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End Game City Finale Suggestion

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I absolutely love 7 Days, but currently (like many others, I imagine) I find the end game to be quite lacking. Currently it feels like you just keep going until you get bored and there isn't much to focus on a goal for those who want a specific end point. I am hopeful that this will be improved upon once TFP start work on story development, but I wanted to share my ideas on where I think they could go with this.


I would like to see an end game that provides players with a map location provided via a supply drop once they are sufficiently high level and sufficiently many nights into the game. This map location would go to an area beyond the physical map borders that would become accessible once players unlocked the end game. As they progress to this area, players would be swarmed by hordes of more and more difficult zombies, until they at last reached a pre-generated city structure much larger than any other city. This city could be the source of whatever zombie outbreak had occurred, and provide players with numerous massive structures that they would need to clear of zombies before they could search for and then defend a group of survivors from the area. Perhaps there could be a plot mechanic surrounding a group of scientists, although I imagine this would need to be properly fleshed out. The city could even have different levels of attempted containment, each featuring more and more difficult waves of zombies to break through when trying to reach end game areas.


Players could potentially "beat" the game in one of a few different ways: either work with the scientists to develop a cure (perhaps requiring difficult ingredient transport missions), players could assist with construction of a radio tower along with a large scale aircraft at an airport to fly off the continent and search for other survivors, or players could simply fortify the city to the point where nothing could get in or out.


This city could also include a more complex degree of technology than the player has seen before now. Perhaps there is a defunct monorail or subway line in the city that can be fixed. Maybe a nuclear power plant that can be repaired. Rail guns, heat seeking missiles, and drones would be fun to see. Of course, there would need to be more difficult zombies to accommodate for these additions. Mutant zombies could get really interesting. One example could be a vulture-morph version of zombies that could haphazardly fly around to make life miserable.


In short, my suggestion for the end game would be:

  • Giant city
  • Only accessible once extremely far into the game
  • Accessing city requires going through (spicy) zombie hordes
  • City has tiers of difficulty as players fight their way into it
  • City has fun new tech
  • City could provide a variety of win conditions (if any, when first added)
    • Virus cure victory condition
    • Radio transmission and aircraft carrier victory condition
    • Fortify city victory condition
    • Or...all of the above?
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According to TFP there is a small story with a finale planned for Navezgane at least and it involves fighting down either the Duke or White River. That will be essentially all for 7D2D 1. Remember that they have made every effort to make the game easy to mod so that modders can jump in and provide continued fun for veteran players. Vanilla is essentially to introduce new players to the game and "get them addicted" 😉


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First of all, welcome to the forums.


Secondly, what you are suggesting has been talked about at length many times here.  It had been determined mostly that end game is what you define it to be with the game being in its current state.   Lastly, I might direct you to the Darkness Falls mod, in our modding community, which has many features that are in the arena you are looking for.  I've not played it myself, but its in the top 3 most popular overhaul mods presently still in development.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be interesting to have a quest once you get the gyrocopter, to fly off the map and then enter a new map that is just a major city and the finale is finding the lab where stuff was created and getting a cure formula or something. Then you fly over Navezgane and drop it from the sky and cure the population.

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2 hours ago, warmer said:

It would be interesting to have a quest once you get the gyrocopter, to fly off the map and then enter a new map that is just a major city and the finale is finding the lab where stuff was created and getting a cure formula or something. Then you fly over Navezgane and drop it from the sky and cure the population.

Ive asked (long ago) if there was ever planned to have a way to "travel to another map" and was told "no" (i think it might have been TFP saying that, but i cannot remember. The takeaway was "not as part of the vanilla game")  The idea was essentially a similar idea as yours: if you could map travel, then people could make very small/neat custom maps and essentially "move forward" from map to map towards some new goal when you enter a new map. And "moving to a new map" would be gated/the gate so you would have to do/get something to activate map travel.  You could daisy chain a lot of cool maps this way (like maps of all 1 biome, or a single city/objective, etc. like you mention).


I suspect that it may he possible if you used custom server scripts/tools to copy a player and belongings to a new server running a new map (spawn in a safe zone?) and then disconnect the player and have the player rejoin a new game pointing to the new server/ip (player would have to be perma banned from the old server/map prob). Or something. But i dont know anyone who has gone to these lengths to implement multi map travel. Its been so long i might have even been told why it cant work but i dont remember.

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10 hours ago, doughphunghus said:


I suspect that it may he possible if you used custom server scripts/tools to copy a player and belongings to a new server running a new map (spawn in a safe zone?) and then disconnect the player and have the player rejoin a new game pointing to the new server/ip 

oh this actually makes a ton of sense. The ip could be the hidden piece of the puzzle you have to find. Once you do, it save your character/backpack log onto that ip server in order to play the final map, and you get a snapshot of your backpack. So the limit could be what you can store on you to the new map.I think that is super doable with a mod for a character save state.

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