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A16 Valmod Pack


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Hi there. Thanks for the awesome mod!


1. Have built "working" sink, but it doesn't work. It just acts as a storage box. What am I doing wrong?


This one I'm not entirely sure but try interacting with empty jars in hand on it or placing them inside or punching it, valmod adds a different ways of interacting with the envionment.



2. Have planted apple seeds but after at least 14 days, still no apples. I'm afraid to cut it down for fear of losing the only apple seeds I've been able to obtain.


You quite literally punch it down with your fists and every few hits you occasionally get an apple and the tree transforms back a stage when it goes down to 0, if I remember correctly.


A lot of interactions are done using your fists - experiment a bit.


Did you know you could get them with a seeds pack you can specifically select what seed you want under the what you can craft with this item under recipes. I am assuming you just got a group of random seeds, and planted some thinking it was a rare find.


3. Is there any way to get more experience from mining. Seems like the only time (my husband) can level up is killing zombies.


The way you've worded that is quite confusing. I'm not sure if you mean by getting experience in a general sense because a lot of people use mining as interaction with the environment in these type of games. like go mine a tree (It's very odd as to why people have adopted this synonym.)


Once you get an auger it trivialises it, and you essentially start power levelling really fast as long as you have fuel. I wouldn't bother with a lot of mining until you have one. What's the scale of what hes trying to do? What tools is he using, what perks does he have, is he keeping stamina above 50% while swinging? I can't quite remember but I think if you do more damage to a target you gain more experience so it has a cumulative effect. I assume he wants more experience in order to mine faster, but hes finding it easier to kill zombies to gain experience in order to improve mining than it is to actually mine. Killing zombies in general is the fastest way to level up and improve any stat via survivor notes.


You could try editing the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\Progression.xml file and change the rate of experience there I guess. look for a line in there


<action_skill name="Mining Tools" exp_to_level="500"


Change the 500 to something lower, granted you'll break the balance of the game doing so. It genuinely is balanced quite well, if you want to be good at mining you really need to invest a lot of points in it like 50+

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Still need help from someone if possible


Hi there. Thanks for the awesome mod!


Couple of questions.


1. Have built "working" sink, but it doesn't work. It just acts as a storage box. What am I doing wrong?


2. Have planted apple seeds but after at least 14 days, still no apples. I'm afraid to cut it down for fear of losing the only apple seeds I've been able to obtain.


3. Is there any way to get more experience from mining. Seems like the only time (my husband) can level up is killing zombies.


4. I was plowing some land and out of no where my level jumped to 200 and I had a couple tons of points to divvy out to my perks and skills. Is there any way to set it back to Level 9 with no points to divvy out?


I appreciate your response. ~tahrah~


UPDATE: We figured out the apple trees.

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Lag in Recipe Menu


Hello, I skimmed a few pages.. and didn't see anyone ask this.. But I'm playing on a hosted server and have played many games modded and un-modded and I have never had any lag, less then 10ms ping to host.


When I installed ValMod A15 I'm getting a pretty bad lag when typing in a name to search for a recipe. I get 1 or 2 letters in and it lags out for 3-5 seconds, then comes back no problem.


Is there something I can change to help with this, this is highly annoying.



Sgt. Slaughter.



PS: Other then this I love the mod so far. (Oh, and copying the Icons locally... is a must)

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hi there Valmar ! :) so i am using the extended edition and i've noticed this here causing some errors.


<recipe name="scrapCable" count="1" craft_area="forge" material_based="true">
<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="100"/>
<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="20"/>


ive searched and have not found it nowhere in the items.xml. so i've commented it out for now in my xmls.


here's the errors log:



WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Pass '' has no vertex shader

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader.

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.581 ERR Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' (No item/block with name 'scrapCable' existing)

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.581 ERR Loading of recipes aborted due to errors!

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.582 ERR at RecipesFromXml.LoadRecipies (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2016-10-12T22:41:26 13.854 WRN window name 'windowToolsArmory' not found!

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.177 INF XUI loading took 2409ms

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.178 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 6.166s

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.357 INF [steamworks.NET] Login ok.

