb" and there is some obvious thing I'm missing. Otherwise, it would be awesome if already known schematics could be removed from the list in the research desk to prevent absent-minded Extraterrestrial Invaders, like myself, from wasting notes on stuff I done already unlocked the heck outta! xD


Any advice or tips?



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Really the only way to know is to check your recipes for a recipe that would be locked behind that book. If its unlocked then you'd read the book already. Not the best way but its all we have atm.



It took me a moment to get the smile. Thats pretty good.


Also, on the plus side, this should not be an issue later down the line when I move the recipes to the perk system and repurpose the notes. You'll definitely know what ones you've already learned then.

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@ Valmar: Just wondering, have you ever thought about adding a farmer class, and/or gating seed crafting behind perks/schematics? I always found it too easy to get to the point where you'll never have to worry about food, thanks to a garden.

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The cement mixer has two cement recipes, one that requires 1 sand, 2 rocks and 1 cement - the other requires 10 sand, 20 rocks and 10 cement.


I think one might be a mistake.


I think the second one is for bulk crafting. I've never tried it but my guess is that it saves a bit of time by crafting more items at once.


- - - Updated - - -


Really the only way to know is to check your recipes for a recipe that would be locked behind that book. If its unlocked then you'd read the book already. Not the best way but its all we have atm.



It took me a moment to get the smile. Thats pretty good.


Also, on the plus side, this should not be an issue later down the line when I move the recipes to the perk system and repurpose the notes. You'll definitely know what ones you've already learned then.


Ahhh, I see. Thanks for the reply, my Earth Hoomon friend! Looking forward to the future updates. Love the overhaul and keep up the awesomeness!!! :D



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The cement mixer has two cement recipes, one that requires 1 sand, 2 rocks and 1 cement - the other requires 10 sand, 20 rocks and 10 cement.


I think one might be a mistake.


thats to help with crafting lag. you get a freeze after every item completes it's crafting so having the bulk craft option means less freezes when you are in the crafting stations. Same thing with gun powder :)

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@ Valmar: Just wondering, have you ever thought about adding a farmer class, and/or gating seed crafting behind perks/schematics? I always found it too easy to get to the point where you'll never have to worry about food, thanks to a garden.


Yeah, I have. I just feel I'm too limited in what I can do atm. I wanted cooking to be part of a farming skill group where craft times and wellness gain could scale accordingly. However workstations do not use your skill level or contribute to your level if the crafting happens while you are not inside them. This would mean to farm cooking you would have to stand there and watch it all cook. It also means the moment you close it the timers will go back to the vanilla, making any skill-based bonus you have irrelevant. I'm not a big fan of that.





The cement mixer has two cement recipes, one that requires 1 sand, 2 rocks and 1 cement - the other requires 10 sand, 20 rocks and 10 cement.


I think one might be a mistake.


Its for bulk crafting to reduce lag. Like the others mentioned. It takes more resources to craft it but you still actually get the same amount back for those resources.

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