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A16 Valmod Pack


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Val. Commenting out or removing that line seems to work (dedicated server), been playing for a few hours now and have received a few quest items and no issues thus far. What was the purpose of that tooltip ie. what are we missing by not having it in?


About the wood block upgrades with carpentry kit and the cabin block exploit, I understand, will see what we do about that.

For the UI, yes, I found the comments and added the stamina text back in, was easy to use the health bar text example and positioning text only took a few restarts.


Was the drop rate of survivor notes seriously reduced compared to your pre 4.0 Overhaul version? Seems like it although an immediate comparison shows you to be using the same numbers in the loot tables. Hmmm...


Looking good so far!

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Just started a new game of single player overhaul with vanilla spawn settings ... Day 3 I've moved to the forest and found about 9 Jason's in a 500sq meter area in about 10 minutes, Terrifying!


BTW - thanks for putting this incredible mod together. I'm only 2 hours in and I'm blown away by how much this has upgraded and changed my game. Unbelievable. I'm very much looking forward to any and every content update for this.


Balancing out Jason's spawn chance is going to be a tad tricky, apparently. Hopefully overtime I find the right settings. I've lowed him down from a 15% chance to a 10% chance and see if that helps any. Something sounds a bit fishy with the biome spawning though.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the mod.





Hi val, I'm definitely impressed with the new update as my friends and I were already enjoying the last version of your mod on A15.


Question: Is the Compo pack still compatible with the Jason/Graveyard changes you've made to prefabs? Is it still safe to install Compo pack after Valmod without losing the changes you made? If not what should we do? Also, quest items spawn before the quests are active IE: rings. I guess that's normal?


I like the idea of our next game (since we will have to reset for the new Valmod update) being a RWG world since those are larger and far more unpredictable. No cheesing by looking at the map to know where to go.


The compo pack should be completely fine. Infact I wouldn't be surprised if the two work as-is together. I don't think CompoPack touches the vanilla prefab xmls that I have. And even if it does it wouldn't break anything. Worse it will do is not spawn some of my prefab-specific zombies. Hardly the the world - and not worth giving up Compo Pack for since it adds so much variety to the world. Way more than my silly zombies. :p



Valmar here are my critics, hosting server modded with Overhauled, the game play is very hard and yesterday played with my friends, and to level up is so hard and skills to reach very very long, level 50 playing like 4 hours of game play to reach 14 points then select new skills so boring, the server lost performance with items : when put keys in inventory for search, the game going like 1 frames per second, scavenging almost all the map and can't find tools or something to say good! some storage's in the map are empty. So now i will put the Expansion Valmar Mod i think this is my correct election for my map, thanks hope this put some light in your or our mod ;). sorry my English!

--Plus!: can you add workbench from Overhaul version mod to Expansion Mod? this look so great. Thanks!


Overhaul is purposely design to be slower than vanilla in terms of leveling. Four hours for 14 points sounds good to me. Different tastes for different folks.


The workbench is a vanilla block, not something exclusive/added by Overhaul. As such yes you can find it in Expansion Pack.



Hi Valmar nice update!!

Would not it be possible to create a recycling trash where it is placed there is recycled, similar to what you have already created, only this uses the scrap command ... Is it possible?


See you



While it might be possible with SDX modding it is not possible with XML-only mods such as mine.

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Val. Commenting out or removing that line seems to work (dedicated server), been playing for a few hours now and have received a few quest items and no issues thus far. What was the purpose of that tooltip ie. what are we missing by not having it in?


About the wood block upgrades with carpentry kit and the cabin block exploit, I understand, will see what we do about that.

For the UI, yes, I found the comments and added the stamina text back in, was easy to use the health bar text example and positioning text only took a few restarts.


Was the drop rate of survivor notes seriously reduced compared to your pre 4.0 Overhaul version? Seems like it although an immediate comparison shows you to be using the same numbers in the loot tables. Hmmm...


Looking good so far!


The tooltip was nothing important. It was just like... a journal entry. Kind of like how when you first pick up a gun the game with give a tip on assembling weapons. Thats all it was. It was a tip about what Quest Items are and how they're only good for quests. Not really a big loss. Hopefully the icons and descriptions and item names will be enough to make the player realize they're quest items. If not, well, no helping some people.



