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A16 Valmod Pack


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Hi Valmod, Is it possible to have this....Whenever you are doing something in the game that is skilling up a level for a certain area it will show the perk being skilled with the % somewhere on the screen.


My knowledge and experience dealing with the UI is fairly limited. However I cannot think of any way that could be even remotely possible. I'm skeptical even SDX modding could achieve that - though they have surprised me before with what they can do. You'd need to ask one of the SDX modders to see how practical/possible it is. Though personally I suspect its impossible without the Pimp specifically designing and incorporating something like that. In sort I do not believe it is feasible for any modder to achieve this with 7DTD.


Though again keep in mind like I said I have limited experience with UI modding and zero knowledge of SDX or the extents of what it can achieve. You'd need to ask someone in the SDX modding forum about that.

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Hi Valmar! First of all, thanks a lot for your mod. I have been using it for a long while now, it really adds to the immersion of the game and I can't imagine myself playing 7DTD without your mod.


I was wondering if maybe you could help me out, I've been trying, with no success, to replace the light from the MiningHelmet, with the one from the Flashlight, which is noticeably dimmer. I find the one on the helmet blinding, specially when underground mining, no matter what I set the gamma to on Video Options, the different ores look really bright; to me anyways.


Do you think there's a workaround for this? I messed with the items.xml file, copying some properties from the flashlight to the mining helmet, to no avail.


Thank you for your time Valmar.

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Hi Valmar, does Valmod still have zombies turning into bags when dieing in Alpha15 ???


Asking as there is a bad dubbing bug with dead zombies, but i think the bag thing prevent this, and will use it as a argument in why we should run Valmod on the server ;-)


Edit: Talking Overhaul version here :-)

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Thanks for the quick response, just one mroe :) There is an option to turn mini bike markers on but when we do this it shows everyones bike on the map for everyone to see. I there a working version fo this out yet?


When you say "working version" do you mean is there a version of the bike marker that only shows up to you and not everyone on a server?


Not that I'm aware of.


Good day


I have installed 7dtd dedicated server using this script: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki on my Ubuntu dedicated server.


In what folders should I copy this MOD into to be able to create my server with this MOD?


Any help will be much appreciated.






Whatever install directory you used for the server. The same directory has the 7daystodie.exe file and Data folder. Just follow the steps of the included install example photo - it should help clear up confusion. The install path might look a little different on Linux but overall it should install the same way, far as I know.


Hi Valmar! First of all, thanks a lot for your mod. I have been using it for a long while now, it really adds to the immersion of the game and I can't imagine myself playing 7DTD without your mod.


I was wondering if maybe you could help me out, I've been trying, with no success, to replace the light from the MiningHelmet, with the one from the Flashlight, which is noticeably dimmer. I find the one on the helmet blinding, specially when underground mining, no matter what I set the gamma to on Video Options, the different ores look really bright; to me anyways.


Do you think there's a workaround for this? I messed with the items.xml file, copying some properties from the flashlight to the mining helmet, to no avail.


Thank you for your time Valmar.


As far as I know this is not possible within the bounds of xml modding. People have tried similar things in the past but never with any success, far as I know. However you will be happy to note that Madmole mentioned they "fixed" the bright mining helmet light in the next update. Whenever that might be.


- - - Updated - - -


Hi Valmar, does Valmod still have zombies turning into bags when dieing in Alpha15 ???


Asking as there is a bad dubbing bug with dead zombies, but i think the bag thing prevent this, and will use it as a argument in why we should run Valmod on the server ;-)


Edit: Talking Overhaul version here :-)


I removed the zombie bags in A15 since the gore blocks now do essentially the same thing.

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I lie what you've done with ValMod since the last time I looked, Valmar. :) I like what you've done with your take on Sirillion's SMX UI as well. You might find it easier to use the offline asset by setting the file up in a similar manner as Sirillion by putting a Valmod folder in Mods, and keeping the images in there. The code would look something like this:


           <!-- Toolbelt Background, remove this section if you're playing offline or don't want the toolbelt image-->
           <sprite depth="1" pos="0,0">
               <texture depth="500" name="ToolBeltBackground" width="854" height="145" pos="-130,45" texture="@file://E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Valmod\Textures\Toolbelt\valtoolbelt.png" material="Materials/Transparent Colored"/>
           <!--Toolbelt Background END -->

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I lie what you've done with ValMod since the last time I looked, Valmar. :) I like what you've done with your take on Sirillion's SMX UI as well. You might find it easier to use the offline asset by setting the file up in a similar manner as Sirillion by putting a Valmod folder in Mods, and keeping the images in there. The code would look something like this:


           <!-- Toolbelt Background, remove this section if you're playing offline or don't want the toolbelt image-->
           <sprite depth="1" pos="0,0">
               <texture depth="500" name="ToolBeltBackground" width="854" height="145" pos="-130,45" texture="@file://E:\Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Valmod\Textures\Toolbelt\valtoolbelt.png" material="Materials/Transparent Colored"/>
           <!--Toolbelt Background END -->




I include an "offline version" of the XUi files in the XUi folder that does this.


