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Why is there no First Person driving mode and will it ever be added?


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The steering wheel is animated, we can see the characters hands moving the steering wheel. There is no reason why we can't have a first person camera while driving, it breaks the immersion horribly. I don't care if the gauges don't work we can't see how fast we are going anyway. That is my biggest complaint with this game, i don't understand why it has never been added there are smaller less popular games made by teams of not even 5 people who have first person driving for example Mist Survival, Unturned (which is a unity game made by one person, has both perspectives both in vehicles and on foot.) there are no working dashboards in those games and yet we still have a first person cam, why was one never added in 7 days to die and will a first person camera ever be added to 7 days to die? It just ruins the immersion so badly when you go from first person walking to third person driving. This is the only game i have ever seen something like this in, even if we just had like an option in the settings where we could choose if we want first person in vehicles or not that would be good enough.

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On 8/2/2022 at 10:01 AM, NICULL said:

This is the only game i have ever seen something like this in


All of the Halo games have first person walking and combat but 3rd person driving. I played a lot of Halo back in the day and I immediately recognized the style of 1st person when on foot and 3rd person when in a vehicle.  Sorry that it ruins your immersion. Maybe they will add the option. Some people want 3rd person over-the-shoulder view when on foot and fighting as well-- not liking first person view for any of the game. 


Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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I remember testing this when vehicles first came out; it was originally first person I think, but my memory could be off, but I DO remember a 3rd person view where I could shoot stuff.  I went around town shooting up mailboxes or something.  Lots of clipping into objects issues though.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:


ummmm....that screenshot you shared IS first person...lmao

I don't see anything wrong with the game, visuals aren't everything. It looks a million miles better than it did a few years ago.
In mad max (the game) cars have first person driving. The steering wheel doesn't even move, theres no gauges or anything its just first person perspective and the interior is blurred out and you know what, i actually enjoyed it, i loved the fact that it had such a small detail even if it was nothing special and the game was easier to be played in third person it looked so cool driving in first person.
Look at this!

 its amazing. You can't even turn the camera properly but goddam its an amazing little feature. It just makes the game feel more immersive.

Edited by NICULL
It's honestly kinda the reverse of 7dtd lol first person driving but third person walking and yet it still feels better than 7dtd. (see edit history)
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MadMax is an incredible game and the visuals are a huge part of what gives it appeal. MadMax is also a vehicle combat game. It's such a central part of the game that it really would be silly if first person driving wasn't a thing.


7DTD is clearly not a vehicular combat game. Halo, as has been mentioned already, also is arguably not a vehicular combat game (at least, that is not what the combat is focused or centered on). I wouldn't be mad if they added a first person, but it honestly doesn't bug me that they don't have it. 

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10 hours ago, Roland said:


ummmm....that screenshot you shared IS first person...lmao

It went straight over your head. r/whoosh

12 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

Were you expecting the game to be filmed with live actors? Also, Damn near the entire game IS first person so it really wouldn't take "1o years" to make driving the same. Thx for the giggles tho!

It went right over your head too. r/whoosh

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3 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

It went straight over your head. r/whoosh

It went right over your head too. r/whoosh


When a message is not understood by one, the listener is most likely at fault.


If a message is not understood by multiple people, the speaker is almost always at fault.


It's fairly clear you are here to troll. Everything from your name, to launching into irrelevant criticisms of the game. I mean, what's your game? Do you feel slighted by the devs and community? Is it that because you feel you didn't get what you want, you want to upset everyone else? Is this your way to vent after a hard day?


It's one thing to step into a community of "true believers", and have every genuine criticism rejected. But while this community leans that way, we also get some very illogical people here who want us to believe that we're all dumb for not understanding things that make no sense? I really don't get why some people bother. If I don't like a game, I uninstall it and move on, as does pretty much every mature person.

Edited by Pernicious (see edit history)
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