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Not Medieval Mod - A Fantasy Modpack


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On 6/22/2022 at 2:02 AM, Canute said:

You forget one thing.

Turn EAC off at the launcher or use the 7DaysToDie.exe directly.

Recommend, when you use overhaul mods, create a copy of your game folder.

Automatical updates are nice, but can be a pain when the game got updated and don't fit the mod anymore and you can't play the world/savegame anymore.


This was the problem thank you!


I now have a new problem though, I have a guest computer which I installed Ubuntu 22 on. 7DTD runs fantastic on it, except when I install the mod, it just crashes when loading into the game. Is there something different that needs to be done when running the mod on Linux?

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5 hours ago, Cndrocker said:

This was the problem thank you!


I now have a new problem though, I have a guest computer which I installed Ubuntu 22 on. 7DTD runs fantastic on it, except when I install the mod, it just crashes when loading into the game. Is there something different that needs to be done when running the mod on Linux?

This is pretty much uncharted ground.


Apart from knowing the shaders for Windows/Linux builds differ and can cause visual distortions, everything else is not well tested or documented beyond tentative steps in the Oakraven Forest Collection thread.


Can you run 7D2D with just 0-Score, 0-XNPCCore and a 1-Addons pack to experience the NPC side of the mod?

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A small update for both the Moddb and Github builds.


Notre Damn T5 has been updated. It can complete a Fetch + Clear in the Editor but was troublesome in game. One of the sleeper volumes that allows the entities to spawn was set to 0 and have no entities in it. It may not cause any issues but it is not really compliant with how things generally are. This has been reported to the CP 48 team as well since it will need updating in the original as well.

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Pushed a small update to both builds. The primary update is:


- Correcting Sleeper Volumes to Stillwater.

- Rebalancing some POI loot.

- Wording for Demon Lord Quest to include only Biome versions will register kills (POI versions are a special kind that will not register).

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Here is a small update for NMM Github and Moddb Builds. In addition both NMM01 (6K) and NMM02 (8K) have been updated since it is POI related.


Medi Grange by Shema is a T4 POI which sits in the Town Tiling System.

Apart from changing over modern assets, as much stayed the same as possible.

A superb T4 (42 x 42) addition to provide additional variety to the town and increase T4 opportunities.


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2 hours ago, radish said:
Excuse me for being busy.
Where are the elves?
It's less visible than previous versions.

There are 4 Elves, Sword/Swear/Crossbow/Archer.


Nothing much has changed with them over time except the Crossbow and Archer appear a little less because players feel they are too powerful.
However, these two will appear quite a lot in the NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 POI.


They can appear in the Snow, Forest, Wasteland, and Desert at any time. They will appear more in the 'Wasteland' (Orcland) because the friendly/survivor kind do not appear as much. They can also appear in some POIs. These POIs are:


_MazeSm_by_MPLogue (T3)

_Petra_Indiana_Jones_by_MPLogue (No Tier/Special)

_Rose_Abby_byMPLogue (No Tier/Special)

NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 (T4) - Crossbow and Archer Elf have a high chance of being in the towers.

NMM_Cave_01 (T3)

NMM_cave_04 (T3)

NMM_hostilechurch_01 (T4)

NMM_nest_01 (T5) - This one contains A LOT of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and Elves.

NMM_stables_01 (T1)

NMM_vanilla_cave_03 (T1)

xcostum_Medieval_Jarls_Estate(by_Eihwaz) (T1)

xcostum_Medieval_Doune_Castle_Riah(by_Riahsaurus_Rex) (T5) - This one contains A LOT of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, and Elves.

xcostum_Medieval_Castle_Spartan_v3(by_Ericbeaudoin) (T5)

xcostum_Medieval_Castle_Destroyed(by_Zyncosa) (T3)


For the Crossbow and Archer Elves visit the NMM_Bandits_Joust_Arena_01 POI more often because they have a good chance to appear in the towers. It is because the 4 towers can hold 16 'Bandits' and some of them will be Elves. If you get this POI as a quest, attack it once before starting the quest and then again once it is clear for a double chance to see 32 types of Crossbow/Archer type.


However, for the Spear and Sword type of Elves, it is best to visit Orcland more often because they have a lot of competition in Forest, Snow, and Desert with friendly NPCs. And even after that, there are also a lot of Bandit types.