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.648 INF AchievementManager: Received stats and achievements from Steam

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.168 INF NET: Starting server protocols

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.179 INF NET: UNET server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF NET: Unity NW server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF [steamworks.NET] NET: Server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF StartGame

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.302 INF Atlas reset took 97 ms

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.486 INF Atlas resized to fit more icons. Old 1615 icons, 4096x4096, now 1959 icons, 8192x8192

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.134 WRN Sprite skillbookRocket has incorrect resolution 100*100, expected 116*80

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.135 INF Adding 350 sprites to atlas took 931 ms

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.868 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved


oh and it seems that the icon skillbookRocket.png has an incorrect size of 100x100 instead of 116x80.

I just copied the image and pasted it in an 116x80 so not to smash up the visuals.. here is the fixed version(rightclick save):


hope this helps and thanks for the great mod :) !

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Hello, I skimmed a few pages.. and didn't see anyone ask this.. But I'm playing on a hosted server and have played many games modded and un-modded and I have never had any lag, less then 10ms ping to host.


When I installed ValMod A15 I'm getting a pretty bad lag when typing in a name to search for a recipe. I get 1 or 2 letters in and it lags out for 3-5 seconds, then comes back no problem.


Is there something I can change to help with this, this is highly annoying.



Sgt. Slaughter.



PS: Other then this I love the mod so far. (Oh, and copying the Icons locally... is a must)


This is because of the new system listing all recipies in carfting screen. I asked the same question a bit earlier. Valmar is considering removing some recipies that arent videly used that should help the lag.


Edit: Quote from Valmar:


This I believe has to do with a vanilla change they did to the recipe sorting system. The game seems to recall all the recipes everytime you open the list. This in the past caused quite a bit of lag. But then I introduced the Artisan Decor Station which allowed me to move a great portion of recipes behind it to make the recipe list less cluttered and performance better since you didn't have so many recipes to render in. Now however the game reads EVERY RECIPE you can craft, no matter where you are. So if you're browsing campfire recipes its still loads all the wood recipes.


As such I suspect the only solution I could make for this at this point is to drastically reduce the number of recipes I have in my mod. I might remove the dye-station. I don't think its that widely used anyway.

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Gotta say, I'm new to the mod and loving it, and I'm glad to see people are mentioning similar things here. The server I was playing on couldn't figure out the secure wooden door option, so I entirely bypassed it go end up with Hard Metal doors. Seemed kinda silly, honestly. I'll look into fixing it locally now. Same with the lag when typing. I've found that lag occurs no matter which crafting system I'm using (personal, artisan, forge, workbench). Regardless, the slowdown is livable. Love the work, and look forward to seeing what else it has to offer.

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Hello everyone. Sorry for my long absence. Hurricane Matthew passed by earlier locally which unfortunately left me primitive (no lights and no internet, oh my!) for quite a while. As such I have not been able to keep track/reply to all the comments or update the mod any. I will attempt to respond and rectify this shortly. As there are a few pages worth to shift though it might take a little time to get through it and please understand if I am being more brief than usual due to the circumstances.


Thank you for the reply, I just have a couple of more question. Is anything changed regarding to the new ruleset regarding bloodmoon?

And are the new zombies present in the mod?


We are closing in on the 7th day now, and we still have not seen any of the new UMA zombies.


Thank you.


No, the ruleset is unchanged. The UMA spawning chance is also unchanged and the new zombies should be present.


I would prefer if paper could be sold rather than not at all. Just at a almost next to nothing like every 10 pieces of paper for 1 duke, instead of 15 dukes for every 5 pieces


I would also suggest that the lockpicks should go up to 5 scrap, 15-30 second crafting per 1 they're quite delicate little things.


Edit - Miltary helmet changes to kevlar helmet when combind with flashlight?


Rifiles don't have a description for when they unlock the hunting rifle etc, they're also 2 perks both called this making me level up smg instead of the hunting rifle one T_T, their any way to edit save files? e.g. move points from one per into the other?


Great ideas. I will do that. The military helmet thing is probably just a naming issue. Nothing to worry about. Visually they should still be the same. I'll fix the naming issue, though.