Do you by chance have the stamina code you used for that text? It would be useful for me to keep as reference. Perhaps even to add in (but commented out) for the future incase anyone else wants to enable it.



Survivor Notes were not effected, far as I can recall. Though I did change a bunch in V4 so its possible. It might had reduced them from .15 to .12 on the generic zombie loot. I will keep an eye on it though to see how drastic that change may have been.

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Also, Val:


Any plans on adding bandits and the like? Jason has actually saved me on numerous occasions because he ganks every single zombie in sight also.


It would be interesting to see bandits with guns similar to Stompys WIP.


Any other future plans you're willing to divulge?



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The tooltip was nothing important. It was just like... a journal entry. Kind of like how when you first pick up a gun the game with give a tip on assembling weapons. Thats all it was. It was a tip about what Quest Items are and how they're only good for quests. Not really a big loss. Hopefully the icons and descriptions and item names will be enough to make the player realize they're quest items. If not, well, no helping some people.



Do you by chance have the stamina code you used for that text? It would be useful for me to keep as reference. Perhaps even to add in (but commented out) for the future incase anyone else wants to enable it.



Survivor Notes were not effected, far as I can recall. Though I did change a bunch in V4 so its possible. It might had reduced them from .15 to .12 on the generic zombie loot. I will keep an eye on it though to see how drastic that change may have been.


Thanks for the explanation.


Here is the code to add stamina text and also hunger and thirst percentages. I had to resize and reposition font for optimum results.


While I am at it and have your attention, where on earth do I edit to make the buffs & debuffs scale up a little larger, I did check but there was a LOT of size/height code in many places and I did change several but without any noticeable effects.


	<window name="SMXUnitFrame1" style="SMXUnitFrameWindow">

	<grid name="SMXHSFrame" pos="0,145" rows="2" cols="1" width="240" cell_width="240" cell_height="35" repeat_content="false" side="left">
		<rect width="240" height="35" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stamina" visible="{statvisible}">
			<texture name="SMXStaminaBarBG" depth="1" size="240,54" texture="@http://i67.tinypic.com/nq5ml5.jpg" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" pos="0,-75" /> <!-- Local Asset Equivalent: staminabarempty.png -->
			<sprite name="BarContent" depth="2" height="15" width="220" atlas="itemiconatlas" sprite="smxuf1stamina" type="filled" fill="0" pos="8,-86" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-83" font_size="20" effect="outline" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{statcurrent}" />

		<rect width="240" height="35" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Health" visible="{statvisible}">
			<texture name="SMXHealthBarBG" depth="1" size="240,60" texture="@http://i67.tinypic.com/rro0ut.jpg" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" pos="0,-55" /> <!-- Local Asset Equivalent: healthbarempty.png -->
			<sprite name="BarContent" depth="2" size="220,30" atlas="itemiconatlas" sprite="smxuf1health" type="filled" fill="0" pos="8,-67" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-66" font_size="32" effect="outline" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{statcurrent}" />

	<grid name="SMXFWFrame" pos="-2,70" rows="1" cols="2" width="118" cell_width="118" cell_height="35" repeat_content="false" side="left">
		<rect width="118" height="35" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{statvisible}">
			<texture name="SMXFoodBarBG" depth="1" size="120,27" texture="@http://i64.tinypic.com/iwm73o.jpg" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" pos="0,-55" /> <!-- Local Asset Equivalent: foodwaterempty.png -->
			<sprite name="BarContent" depth="2" size="102,-10" color="0,128,0" type="filled" fill="0" pos="10,-75" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-62" font_size="16" effect="outline" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{playerfood} %" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" />

		<rect width="118" height="35" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{statvisible}">
			<texture name="SMXWaterBarBG" depth="1" size="120,27" texture="@http://i64.tinypic.com/iwm73o.jpg" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" pos="0,-55" /> <!-- Local Asset Equivalent: foodwaterempty.png -->
			<sprite name="BarContent" depth="2" size="102,-10" color="0,153,255" type="filled" fill="0" pos="10,-75" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-62" font_size="16" effect="outline" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{playerwater} %" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" />






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Also, Val:


Any plans on adding bandits and the like? Jason has actually saved me on numerous occasions because he ganks every single zombie in sight also.