Orcs (12 total)

Orc Gurl, Orc Bandit, Orc Raider, Orc Archer, Orc Crossbowman, Orc Shaman, Orc Slavemaster, Orc Matron, Orc Slave Bald, Orc Slave Beard, Orc Berzerker, and Orc Uruk.


Goblins (10)

Goblin Club, Goblin Shaman, Goblin Chief, Goblin Spear, Goblin Knife, Goblin Archer, Goblin Crossbowman, Goblin Gurl, Goblin Cook, and Goblin Baker.


Knight Pack (1)

Chaos Marauder


Ogres (3)

Ogre Sword, Ogre Axe, and Ogre Mace.


And finally the 4 Elves

Dark Elf Crossbowman, Dark Elf Sword, Dark Elf Spear, and Dark Elf Archer.


30 Bandits in total but only 4 Elves in that group. The Dark Elf Crossbowman and Dark Elf Archer have a higher chance to be seen because they are placed in a special group for ranged Bandits carrying Bows.


However, the chance to see the Dark Elf Sword and Dark Elf Spear is much lower because there are so many other types in their group. Players really need to visit the Wasteland or those special POIs above to see them more often.


Is your question linked to trying to find the Dark Elf Sword and Dark Elf Spear for the quests? They are not so easy to find...

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1 hour ago, radish said:
Thank you for answering. solved.

I asked the question because I wanted to make an elf a friend, not a quest.

It means you are looking for the Elven Archer that we can hire. It sounds like you found her.

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A small update for both the Github and Moddb builds.


- T1 POI (Medieval house Kamelot Domo 02) by PapyKero.




PapyKero uploaded this POI to Nexus and kindly gave permission to add it to the NMM. It is a 3 storey house with a similar play through to Guppy's house but with its own unique layout and style. A very decent high quality build.

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Pushing a small update to the Chicken Coops part of NMM since Oakraven updated it for the base.


Nests have their own model when ready to harvest and will downgrade to a regular nest. This is a 120 minute cycle once looted which takes longer than Coops and keeps them as a more effective farming asset.



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3 hours ago, TechieZero said:

I think the Sorcery Mod just had an update...hint...hint...


Just keeping this dream alive. 😁


Do you mean the compatibility patch that appears to be hosted on the Sorcery Mod Discord is no longer valid?

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Hey there.

I downloaded this mod link yesterday https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMM

my brother and I spend 4 hours trying to figure out why it wouldn't do the full download it would stop at 1.3 I've plenty of storage but a lot of files were missing we did everything over and over and even write in every single missing file from his copy to get it to work and would only get to creating player be for f1 kick in with nothing but solid red error .is there something were are missing cause it worked fine for him but when I did everything he did it never worked.

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4 hours ago, darkknightoffl said:

Hey there.

I downloaded this mod link yesterday https://github.com/drkstardragon/NMM

my brother and I spend 4 hours trying to figure out why it wouldn't do the full download it would stop at 1.3 I've plenty of storage but a lot of files were missing we did everything over and over and even write in every single missing file from his copy to get it to work and would only get to creating player be for f1 kick in with nothing but solid red error .is there something were are missing cause it worked fine for him but when I did everything he did it never worked.

Downloads for Github and Moddb are identical at the moment.

You can also try Moddb if this happens again in the future as long as everyone uses the same build.



These are custom files and require the anti-cheat EAC to be turned off or it will bring errors.

Other than that, if you share the same builds there should be no conflicts or warnings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a small update for the NMM. It has been pushed to both the Github and Moddb versions.


The updates include:


The Bee Hives were updated in the Oakraven Forest Collection with a small cosmetic change (aged and varnished wood) as well as an easier method to see which direction the 'front' is. The front now shows a honey drip plate on all 3 Hive types.





The Cooking Stations have been optimised to reduce the file size. The size reduced from about 140mb to 80mb. This was achieved by tinkering with the shaders.

This shows the full updated set although NMM has not hooked up the mixers and blenders.



The Moddb file size has reduced from about 1.94gb to 1.88gb.

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Pushed a small update to the NMM Github Development Build to include lower chicken vocalisations when collecting eggs, feathers, and chickens.