The rifles description I will adjust, and the SMG.

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Hello Valmar,

Where i find a client files? I dont see them in first post, and i have little suggestion (i dont know it is possible) maybye a good idea will be swimming suit (increase swimming speed).


"Client Files" is just a fancy way of saying to install the mod locally.



I've been enjoying your mod through several alpha now and I've always had freeze when opening / using / sorting the inventory. I know the amounts of recipes is causing it but seeing I don't see many people complaining I was wondering if I could do something to at least dampen it (maybe tweaking the graphics or even changing a component in my computer)?

Thank you! (btw I'm always playing Overhaul)


Hello there. Indeed the recipe issue in regards to inventory lag can be really annoying. For most people, at least until A15 hit with the Pimp's changes to make ALL recipes show, it wasn't much of a problem anymore. However some did still endure it. I believe it is tied to your computer's performance at how quickly it is able to "read" the recipes. This could be related to either CPU or HDD/SDD performance. Though this is purely speculation on my part.


Apple Seed item doesn't exist, and apple's or apple seeds are not in loot so you can never make an apple tree.


It isn't an item but rather a block. You craft them with seed packs.


-can't find or loot mechanical kit for repairing chainsaw


Ah, sorry. Not sure how I forgot that. Thanks for pointing it out.


What I miss is a progress-bar for masonry. You can't skill it with doing something, but you need 50 points for cement.


You're absolutely right, that would be much better as a crafting skill like the Carpentry. Thank you for pointing it out. I will try to get that settled for the next update.

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is the expansion mod ready for alpha 15?

just download an past the data into the folder as before?


br bl4bl4




Hey Val!

Been a while and just wanted to pop back and say great job keeping everything up, running, and updated.

Being in the expansion minority I just wanted to report back some overhaul assets that trickled into this build.


-Bullet Tumbler

-Carpentry Kit

-Sewing Kit

-Survivor Suitcase


What are the plans for expansion? You said it best with the gap being so narrow now between Vanilla and Expansion, and your time being so valuable, is this project going to eventually be put to bed? I kinda feel like I run one of the last expansion servers out there.


When A15 released Overhaul was essentially rewritten from the ground up. Then ported over to Expansion using Overhaul as the bases. As such it should have all the same items as Overhaul on a coding level. However that does not mean every item is actually used. The sewing kit and carpentry kit, for example, may be found in the creative menu but they would not actually do anything in Expansion. Bullet Tumbler I added as a way to convert ammo - nothing more. The survivor suitcase has always been there.


I don't intend to put down the Expansion Pack. I'll admit it doesn't get the same amount of care that Overhaul does but that is largely because it gets the least amount of feedback. I assume because most people play Overhaul. Though regardless I don't want to put it down anytime soon.


I've installed this the same as before but nothing that's part of this mod is showing up in game for me. Ive never had this issue before. I see the files in the folder. Any clue as to what I could be doing wrong?



Sure you are grabbing most recent version? I grabbed the one meant for release of A15 and I see the following



<item id="130" name="chainsaw">

<property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Chainsaw/chainsaw" />

<property name="Material" value="metal" />

<property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit" />


- - - Updated - - -


It's just odd because it DOES exist as an item when its in your inventory before you planted it. So I thought it should be issuing an error.


He's playing the Overhaul Experimental version which will eventually become the main. It changes up things quite a bit - such as the mechanical kits.


The icon just looks like a seed item in your inventory, its actually a block.



Anyone know if the expansion uses the notes like the overhaul version does?



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Hi there. Thanks for the awesome mod!


Couple of questions.


1. Have built "working" sink, but it doesn't work. It just acts as a storage box. What am I doing wrong?


2. Have planted apple seeds but after at least 14 days, still no apples. I'm afraid to cut it down for fear of losing the only apple seeds I've been able to obtain.


3. Is there any way to get more experience from mining. Seems like the only time (my husband) can level up is killing zombies.


4. I was plowing some land and out of no where my level jumped to 200 and I had a couple tons of points to divvy out to my perks and skills. Is there any way to set it back to Level 9 with no points to divvy out?


