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My Forge-Ahead book trauma is kicking in


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So, I love this new patch, brings back a lot of awesomeness in forms of proper Map Gen and lots of POI's, etc, we all know the good stuff it brought.


I havent played for a while and I am aware nobody knows me at this point, but I am that dude with the WORST rng luck.
I am level 54 now, gamestage 129, and I have yet to find a beaker. I loot and loot, I try to go for the POI's that have the most containers to get one from, I watched YT videos, forumposts on where to find them etc.  I am just not getting any.

 We all know acid is another rare drop, I had to buy a wheel for 12k stone from a castle builder when I was already smart enough to make a car, just to make a minibike.

I have the same problem with the bellows and the crucible. However, bellows are not a requirement, it only speeds up.  and you can still make a crucible at lvl 5 engineering, so even that is a certainty in the end.

I dont mind having bad luck with loot, but at one point it becomes a big problem, gameplay wise, especially with all POI chem stations broken.

 I remember the forge-ahead book was removed to avoid this problem so I am having a bad deja-vu on it.


I was hoping for some tweaks on this, and I dont even mean making them drop more often, but maybe pull a bicycle trick with the trader or so - after x amount of trading you can pick a beaker as reward or something.  Or maybe even have early-mid game hordenight zombies have a change to drop 1 in a lootbag (as a reward of actually killing horde zombies instead of cheesing it).

Like I said, not complaining about the RNG, the looting or anything, but I feel some items that are crucial to your progress should have a certain change to be available at a certain point.

Also, I know some will have 12 beakers on day 3 so no point in telling me, my point isnt the RNG.  👍

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You say your issue isn't RNG, and admit to extreme bad luck with RNG. You even say "don't tell me how many breakers you've got" because your point isn't RNG.


But it is. You're asking for certain items to have a chance of appearing in RNG at a certain progress point. They already do. You've just extreme bad luck.


Personally I'd add a recipe for the items you struggle to find, or add a recipe unlock into one of the skill trees so it unlocks at a certain level.

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25 minutes ago, The-Walking-Dad said:

You say your issue isn't RNG, and admit to extreme bad luck with RNG. You even say "don't tell me how many breakers you've got" because your point isn't RNG.


But it is. You're asking for certain items to have a chance of appearing in RNG at a certain progress point. They already do. You've just extreme bad luck.


Personally I'd add a recipe for the items you struggle to find, or add a recipe unlock into one of the skill trees so it unlocks at a certain level.

I just mean I dont mind RNG, like I am not suggesting to make it craftable even, so RNG isnt my main issue, but make it available in more ways like a special zombie loot drop or a reward. So my point is more, I dont MIND RNG, because it also has many upsides but yes, I am kinda raising eyebrows on vital things like a beaker because that was the reason they removed the Forge Ahead book back in the days. And yes a late game recipe would already kill a lot of frustration, just like the crucible recipe.

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2 hours ago, DatDamnDutchie said:

I just mean I dont mind RNG, like I am not suggesting to make it craftable even, so RNG isnt my main issue, but make it available in more ways.....

If you are looking for it in more ways so you can make a chem station, you could always buy the chem station from the traders.  Chem stations show up quite frequently in the traders in my experiences.

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My strategy is to have multiple traders, preferably at least one trader Jen and I regularly do quests at the closest traders. This way I increase my chances to get a beaker or a chemistry station as a reward or to be able to buy them. Like you said, it's rare find and I don't like to rely on my luck.

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For what it's worth, beakers were in a lootgroup that ties into the zombie pack drops (and a whole bunch of other containers like Pop-N-Pills cabinets), but it was commented out:


<lootgroup name="groupMedicalRare" count="1">
    <item name="drugAntibiotics" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/>
    <item name="medicalFirstAidKit"/>
    <item name="drugFortBites"/>
    <item name="drugRecog"/>
    <!-- <item name="toolBeaker"/> -->


I expect that uncommenting that would unbalance too far in the other direction, but maybe adding the "veryLow" probability to it would keep things under control.

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Something I hadn't thought about before now is that what happens on maps where the people aren't working together and sharing everything.  I've only played on servers with my wife and close friends so I can see how it would make things even more difficult to find.  Sounds like you are playing with at least one other person, but I'm guessing there are probably more so depending on if you have loot respawn turned on or off then it could be harder to find rare items that you need.  Plus if the other players visit the traders before you have a chance to and buy all the stuff you need.  Could make things more challenging.  

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