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Guppy's Fire Mod


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Fantastic mod! I literally spent close to an hour burning so much @%$# down I almost crashed the game 😅..

Do have a question. When running this mod along with fire danger I get a series of red xml errors but as far as I can tell they aren't effecting the functionality. However I've noticed a couple things. Grass doesn't seem to burn, nor do burning zombies seem to spread it. Also. The fire danger mod doesn't have a root folder when exported. So I manually made "mjFireDanger" and exported it into that folder. Am I doing something incorrectly?

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Yes. That's the one. Uses 0-Score and your fire mod as dependencies. I'll have to try your mod without that one real quick to see if I'm still getting errors. Is it normal for your mod to throw a couple of errors on its own? As stated it does still load and seem to work despite the errors so I'm not entirely sure exactly what aspect of it is failing yet.

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I believe gupFireMod default did leave the vomit setting fire initially but was disabled pretty quickly in testing. The cop exploding however should still set fire to blocks in range that aren't destroyed by the explosion damage. 

On 10/22/2022 at 5:21 PM, Guppycur said:

Sounds like he doesn't have it in a mod folder?  Unsure. 

I haven't been able to create a condition locally to cause it to generate red errors on my end using only SCore, gupFireMod and my own Fire Proximity mod. Nor in Purgatory's 400 mod set did it cause me issues. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Guppycur I have spent the better part of a day trying to find where the setting/config is located to make cop spit create fire like bubles spit.... I am not a good scripter and am struggling. I have found the item in hand in the original game files but see no reference to it in the mods. I tried to add the condition "<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedBlock" action="AddFireDamage, SCore" />" to the main game files under the item - ammo for cop but doesnt work. I know these mods made bubles create fire but I cant find where that is because I could emulate that for the cop. 
Any help would be great....

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Been trying this on multiplayer with a few friends. Something I’ve noticed is that when something would die on fire it spawns a burnt zombie per player playing. Example if 3 players are on and 1 zombie dies while on fire 3 burnts spawn out of one death. Same with the vultures. Gets crazy out of hand if a decent amount of players are on.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/23/2022 at 4:45 AM, Guppycur said:

Thanks, I'll report that to spherii.


Truth, what you want is the cop item hand in items.xml, that's where you'd add that line. 

Thankyou brother... Sorry for replying so late. Just now getting back to the mod pack

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Sphereii updated sCore, so please update and lemme know if this fixes the issues some of y'all are seeing, thanks.


Version: 20.6.368.1433

    [ Food Spoilage ]
        - Fixed an issue with -99 not stopping spoilage when using PreserveBonus -99

    [ RandomDeathSpawn ]
        Bug Report #61:    Wrong spawns on multiplayer of "Burn Victim" #61 (https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/issues/61 )
            - Added isEntityRemote check before determine to spawn or not.

    [ ObjectiveBlockDestroySDX ]
        Added a NetPackage to help distribute the block being destroyed count to the party for shared accumulation

    [ Fire Manager ]
        - Disabled the extinguished check to see if a block has been flagged as extinguished or not.
        - Added a check where extinguished removed a block from the fire map.
        - New functionality is that each time a block is extinguished, it'll set the expired time, regardless if it's already in the list, counting down.
            - If BlockA was extinguished, it can smoke for 20 seconds.
            - After 20 seconds, BlockA can catch fire again.
            - If BlockA is re-extinguished before the 20 seconds are past, expired time will be set back to 20.

        - Old functionality is that each time a block is extinguished, it'll expire after the expired time, allowing it to re-ignite.
            - If BlockA was extinguished, it can smoke for 20 seconds.
            - After 20 seconds, BlockA can catch fire again.
            - If BlockA is re-extinguished before the 20 seconds are past, it won't reset that time period.


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