It would be interesting to see bandits with guns similar to Stompys WIP.


Any other future plans you're willing to divulge?




Yeah I've been wanting to bring in some bandits.

I have concerns over performance atm though. But having some custom bandit groups and quests to eliminate said bandits would be pretty cool. Maybe loot them for fingers to bring in for bounty quest rewards or something. I doubt I will get them in anytime soon though.


Stompy's Bad Company can be thought of as a good proving grounds for ironing out any issues and the like. I'll keep an eye and see how well things go over there.


Honestly my next "big task" in Valmod will hopefully, if all goes white, overhauling the hunting and food system. I want to get rid of the "eat two entire deer and half a big for a day, hungry tomorrow" aspect. I want food to be more rewarding but offset it by making animals more rare and the loot food more rare. Also animal-specific meats. Such as small game meat, possibly pork, venison and bear but those bits Im still not 100% on.


I will likely try doing this all on the next Classic Horde Survival overhaul (it needs some love now that Valmod has gotten love) and then see how things go and bring over the changes to Valmod.


We'll see. I'm taking it easy for a while now though. This recent V4 update was pretty significant and drastic so I want to focus on any issues that might come up with it that needs address before I go jumping into new projects.

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Thanks for the explanation.


Here is the code to add stamina text and also hunger and thirst percentages. I had to resize and reposition font for optimum results.


While I am at it and have your attention, where on earth do I edit to make the buffs & debuffs scale up a little larger, I did check but there was a LOT of size/height code in many places and I did change several but without any noticeable effects.






Thank you. I've included the code in the windows.xml now, commented out, so players can easily toggle it back on if they so desire.



I believe what you're looking for with buffs is the SMXBuffFrame2.


This something I was meaning to do myself anyway so here you go:


<window name="SMXBuffFrame2">

	<rect name="hud" pos="93,140" side="left" controller="BuffPopoutList" pivot="BottomLeft">
		<panel width="168" height="33" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0">
			<sprite depth="3" pos="9999,9999"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" height="26" width="162" pivot="center" flip="Horizontally" color="[transparent]" />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" height="30" width="30" style="icon22px" pos="-58,0" pivot="center" color="[transparent]" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,0" font_size="33" color="[white]" effect="outline" justify="center" height="26" pivot="center" />



The trick to getting the icons larger was adding custom height and width values to the sprite.


- - - Updated - - -


is the valmod installion that's up now the most recent?


The download links on the front page are /always/ the most recent version.

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Thank you. I've included the code in the windows.xml now, commented out, so players can easily toggle it back on if they so desire.



I believe what you're looking for with buffs is the SMXBuffFrame2.


This something I was meaning to do myself anyway so here you go:


<window name="SMXBuffFrame2">

	<rect name="hud" pos="93,140" side="left" controller="BuffPopoutList" pivot="BottomLeft">
		<panel width="168" height="33" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0">
			<sprite depth="3" pos="9999,9999"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" height="26" width="162" pivot="center" flip="Horizontally" color="[transparent]" />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" height="30" width="30" style="icon22px" pos="-58,0" pivot="center" color="[transparent]" />
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,0" font_size="33" color="[white]" effect="outline" justify="center" height="26" pivot="center" />



The trick to getting the icons larger was adding custom height and width values to the sprite.


- - - Updated - - -




The download links on the front page are /always/ the most recent version.


SMXBuffFrame1 is the original buff frame with big icons.

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I'm having trouble finding a tranq gun. I've looked at the xml files and it looks like they only drop from airdrops. Is this correct?


Interesting. It used to also drop from the medicine cabinets. I think I changed that when I added the merchant delivery box where you could buy it. I'll add it back to the medicine loot as a possible chance.


Picked Veteran class, got an SMG and 80 10mm bullets, but the class can only craft .762 bullets, is that a slip up ???


Thanks for pointing that out. I'll fix that.


- - - Updated - - -


You are most welcome. Please be aware that if you plan on using any of the ENHANCED frames when running the mod on a dedicated server the clients will crash when leaving the server.