Also I've learned from tweaking with SMX that you dont have to include the entire file path.




That would work also. Infact its a lot better because then it won't matter if the user has their game installed in an non-standard directory path.

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As far as I know this is not possible within the bounds of xml modding. People have tried similar things in the past but never with any success, far as I know. However you will be happy to note that Madmole mentioned they "fixed" the bright mining helmet light in the next update. Whenever that might be.



Oh, this is good news indeed! Thanks again Valmar.

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Correction: That is what is supposed to happen, apparently. Though it seems not to. The game will currently always load up the highest quality textures initially. 4K images are big, man. Real big. So I've taken the liberty to make some changes and include a custom UMATextures folder that has all the images reduced to a more modest 512 resolution ratio. This will mean the download size of the mod is a bit bigger but it should help lower end users since they no longer have to load in all these 4k textures all at once. It was hitting around 10gb memory when I tried. Which is... pretty amazing. Haha. So yeah, should help.



Ahem. Overhaul Experimental Update!


This update adjusts various perks and progression trees. Some perks have been removed and moved to skills. For example forged armor and improvised armor perks are now gone. Instead its all tied into the Armor Smithing skill. I removed some of the gun skills and have combined a few. Pistols will now cover pistols and magnums, rifles will cover hunting rifle and sniper, assault rifles will cover SMG and AK47.


I also removed Gun Smithing. Now what determines the amount of quality you lose from repairing a gun is determined by your skill in that gun. So a master in pistols will lose less for repairing it than someone who has never used a pistol before.


Blunderbuss and Junk Scrapping perks are now merged into the Scavenging skill. There are also now scrap iron tools/weapons, which are part of Scavenging.


Also removed a few UMA zombies to further improve performance for lesser-end systems. Hopefully this in combination with the "optimized" UMATextures folder will help out. Please let me know.




..:: Skills ::..



Scrap Iron/Brass/Lead - level 5

scrapIronAxe - level 5

scrapIronPickaxe - level 5

scrapIronShovel - level 5

scrapIronShiv - level 5

blunderbuss - level 10


Blunt Weapons:

clubIron - level 20

clubBarbed - level 30

clubSpiked - level 40


Blade Weapons:

huntingKnife - level 20

machete - level 30

scythe - level 50

combatAxe - level 80


Mining Tools:

pickaxeIron - level 20

pickaxeSteel - level 40


Construction Tools:

clawHammer - level 20

sledgehammer - level 30

wrench - 40



fireaxeIron - level 10

fireaxeSteel -level 20



gunPistol - level 20

gunPistolSilenced - level 30

gun44Magnum - level 40

gun44MagnumSilenced - level 50



gunSawedOffPumpShotgun - level 15

gunPumpShotgun - level 20

gunPumpShotgunChoked - level 30



gunHuntingRifle - level 20

gunBoltRifle - level 20

gunHuntingRifleSilenced - level 30

gunBoltRifleSilenced - level 30

gunSniperRifle - level 40

gunSniperSilenced - level 50

gunSniperRifleHPScope - level 50

gunSniperRifleHPScopeSilenced - level 50


Assault Rifles:

gunMP5 - level 20

gunMP5Silenced - level 30

gunAK47 - level 40

gunAK47Silenced - level 50



ironArrow - level 20

ironCrossbowBolt - level 20

steelArrow - level 30

steelCrossbowBolt - level 30

flamingArrow - level 50

explodingCrossbowBolt - level 50



healingAgent - level 5

drinkHealth - level 5

firstAidBandage - level 10

maniacPowder - level 15

disinfectantBandage - level 20

medicalSplint - level 25

firstAidKit - level 30

antibiotics - level 35

herbalAntibiotics - level 40



chemistryStation - level 15

beer - level 15

mead - level 15

meadBlueberry - level 15

appleCider - level 15

fuelLog - level 15

glue - level 20

grainAlcohol - level 20

oil - level 20

bioFuel - level 20

chemicalAgent - level 20

gasCan - level 20



sewingKit - level 5


Armor Smithing

animal hide armor - level 10

leather armor - level 20

scrap iron armor - level 30

iron armor - level 40

steel armor - level 50



leather - level 15

tanningRack - level 15



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various mechanical bits and bobs.



