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Please Add Clothing Back to 1.0

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Please add clothing back to 1.0, this added a huge RPG element and customization to the game for me and many other players. Please consider adding them back some time soon. Im sure I can vouch for a lot of players. Let me know if you guys agree with me.

- Afro Zombie

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32 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


Although "Wardrobe System" is on the roadmap, they haven't said (at least not that I've seen) what that will actually be.  There's been speculation on it, but nothing confirmed.  It probably won't include the old clothing items, which was the OP's request.  My guess is it will either be the ability to "transmogrify" your outfit (make it look like you're wearing something different from what you're actually wearing) or the ability to swap armor sets quickly without having to change them one by one.


They do have more armors planned that will also come out at some point, but I haven't seen any suggestion that the clothing will make a return.  Of course, just having more armor options gives you more customization options.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Skullfracture said:

Hopefully they add the ability to apply Dyes to the new Armor, I was (and still am) irrationally irritated when I realized they didn't work.

They said that was coming.  Hopefully it does.  I really want to dye that preacher armor black.

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I know a lot of people like the armor, but for me, i never liked using armor. I liked being able to just wear regular clothing that I'd find in a store or a house. I don't want my single player zombie adventures to look like Fallout. I want it to look...well, less silly honestly. I don't see why we need to be restricted to wearing armor sets instead of having the armor sets along with clothing. Including have different tops and different bottoms. I really enjoyed collecting clothes and making different outfits for each day, sort of role playing that my character was trying to have as normal of a life as possible.


I'm glad we can at least play the old versions of the game, but I was really hoping the new clothing system would actually include clothing. Even Fallout has regular clothes you can wear. i'm personally not the type of player that min maxes armor and stuff. So maybe this isn't a common want among a lot of people. Being able to make a raggedy poncho and wear it with any of my outfits was also nice. The choice to fuse torso and pants together is also weird. i really hope that gets changed as well. Being able to have a Jacket and shirt was great too. I dunno...I just like feeling like a regular person trying to survive who would rather put on a jacket they found in a locker and not try to look like a mad max raider.

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On 7/27/2024 at 12:19 AM, Skullfracture said:

Hopefully they add the ability to apply Dyes to the new Armor, I was (and still am) irrationally irritated when I realized they didn't work.

thank you. this is exactly why i am here right now to find this info out as it is very annoying not to be able to dye armours...


also I very much miss the trench coat I want it back so bad lol... and I wouldn't say no to the goth leathers with buckles and straps back either.


and on a side note, is there no light armour skill I see medium/heavy but nothing for light jumps out.

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Honestly, I've been customizing my character more now than I ever did with clothing. I just wonder how they're going to reapply weather conditions again. Cuz right now if you wear a full set of armor you just don't get hot or cold. And I hope that the wardrobe system lets you switch the armor skins to the opposite genders style and more (would be nice). Like imagine being able to change the enforcer set to look like the Gothic clothes. Or make the raider armor look like the football helmet and varsity jacket. It would be really cool. 

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1 hour ago, armidil0 said:

Honestly, I've been customizing my character more now than I ever did with clothing. I just wonder how they're going to reapply weather conditions again. Cuz right now if you wear a full set of armor you just don't get hot or cold. And I hope that the wardrobe system lets you switch the armor skins to the opposite genders style and more (would be nice). Like imagine being able to change the enforcer set to look like the Gothic clothes. Or make the raider armor look like the football helmet and varsity jacket. It would be really cool. 

i asked about the weather thing due to the clothing mods for heat/cold still being in game. the weather system is getting a rework down the line and is currently inactive for the most part.

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On 7/25/2024 at 3:29 PM, Javabean867 said:

honestly i am loving the new armor system.  the game is a little heavy handed on giving out the armor crafting magazine, but i'm not going to complain about that.  

Same I really dig all the armour. I just wished it still had the look of being separated from your clothing. 

On 7/26/2024 at 2:58 PM, Riamus said:

Although "Wardrobe System" is on the roadmap, they haven't said (at least not that I've seen) what that will actually be.  There's been speculation on it, but nothing confirmed.  It probably won't include the old clothing items, which was the OP's request.  My guess is it will either be the ability to "transmogrify" your outfit (make it look like you're wearing something different from what you're actually wearing) or the ability to swap armor sets quickly without having to change them one by one.


They do have more armors planned that will also come out at some point, but I haven't seen any suggestion that the clothing will make a return.  Of course, just having more armor options gives you more customization options.

Yeah, that’s another issue I have with this version’s armor system. It would be a lot nicer if wasn’t always required to switch outfits based on what I’m doing. If they added clothes that could offer certain effects that the armor currently do, and maybe reserve the really good buffs for the actual armor set, I would like that. like maybe keep all skilling buffs to close and combat buffs to armor? Idk I just really miss outfitting my guy for the zombie apocalypse.