I appreciate your response. ~tahrah~


1. You get water from the working sink by left clicking it with an empty jar or a bowl.


2. After the tree is grown (reached a stage where it is has green leaves) punch it with your fists to harvest the apples.


3. Not super easily. You could increase the actionxp of the pickaxes but it would also make your Mining Tools skill level quicker, not just player experience. Its a bit tricky like that.


4. It might be possible, though a bit tricky. You could likely delete your player profile from the game save then rejoin and gain the skill points you lost back by reading survivor notes from cheat menu. Or the console. I believe their is a console command to give experience, though I dont know it off the top of my head. Open console with the F1 key and type in help to see a list of all the commands.


I've learned the Security Measures perk but still cannot build a Secure Wood Door. Anyone know how to fix this?


EDIT: Figured it out. Under progression.xml it's flagged to unlock at level 5 for some reason. Changed it to level 1 & all is well.


Yes, sorry about that.



Hello, I skimmed a few pages.. and didn't see anyone ask this.. But I'm playing on a hosted server and have played many games modded and un-modded and I have never had any lag, less then 10ms ping to host.


When I installed ValMod A15 I'm getting a pretty bad lag when typing in a name to search for a recipe. I get 1 or 2 letters in and it lags out for 3-5 seconds, then comes back no problem.


Is there something I can change to help with this, this is highly annoying.



Sgt. Slaughter.



PS: Other then this I love the mod so far. (Oh, and copying the Icons locally... is a must)


Unfortunately there is nothing to be done about that. That "lag" would be present even in singleplayer. The game engine just wasn't designed to handle loading in this many recipes all at once. Or so is my theory on it. Compare my recipes.xml to vanilla and you'll likely get where Im coming from.


hi there Valmar ! :) so i am using the extended edition and i've noticed this here causing some errors.


<recipe name="scrapCable" count="1" craft_area="forge" material_based="true">
<ingredient name="unit_iron" count="100"/>
<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="20"/>


ive searched and have not found it nowhere in the items.xml. so i've commented it out for now in my xmls.


here's the errors log:



WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Pass '' has no vertex shader

WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Dof/DX11Dof' - Setting to default shader.

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.581 ERR Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' (No item/block with name 'scrapCable' existing)

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.581 ERR Loading of recipes aborted due to errors!

2016-10-12T22:41:24 11.582 ERR at RecipesFromXml.LoadRecipies (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

2016-10-12T22:41:26 13.854 WRN window name 'windowToolsArmory' not found!

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.177 INF XUI loading took 2409ms

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.178 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 6.166s

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.357 INF [steamworks.NET] Login ok.

2016-10-12T22:41:27 14.648 INF AchievementManager: Received stats and achievements from Steam

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.168 INF NET: Starting server protocols

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.179 INF NET: UNET server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF NET: Unity NW server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF [steamworks.NET] NET: Server started

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.200 INF StartGame

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.302 INF Atlas reset took 97 ms

2016-10-12T22:41:34 21.486 INF Atlas resized to fit more icons. Old 1615 icons, 4096x4096, now 1959 icons, 8192x8192

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.134 WRN Sprite skillbookRocket has incorrect resolution 100*100, expected 116*80

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.135 INF Adding 350 sprites to atlas took 931 ms

2016-10-12T22:41:35 22.868 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved


oh and it seems that the icon skillbookRocket.png has an incorrect size of 100x100 instead of 116x80.

I just copied the image and pasted it in an 116x80 so not to smash up the visuals.. here is the fixed version(rightclick save):


hope this helps and thanks for the great mod :) !


Ah you're absolutely right. Thank you. Usually I use the console to check for any red error messages to see if a recipe is broken. But A15, for some reason, doesn't flag recipe errors anymore. So I have to manually open the output log to notice them. Sorry about that.


Thanks for mentioning the rocket. Funny thing is that, for some reason, I forgot othere was already a vanilla rocket schematic. So it wasn't required for me ot add that anyway. Go figure.

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Updated. Fixed a few issues. Most glaring being the secure wooden door issue. Sorry about that.