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various items and blocks in the forge.

forge - level 10

bellows - level 10

forgedIron - level 10

ironArrowHead - level 10

emptyJar - level 15

Glass Blocks - level 15

beaker - level 15

weldingTorch - level 20

ironRingsRivets - level 20

Syringe - level 25

beaker - level 25

ironBars - level 30

anvil - level 30

calipers - level 50

spring - level 50

forgedSteel - level 80

steelArrowHead - level 80

mechanicalParts - level 80

steelRingsRivets - level 80



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various wood items such as woodframes or carpenter kits.

Wood Blocks - level 10

handsaw - level 10

carpenterKit - level 10



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting carious stone or brick blocks.

cementMixer - level 20

chisel - level 20

Cobblestone Blocks - level 20

Brick Blocks - level 30

Cement - level 50

concreteMix - level 50

Rebar Blocks - level 50



..:: Perks ::..


Boom Stick:

Increases shotgun damage.

gunBoomstick - level 3


Better Lead Than Dead:

Increases hunting rifle and sniper damage.


G.I. Joe:

Increases assault rifle (ak47/smg) damage.


Gun: Rocket Launcher:

gunRocketLauncher - level 30


Wooden Bow:

woodenBow - level 5

ironBow - level 15 (requires level 20 Archery)



crossbow - level 10

ironCrossbow - level 20 (requires level 20 Archery)

crossbowRepeater - level 30 (requires level 30 Archery)


Quicker Crafting:

woodBlock - level 1

cobblestoneBlock - level 2 (requires player level 20)

AutoWall_Wood - level 3 (requires player level 30)

AutoWall_Concrete - level 4 (requires player level 40)

AutoWall_Reinforced_Concrete - level 5 (requires player level 50)


Miner 69er:

minersTNT - level 5 (requires Mining Tools level 80)



Increases block damage with axes and reduces the stamina drain.


Electric Lights:

This perk gives you the required items to craft working electric lights.

electricalToolKit - level 12 (requires Mechanical level 10)

flashlight02 - level 12 (requires Mechanical level 10)



This perk teaches you how to craft kits to fix sinks or craft your own working sinks for infinite clean water.

plumbingKit - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workingCabinetSink - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workingGranitSink - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)


Oven Repair:

This perk teaches you to craft oven repair kits or working ovens to cook without fuel.

ovenKit - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workstationOven - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)



Lockpick - level 15 (requires Scavenging level 15)


Animal Traps:

animalSnare - level 10 (requires The Survivor level 1)

chickenCoop - level 10 (requires The Survivor level 1)



bowl - level 3

dinnerPlate - level 3

clayBucket - level 3



chainsaw - level 8



nailgun - level 15



auger - level 15

partsAuger_Blade level 15



minibikeChassis - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeWheels - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeSeat - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeHandlebars - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)



trapSpikesNew - level 10

woodLogSpike1 - level 10

trapFall - level 10

trussingSpike - level 20

trussingWallSpike - 20

tnt - level 20

dynamite - level 20

mineAirFilter - level 20

mineCandyTin - level 20

mineHubcap - level 20

mineCookingPot - level 20

pipebomb - level 20

rScrapIronPlateMine - level 20

trapNailMine - level 20

trapFire - level 30


Garden Tools:

shovelIron - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

shovelSteel - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

hoeIron - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

weedCleaver - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)



Secure Wooden Door - level 5

Secure Wooded Crates - level 10 (requires Carpentry level 10)

Secure Safes - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)

Iron and Vault Doors - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)

Drawbridges - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)


Valmod Overhaul Experimental Edition



Good day Valmar


I have a stupid question ... I've been playing [ Valmod Overhaul Experimental - date of file 10/22 ] AND for the life of me ... I can not make the ANVIL and can not seem to find what perk is needed for it ... It will not let me build one.

I know it is normally the first thing you get from the forge and I have everything in forge to made one - but won't let me - blacksmith level is 20 and carpentry is 20

Thank you


PS: It is harder than Overhaul version because of the perk tree, but I can live it.

Running good - FPS is good - but has a hiccup every once in awhile :)

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Good day Valmar


I have a stupid question ... I've been playing [ Valmod Overhaul Experimental - date of file 10/22 ] AND for the life of me ... I can not make the ANVIL and can not seem to find what perk is needed for it ... It will not let me build one.

I know it is normally the first thing you get from the forge and I have everything in forge to made one - but won't let me - blacksmith level is 20 and carpentry is 20

Thank you


PS: It is harder than Overhaul version because of the perk tree, but I can live it.

Running good - FPS is good - but has a hiccup every once in awhile :)


Anvil is locked behind Blacksmithing lvl 30


When in doubt you can look in the progression.xml and you will be able to see what level of what a recipe is locked behind.

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Can anyone tell me how to craft a syringe? It shows that I have to craft in the forge, but I need plastics.