On 8/1/2024 at 12:05 PM, jinxxed0 said:

I know a lot of people like the armor, but for me, i never liked using armor. I liked being able to just wear regular clothing that I'd find in a store or a house. I don't want my single player zombie adventures to look like Fallout. I want it to look...well, less silly honestly. I don't see why we need to be restricted to wearing armor sets instead of having the armor sets along with clothing. Including have different tops and different bottoms. I really enjoyed collecting clothes and making different outfits for each day, sort of role playing that my character was trying to have as normal of a life as possible.


I'm glad we can at least play the old versions of the game, but I was really hoping the new clothing system would actually include clothing. Even Fallout has regular clothes you can wear. i'm personally not the type of player that min maxes armor and stuff. So maybe this isn't a common want among a lot of people. Being able to make a raggedy poncho and wear it with any of my outfits was also nice. The choice to fuse torso and pants together is also weird. i really hope that gets changed as well. Being able to have a Jacket and shirt was great too. I dunno...I just like feeling like a regular person trying to survive who would rather put on a jacket they found in a locker and not try to look like a mad max raider.

Exactly, bro I wanna feel like a regular dude trying to survive not some mad Max wasteland or something like that. As well, as I do not like the Min/max with armor.

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  • SylenThunder changed the title to Please Add Clothing Back to 1.0

Considering how bad the weather system has been through every iteration, this is definitely one time I don't blame them for "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

No matter what we've had to date, it has just never really added real value to the game, just annoyance factor and/or mostly ignorable.

It is probably better having nothing in the meantime until they can figure out a proper solution.

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On 7/26/2024 at 8:27 PM, SylenThunder said:


Wardrobe is term so vague it could really mean anything. And with the current track record I highly doubt it will be the thing op mentioned. I am suspecting something more like DLC outfits that boost your stats, because that is something they already have mentioned several times before. What I am more curious about is the bandits, I am sure the game will see a quick downfall in rating (atleast from the legacy players perspective) if they fail to deliver on this feature that has been promised for 5 years already. The fact that the game already has issues even with the latest gen consoles really shows out the fact that the performance has been neglected for too long and they will have to make solid refactoring works before the promised features are delivered. That is also why I think this 1.0 release is something more of a alpha 21.5, because it has nothing new apart from visuals and dumbed down clothing system, with a shining word "new" slapped on top of it.

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1 minute ago, Krougal said:

Considering how bad the weather system has been through every iteration, this is definitely one time I don't blame them for "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

No matter what we've had to date, it has just never really added real value to the game, just annoyance factor and/or mostly ignorable.

It is probably better having nothing in the meantime until they can figure out a proper solution.

It had value to me and a lot of other people. Especially playing with a group. I don't wanna run around looking like everybody else. With the old armory system it was cool cause you could see everyones clothes and own personal styles, it added character value to the RPG elements of the game. My absolute favorite things to do while playing video games especially this one, is to pair it with my imagination and build ideas and backstories for my characters, their experiences in the game. It adds a lot of depth and feeling to my gaming experience. A small little detail that added a lot of charm and replay ability for me.

4 minutes ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

Wardrobe is term so vague it could really mean anything. And with the current track record I highly doubt it will be the thing op mentioned. I am suspecting something more like DLC outfits that boost your stats, because that is something they already have mentioned several times before. What I am more curious about is the bandits, I am sure the game will see a quick downfall in rating (atleast from the legacy players perspective) if they fail to deliver on this feature that has been promised for 5 years already. The fact that the game already has issues even with the latest gen consoles really shows out the fact that the performance has been neglected for too long and they will have to make solid refactoring works before the promised features are delivered. That is also why I think this 1.0 release is something more of a alpha 21.5, because it has nothing new apart from visuals and dumbed down clothing system, with a shining word "new" slapped on top of it.

I agree I don’t feel like it’s an actual version 1.0 but needless to say I’m grateful that this game is on console and I get to play it.

On 7/25/2024 at 3:25 PM, AfroZombie said:

Please add clothing back to 1.0, this added a huge RPG element and customization to the game for me and many other players. Please consider adding them back some time soon. Im sure I can vouch for a lot of players. Let me know if you guys agree with me. Please rate this topic so we can get our voices heard.

- Afro Zombie


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17 minutes ago, AfroZombie said:

It had value to me and a lot of other people. Especially playing with a group. I don't wanna run around looking like everybody else. With the old armory system it was cool cause you could see everyones clothes and own personal styles, it added character value to the RPG elements of the game. My absolute favorite things to do while playing video games especially this one, is to pair it with my imagination and build ideas and backstories for my characters, their experiences in the game. It adds a lot of depth and feeling to my gaming experience. A small little detail that added a lot of charm and replay ability for me.

