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Khaine's A21 Modlets! (Bigger backpacks, Lockable Slots, Behemoths, Random Wandering Hordes, etc)


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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for these QoL mods!

For the larger backpack mods, can the number of spaces that are locked/unlocked be adjusted?  I was thinking that lowering the number of unlocked spaces could make Pack Mule a more attractive skills option (along with pocket mods)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, I'm struggling with the Wandering Hordes mod. I have it saved in the appropriate mods folder for 7 days set my frequency to 4-8 hours but I haven't seen a single horde come through other than the base game 7 zombies that appear to spawn every 12 hours or so (My hordes have set to 20-40 so I should see a difference in them no?) I let the game run for 2 ingame 30 minutes days and only saw those small hordes nothing bigger.

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On 2/28/2024 at 8:12 PM, MackA said:

Hey there, I'm struggling with the Wandering Hordes mod. I have it saved in the appropriate mods folder for 7 days set my frequency to 4-8 hours but I haven't seen a single horde come through other than the base game 7 zombies that appear to spawn every 12 hours or so (My hordes have set to 20-40 so I should see a difference in them no?) I let the game run for 2 ingame 30 minutes days and only saw those small hordes nothing bigger.

you turned EAC off as well right? also the maximum zombie count in the files could be limiting it, depending on if you ever edited that

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, thanks for all the hard work! Love the server side modlets. Was wondering if the Fun Pimps added, Lockable Inventory Slots, to the game?


I haven't played since early Alpha 21. Just came back and set up my dedi to play a new map. Quickly noticed that I had two lockable inventory settings (right and left of filters) in my inventory. I then moved to a new solo game, same thing. I removed all mods and set up a new map. This time I had only the settings on the right side. I also noted that the lock settings stayed between logins. I'm fairly sure that's not a thing that can be done with modlets, right?


The interface looks exactly like yours. If it's not part of the game now, I'm very confused as to what's going on...=)




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12 minutes ago, Xorb said:

Was wondering if the Fun Pimps added, Lockable Inventory Slots, to the game?


This was always a feature in the game, it was just hidden. All the modders did with it was uncomment the developer code and maybe make some small changes to positioning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI Khaine! I'm watching a fellow content creator play a "One Punch Man" series and he had good things to say about many of your mods. When asking him if the punch damage could be adjusted, he said that the mod he is using allows you to "adjust the damage with the rag-doll" (effect). Is that one of your mods, and if so, which one? I am having absolutely no luck finding a mod that allows you to one punch and ragdoll zombies. If not, are you aware of one? 

***EDITED TO ADD: You can belay the question. I see, now, that it was a modlet written by you and given to the creator. 

Edited by thedoctor122570 (see edit history)
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Just wondering are you planning on updating this even after 1.0 hits? I am trying to get a list of mods that I am going to have on my server to get everything ready.

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On 5/21/2024 at 8:54 AM, Jwh1o1 said:

Just wondering are you planning on updating this even after 1.0 hits? I am trying to get a list of mods that I am going to have on my server to get everything ready.

Recommend checking out his youtube channel. He talks about plans and upcoming changes or timelines in his 7DTD vids.


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  • 2 weeks later...

heya Khaine,


Having an issue. I am trying to add your bigger backpack mod to a The Wasteland world but when I add it, all the inventory slots disappear including everything in them. I can craft/ scrap and the item goes into my inventory but then I cannot see them in my inventory. I have looked to see if I am missing a dependency but cannot see that the mod requires one. I am rather new to this but I can use a different backpack mod but I would prefer to use yours. The lockpick minigame mod is not working either but I am still looking into that one, lol. If you can provide any help that would be really appreciated I am now 2 days into working on this and I am tired of restarting my game lol.spacer.png

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6 hours ago, EpicJDUB said:

heya Khaine,


Having an issue. I am trying to add your bigger backpack mod to a The Wasteland world but when I add it, all the inventory slots disappear including everything in them. I can craft/ scrap and the item goes into my inventory but then I cannot see them in my inventory. I have looked to see if I am missing a dependency but cannot see that the mod requires one. I am rather new to this but I can use a different backpack mod but I would prefer to use yours. The lockpick minigame mod is not working either but I am still looking into that one, lol. If you can provide any help that would be really appreciated I am now 2 days into working on this and I am tired of restarting my game lol.


The Wasteland mod already uses Khaine's 60 slot backpack mod so the 96mod is trying to change an already changed backpack but the way 96BBM is written, it is expecting vanilla values. For example, 96BBM wants to change the CarryCapacity to 61 and it looks for CarryCapacity=27, the vanilla value, but this has already been changed by 60BBM (as part of the Wasteland mod) to CarryCapacity=40. (Well, actually unless you renamed the 96BBM mod to load later it will run first and then WL mod tries to change that to 60BBM). Anyway, it can't find the right value to change so it skips it. Some properties get modified, some don't, and a mix of 60BBM and 96BBM doesn't work.


You could edit the 96BBM mod to look for the 60BBM values, or better just have it change the current value regardless of what it is. Then just rename the mod so it comes later alphabetically so it loads after The_Wasteland.


I don't know anything about the lockpick mod.

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1 hour ago, seven said:

You could edit the 96BBM mod to look for the 60BBM values, or better just have it change the current value regardless of what it is. Then just rename the mod so it comes later alphabetically so it loads after The_Wasteland.



I wasn't doing anything so I took a look. It's a few more edits than just changing the above, but just minor changes and got it working fairly quickly. So, not that hard to do.

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5 hours ago, seven said:


I wasn't doing anything so I took a look. It's a few more edits than just changing the above, but just minor changes and got it working fairly quickly. So, not that hard to do.

Thank you I had no idea it used the mod that could explain my issue lol I figured out the lock pick issue I had to edit score values to include advanced lockpicking 

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You're welcome. Yeah, it's incorporated into the other code so unless you look at the mod files you could miss it. There are comments crediting Khaine where things have been added.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FYI some of these mods are already working in 1.0 exp.

HP Bars, 12 slot craft queue, always open trader.

15 slot belt shows up but cannot scroll to it.

Luckily some may only need minimal work to update.

Edited by Ognar
needed to clarify version (see edit history)
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18 minutes ago, Ognar said:

FYI some of these mods are already working in 1.0 exp.

HP Bars, 12 slot craft queue, always open trader.

15 slot belt shows up but cannot scroll to it.

Luckily some may only need minimal work to update.

The HP bars didnt work on mine, but the 96 slot bag and food/water bars did. (and the trader one you mentioned)

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hopefully am posting in the right place, new to this site....but i just installed the 60 slot back pack mod for v1, all works great apart from cant use L SHIFT and click on items to move them across or even R to loot all to the new slots if you get me, i recorded it so i could show you if there is a way to get it to you


Thank you 

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