A bit of an oversight on my part. I will fix that.


However, interestingly enough, you CAN still craft it in the forge right now. You just put scrap plastic in the forge's "smelting" box and it will let you craft it. Surprising find for me.

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Great pack, finally signed up on the forums to say that this was cheeky.


<spawn entitygroup="JasonGroup" time="Night" respawndelay="5" maxcount="1"/>


Gave me a good jump the first time.


Edit: I take that back, he gives a good jump every time.

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Great pack, finally signed up on the forums to say that this was cheeky.


<spawn entitygroup="JasonGroup" time="Night" respawndelay="5" maxcount="1"/>


Gave me a good jump the first time.


Edit: I take that back, he gives a good jump every time.






Seriously though I'm glad someone noticed. I'm quite proud of him. I spent more time fiddling with his appearance than I did with any other zombie - even more than the Brute, who I think is pretty awesome looking (Super Mutant?).


How often would you say you run into him? Ideally he should be a rare spawn.

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How often would you say you run into him? Ideally he should be a rare spawn.


To answer simply, 2-4 times in a game day if I'm running around the pine forest a-lot.


Just sitting at my base I've killed him twice in the same day before (during the daytime).


Edit: Upon entering my save he spawned again a bit away making it 5 for the current day.


Note: While typing the edit I also realized I have very-high zombie spawns on which will probably skew the numbers by a margin.

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Seriously though I'm glad someone noticed. I'm quite proud of him. I spent more time fiddling with his appearance than I did with any other zombie - even more than the Brute, who I think is pretty awesome looking (Super Mutant?).


How often would you say you run into him? Ideally he should be a rare spawn.


With the settings you have you would only see him more than once a night if you are wandering around. Potentially once every 5 or so chunks, but if the randomiser is working correctly then maybe once every 4-500 blocks I would estimate

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Val, would you know where the xp reward for crafting the spikes is hidden. I have looked in multiple places and also read up on it except I can't find it for the spike traps. I want to lower it. Seems that it might have been changed for A15 because its not in the recipes section like many sites and documentation refers to.

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To answer simply, 2-4 times in a game day if I'm running around the pine forest a-lot.


Just sitting at my base I've killed him twice in the same day before (during the daytime).


Edit: Upon entering my save he spawned again a bit away making it 5 for the current day.


Note: While typing the edit I also realized I have very-high zombie spawns on which will probably skew the numbers by a margin.


Interesting. He should be a lot more are than that.


Val, would you know where the xp reward for crafting the spikes is hidden. I have looked in multiple places and also read up on it except I can't find it for the spike traps. I want to lower it. Seems that it might have been changed for A15 because its not in the recipes section like many sites and documentation refers to.



Experience comes from the items used in the crafting process. However you can assign experience to the recipe itself the same as you used to.



<recipe name="trapSpikesNew" count="1" craft_exp_gain="50">

<ingredient name="wood" count="100"/>


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Anvil is locked behind Blacksmithing lvl 30


When in doubt you can look in the progression.xml and you will be able to see what level of what a recipe is locked behind.


OUCH ... that seems alittle to get an Anvil - because so much depends on it - but ok


I just looked on my post from yesterday AND now I see it, I guest I just wasn't looking that high or was tried - Sorry

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Experience comes from the items used in the crafting process. However you can assign experience to the recipe itself the same as you used to.



<recipe name="trapSpikesNew" count="1" craft_exp_gain="50">

<ingredient name="wood" count="100"/>



Interesting, so am I correct in assuming then that means if I simply change the ingredient qty. requirement then it automatically scales the xp rewarded without me having to set a fixed value?


Thanks for getting back to me so fast!

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Great Mod


Just wanted to say thank you for this mod, and that you have gotten several of my friends to buy the game and others to return it. My only issue is getting everyone up to the same version of your mod as we are preferring the experimental version of it over the original. Is there a way to give a version number to your mod, so we can keep up with changes and get everyone on the same version of it.

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OUCH ... that seems alittle to get an Anvil - because so much depends on it - but ok


I just looked on my post from yesterday AND now I see it, I guest I just wasn't looking that high or was tried - Sorry


I feel that same way, especially with nails being locked behind the anvil too :(


Luckily its an easy 'fix'. I set my Anvil down to 15 blacksmithing :)


Just wanted to say thank you for this mod, and that you have gotten several of my friends to buy the game and others to return it. My only issue is getting everyone up to the same version of your mod as we are preferring the experimental version of it over the original. Is there a way to give a version number to your mod, so we can keep up with changes and get everyone on the same version of it.


How I do it (primarily because I do some light modding to some things) is save the current version for my friends/server on my google drive so those on my server can easily grab the latest files from the same location every time.


I just let them know if theirs been any updates and they can get the files there.

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