I agree I don’t feel like it’s an actual version 1.0 but needless to say I’m grateful that this game is on console and I get to play it

I was talking about the weather system, but I guess I should have been more specific considering the topic of this thread.

My guess with the clothing is it would have been more work to make it mesh with the new outfits, which from all the hype, they really wanted to shine a spotlight on.

Although I still don't personally find a lot of value in playing dress-up and most people were going to wear a duster or a puffer depending on the biome, with BDU underneath...I can understand some might feel otherwise.

Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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yo know what would be cool though.


more primitive armor tier that was basically the old clothing.  you could build it with minor tweaks to the recipes.  they wouldn't have any set or piece bonuses other than their armor rating and heat/cold defense.

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1 hour ago, AfroZombie said:

Same I really dig all the armour. I just wished it still had the look of being separated from your clothing. 

Yeah, that’s another issue I have with this version’s armor system. It would be a lot nicer if wasn’t always required to switch outfits based on what I’m doing. If they added clothes that could offer certain effects that the armor currently do, and maybe reserve the really good buffs for the actual armor set, I would like that. like maybe keep all skilling buffs to close and combat buffs to armor? Idk I just really miss outfitting my guy for the zombie apocalypse.

Exactly, bro I wanna feel like a regular dude trying to survive not some mad Max wasteland or something like that. As well, as I do not like the Min/max with armor.


You don't have to switch out armor.  When I decided to go athletics set in my last playthrough, I didn't change it out just because I was mining or farming.  The only time I changed it out was for Horde nights (to commando), but that is like if you were preparing yourself prior to an upcoming battle.


You can switch out if you want to, but the only pressure being applied to try and max out specs is internal.

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Yeah, I won't swap armor based on what I am doing.  It really isn't worth carrying around extra armor or swapping it constantly.  It is a bad mechanic for armor, imo.  If the bonuses were random across all armor, then that would be better, I think.  But for that, you would need to be able to find Q6 armor because you didn't want to attend forever creating it over and over to get the bonuses you want.

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I like the armor overall because I like to mix and match. If there were one thing I'd

personally want back after they update the weather setup is; That it no longer be

considered insulated teflon.


When you get beat on it should get beat on rigorously.


There was for a while where getting soaked meant having to temporarily removing

armor and changing to another set to allow your character and the armor to dry.


Or you would lose health. I liked that because armor rating went down quickly

in a blow to blow battle, and you had to be aware of potential destruction.

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16 hours ago, Riamus said:

Yeah, I won't swap armor based on what I am doing.  It really isn't worth carrying around extra armor or swapping it constantly.  It is a bad mechanic for armor, imo.  If the bonuses were random across all armor, then that would be better, I think.  But for that, you would need to be able to find Q6 armor because you didn't want to attend forever creating it over and over to get the bonuses you want.

I get it.  In some games I'll keep a slot dedicated to the nerd armor body piece, and just wear it to read all my mags.  That bonus is a bit busted.

Edited by Javabean867
Typo lol (see edit history)
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On 7/25/2024 at 3:29 PM, Javabean867 said:

honestly i am loving the new armor system.  the game is a little heavy handed on giving out the armor crafting magazine, but i'm not going to complain about that.  

No reason we can't have armor AND clothes, we always did before.

I'm hoping we'll get clothes when we get the weather system.

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4 hours ago, TheyCallMeBruce said:

No reason we can't have armor AND clothes, we always did before.

I'm hoping we'll get clothes when we get the weather system.


The new armor IS clothing. Just how it is now.

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5 hours ago, Old Crow said:


The new armor IS clothing. Just how it is now.

What I would like is different t0 clothing sets that are as good as the primitive armor, maybe have them give better weather protection than armor,  and have the primitive set give better armor than weather protection.


If I could see a set that specifically fights against radiation, that would be cool(assuming that radiation will be an issue once the biome are more fleshed out)

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25 minutes ago, Javabean867 said:

What I would like is different t0 clothing sets that are as good as the primitive armor, maybe have them give better weather protection than armor,  and have the primitive set give better armor than weather protection.


If I could see a set that specifically fights against radiation, that would be cool(assuming that radiation will be an issue once the biome are more fleshed out)


Low chance of this IMHO: The primitive armor is supposed to be the set for early game and the other armors are the armors you progress into. At the same time you progress into biomes with harsher weather including radiation.


Though there probably will be some way to enter advanced biomes early, for veteran players. So I wouldn't dismiss the possibility completely, but I think it more likely that weather can be kept in check with mods as well.


Light armor now is practically the primitive armor with bonuses and no stamina drawbacks. Which should be exactly what you want, right? While the former light armor is now called medium armor, with the stamina and speed drawbacks advanced light armor used to have in A21.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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