Why is that?

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Valmar thanks for the reply, I understood that the "scrap machine" is not possible only with .xml = (

But as I am not an expert on codes and I'm a little trouble and I'm sure your help. It is sequinte:

To change the background color to blue compass, something like rgb (155, 155, 255), which have to do. I did not find this in the code.

Thank you for your help!

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Valmar thanks for the reply, I understood that the "scrap machine" is not possible only with .xml = (

But as I am not an expert on codes and I'm a little trouble and I'm sure your help. It is sequinte:

To change the background color to blue compass, something like rgb (155, 155, 255), which have to do. I did not find this in the code.

Thank you for your help!


To change that I believe you'd have to change the actual texture color with an art program. I tried adding a color="[limeGreen]" to the compasss texture code but it didn't appear to do anything so it might be the only way. I'm not sure. UI isn't really my thing. Its like a whole other level. The amount of patience one needs to mod/learn XUi modding is insane, in my eyes. To the point that I view UI modding to be its own thing - requiring the full attention of the modder to handle. Its not something you just smack together. At least not in my view.


This is why I don't bother making my own UI and instead piggyback off of Sirllion's hard work. He's put far more time and effort into understanding the XUi than me, Im not the right person to ask these questions to. Not my field.

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Valmar thanks for the reply, I understood that the "scrap machine" is not possible only with .xml = (

But as I am not an expert on codes and I'm a little trouble and I'm sure your help. It is sequinte:

To change the compass background color to blue , something like rgb (155, 155, 255), which have to do. I did not find this in the code.

Thank you for your help!

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Valmar thanks for the reply, I understood that the "scrap machine" is not possible only with .xml = (

But as I am not an expert on codes and I'm a little trouble and I'm sure your help. It is sequinte:

To change the compass background color to blue , something like rgb (155, 155, 255), which have to do. I did not find this in the code.

Thank you for your help!

To change that I believe you'd ha.... wait a second. Déjà vu!

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To change that I believe you'd have to change the actual texture color with an art program. I tried adding a color="[limeGreen]" to the compasss texture code but it didn't appear to do anything so it might be the only way. I'm not sure. UI isn't really my thing. Its like a whole other level. The amount of patience one needs to mod/learn XUi modding is insane, in my eyes. To the point that I view UI modding to be its own thing - requiring the full attention of the modder to handle. Its not something you just smack together. At least not in my view.


This is why I don't bother making my own UI and instead piggyback off of Sirllion's hard work. He's put far more time and effort into understanding the XUi than me, Im not the right person to ask these questions to. Not my field.


to add a named style you need to open styles.xml in config/XUi and set the rgba of the colour there.


Once you added it to that file you can call from either a style class or directly. Alternatively if you replace colour="[limeGreen]" to color="187,236,92,255" you can change the colour directly on the element without having to edit styles.xml.


Edit: that said, somethings just wont change, appear hard coded...

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Honestly my next "big task" in Valmod will hopefully, if all goes white, overhauling the hunting and food system. I want to get rid of the "eat two entire deer and half a big for a day, hungry tomorrow" aspect. I want food to be more rewarding but offset it by making animals more rare and the loot food more rare. Also animal-specific meats. Such as small game meat, possibly pork, venison and bear but those bits Im still not 100% on.


I will likely try doing this all on the next Classic Horde Survival overhaul (it needs some love now that Valmod has gotten love) and then see how things go and bring over the changes to Valmod.


Hey Val,


I've been thinking that eating all canned foods should carry at least a 50% chance of getting dysentery. With this the player will need to cook or use something that will sanitize the food and lower the chance that it'll make you sick.


After all, this is food that has been sitting around for several years and has turned slightly. This will make dysentery a thing to be concerned with which is not the case currently.

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Hey Val,


I've been thinking that eating all canned foods should carry at least a 50% chance of getting dysentery. With this the player will need to cook or use something that will sanitize the food and lower the chance that it'll make you sick.


After all, this is food that has been sitting around for several years and has turned slightly. This will make dysentery a thing to be concerned with which is not the case currently.


I like that idea. I will keep it in mind and make note to do that in the future. Thanks.

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