This was requested for the Oakraven Forest Collection and is added to NMM for compliance.

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Another small update was pushed to the NMM Github Development Build to reduce the Water Well size by 30mb and lower the volume of the dripping faucet sounds.


This update is also being pushed to the Moddb build. This decreases the download size to about 1.83gb.


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Just a heads up on A20.6 (b8).


It is not compatible with the current NMM build as TFP has updated a few features which will requires updates for NMM Progression and the NPCMod.

It has been reported to the NPCMod team and will take a little time to resolve.

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The NPCMod team have approved a patch for the NPCMod to allow it to run with A20.6(b8).


This has been added to the initial post and is ready for download. The 0-XNPCCore-A20.6(b8) has been uploaded to the Oakraven Forest Collection area since duplicate uploads are not accepted. It is compatible with the NPCMod which both Modpacks are powered by.


3. A20.6(b8) Experimental Build

For players who want to update to A20.6(b8) it is necessary to install these 2 patches into the Mods folder. A20.6(b8) has some critical updates and these patches provide compatibility.


1-NMMCore-A20.6(b8) - https://www.moddb.com/downloads/1-nmmcore-a206b8#downloadsform

0-XNPCCore-A20.6(b8) - https://www.moddb.com/mods/oakraven-forest-collection/downloads/0-xnpccore-a206b8

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an update for the NMM for both the Github development build and the stable Moddb version. They will both be identical for this release.


1. The Oakraven Forge was given a small upgrade from 2 input slots to 3 input slots along with a few extra crafting benefits. This matches the original Oakraven Collection update.



2. Libby's Castle POI got a small paint brush up for some missing textures or mismatches.

Small cosmetic things that will keep it matching where needed. For example:



And here is something optional:


@khzmusik's Variable NPC Sleepers



By default, the Score which powers the NPC, turns on/off some features which can be toggled. For example, the food spoilage can be turned on for players who prefer that depth of realism. This mod toggles the NPCs in sleeper volumes so that they will not be so hyper alert when we go near a POI. There have been a lot of comments about the Orc Jousting Arena, Stables, and some other POIs that are quite challenging, or don't allow stealth to be incorporated. This mod calms things down and gives the player some breathing space to consider options for a stealth strategy.


A few images to demonstrate:

In the Jousting Arena, players are pretty much flooded as soon as they open the main doors. With this mod we can open the doors and get an idea of what's to come and where the NPCs are placed in their idle state. It is no free ride though. Venture about 10 blocks forward and the flood begins.



Here I have reached just past the arena joust battle area and they are waking up. This will give players the option to play NMM or NMM 'Stealth'.



For the Stables, we can get just inside the main stable area before they become aware.



And for Guppy's house, we can stealth upstairs without being flooded.



It all depends on your game style.


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Not Medieval Mod has received a somewhat substantial update to both the Github Development Build and Moddb Stable Build.


1. Fix

The Blunderbuss weapons were missing an 'unlock' property tag. While it was not critical, it didn't allow players to see the unlock/lock icon for crafting to show what Perk they were governed by. This has been rectified.


2. New Entity.

Crispy NMM joins the NMM collection. He will only appear during a Blood Moon event. He is fast and melee attacks can set players on fire.



3. New Weapon

Here is the Dragon Cannon - Ranged by @oakraven. It is hooked up to Dead Eye and has its very own skill perk tree since it is the only weapon governed by it.



The Dragon Cannon can use 3 types of ammo; Boom, Fire, and Shock. On this occasion it was used at close range, but it is best used from greater distances because reload time is slow and approaching hostiles will often reach you before you are ready. It seems to have great potential for hunting larger monsters.





Another trade off is the costly ammo production requirements. Not really one for lower Game Stages.



One small addition to localisation is adding (2 wide) and (3 wide) for the Oak Chemistry Table and Oakraven Forge, so that players know exactly how much space they need for these irregular sized work stations.


And thank you to @khzmusik for supporting the NPC Mod with a feature that allows the NPCs to be less reactive during Quests. This has now been added to NMM as a default setting. This provides better opportunity for stealth game play, as well as giving POIs a more modular feature where you won't be rushed by practically everything as soon as you breach their territory.

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