I also updated the Experimental Valmod Overhaul build. I've added to it a bunch of new UMA zombies, some unique to specific prefabs and some that aren't. Some of the special zombies such as the Gorilla (now called Zombie Brute) and the Feral Ravager now have unique skins. The brute especially looks pretty awesome, I think. I look forward to hearing of someones first encounter with them. I'm tempted to make them slightly less rare just so they're seen more.


Infact I might do that anyway. Now that the feral's health has been essentially nerfed down I might make the Brute more reflect the feral of olden days. As much as I hate "bullet sponge" zombies I do think my brute makes a bit more sense for it. You'll understand when you see the beast.


I also adjusted Masonry to be a crafting skill rather than a perk. This allows you to level it up by crafting related recipes.


If you want to take a look at these new UMA zombies added you can find screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/GBRwO


The Expansion Pack will, eventually, will be getting some of these zombies (maybe all, performance willing).

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Updated. Fixed a few issues. Most glaring being the secure wooden door issue. Sorry about that.


I also updated the Experimental Valmod Overhaul build. I've added to it a bunch of new UMA zombies, some unique to specific prefabs and some that aren't. Some of the special zombies such as the Gorilla (now called Zombie Brute) and the Feral Ravager now have unique skins. The brute especially looks pretty awesome, I think. I look forward to hearing of someones first encounter with them. I'm tempted to make them slightly less rare just so they're seen more.


Infact I might do that anyway. Now that the feral's health has been essentially nerfed down I might make the Brute more reflect the feral of olden days. As much as I hate "bullet sponge" zombies I do think my brute makes a bit more sense for it. You'll understand when you see the beast.


I also adjusted Masonry to be a crafting skill rather than a perk. This allows you to level it up by crafting related recipes.


If you want to take a look at these new UMA zombies added you can find screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/GBRwO


The Expansion Pack will, eventually, will be getting some of these zombies (maybe all, performance willing).


I'd be interested to hear how this goes peformance wise. I still having a hard time getting more than about 10-15 UMA archetypes spawning before it eats up all my RAM.

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Valmod is compatible with servers however those who play on the server will have to install the mod locally to get the full experience.


If you'd like your server listed here please let me know.



Death Plague Gaming PvE/PvP


Port: 26900

Description: True Survival, MANY Zombies, Lobby, Jail system, Very difficulty, PvP n PvE, PvP Arena, PvE Arena, Portals, Waypoints, and Donor Packages. Come try us out!"



All Z Broke Loose


Port[/b]: 15274

Description: Runs Valmod Overhaul


The Fun Mature Gamers


Port: 15274

Description: Runs Valmod Overhaul with Headshot Kill Mod




This mod pack also supports the 7D2D Mod Launcher, making it even easier for clients on servers to keep their files up-to-date!






Big thanks to LokiTheWeaver, Kalrath, 40QuidKidd, Ethena, StompyNZ, RedEagleLXIX and JaxTeller718. There are others, of course, but I'd be here all day if I was to name everyone. Thank you. :loyal:


Note: My UI is modified based off of RedEagleLXIX's work. You can find his original UI here: Red's HUD


Just opened a brand new dedicated valmod server (A15) with extra tweaks for a more realistic zombie playstyle Valmar here is the info Thank You!


Server Name: -Realistik- A Valmod Server

Server Address: IP- Port-26810


Valmod Overhaul with these included changes below..


Compo Pack minus the crazy looking pre fabs.


Zombies walk very slow all the time bosses are still fast.

Zombies have massive body health

Headshots kill zombies very fast.

No hornets, stuns, dogs or bears

Spawn increased to make up for no animal zombies

Cops puke on themselves and explode now doing heavy damage to blocks but not players.

Integrated compo pack for an extra 400+ prefabs

Huge city increased 3x the normal size.

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So we have the Overhaul and the Experimental Valmod Overhaul?


I'm guessing that things that workout will get added to the Overhaul, right?


How do I re-enable harvesting with the stone axe?


Also, how do I use a whetstone?


Experimental Valmod Overhaul build:

Log spikes cost 20 wood but wood spikes cost 100 wood, should this not be reversed?


Crude nails cannot be smelted or scrapped.



Yes, two Overhauls. The Experimental is planned to soon take the place of the "main" Overhaul. It still needs a little more playtesting however as things are still being tweaked here and there but overall its coming out nicely, imo. I had reservations about it at first since it is such a radical change in many ways... but then again, it IS called Valmod Overhaul. So if people dont like the overhaul, they can just play Expansion - what its there for anyway. Or so is my defense. In the very least I haven't gotten any real negative feedback yet on what Experimental is doing - though at the same time I dont know how many are actually trying it. We'll see.


Can you clarify what you mean about harvesting with the stone axe? What is it not doing that it should be doing, exactly?


Whetstone is a repair item. You need it in your inventory to repair certain tools and weapons. Mainly those that have a blade of some description. So instead of smacking forged iron on your hunting knife to repair it you just use whetstones.


The logspike/woodspike recipe costs are actually a vanilla change. That doesn't mean I completely agree with it, but I'm a tad hesitant to change it right now before I get a firmer grip on WHY they decided to make such a radical change in the first place.


I'll make a note to look into the crude nails at some point. Could be as easy as giving them the right material and a weight of 1 but I need to also ensure there isn't any possible exploit by doing so due to how cheap they are to craft.


I'd be interested to hear how this goes peformance wise. I still having a hard time getting more than about 10-15 UMA archetypes spawning before it eats up all my RAM.


Verdict is still out that one I'm afraid. Hopefully it isn't too overly extreme. I do have my eye on it though and it does concern me. 7DTD in general seems to be quite the memory hog. I can remove or gate some of my zombies behind prefabs more, though, if need be. Or get rid of some. Dont need two inmates and two voodoos, for example. I just like the diversity.


the mailbox merchant no longer has anything to buy and i updated to the newest Experimental Valmod Overhaul


Intentional. More recipes = more inventory lag. The mailbox was only meant to be a standin for NPC vendors. Now we have them officially. I do still like the mailbox and wish I could keep but with how the recipe sorting system works the lag was getting a bit out of control so I had to cut back where I could.


Overhaul Version, recipes.xml, there is a double entry for woodStairsBoard, exactly the same recipe, same work station, but different amount of crafting materials - once 10, once 20 wood.


Thank you. I will fix that.


Ok I have been thinking of doing a let's play with this mod pack. Here's my concern. Can I keep my vanilla setup and current let's play going? How would I switch back and forth?


Any info would be most welcome, Thanks in advance :D


There are a few ways to do that. You could use the 7 Days to Die Mod Launcher as mentioned in the second post. It does all that for you after you set it up. Or you can copy your entire game folder to have two copies and keep one vanilla and one modded. Or you can keep two config files and hop between them depending on what you want to play. Many different ways to achieve the same thing. I prefer duplicating the game folder and just having two versions of the game so I can launch between them. It uses more harddrive space but its not a big deal to me.


There are some youtube videos showing how to do this too, I believe.


Just opened a brand new dedicated valmod server (A15) with extra tweaks for a more realistic zombie playstyle Valmar here is the info Thank You!


I will make note to add this later today.

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I'm a bit confused about the versions of the overhaul. To get the latest Overhaul I go to the page 1 an dl it. For the experimental go to page 224. Do you think you could link both on page 1 with the latest versions and name the zip-folder with a version number. Or write the date of the latest update to the dl-links? I never know if I have the latest version for playing.

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There are a few ways to do that. You could use the 7 Days to Die Mod Launcher as mentioned in the second post. It does all that for you after you set it up. Or you can copy your entire game folder to have two copies and keep one vanilla and one modded. Or you can keep two config files and hop between them depending on what you want to play. Many different ways to achieve the same thing. I prefer duplicating the game folder and just having two versions of the game so I can launch between them. It uses more harddrive space but its not a big deal to me.


There are some youtube videos showing how to do this too, I believe.



So to switch back and forth do I only have to move 1 folder? The 7 Days to die folder in my steamapps folder?

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